dynamically add fields to django models - django-models

I have a model of Pet, which looks like
class Pet(models.Model):
(1,'Listed for sale'),
name = models.CharField(_("name"), max_length=50 )
species = models.ForeignKey(PetSpecies, related_name = "pets")
pet_category = models.ForeignKey(PetCategory, related_name = "pets")
pet_type = models.ForeignKey(PetType, related_name = "pets")
# want to add dynamic fields here depends on above select options(species, category, type)
color = models.CharField(_("color"), max_length=50, null=True, blank=True)
weight = models.CharField(_("weight"), max_length=50, null=True, blank=True)
i have read the Dynamic Models, would it be helpful for me? or should i do something else? if anyone know please guide me with piece of code.
thanks :)

Actually,the link you shared is not what you need...
What you need is a database table structure that can store diffrent types definitions and records related to them... In that point, you probably will need to change your database table structure...
First you may define a table that will store category labels like
class PetTyper(models.Model):
specy = models.ForeignKey(...)
category = models.ForeignKey(...)
type = models.Foreignkey(...)
additional_fields= models.ManyToManyField(AdditionalFields)
class AdditionalFields(Models.Model):
label = models.CharField(_("Field Label")
PetTyper is a basic record table for Pet types, So you will define each pet in this table, additional field will show which extra fields will be shown on each record. Do not forget that these tables will record basic type and additional struvcture, not records of animals added..
So a such record may contains informations like:
pettYpe: mammal, dog, Labrador Retriever , additional_info = [color, weight]
Which tells you that any dog recorded as LAbrador Retreiver will have color and weight information...
For each Labrador Retreiver recorded to the database will record data into these tables:
class Pet(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(...)
typer = models.ForeignKey(PetTyper) # this will hold records of type, so no need for specy, category and type info in this table
... # and other related fields
class petSpecifications(models.Model):
pet = Models.ForeignKey(Pet) # that data belongs to which pet record
extra_data_type = Models.ForeignKey(AdditionalFields) # get the label of the extra data field name
value = models.CharField(...) # what is that extra info value
So when yo create a new pet entry, you will define a petTyper and add names of each additional field data to AdditionalFields. In your new pet record form, you will get the pet typer first, then get each additonal info data from AdditionalFields table. User will enter a pets name after he/she chooses type, then add color and weight info (from the exapmle above). You will get those information from the form and create a record on the pet table and add each specific info about that record to the petSpecifications table...
That way is quite hard and you can not use some basic django features lke forms form models etc. Because you read data from PetTyper and AdditionalFields table and crrete your form through those information. And record the posted information to Pet and petSpecifications table...


SQLAlchemy: foreignKeys from multiple Tables (Many-to-Many)

I'm using flask-sqlalchemy orm in my flask app which is about smarthome sensors and actors (for the sake of simplicity let's call them Nodes.
Now I want to store an Event which is bound to Nodes in order to check their state and other or same Nodes which should be set with a given value if the state of the first ones have reached a threshold.
Additionally the states could be checked or set from/for Groups or Scenes. So I have three diffrent foreignkeys to check and another three to set. All of them could be more than one per type and multiple types per Event.
Here is an example code with the db.Models and pseudocode what I expect to get stored in an Event:
db = SQLAlchemy()
class Node(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
value = db.Column(db.String(20))
# columns snipped out
class Group(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
value = db.Column(db.String(20))
# columns snipped out
class Scene(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
value = db.Column(db.String(20))
# columns snipped out
class Event(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
# The following columns may be in a intermediate table
# but I have no clue how to design that under these conditions
constraints = # list of foreignkeys from diffrent tables (Node/Group/Scene)
# with threshold per key
target = # list of foreignkeys from diffrent tables (Node/Group/Scene)
# with target values per key
In the end I want to be able to check if any of my Events are true to set the bound Node/Group/Scene accordingly.
It may be a database design problem (and not sqlalchemy) but I want to make use of the advantages of sqla orm here.
Inspired by this and that answer I tried to dig deeper, but other questions on SO were about more specific problems or one-to-many relationships.
Any hints or design tips are much appreciated. Thanks!
I ended up with a trade-off between usage and lines of code. My first thought here was to save as much code as I can (DRY) and defining as less tables as possible.
As SQLAlchemy itself points out in one of their examples the "generic foreign key" is just supported because it was often requested, not because it is a good solution. With that less db functionallaty is used and instead the application has to take care about key constraints.
On the other hand they said, having more tables in your database does not affected db performance.
So I tried some approaches and find a good one that fits to my usecase. Instead of a "normal" intermediate table for many-to-many relationships I use another SQLAlchemy class which has two one-to-many relations on both sides to connect two tables.
class Event(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
noodles = db.relationship('NoodleEvent', back_populates='events')
# columns snipped out
def get_as_dict(self):
return {
"id": self.id,
"nodes": [n.get_as_dict() for n in self.nodes]
class Node(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
value = db.Column(db.String(20))
events = db.relationship('NodeEvent', back_populates='node')
# columns snipped out
class NodeEvent(db.Model):
ev_id = db.Column('ev_id', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('event.id'), primary_key=True)
n_id = db.Column('n_id', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('node.id'), primary_key=True)
value = db.Column('value', db.String(200), nullable=False)
compare = db.Column('compare', db.String(20), nullable=True)
node = db.relationship('Node', back_populates="events")
events = db.relationship('Event', back_populates="nodes")
def get_as_dict(self):
return {
"trigger_value": self.value,
"actual_value": self.node.status,
"compare": self.compare
The trade-off is that I have to define a new class everytime I bind a new table on that relationship. But with the "generic foreign key" approach I also would have to check from where the ForeignKey is comming from. Same work in the end of the day.
With my get_as_dict() function I have a very handy access to the related data.

