qooxdoo: nested lists databinding - qooxdoo

I'm trying to create a controller for a custom complex object but have some problems with nested list biding.
I have a json datastore which gets following data structure:
var data = [
id: 1,
name: 'check all links if they work',
description: 'Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.',
tags: ['a', 'b', 'c']
id: 2,
name: 'check all titles',
description: 'Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.',
tags: ['a', 'b', 'c']
name: 'check layout in all browsers',
description: 'Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.',
tags: ['a', 'b', 'c']
name: 'validation if videos works fine',
description: 'Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.',
tags: ['a', 'b', 'c']
What I would like to do: is to bind this list to a ui list with custom list items and bind nested 'tags' list as a property to a custom ui control that displays a list of tags.
configureItem : function(item) {
createItem : function() {
return new my.custom.Item();
bindItem : function(controller, item, id) {
controller.bindProperty("", "model", null, item, id);
controller.bindProperty("name", "name", null, item, id);
controller.bindProperty("description", "description", null, item, id);
controller.bindProperty("tags", "tags", null, item, id);
I would like to bind 'tags' property of my.custom.Item to 'tags' property in model but aways get an empty array.

As Martin suggested, methods from data array class should be used. See a comment under the question.


GraphQL only returning first node on Gatsby site

I'm using gatsby-source-mysql to pull some data from an internal tool where our users are able to create advertisements that can be displayed on our consumer site. I currently have four promos set up for testing, and this is the GraphQL query that I have to pull that data:
query PromoQuery($id: String) {
allMysqlPromos(filter: { id: { eq: $id } }) {
edges {
node {
This is what's being returned. It's getting all four promos, which is exactly what I need.
"data": {
"allMysqlPromos": {
"edges": [
"node": {
"ad_title": "Buy One, Get One Free",
"ad_filename": "ad_002910.jpg",
"ad_body": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam turpis quam venenatis porta sed. Aliquet eget lobortis quam ut dignissim eget quam lobortis. Elementum, at nullam tincidunt viverra pulvinar ac porta sed mauris. Sit leo imperdiet turpis morbi arcu, posuere odio sit.",
"URL_ext": "/promo-one",
"phone": "19167137108",
"id": "mysql__Promos__2910"
"node": {
"ad_title": "Buy Two, Get Two Free",
"ad_filename": "ad_002911.jpg",
"ad_body": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam turpis quam venenatis porta sed. Aliquet eget lobortis quam ut dignissim eget quam lobortis. Elementum, at nullam tincidunt viverra pulvinar ac porta sed mauris. Sit leo imperdiet turpis morbi arcu, posuere odio sit.",
"URL_ext": "/promo-two",
"phone": "19165451660",
"id": "mysql__Promos__2911"
"node": {
"ad_title": "Buy Three, Get Three Free",
"ad_filename": "ad_002912.jpg",
"ad_body": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam turpis quam venenatis porta sed. Aliquet eget lobortis quam ut dignissim eget quam lobortis. Elementum, at nullam tincidunt viverra pulvinar ac porta sed mauris. Sit leo imperdiet turpis morbi arcu, posuere odio sit.",
"URL_ext": "/promo-three",
"phone": "19168243634",
"id": "mysql__Promos__2912"
"node": {
"ad_title": "New Year's Special",
"ad_filename": "ad_002913.jpg",
"ad_body": "Our amazing New Year's Special will guarantee you 50% off of 150 doors. If your house is big enough to have 150 doors then you deserve several thousand dollars off.",
"URL_ext": "/promo-four",
"phone": "19163654393",
"id": "mysql__Promos__2913"
However, in the template for the individual promos, I'm getting the same content on all four, and it is only returning data from the first node i.e. all four different promos have 'Buy One, Get One Free' as the main heading etc. Here is my template for the promo pages, including the GraphQL query from above.
/* eslint-disable react/display-name */
import React, { useContext, useEffect } from 'react';
import ShareImage from 'assets/images/one-day-share-slogan.png';
import { SEO } from 'components/seo/SEO';
import { Row } from 'containers/row/Row';
import { CallRail } from 'contexts/callrail-context/CallRailContext';
import { graphql } from 'gatsby';
import { Content } from './promo/content/_Content';
import { CallToAction } from './promo/cta/_CallToAction';
import { Hero } from './promo/hero/_Hero';
export default (props: any) => {
const document = props.data.allMysqlPromos.edges[0];
if (!document) return null;
const { changeNumber } = useContext(CallRail);
const number = document.node.phone;
useEffect(() => {
return (
desc={document.node.ad_body.substr(0, 150) + '...'}
<Hero document={document.node} />
<CallToAction />
export const query = graphql`
query PromoQuery($ad_title: String) {
allMysqlPromos(filter: { id: { eq: $ad_title } }) {
edges {
node {
What am I doing wrong, and what do I need to change to get the correct data in for each promo page?
You should pass via context your filter value, in that case, the ad_title field. So, in your gatsby-node.js you should have something like:
path: `/promo/${URL_ext}`, // or your value
component: individualPromoComponent, // or your component
context: {
ad_title: node.ad_title,
Now, you can use ad_title in your component using $ad_title in:
export const query = graphql`
query PromoQuery($ad_title: String) {
allMysqlPromos(filter: { id: { eq: $ad_title } }) {
edges {
node {

When I console.log(portfoliosArray) it returns an array or four arrays?

