Looking for explanation for WPF Grid ColumnSpan behavior - wpf

I asked a question at http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/wpf/thread/5c7f5cdf-4351-4969-990f-29ce9ec84b87/ , but still lack a good explanation for a strange behavior.
Running the following XAML shows that the TextBlock in column 0 is width greater than 100 even though the column is set to width 100. I think that the strangeness may have something to do with it being wrapped in a ScrollViewer, but I don't know why. If I set a MaxWidth on the columns, it works fine, but setting Width does not.
Why is the width of column 0 not being honored?
Why does the column sizing behave differently when you remove the scroll viewer?
I appreciate any explanation! This is a real puzzle to me.
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication2.MainWindow" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" Title="MainWindow" Width="300">
<ScrollViewer HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" >
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="100" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="100" />
<ColumnDefinition />
<TextBlock x:Name="textBlock" Text="{Binding ElementName=textBlock, Path=ActualWidth}" />
<TextBlock Text="column 1" Grid.Column="1" />
<TextBlock Grid.Row="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="3" Text="text here that is wider than the first two columns combined" />

This is a very good question and tests the limits of our intuition. It reveals the implementation details of the Grid's layout logic.
The width of 100 is not being honored because:
There is nothing in the third column that causes the grid to give it width.
The long text in the second row is wider than can fit in the first two columns.
When the width of the Grid is not constrained or set by its parent its layout logic evidently stretches the first column instead of the last column.
By putting a MaxWidth on the first column, you are constraining the Grid's layout logic, so it moves on to the second column and stretches it. You'll note it will be wider than 100 in that scenario.
However, as soon as the Grid's width is set to a specific value or is constrained by its parent (e.g. when no ScrollViewer in the Window), the Grid's width has a specific value, and the third column gets a width set even though it is empty. Now the Grid's auto-size code is deactivated, and it no longer stretches any of your columns to try to squeeze in that text. You can see this by putting a specific width on the Grid, even though it is still in the ScrollViewer.
Edit: Now that I read the answer of the MSDN support in your original thread, I believe it is correct, meaning this is probably the result of the implementation of the attached property and not the grid itself. However, the principle is the same, and hopefully my explanation is clear enough to make sense of the subtlety here.

Short Answer:
Its because of the combination of:
1. Presence of ScrollViewer which allows grid (if it wishes) to take any desired size.
2. The grid not having explicit width.
3. A column (Column 2) whose width has not been specified, which sets it to 1*, leaving its final size dependant on size of grid and other columns.
4. TextBlock which has colspan over three columns.
If you:
1. Remove the scrollviewer, the grid is allowed to grow only till the client area of window (which comes to be about 278 in your example), and the long textblock has to fit within this width otherwise its trimmed.
2. Set explicit width of Grid, which again trims textblock to fit.
3. Set explicit width of Column 2, which provides a fixed width to grid (100+100+width_of_col2), which again trims textblock to fit.
4. Remove the colspan, the columns which do not contain it and have fixed width defined, will take that width.
Here's what's happening:
This is crude and not exact explanation of the measure and arrange passes, however, it should give a fair idea.
To start with col0 is happy with 100, col1 with 100 and col2 with 0. Based on this grid's size would be 100+100+0=200. When Grid requests its children (textblocks) to be measured, it sees that first two textblocks fit within the width of their columns. However, the third textblock needs 288. Since, grid isn't having any width defined and its within a scrollviewer, it can increase its size if one of its child needs it. The Grid has now to increase its size from 200 to 288 (i.e. by 88). This means each column to which that textblock spans (all three of them) will expand by 88/3~=29 pixels. This makes col0=100+29=129, col1=100+29=129, col2=0+29.
Try this:
Include a rectangle, put it in col2 and set width of rectangle to 20.
This is what's happening:
To start with col0 and col1 are happy with 100 each as their individual textblocks need less than that. col2 is happy with 20 as rectangle in it needs that. Based on this grid's width would be 100+100+20=220. However, because of the columnspanning textblock the Grid has to increase its size from 220 to 288 (i.e. by 68). This means each column to which that textblock spans (all three of them) will expand by 68/3~=23 pixels. This makes col0=100+23=123, col1=100+23=123, col2=20+23=43.

