finding date in sql - sql-server

i need a query to find the date based on year, month, day of the week and weekday number. Say for example, if the question is to find the date of 2nd Sunday of January 2010, the answer should be '2010-01-10'.
Inputs are
Yr | Mon | Dy | Dyno
2010 | Jan | Sun | 2
2005 | Jan | Mon | 3
1995 | Feb | Sun | 1
2000 | Feb | Wed | 4
1982 | Mar | Tue | 2
2010 | Mar | Tue | 8
Dyno states dayno

The easiest answer to many date-related questions in SQL is to create a calendar table. In your case, if you create a table with the columns you've already shown, and an extra one with the DATETIME value that you want (call it BaseDate), you can get the value you need with a simple query:
select BaseDate
from dbo.Calendar
where Yr = 2010 and Mon = 'Jan' and Dy = 'Sunday' and Dyno = 2
Of course, your calendar table can have 10, 20 or more columns, depending on what values you find useful for your queries.


Selecting range of month in SQLite

How can I select the range of month with the variation of years?
for example, I have this in my table:
Transportation | 2500| March| 10 | 2018
Transportation | 2550| April| 10 | 2018
Transportation | 2000| May| 10 | 2018
Transportation | 3100| March| 10 | 2019
Transportation | 1500| April| 10 | 2019
Transportation | 2000| May | 10 | 2019
Ignoring the date,how can I select the months with variation of years. I want it to be selected like this:
March | 2018
April | 2018
May | 2018
March | 2019
April | 2019
May | 2019
all months should be included but it is just for example if the months are repeated again but with a different year..
Try this
select sum( `fair`) `fair`, `mon`, `year`
from table1
group by `mon`, `year`
SQL Fiddle

Average, Total and Transpose

I have this query below:
SELECT distinct COUNT(Status) AS [Transactions], sender AS [Supplier],
left(DATENAME(mm, Date_Reported), 3) AS Month, DATENAME(yyyy, Date_Reported) AS Year
and Date_Reported >= DATEADD(MONTH, -13, CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE))
GROUP BY DATENAME(mm, Date_Reported), DATENAME(yyyy, Date_Reported), sender
ORDER BY sender, Year, Month DESC;
It gives me a table like below:
TX | Supplier | Month | Year
Now the above can have X rows with the same supplier and a value associated with it like below:
**TX | Supplier | Month | Year**
1 | A | Oct | 2017
5 | A | Jan | 2017
3 | A | Mar | 2018
2 | A | Sep | 2017
This is the case for all of the suppliers, so instead of a long winded table with many rows I want distinct suppliers and their values in a concise table as below:
Supplier | May 17 | Jun 17 | Jul 17 ... | May 18 |
I would also like to add two extra columns: the average of the last 13 months (ie May 17 - May 18) and also the total of the last 13 months, so the final table should look like this:
Supplier | May 17 | Jun 17 | Jul 17 ... | May 18 | Average | Total
I appreciate I am asking a lot, but I hope someone can help me with ONE SINGLE query that can do ALL of the above.
I thank you in advance :)
You would have to do something like this:
SELECT sender AS [Supplier],
SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(Date_Reported) = 5 AND YEAR(Date_Reported) = 2017 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [May 17],
SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(Date_Reported) = 6 AND YEAR(Date_Reported) = 2017 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [Jun 17]
GROUP BY sender
ORDER BY sender

Using SQL Server windowing function to get running total by fiscal year

I'm using SQL Server 2014. I have a Claims table containing totals of claims made per month in my system:
| Claim_ID | Claim_Date | Nett_Total |
| 1 | 31 Jan 2012 | 321454.67 |
| 2 | 29 Feb 2012 | 523542.34 |
| 3 | 31 Mar 2012 | 35344.33 |
| 4 | 30 Apr 2012 | 142355.63 |
| etc. | etc. | etc. |
For a report I am writing I need to be able to produce a cumulative running total that resets to zero at the start of each fiscal year (in my country this is from March 1 to February 28/29 of the following year).
The report will look similar to the table, with an extra running total column, something like:
| Claim_ID | Claim_Date | Nett_Total | Running Total |
| 1 | 31 Jan 2012 | 321454.67 | 321454.67 |
| 2 | 29 Feb 2012 | 523542.34 | 844997.01 |
| 3 | 31 Mar 2012 | 35344.33 | 35344.33 | (restart at 0
| 4 | 30 Apr 2012 | 142355.63 | 177699.96 | for new yr)
| etc. | etc. | etc. | |
I know windowing functions are very powerful and I've used them in rudimentary ways in the past to get overall sums and averages while avoiding needing to group my resultset rows. I have an intuition that I will need to employ the 'preceding' keyword to get the running total for the current fiscal year each row falls into, but I can't quite grasp how to express the fiscal year as a concept to use in the 'preceding' clause (or if indeed it's possible to use a date range in this way).
Any assistance on the way of "phrasing" the fiscal year for the "preceding" clause will be of enormous help to me, please.
i think you should try this:
/* Create Table*/
CREATE TABLE dbo.Claims (
Claim_ID int
,Claim_Date datetime
,Nett_Total decimal(10,2)
/* Insert Testrows*/
(1, '20120101', 10000)
,(2, '20120202', 10000)
,(3, '20120303', 10000)
,(4, '20120404', 10000)
,(5, '20120505', 10000)
,(6, '20120606', 10000)
,(7, '20120707', 10000)
,(8, '20120808', 10000)
Query the Data:
SELECT Claim_ID, Claim_Date, Nett_Total, SUM(Nett_Total) OVER
[Running Total] FROM dbo.Claims
The Trick: PARTITION BY YEAR(DATEADD(month,-2,Claim_Date))
New Partition by year, but i change the date so it fits your fiscal year.
Claim_ID |Claim_Date |Nett_Total |Running Total
1 |2012-01-01 00:00:00.000 |10000.00 |10000.00
2 |2012-02-02 00:00:00.000 |10000.00 |20000.00
3 |2012-03-03 00:00:00.000 |10000.00 |10000.00 <- New partition
4 |2012-04-04 00:00:00.000 |10000.00 |20000.00
5 |2012-05-05 00:00:00.000 |10000.00 |30000.00
6 |2012-06-06 00:00:00.000 |10000.00 |40000.00
7 |2012-07-07 00:00:00.000 |10000.00 |50000.00
8 |2012-08-08 00:00:00.000 |10000.00 |60000.00