Instead of returning an array of objects, pulling from a JSON file, it returns an array of 4 arrays containing 4 objects? Why? JSON file name is portfolios.json.
'use strict';
var portfolioArray = [];
function Portfolio (portfoliosDataObj) {
this.title = portfoliosDataObj.title;
this.body = portfoliosDataObj.body;
this.img = portfoliosDataObj.img;
Portfolio.prototype.toHtml = function() {
var renderPortfolios = Handlebars.compile($('#portfolio-template').text());
return renderPortfolios(this);
$.getJSON('/data/portfolios.json', function(portfolios) {
portfolios.forEach(function(portfoliosDataObject) {
var portfolio = new Portfolio(portfoliosDataObject);
function print () {
portfolioArray.forEach(function(data) {
JSON FILE - Adding for reference.
"title": "CodeFellows/Code201",
"body": "content1",
"img": ""
"title": "CodeFellows/Code301",
"body": "lorem ipsum"
"title": "Upcoming Projects/Other interest",
"body": "lorem impsum",
"img": "/images/blog.jpg"
"title": "Illustrations",
"body": "lorem ipsum",
"img": "/images/portfolio.png"
IGNORE need more content that isn't code to post....
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam porttitor leo at tellus facilisis, id suscipit ipsum suscipit. Aenean venenatis, quam semper efficitur hendrerit, odio diam condimentum odio, id sagittis lorem tellus vel mauris. Cras enim neque, malesuada sit amet lacinia et, ullamcorper non sapien. Integer id hendrerit nulla, vitae tristique tortor. Aenean in arcu eget massa pulvinar dictum. Aliquam dictum fermentum sapien id iaculis. Ut malesuada varius lacinia. Maecenas scelerisque facilisis mattis.
The file returns an array of 4 objects, and not arrays.
"title": "CodeFellows/Code201",
"body": "content1",
"img": ""
is a javascript object, not an array (notice the curly braces {}).
The outer one is an array. (notice the square brackets[]).
You can get to the objects by doing a console.log(portfolios[0]);
The issue is with this code. You are pushing portfolios in portfolioArray instead of portfolio. Also you were doing console.log for portfolios which is why it was showing 4 arrays. I have fixed the code. Let me know if it works for you.
$.getJSON('/data/portfolios.json', function(portfolios) {
portfolios.forEach(function(portfoliosDataObject) {
var portfolio = new Portfolio(portfoliosDataObject);

Sort an array in javascript based on another array

I have an array of Mongoose ID's as follows:
var ids =[
When I call my Mongoose function to get the subdocuments that match these ids, the objects are returned to me in order of how they are found in the database. Can I reorder these based on the order of the above 'ids' array?
The data returned to me is as follows:
[ { _id: 58c2871414cd3d209abf5fc9,
companyname: 'Dell',
{ _id: 58c2871414cd3d209abf5fc0,
title: 'Software Engineer',
location: 'Waterford',
start: 'May 2017',
term: 6,
description: ' Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus quis erat vitae dsit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus quis erat vitae dolor tempus euismod non in mi' },
{ _id: 58ca9fd6588205e9c8f01431,
companyname: 'Google',
{ _id: 58c2871414cd3d209abf4fc0,
title: 'Software Engineer',
location: 'Waterford',
start: 'May 2017',
term: 6,
description: ' Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus quis erat vitae dsit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus quis erat vitae dolor tempus euismod non in mi' },
{ _id: 58ca9fd6588205e9c8f01431,
companyname: 'Google',
{ _id: 58c2871414cd3d209abf4fc1,
title: 'Software Engineer',
location: 'Waterford',
start: 'June 2017',
term: 12,
description: ' Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus quis erat vitae dsit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus quis erat vitae dolor tempus euismod non in mi' },
Is there any way of re-ordering these based on the original array? Note there are two _ids returned in the array, its the id for the position sub-document that I need to order. Really stuck if anyone could help that would be great!
My Node.js function is as follows:
var ids =[mongoose.Types.ObjectId('58c2871414cd3d209abf4fc0'), mongoose.Types.ObjectId('58c2871414cd3d209abf4fc1'), mongoose.Types.ObjectId('58c2871414cd3d209abf5fc0')];
User.aggregate( { $unwind : "$position" },
{ $match: { "position._id": {
$in: ids }
, function(err, results){
// results.sort((a, b) => {
console.log(a+" "+b);
// return ids.indexOf(mongoose.Types.ObjectId(a.position._id))
// - ids.indexOf(mongoose.Types.ObjectId(b.position._id))
// })
Logged in console:
[object Object] [object Object]
[object Object] [object Object]
You can use Array.prototype.sort() with a compare function, the compare function finds the index of each element in ids using Array.prototype.indexOf() and giving it element.postion.id.
Here is the code:
data.sort((a, b) => {
return ids.indexOf(a.position._id) - ids.indexOf(b.position._id)
I used _id as a string, You have to change it to mongoose.Types.ObjectId()
I think it's done like that
data.sort((a, b) => {
return ids.indexOf(mongoose.Types.ObjectId(a.position._id)) - ids.indexOf(mongoose.Types.ObjectId(b.position._id))