Here is another example that shows the problem using a Canvas instead of a ScrollViewer:
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="100"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="100"/>
<TextBlock Grid.Column="0" x:Name="textBlock1" Text="{Binding ElementName=textBlock1, Path=ActualWidth}"/>
<TextBlock Grid.Column="1" x:Name="textBlock2" Text="{Binding ElementName=textBlock2, Path=ActualWidth}"/>
<TextBlock Grid.Row="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="3" Width="300"/>
This example shows that when given unlimited space, the first two columns are incorrectly expanded by 33%. I do not have working reference source to debug this right now because SP1 broke .NET4 reference source but frankly pinpointing this to the line in the source file is not going to help you so let's not go that route.
Instead, we'll agree that this is definitely a bug and we can prove that it's a bug by setting Grid.MaxWidth to progressively larger values and the widths of two columns remain both at 100 no matter how large it gets. But if you leave Grid.MaxWidth unset and place the Grid inside of a Canvas then the value during measure will be double.PositiveInfinity and this value with produce column widths of 133. As a result we can speculate that some how the special case of a size constraint of positive infinity is not handled correctly during the column sizing calculations.
Luckily, that same experiment provides a simple workaround: simply supply an absurdly large value for Grid.MaxWidth when the Grid is used inside another control that allows it unlimited space, such as a ScrollViewer or a Canvas. I recommend something like:
<Grid MaxWidth="1000000">
This approach avoids the bug by preventing the size constraint from having the probematic value of positive infinity, while practically achieving the same effect.
But this:
<Grid MaxWidth="{x:Static sys:Double.PositiveInfinity}">
will trigger the bug.

I reported this issue as a bug:
Please vote it up at that link if you agree that it is a bug.


WPF scrolling on ScaleTransform issue, multiple UI elements

Also asked at http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/wpf/thread/f765d4c9-1719-4757-b467-2492d87bb4ab
I have a slider that performs a scale-transform in my WPF App. Now I'm running into an issue where I have an element inside of a scrollviewer inside of a row that has Height="*" and another element in a subsequent row that has Height="Auto".
The goal is that we don't know the row heights until run-time (or even how big the elements will be), but that we will have both elements displayed on the screen, with the first element taking up as much space as it can and the bottom element always being visible, taking up whatever space it needs.
I have the following problem/solution statement (which I think best describes my issue) and, as you can see, I'm stuck at what to do when I want to achieve this goal and still allow access to all UI elements should the zoom be large enough to push one of the elements off the screen (hopefully that made sense).
Problem statement:
ScaleTransform is causing top DG to disappear where RowDefinition Height="*"
Set Minimum height on RowDefinition to prevent DG from disappearing.
Problem statement:
Setting Minimum height on RowDefinitoin causes lower rows to dissapear.
Add scrollviewer encapsulating grid.
Problem statement:
Since top DG is in RowDefinition Height="*", if there is a lot of data in top DG, bottom DGs cannot be seen without scrolling.
Solution statement:
Here's my current code:
<RowDefinition Height="*" MinHeight="120" />
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<GroupBox Grid.Row="0">
<DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Path=SomePathThatCouldHaveLotsOfData}">
<!--Note that DataGrid implements its own scrollviewer as long as it's not surrounded by another scrollviewer-->
<GroupBox Grid.Row="1">
Hopefully that all made sense what my issue is and what I'm trying to do. Any ideas how I can get this done (hopefully in a clean way). I'm using MVVM if it helps.
EDIT: I should point out that I also won't know any max-height until run-time (and max-height is probably irrelevant anyway since we'll be using scale-transform).
I managed to acheive my goal, but it was a bit of an ugly hack.
Basically, I had to trap the Loaded and SizeChanged event of my UserControl/Page/Window and use these events to set the ScrollViewer.ViewPortHeight value to a property in my VM. Then, it was simply a matter of subtracting a known value from this to use as my Max value. Then, it was simply a matter of multiplying the ViewPortHeight by the percentage that I wanted each UI element to take up on the screen and bind the UIs element to that.
Hopefully this will help someone else having the same business requirement.

Grid inside a StackPanel: why do auto and * behave strangely?