Convert three modelsto one single query django query

This are my model with some of the fields:
class Advertisers(models.Model):
account_manager_id = models.ForeignKey(AccountManagers, on_delete=models.CASCADE,null=True, db_column='account_manager_id',related_name="advertisers")
class AdvertiserUsers(models.Model):
user_id = models.OneToOneField('Users', on_delete=models.CASCADE,null=True,db_column='user_id', related_name='advertiser_users')
advertiser_id = models.ForeignKey('Advertisers', on_delete=models.CASCADE,null=True,db_column='advertiser_id', related_name='advertiser_users')
class Users(models.Model):
email = models.CharField(unique=True, max_length=100)
I want Id's, user ids and email of all advertisers.
Id's of all user:-
advertiser_ids = advertisers.objects.all() # can get id from here
find user_ids of advertiser_ids:
user_ids = AdvertiserUsers.objects.filter(advertiser_id__in=advertiser_ids) # can get user_id from here
find id and email using this query:
user_ids = Users.objects.filter(id__in=user_ids) # can get email from here
How to make it shorter like directly querying from Advertisers i will be able to get Users models email.
Thankyou in advance
You can filter with:
The .distinct() [Django-doc] will prevent returning the same Users multiple times.
You can annotate the User objects with the Advertisers primary key, etc:
from django.db.models import F
The Users objects that arise from this have a .email attribute (and the other attributes that belong to a Users object), together with a .account_manager_id and an .advertiser_id. That being said, this is probably not a good idea: the way you have modeled this right now, is that a Users object can relate to multiple Advertisers objects, so it makes not much sense to add these together.
You can for each user access the related Advertisers with:
myusers = Users.objects.filter(
for user in myusers:
for advuser in user.advertiser_users.all():
print(f' {advuser.advertiser_user.pk}')
Note: normally a Django model is given a singular name, so User instead of Users.
Note: Normally one does not add a suffix _id to a ForeignKey field, since Django
will automatically add a "twin" field with an _id suffix. Therefore it should
be account_manager_id, instead of account_manager.

Datastore design: 1 large class vs. 2 classes vs. polymodel?

I am interested in understanding the pros / cons of several ways to design classes for Google App Engine's Datastore.
Consider the following classes:
Option 0
class Car(db.Model):
title = db.StringProperty()
year = db.StringProperty()
imgurl = db.StringProperty()
type = db.StringProperty()
addeddate = db.DateTimeProperty()
external_id = db.IntegerProperty()
# possibly 5 or 6 more properties
class Part(db.Model):
title = db.StringProperty()
# other stuff
Part's parent is always set to the corresponding Car on creation.
These are used in several ways:
query + list (+ sort) parts: when listing the part, I need to display the Car's title, and get its external_id and year (so I don't need everything but the whole Car entity is fetched by accessing the part.parent, I am already using parent prefetch).
query + list (+ sort) cars: only need the title, year and imgurl.
get car: page with all the car details, need all the properties.
Considering the ways I get and display my data, what is the best option (providing pros/cons) between the above design and the followings?
Option 1
class Car(db.Model):
title = db.StringProperty()
year = db.StringProperty()
imgurl = db.StringProperty()
class CarEx(db.Model):
type = db.StringProperty()
addeddate = db.DateTimeProperty()
external_id = db.IntegerProperty()
# possibly 5 or 6 more properties
Pro: When fetching Parts, getting the parents (Car) is faster since there are less properties.
Con: When displaying a Car, we need to get the CarEx. Need to add one more entity when adding a Car. Need to delete CarEx when deleting a Car.
Option 2
class Car(db.PolyModel):
title = db.StringProperty()
year = db.StringProperty()
imgurl = db.StringProperty()
class CarEx(Car):
type = db.StringProperty()
addeddate = db.DateTimeProperty()
external_id = db.IntegerProperty()
# possibly 5 or 6 more properties
When adding cars, we would only add CarEx entities.
Pro: When fetching Parts, getting the parents (Car) is faster since there are less properties. ??? I am actually not sure at all this is true. ???
Pro: When displaying a Car, we get the CarEx. No need to get another entity. Adding and deleting cars is as easy as having only 1 Car model with everything in it (Option 0).
Con: Extra writes when adding a CarEx. Other extra costs?
So overall, I need to be able to fetch parts (and their parents, without a huge cost), and I need to fetch a full Car on a separate page. I am not sure if my assumptions about PolyModel are correct, nor if there are any other hidden pros/cons, or even other options.
A few points, If you are starting out, really you should be using ndb.
The small number of properties you list are not going to make enough difference to use Car and CarEx. Especially if you need CarEx all the time.
You use of PolyModel doesn't make sense, given how PolyModel works. Polymodel would be more suited to
class Vehicle(PolyModel):
title = StringProperty
year = StringProperty()
addeddate = db.DateTimeProperty()
external_id = db.IntegerProperty()
# possibly 5 or 6 more properties
class Car(Vehicle):
doors = IntegerProperty
class Van(Vehicle):
carrying_capacity = FloatProperty() #(m3)
class Truck(Vehicle):
tray_length = IntegerProperty()
Yep contrived, properties. But now I can search for all vehicles by any of the core Vehicle properties and get Trucks and Vans and Cars. You can't do this with normal model inheritance. Without PolyModel you would have to search Car, Truck entity types seperately.
In your case you probably don't need this.
What you do with Parts depends heavily on how many, and how often you need them. If you are likely to have less than 1MB of Parts and you need all Parts when you need Parts, then consider storeing Parts in a single container entity, and use a repeated StructuredProperty to store them. Then when you need parts you fetch them in a single entity. If you only need some parts then store them as separate entities.
If you need more than 1MB of Parts but you always need all parts then use more than one container.
You really need to look at the frequency of use of particular views, if you need all information vs some of it, to determine the best strategy.