Unknown provider: $xProvider <- $xService

I'm having an issue with Karma and Jasmine while using AngularJS. What I'm trying to do is test a controller that will make some posts available to the view from a service. Here's my controller:
app.controller('PostController', function($scope, $postService) {
$scope.posts = $postService.getPosts();
And here is my test:
describe('PostController', function(){
var posts, $postService;
beforeEach(function() {
posts = [
title: 'Article title',
tags: [
{ name: 'Tag #1', link: 'posts/tagged/tag-1' },
{ name: 'Tag #2', link: 'posts/tagged/tag-2' },
{ name: 'Tag #3', link: 'posts/tagged/tag-3' }
body: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis efficitur nisi nec neque molestie ultricies. ' +
'Mauris facilisis libero lorem. Praesent pulvinar dictum justo, at tincidunt magna convallis at. Integer' +
'laoreet justo vel faucibus placerat. Sed quis elit vel ante dictum dictum. Mauris ut ullamcorper tortor.' +
'Phasellus finibus ex justo, eget rutrum felis lobortis tincidunt. Curabitur hendrerit elit enim, a fermentum' +
'odio egestas mollis.',
author: { name: 'Dan', link: 'users/Dan-1' },
postDate: '0 seconds ago'
postService = {
getPosts: function() { return posts; }
it('should create "posts" model with posts from PostService', inject(function($controller) {
var scope = {},
ctrl = $controller('PostController', {$scope: scope, $postService: postService});
The test works in this state, however I will be unable to run the controller at runtime because there is no explicit dependency;
Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: $postServiceProvider <- $postService
However, if I wrap the controller in something like this:
app.controller('PostController', ['$postService', inject(function($scope, $postService) {
$scope.posts = $postService.getPosts();
Then the controller will work at runtime, however in testing, $postService will always be undefined from inside of the controller.
Has anyone come across this issue, and if so, what am I missing here?
Try this:
you are missing $scope
app.controller('PostController', ['$scope', '$postService', function($scope, $postService) {
$scope.posts = $postService.getPosts();

Voting widget to have a minimum of zero (no negatives)

I have a voting widget where visitors to a site can vote up or down on their favorite game. However, visitors are able to down vote to the negatives too!
For example, if the current voteCount on my game object on the scope is set to 0, a user can come along, press the down arrow and change it to -1. How can I stop this from happening?
I can do this manually by doing a check before the voting happens, but is there no angular filter to do this?
Also, what is the quickest way to allow a user a single vote instead of endless votes? Would cookies be the quickest way? or HTML5's LocalStorage?
myApp.controller('VotingCtrl', function($scope){
$scope.games = [
name: 'Watch Dogs',
description: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ut felis dapibus, bibendum dui eu.',
imgUrl: 'img/watchdogs.jpg',
voteCount: 0
name: 'Thief',
description: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ut felis dapibus, bibendum dui eu.',
imgUrl: 'img/thief.jpg',
voteCount: 0
name: 'Fifa 2014',
description: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ut felis dapibus, bibendum dui eu.',
imgUrl: 'img/fifa2014.jpg',
voteCount: 0
$scope.voteUp = function(game) {
game.voteCount += 1;
$scope.voteDown = function(game) {
game.voteCount -= 1;
One way is to change your voteDown method to not decrement if voteCount = 0.
The other way (which I would prefer) is to disable downVote button if the voteCount has reached 0, using ng-disabled. This will make it clear to the user that he/she cannot downvote anymore.
Edit: Pseudo Code for using ng-disabled.
In your view, you can do something like, assuming you are disabling a span.
<span ng-disabled="isDownVoteDisabled(game)"></span>
In your controller, you can define
$scope.isDownVoteDisabled = function(game) {
return game.voteCount <= 0;
