Get Mouse Position on Canvas (But NOT on window)? - wpf

I have a project in WPF 4 and 2010.
I have a canvas inside a window. The window is full screen, but the canvas is set to a solid 640x480 in the center of the window. I need to get the mouse position inside of the canvas, but NOT inside of the window. How do I do this?

Doesn't this work?
Point p = Mouse.GetPosition(canvas);
The position of the mouse pointer is
calculated relative to the specified
element with the upper-left corner of
element being the point of origin,

Hi the important thing is the
NOT on the Window
the canvas is part of the window as well.
one example:
the Window.AllowsTransparency state is on true
the Window.Background is #00000000 (completely transparent)
the Window.Style is None
the Window.State is Maximized and
there are NO controls or elements on the window!
so if you start the application you will see Nothing
now tell me how to get the mouseposition on the screen in pixel
if you juse Mouse.GetPosition(this); it will return x0 y0 every time

so I solved the Problem by using System.Windows.Forms.Control.MousePosition it's a bit a mix of wpf and Windows.Forms but I've given up xD.
Sorry for yelling :/
To make it easy for me I made a Extension:
<DebuggerHidden> _
<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension> _
Public Function toWfpPoint(p As System.Drawing.Point) As Point
Return new Point(p.X, p.Y)
End Function
Now I just can juse it like this:
Dim MousPos As Point = System.Windows.Forms.Control.MousePosition.toWfpPoint


Move (zoom and pan) around a large Canvas

I have a lot of images placed on a canvas (~150 pages converted PDF).
I would like to be able to move around from one region to another of this canvas by animating the movement (zoom and pan).
My animation keys are in a listbox. I have a "play" button to play all.
When I click an animation key, my "camera" automatically moves to the defined location.
It's a kind of "Prezi wall".
This is only half or three quarters of an answer really, but hopefully you can fill in the gaps. You could try using the VisualBrush Class. First you set up the visual that the VisualBrush will paint using your full Canvas:
VisualBrush visualBrush = new VisualBrush();
visualBrush.Visual = yourCanvasElement;
You then paint with the Brush onto, let's say, a Rectangle element:
Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle();
rectangle.Fill = visualBrush;
You can then use the VisualBrush.Viewbox property to move the content about. Now I think that there is some way of zooming in and out, but I can't remember at the moment.
Alternatively, you could use the ViewBox class. You can get your zooming effect by changing the size of the content and the ViewBox and get your panning effect by using a ScrollViewer. There's a post on StackOverflow that demonstrates this, so please take a look at the Zooming To Mouse Point With ScrollView and ViewBox in Wpf post for more help with this method.

Shapes Clipping

I'm having a problem that's driving me crazy for a couple hours...
I am drawing a shape - ellipse,
then im creating a new brush - from an image,
I apply the brush to my shape,
and then I rotate the shape..
The problem is: Everthying is displaying correctly - but...
As soon as I drag the shape to the edge of the window - thats where the formular ends,
it's starting to cut of some parts of the shape.
It's simply not drawing the part that should be not visible, because overflowing the form.
But in my case, I've rotated the shape, so it's cutting the wrong part of it.
This is what it look's like. Is there a way to kinda "reset" the cliping.. Or another solution...
Solved It.
Set the parent element's width and height larger then the window is (its was HorizontalAlignment.Stretch) before.
Now you'll never reach the cliping edge of the parent

Dynamic drawing of opacity mask

I've got two background pictures, one is blurry, the other one is the same picture, but more colorful.
The default background image is the blurry one.
When I move the cursor, I'd like to change the background image from the blurry to the colorful one,
but only in a circle around the cursor,
and when I move the cursor forward, the changed background stays where the circle around the cursor went earlier.
(like when you scratch a lottery ticket with a coin)
I think I have to handle the MouseMove event, and use the MouseEventArgs cursor position,
but I cannot go through, and I really need help!
Thanks in advance!
You might want to try following this path:
Add a Canvas to your page, with the same size as both of your images
Create a clipping path in the shape of an ellipse (<Ellipse ...>) and position it outside of your image, in the canvas
Put the "blurry image" on your canvas first (below), and then the "sharp image", filling the whole canvas.
Let the ellipse be the clipping mask of your "sharp image" (using Image.Clip or YourUIElement.Clip (reference on MSDN)
Move your ellipse with the mouse cursor. The code might look like this (note: I didn't test the code):
imageCanvas.MouseMove += imageCanvas_MouseMove;
private void imageCanvas_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
Point mousePosition = e.GetPosition();
Canvas.SetTop(myEllipse, mousePosition.Y - myEllipse.ActualHeight / 2);
Canvas.SetLeft(myEllipse, mousePosition.X - myEllipse.ActualWidth / 2);
If this works, you can increment your visual design adding animations on MouseEnter/MouseLeave, etc.

scrollviewer and canvas - scrolling view to given position

I have some problems with implementing autoscrolling in WPF (I think I could call it that way).
I have a canvas placed inside a scrollviwer. On my canvas I can dynamicly add different shapes. The position of this shapes can be changed with mouse. Everytime I add new shape on canvas or change position of shape I fire measureOverride function.Thanks to this scrollview "know" the real size of canvas and the scrollbars appear. However even if scrolbars appear, the view doesn't "follow" shape which I currently move. I mean if I reach visible part of canvas I would like canvas to srcoll.
I was trying to use this function
However I have problem with proper use of that function. I was trying to use (as a parameter) canvas actualwidth but it didn't work well. I also was trying to use as a parameter current position of shape (which I move) but it works only one way. I the viewer follow the moving element if I was moving this element to right side of canvas. However if I move shape back(to the left) the view don't follow the shape.
I hope somebody will understand this :) It is hard to explain my problem.
I also was trying to use as a
parameter current position of shape
That is the correct way to implement. Waht you need is a converter, which will returns the position according to the direction you move the object.

Silverlight - Possible to not rotate parent window overlay when ChildWindow rotates?

I've got a ChildWindow that rotates 180 degrees when I click a button.
I'm also using a ChildWindow.OverlayBrush to dim out the parent window.
This of course rotates as well when the ChildWindow rotates.
Is there anyway to dim out the parent window without it rotating with the ChildWindow?
2 options spring to mind:
You either need the OverlayBrush to
not be under the same element you
rotate (can you rotate a child
within the window instead?)
Or, you need to rotate the overlay
brush in the opposite direct in the
same animation so that it cancels
out the motion.