Django Model ValueError

I'm accessing emails in my email server, taking the body of each email and then applying regular expressions to find the data necessary to populate my Django model.
This all works fine except for one field, which is linked as a foreign key to another model field. Despite the value in my email being the same as the one in listed in my other model, it fails....
The error:
ValueError: Cannot assign "'Humanities'": "Subject.faculty" must be a "Faculty" instance.
For example, say each school subject has to be part of a faculty. When populating the database via a form, for the Subject's faculty field I drop down the menu to a list of faculty values/instances as there is a foreign key relationship defined in my model i.e. for the faculty field I can choose from Humanities, Art, Design Technology etc.
But when I find the value 'Humanities' in my email and try to add it to the database model, I get the error above.
Anyone shed any light on this? Am I being stupid or is it more than a ValueError as to me, the values are the same in both cases
Thank you
More code as requested:
class Faculty(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(primary_key=True, max_length=50)
leader = models.CharField(max_length=50)
email = models.EmailField()
mailing_list = models.ManyToManyField("Contact", null=True)
class Subject(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
faculty = models.ForeignKey(Faculty, to_field="name")
faculty_head = models.CharField(max_length=50)
It sounds like you are trying to assign a string "Humantities" to a ForeignKey relationship. This doesn't make sense. You need to either find or create the actual Faculty object with the name "Humanities" and assign it to the Subject. Something like this in your view (depending on how your form is set up):
if form.is_valid():
faculty_str = form.cleaned_data['faculty']
(faculty, was_created) = Faculty.objects.get_or_create(name=faculty_str, ...)
# It's hard to tell if you are using a ModelForm or just a normal Form. Anyway, assume we already have access to the Subject object
subject.faculty = faculty
Your value is 'Humanities' perhaps you mean to search for Humanities (without quotes).
You need to create a Faculty instance first.
faculty = Faculty(name='', leader='', email='')
subject.faculty = faculty

How to avoid duplicates in GAE datastore?

Let's say here is the database structure:
class News(db.Model):
title = db.StringProperty()
class NewsRating(db.Model):
user = db.IntegerProperty()
rating = db.IntegerProperty()
news = db.ReferenceProperty(News)
Each user can leave only one rating for each News. The following code doesn't care about duplicates:
rating = NewsRating()
rating.user = 123456
rating.rating = 1
rating.news = News.get_by_key_name('news-unique-key')
How should I modify that that it will allow to have only one record for each rating.user and rating.news combination? If such rating already exists, then it should be updated with new value.
Use key names and (possibly) parent entities to keep track. For instance, supposing you have a UserInfo kind, you could do it like this:
class NewsRating(db.Model):
# No explicit user reference, since it's the parent entity
rating = db.IntegerProperty(required=True)
news = db.ReferenceProperty(News) # We could get this from the key name, but this is more convenient
rating = NewsRating(parent=current_user, key_name=str(news.key().id()), news=news)
Attempting to add the same rating multiple times will simply overwrite the existing one, or you can use a datastore transaction to add it atomically.
Note that you should almost certainly keep a total of ratings against the News entity, rather than counting up ratings on each request, which will get less efficient as the number of ratings increases.