Cassandra CQL token function for pagination

I am new to CQL and trying to add pagination support for my tables defined in cassandra as shown below -
cqlsh:dev> create table emp4 (empid uuid , year varchar , month varchar , day varchar, primary key((year, month, day), empid));
cqlsh:dev> insert into emp4 (empid, year, month, day) values (08f823ac-4dd2-11e5-8ad6-0c4de9ac7563,'2014','03','19');
cqlsh:dev> insert into emp4 (empid, year, month, day) values (08f823ac-4dd2-11e5-8ad6-0c4de9ac7562,'2016','03','19');
cqlsh:dev> select * from emp4;
year | month | day | empid
2016 | 03 | 19 | 08f823ac-4dd2-11e5-8ad6-0c4de9ac7562
2015 | 03 | 19 | 08f823ac-4dd2-11e5-8ad6-0c4de9ac756f
2014 | 03 | 19 | 08f823ac-4dd2-11e5-8ad6-0c4de9ac7563
When I try to execute a query to fetch the records based on the the following comparison, the statement seems to be incomplete as show below -
cqlsh:dev> select * from emp4 where token(year, month, day, empid) > token('2014','04',28',08f823ac-4dd2-11e5-8ad6-0c4de9ac7563) LIMIT 1;
... ;
I am trying to fetch records which have year,month, day greater than a specific value and also a given uuid. I think I am executing the query in the wrong way. Can someone help me with this ?
First of all, inputs that you send to the token() function must match your partition key...not your complete primary key:
Secondly, the order of your partition values is not necessarily the same as the tokens generated for them. Look what happens when I insert three more rows, and the query using the token function:
system.token(year, month, day) | year | month | day | empid
-8209483605981607433 | 2016 | 03 | 19 | 08f823ac-4dd2-11e5-8ad6-0c4de9ac7562
-6378102587642519893 | 2015 | 03 | 19 | 08f823ac-4dd2-11e5-8ad6-0c4de9ac7562
-5253110411337677325 | 2013 | 03 | 19 | 08f823ac-4dd2-11e5-8ad6-0c4de9ac7562
-3665221797724106443 | 2011 | 03 | 19 | 08f823ac-4dd2-11e5-8ad6-0c4de9ac7562
-2421035798234525153 | 2012 | 03 | 19 | 08f823ac-4dd2-11e5-8ad6-0c4de9ac7562
-742508345287024993 | 2014 | 03 | 19 | 08f823ac-4dd2-11e5-8ad6-0c4de9ac7563
(6 rows)
As you can see, the rows are decidedly not in order by year. And in this case your 2014 row has generated the largest token. Therefore querying for rows with a token value larger than that year will yield nothing. But, if I want to query for rows with a token year greater than 2013, it works:
SELECT token(year,month,day),year,month,day,empid FROM emp4
WHERE token(year,month,day) > token('2013','03','19');
system.token(year, month, day) | year | month | day | empid
-3665221797724106443 | 2011 | 03 | 19 | 08f823ac-4dd2-11e5-8ad6-0c4de9ac7562
-2421035798234525153 | 2012 | 03 | 19 | 08f823ac-4dd2-11e5-8ad6-0c4de9ac7562
-742508345287024993 | 2014 | 03 | 19 | 08f823ac-4dd2-11e5-8ad6-0c4de9ac7563
(3 rows)
Also note that you will need to use dates of your existing rows to return results that are of more value to you. After all, the token generated by token('2014','04','28') may not actually be greater than the token generated by token('2014','03','19').

Using Pivot in SQL Server to Display dates as days of the week

I have table that has a column of type DateTime, I would like to pivot on the datetime column so that the dates are displayed as columns (as days of the week Monday, Tuesday etc).
So for example I have a table like this (can't remember how SQL Server displays full datetimes but you get the idea):
BugNo | DateOpened | TimeSpent
1234 | 16/08/2010 | 1.0
4321 | 16/08/2010 | 3.5
9876 | 17/08/2010 | 1.5
6789 | 18/08/2010 | 7.0
6789 | 19/08/2010 | 6.5
6789 | 20/08/2010 | 2.5
I would like to pivot on the DateOpened column to create a result set like this
|TimeSpentOnBugByDay| Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun
1234 1
4321 3.5
9876 1.5
6789 7.0
6789 6.5
6789 2.5
I should point out that I'll only be retrieving one week at a time.
I'm not sure if this is possible, though I'm pretty certain I have seen something like this before (that I didn't write).
You can do this
SELECT BugNo, [Monday], [Tuesday], [Wednesday], [Thursday], [Friday], [Saturday], [Sunday]
SELECT BugNo, DATENAME(dw, DateOpened) AS DayWeek, TimeSpent
) AS src
pivot (
SUM(TimeSpent) FOR DayWeek IN ([Monday], [Tuesday], [Wednesday], [Thursday], [Friday], [Saturday], [Sunday])
) AS pvt
