Return stemmed word in Solr - solr

We have stemming in our Solr search and we need to retrieve the word/phrase after stemming. That is if I search for "oranges", through stemming a search for "orange" is carried out. If I turn on debugQuery I would be able to see this, however we'd like to access it through the result if possible. Basically, we need this, because we pass the searched word as a parameter to a 3rd party application which highlights the word in an online PDF reader. Currently, if a user searches for "oranges" and a document contains "orange", then the PDF wouldn't highlight anything since it tries to highlight "oranges" not "orange".
Thanks all in advance,

I've no experience with Solr but if you need it just for presentation to users you could stem their queries using the same stemmer Solr uses yourself. This would probably be faster since it would avoid a trip to Solr's index. For English this would presumably be - or you could check Solr's implementation.
However, a word of caution, most stemming algorithms do not guarantee that stemmed words will be actual words. Check here for examples.

You could use the implicit analysis request handler to get the stemmed word.
For your example, if you are using the text_en field and the Snowball Stemmer, the URL
<YOUR SOLR HOST>/solr/<YOUR COLLECTION>/analysis/field?analysis.query=oranges&analysis.fieldtype=text_en&verbose_output=1
would give you a json response, including the following:
"text": "orang",


How do you create Solr Queries with wildcard seaches and scoring, fuzzy search, distance searching and other features

I am trying to build a search over my domain with solr, and I am having trouble producing a keyword search that fulfils our requirements. My issue;
When my users search, the requirement is that the search must return results with partial token matches. For example:
Consider the text field: "CA-1234-ABCD California project"
The following keyword searches (what the user puts in the search field) should match this field:
With a text_en field (as configured in the example schema), the tokenization, stemming and grammar processing will allow non-wildcard searches to work for partial words/tokens in many cases, but Solr still seems limited to exact token match in many situations. For example, the following query does not match:
The only way I have found to get the user experience that is required is to use a wildcard search:
The problem with this is that tf scoring (and it seems other functionality like fuzzy searches) don't work with a wildcard search.
The question is, is there a way to get partial token matching (for all tokens not just those that have common stems/etc.) while retaining tf scoring and other advanced query functionality?
My best workaround at the moment is a query that includes both wildcard and non-wildcard clauses, such as:
name:cali OR name:*cali*
but I don't know if that is a good strategy here. Does SOLR provide a way?

Does GAE Search API do spell checks

I'm talking about this API:
Does it allow spell checks? For example: if I create an index of documents, and in those documents I have words like "iphone", "android", etc. If I search for "iphoen" instead can it still return the correct results?
No, it cannot. It is just an index - what you put it, you get back.
You need to implement your own logic for spelling errors. If a user searches for "iphoen", you either return all results for "iphoen" and suggest "iphone" query instead, or, if you are very confident that a search term was mis-spelled, do a search for "iphone" right away and ask a user if a "iphoen" should be used. This is how Google search works. This is, obviously, not a trivial task.
No, it will not do this. It does direct text matching. Taken from the link you provided:
The simplest query, sometimes called a "global search" is a string that contains only field values. This search uses a string that searches for documents that contain the words "rose" and "water":"rose water");
Based on this, it's implied reasonably well that it will not do fuzzy matches for you. However, you could write an extension class that takes a string and tests variants against the Search API. You could then return any successful queries and report the fuzzy match. In this way, your class would take "ipohne" and eventually try "iphone" and return a successful query.

Manipulating and Removing Facets in Apache Solr

I am creating a front end application which queries through a database using the Apache Solr engine, but I have two issues that I just cannot find the answer to.
When Solr is processing a Facet query, how do I get the facet to be a single phrase ("Department of the Navy (160)") instead of a broken up facet of 4 terms ("Department (160)" "of (200)" "the (200)" "Navy(160)").
Also, how do I remove certain facets from being queried, for example "and" "to" "the" etc.
Thank you.
Looks like your phrase is being indexed into a Text field which, among many things, splits by whitespace. This is very good for full text search but not for faceting.
You can have a duplicate field for this, of type string (and not Text), which is not splitted. You can still use the original field for searching but the new string field for faceting.