My google and stackoverflow search-fu have failed me, so I present to the community this question.
(This is all generated using VS2010 and .NET 4.0, in a blank default WPF Solution)
Consider the following XAML:
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<ColumnDefinition Width="20"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<Border Name="aborder" Grid.Column="0" Grid.ColumnSpan="2"
Background="Red" Width="200"/>
<Border Name="aborder2" Background="Green"/>
What would you predict the width of "aborder2" to be?
If you guessed "20 pixels", you would be wrong. The correct answer is 110 pixels.
Consider this XAML:
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<ColumnDefinition Width="20"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
<Border Name="aborder" Grid.Column="0" Grid.ColumnSpan="2"
Background="Red" Width="200"/>
<Border Name="aborder2" Background="Green"/>
What would you predict the width of "aborder2" to be?
If you guessed either 20 pixels or 110 pixels, you would be wrong. The correct answer is 200 pixels.
I cannot figure this out and it's driving me insane. It seems like the answer should be obvious; clearly there's some interaction between an auto-filling grid column and the stackpanel that causes the grid to freak out. But it just doesn't seem to make sense - whatever rules are governing this behavior seem to be arbitrary. Why 110 pixels? Why not 109 pixels or 100 pixels? I would understand if the auto-sized column failed to expand fully or something, but to have the fixed-width column randomly ignore its width has left me a burnt out shell of a developer.
Any help or guiding lights would be much appreciated!
I have no idea why the first example isn't rendering correctly
The 2nd is because Auto means "the same size as the contents", but you have nothing in Column2 so Column2 is getting rendered at 0px. You have something in Column1 which spans 2 cells, but since Column2 is rendered at 0 px it means Column1 is stretched to 200 px. By default, Grid's expand their children to fill all available space in the Cell, so this is making aborder2 stretch to 200px instead of 20.
I think the first example might be a similar situation, where Column2 is rendering at 0px because it has no content, however I am not sure why it is setting aborder2 to a width of 110. The 110 seems to come from (GridWidth / TotalColumns) + (1stColumnWidth / TotalColumns * NumberOfStarColumns), so I think it's a bug.
As a side note, you can set a Column1's MaxWidth="20" to force Column1 to always render as 20px
No answer for you, but it seems to happen in Silverlight too. I'd assume there's some bug in the arrange and measure passes. If you put a custom control in there instead of a border and override the measure and arrange methods you would probably get a better picture of what's going on.
To try to solve the mystery of where 110 comes from, I'm guessing (200 - 20) / 2 + 20
EDIT: I tried a few other formulas and it didn't hold up, looks more like:
(200 + 20) / 2

DataGrid not shirking to fit into the containing grid

I have the following structure in my WPF application. (Using Prism and Regions)
Grid (2X1)------>
UserControl(injected into ItemsControl with Prism)----->
DataGrid.(60 rows, 10 columns)
The behavior that I expect is that the DataGrid will size itself to fit the size of the grid cell and display both scrollbars because it is too big to fit. But it doesnt. It remains its maximum size and cuts out of the edges of the grid cell. All cells of both grids have no size specifications (Auto Sized). When I explicitly specify datagrid's height and width, I see the scrollbars, but of course I don't want to do that.
Please help!.
I have saved the screenshots at the following link.
You say: "All cells of both grids have no size specifications (Auto Sized)" - this is where the problem is. When the grid cell is auto sized the grid gives the content in that cell as much space as it wants (doesn't matter if it fits in the window or not). To fix it you have to put your DataGrid into a star-sized cell.
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="*"/>
<Border Grid.Row="0">
<!-- Content that will take as much space as it wants -->
<Border Grid.Row="1">
<!-- Content that will take all the remaining space -->
UPDATE: Based on the screenshots you provided...
First, get rid of the DockPanel in the top level control. DockPanel gives its child all the space it asks for. If it is not a "fill" child (LastChildFill="True"). Use grid instead of DockPanel (i.e. at the top level a grid with two rows - one auto-sized for the menu and the second star-size for the rest of the stuff, the in that star-size row put another grid for you items controls, etc.).
Remember, whenever you put the content either in an auto-size cell in a grid or in a DockPanel with dock type different than Fill, the content will take as much space as it required without showing a scroll bar (it will go beyond the window).
UPDATE 2: Looking at the new screenshots (see comments to this post)...
OK, I think I see the problem. The thing is that ItemsControl uses StackPanel to display its children, but StackPanel also gives its children all the space they want (your DataGrid thinks that it has enough space to render itself without scroll bars).
To fix that you need to put your items controls inside an ScrollViewer like this:
<ScrollViewer VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"
<ItemsControl ... />

How do I constrain a container's height to the height of a specific content element?

