Apply effect of a pseudo class to all members of a class - css-selectors

I want to apply something like this
to all <a> tags, if at least one of them has been clicked.
I know how to do it using JavaScript, but is there a pure CSS version?
I doesn't have to be <a> or :visited, I just want to highlight all occurrences with a certain tag or class if just one of them gets selected/hovered.

I'm not too clear on the effect you want, and why you want it, but there's no way to do this with CSS, you're stuck using javascript :(
As I understand, you want to style all <a> tags if one has been hovered or clicked? Why not just make that the default style, it will probably only take 2 seconds until that happens.


MaterialUI: Paper or Card title

Designing a React application, what I want is having the title of a Card or Paper on the top border with some indention from left side, like this:
I searched a lot and couldn't find a generic way to do so. Should I create a customised component or there's way for this?
I don't know exactly what you want it to look like, but you can achieve something like that by using the fieldset and legend elements.
It might look like this:
// Content within border.
This approach is used by Material-UI for the "Outlined" variant of TextField (demo here). The code that handles this aspect is the NotchedOutline component (source here).
You can also fairly easily do something yourself via a position attribute to move a title element up over the border. This would actually allow you to use one of those material-ui components to provide most of the styles, and then just move the title on to the border.
Checkout this Codepen for an examples:

Finite Icon Colors in Draftail Editor

I am trying to implement a finite number of colors (like square icons) on the Draftail editor itself. What will be the best way to approach this?
It should be similar to how Microsoft Word displays the font color or something along those lines.
Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure if it's the best approach but here is what I came up with:
This defines a new inline style which encloses the selected text between <span class="mycustomclass"></span> (change feature_name according to the CSS class you want to use).
Then, you just have to define the corresponding .mycustomstyle CSS class in your frontend as usual:
.mycustomstyle {
color: purple;
You can also modify control['style'] to change the way this style will be displayed in the editor.
You will get 1 icon/label per CSS class, so it's not really like in Word as you won't get a proper selector. I haven't tried it myself, but according to Wagtail docs icon can reference SVG, so you might be able to display color squares instead of labels.
Hope it fits your needs.

Is it possible to switch on and off a collapse directives animation?

I have a number of collapse directives in an app and i'd like to be able to individually switch their animation on and off (to 'force' them open or closed), depending on specific state. I've looked at the source and can't see where i'd be able to hook into the directive to achieve this. Or am i missing something obvious?
The only solution i can see at the moment, is duplicating the whole directive and modifying the link function to allow for a second attribute to be watched that would determine if animation is used or not.
AFAIK, the angular animation is based on CSS transition, so you could disable animations by add some CSS properties to the element.
May be define a noanimate class like this:
.noanimate {
transition: none !important;
then you could add/remove the noanimate class to the element when you want to disable/enable the animation.
Hope this helps.

AngularJS Conditionally Remove CSS Hover

Is there a way to remove the :hover from a css inline in angular without removing the whole class?
Like the following removes the whole class:
ng-class="{'option-selected' : option.chosen}"
But say option-selected had a option-selected:hover
Is there a way to remove :hover inline within the ng-class?
Attach the hover to another class that you can toggle.
Somethign like
ng-class="{'option-selected': option.chosen, 'option-hover': option.hover }
Then in your css for when setting up the hover you would have
That way, the only way the hover will work is if both classes are on it.
Besides that, no there is no way to get around the hover from css unless you start dropping in !important's everywhere.

Angular JS ng-if

I'm new to AngularJS and I'm learning it independently.
I read about ng-if using the official AngularJS website.
I got an exercise which I need to scan a color, and if the color is white (#fff in hex), I should change the span's background-color to black (#000 in hex).
This is what I've tried JSbin.
I involved Javascript because I don't know how to deal with CSS on Angular and I think that's they reason why the code is not working as expected.
Sorry for being ignorant.
Thanks in advance.
You don't use inline JS (onclick) when you have ng-click (or at all, for that matter). I suggest you take a step back and make sure you understand what's going on, and not just put in random bits of code in hope they would give you what you want.
Here's an updated demo.
First, I removed the onClick. then I changed the function to be included in the scope as that's the only way things you put in things like ng-click can find those functions. Last, I changed added a backgroundColor variable to be set to the desired color when the button is clicked, and changed the style attribute of the output element to have a background-color rather than color like you had.
Also, I don't see how ng-if has anything to do with this.