Multi-word synonym search in Solr

I'm trying to use a synonym filter to search for a phrase.
peter=> spider man, spiderman, Mary Jane, .....
I use the default configuration. When I put these synonyms into synonym.txt and restart Solr it seems to work only partially: It starts to search for "spider", "man", "spiderman", "Mary" and "Jane" but what I want to search for are the meaningful combinations - like "spider man", "Mary Jane" and "spiderman".
Yes sadly this is a well known problem due to how the Solr query parser breaks up on whitespace before analyzing. So instead of seeing "spider" before "man" in the token stream, you instead simply see each word on its own. Just "spider" with nothing before/after and just "man" with nothing before/after.
This is because most Solr query forms see a space as basically an "OR". Search for "spider OR man" instead of looking at the full text, analyzing it to generate synonyms, then generating a query from that.
For more background, there's this blog post
There's a large number of solutions to this problem, including the following:
hon-lucene-synonyms. This plugin runs an analyzer before generating an edismax query over multiple fields. It's a bit of a blackbox, and I've found it can generate some complex query forms that generate weird performance and relevance bugs.
Lucidwork's autophrase query parser By selectively autophrasing, this plugin lets you specify key phrases (spider man) that should not be broken into OR queries and can have synonym expansion applied
OpenSource Connection's Match query parser. Searches a single field using a query-specified analyzer run before the field is searched. Also searches multi-word synonyms as phrases. My favorite, but disclaimer: I'm the author :)
Rene Kriegler's Querqy -- Querqy is a Solr plugin for query preprocessing rules. These rules can identify your key phrases and rewrite the query to non-multiterm form.
Roll your own: Learn to write your own query parser plugin and handle the problem however you want.
My usually strategy for this kind of problem is to use the synonym filter not to expand a search to include all of the possible synonyms, but to normalize to a single form. I do this both in my index and query field analysis.
For example, with this line in my fieldType/analyzer block in schema.xml:
<filter class="solr.SynonymFilterFactory" synonyms="synonyms.txt" ignoreCase="true" expand="false"/>
(Note the expand="false")
...and this line in my synonyms.txt:
spiderman, spider man, Mary Jane => peter
This way I make sure that any of these four values will be indexed and searched as "peter". For example, if the source document mentions "The Amazing Spider Man" it will be indexed as "The Amazing peter". When a user searches for "Mary Jane" it will search for "peter" instead, so it will match.
The important thing here is that because "Mary" is not one of the comma-separated synonyms, it won't be changed if it appears without "Jane" following. So searching for "Mary is amazing" will actually search for "Mary is amazing", and it will not match the document.
One of the important details, is that I choose a normalized form (e.g. "peter") that is only one word. I could organize it this way:
peter, spiderman, spider man => Mary Jane
but because Mary Jane is two words, it may (depending on other features of my search), match the two words separately as well as together. By choosing a single word form to normalize into, I make sure that my tokenizer won't try to break it up.
It's a known limitation within Solr / Lucene. Essentially you would have to provide an alternative form of tokenization so that specific space delimited words (i.e. phrases) are treated as single words.
One way of achieving this is to do this client side - i.e. in your application that is calling Solr, when indexing, keep a list of synonym phrases and find / replace those phrase values with an alternative (for example removing the spaces or replacing it with a delimiter that isn't treated as a token boundary).
E.g. if you have "Hello There" as a phrase you want to use in a synonym, then replace it with "HelloThere" when indexing.
Now in your synonyms.txt file you can have (for example):
Hi HelloThere Wotcha => Hello
Similarly when you search, replace any incidences of "Hello There" in the query string with HelloThere and then they will be matched as a synonym of Hello.
Alternatively, you could use the AutoPhraseTokenFilter that LucidWorks created, available on github. This works by maintaining a token stream so that it can work out if a combination of two or more sequential tokens matches one of the synonym phrases, and if it doesn't, it throws away the first token as not matching the phrase. I'm not sure how much overhead this adds, but it seems a good approach - would be nice to have by default in Solr as part of the SynonymFilter.

When enabled stemming, searching for the root word gives no hits

I have indexed a site with solr. It works very well if stemming is not enabled. Using stemming, however, solr does not return any hits when searching for the root of a word. I use Swedish stemming.
For example, searching for support gives hits if not using stemming. Using stemming, searching for support gives no hits. Though, searching for supporten returns hits that match support.
By debugging the query, I can see that it stems the word support to suppor (which is incorrect by the way, but that should not matter). However, having the word stemmed to suppor, I want it to search for matches with the the original query word as well.
I'd appreciate any help on this!
Afaik, there is no way to keep the original word when stemming...
I assume that you are using solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory. Snowball algorithm is too aggressive.
You should try a Hunspell stemmer or maybe solr.SwedishLightStemFilterFactory.
A workaround you can do is to reformat your query into "support support*" or "support support~". * is wildcard matching and ~ is fuzzy matching using Lucene syntax. I know you didn't mention the need to do wildcard and fuzzy search, but I found under these circumstances, the stemming on query will not take effect, so "support" is preserved. And stemming will still be effective on the first word, so both results will be returned if any. Plus, fuzzy search will help reduce the tolerance of typos in users' queries, so it's an added benefit.