I'm trying to do something which seems like it should be extremely simple and yet I can't see how. I have a very simple layout, a TextBox with an image next to it, similar to the way it might look adorned with an ErrorProvider in a WinForms application. The problem is, I want the image to be no higher than the TextBox it's next to. If I lay it out like this, say:
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
<TextBox Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" MinWidth="100"/>
<Image Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" Source="error.png" />
the row will size to the height of the image if the image is taller than the TextBox. This also happens if I use a DockPanel or StackPanel.
The naive solution would be to bind the Height to the TextBox's ActualHeight. I'm sure this is wrong. But what's right?
Here's an example of what looks wrong to me: In both of these layouts (which are both horizontal StackPanels), the FontSize is the only variable:
You can see that the first TextBox is constrained to the height of the icon, and as a result has an unnecessary bottom padding under the text. And the icon next to the second is out of scale to the TextBox it's next to.
As it happens, I found a completely different (and much better) way to approach the problem - originally I was scaling my layout by changing the FontSize on the Window, but using a ScaleTransform is a whole lot easier and seems to work perfectly. But even so, it still seems odd to me that it's so hard to do this.
Name your TextBox, reference the TextBox from the Image as follows.
<TextBox Name="myTextBox"
Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0"
<Image Grid.Row="0"
Height="{Binding ActualHeight, ElementName=myTextBox}"/>
You want a layout algorithm that measures the other elements with a height constraint equal to the desired height of a specific one. While several of the existing Panel implementations will reduce the available space for remaining elements based on the size used by previous ones, none of them will set the constraint the way you want. If you want the behavior you describe in a single layout pass, you will need to write your own layout algorithm.
For example, you can get close by overriding the behavior of StackPanel like this:
public class SizeToFirstChildStackPanel
: StackPanel
protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint)
if (Children.Count > 0)
var firstChild = Children[0];
if (Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal)
constraint = new Size(
Math.Min(firstChild.DesiredSize.Height, constraint.Height));
constraint = new Size(
Math.Min(firstChild.DesiredSize.Width, constraint.Width),
return base.MeasureOverride(constraint);
This will constrain the height of all children of the StackPanel to the desired height of the first one (or width if the panel is oriented vertically).
It's still not ideal because the first child will get measured a second time by the base class MeasureOverride, and the second measure will have a constraint. This is extra work, and will cause odd behavior if the first child wants to get larger.
To do it right you would need to implement the entire MeasureOverride method method yourself. I'm not going to do that here because it would be a lot of code that isn't really relevant to the problem, and it depends on how exactly you want the layout to work. The important point is to measure the specific element first and use its DesiredSize to determine the availableSize when you call Measure on the others.

resolution issue in silverlight

HI, i need to have a resolution independant UI in silverlight application. Will it support implicitly or should it be taken care in code behind doing ScaleTransform ?
will it support multiple browsers as well ?
Thanks in advance.
You can use The ViewBox control in the Silverlight Toolkit to do the scale transforming. It will work on all supported browsers.
You can also set the UserControl width and height to Auto (or remove them) and then have your UI stretch (but not resize) to rules that you set up (typically with a Grid control).
Okay, I figured I will outline all the methods that you can make use of the implicit methods that Silverlight allow for specifying sizing.
If you define anything using the Stretch setting for VerticalAlignment option in a control:
<TextBox Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"/>
The UIElement will stretch to take up all the space available to it in its parent control. Another setting such as this is to do something like defining a grid column width or row height like this:
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
This will take up all the space available on the screen.
You can grow columns and rows of the grid in a ratio form:
<RowDefinition Height="3*"/>
<RowDefinition Height="2*"/>
This will grow the height of the first row by 3px for each 2px that the second one grows.
Then you can have options such as Auto
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
This will grow the UIElement according to size requirements. If a child of the element requires more size, the element will take up more screen space.
And finally:
<TextBox Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="0" Height="100" MinWidth="200" MaxWidth="400" x:Name="text"/>
These are fixed values and ensures that given any resolution that the element will not take up more than 400px in width but no less than 200px. It also indicates that the height of the element should always be 100px. This is useful for elements such as buttons etc. which you do not want to grow or shrink as the resolution changes.
Finally, you will probably want to wrap a ScrollViewer around the whole thing, just to ensure that elements off the screen can be scrolled to. This can happen when your view requires more space than available on the screen or have elements set to Auto.
