VS2010 Database Project Doesn't Properly Rename Columns - database

The more I use the DB Project, the less useful I find it. I'm trying to use this project type to manage my db schema and be able to use it to generate differences for test/production schema updates.
Right now I'm stuck trying to rename a column. I am using the object refactor tool, which updates the refactorlog, but that log seems to have no impact on the deployment of the sql file. Every time I deploy or diff it generates the sql as a column drop and add which purges all the existing data. You'd think the schema diff tool would have an option to map 2 columns as a rename, but that feature is conveniently missing.
Also, the Always re-create database option doesn't appear to do anything. Regardless of the state of this checkbox, my deployed sql is exactly the same. Which means each time I run it my database is re-created, which is contrary to what the document is telling me for unchecking this to run updates.
If the db project can't do a simple rename, then it's pretty much useless since I can't trust it to render the proper update sql (if and when I figure out how to prevent it from re-creating my database).
At this point I'm about to punt and just manage everything by hand, which I would prefer not to do, because contrary to my "useless" statement, the VS DB tools do some nice things, but 90% of the way there isn't good enough.
Has anyone else had experience dealing with these issues with a VS2010 DB Project who can talk me off the ledge?

VS 2010 Schema Compare does not use the refactor log. That is used only when doing a project deployment. Here is a definitive statement to that effect from the product manager:


How to create a script for SQL Server database create / upgrade from any state

I need to create scripts for creating or updating a database. The scripts are created from my test Database or from my source control.
The script needs to upgrade a database from any version of my application to the current version so it needs to be agnostic to what already exists in the database.
I do not have access to the databases that will be upgraded.
If a table does not exist the script should create it.
If the table exists the script should check if all the columns exist (And check their types).
I wrote a lot of this checking code in C# as in i have an SQL create table script and the C# code checks if the table (and columns) exists before running the script.
My code is not production ready and i wanted to know what ready made solutions are out there.
I have no experience with frameworks that can do this.
Such an inquiry is off-topic for SO anyway.
But depending on your demands, it may not be too hard to implement something yourself.
One straightforward approach would be to work with incremental schema changes; basically just a chronological list of SQL scripts.
Never change or delete existing script (unless something really bad is in there).
Instead, just keep adding upgrade scripts for every new version.
Yes, 15 years later you will have accumulated 5,000 scripts.
Trust me, it will be the least of your problems.
To create a new database, just execute the full chain of scripts in chronological order.
For upgrades, there are two possibilities.
Keep a progress list in every database.
That is basically just a table containing the names of all scripts that have already been executed there.
To upgrade, just execute every script that is not in that list already. Add them to the list as you go.
Note: if necessary, this can be done with one or more auto-generated, deployable, static T-SQL scripts.
Make every script itself responsible for recognizing whether or not it needs to do anything.
For example, a 'create table' script checks if the table already exists.
I would recommend a combination of the two:
option #1 for new versions (as it scales a lot better than #2)
option #2 for existing versions (as it may be hard to introduce #1 retroactively on legacy production databases)
Depending on how much effort you will put in your upgrade scripts, the 'option #2' part may be able to fix some schema issues in any given database.
In other words, make sure you start off with scripts that are capable of bringing messy legacy databases back in line with the schema dictated by your application.
Future scripts (the 'option #1' part) have less to worry about; they should trust the work done by those early scripts.
No, this approach is not resistant against outside interference, like a rogue sysadmin.
It will not magically fix a messed-up schema.
It's an illusion to think you can do that automatically, without somebody analyzing the problem.
Even if you have a tool that will recreate every missing column and table, that will not bring back the data that used to be in there.
And if you are not interested in recovering data, then you might as well discard (part of) the database and start from scratch.
On the other hand, I would recommend to make the upgrade scripts 'idempotent'.
Running it once or running it twice should make no difference.
For example, use DROP TABLE IF EXISTS rather than DROP TABLE; the latter will throw an exception when executed again.
That way, in desperate times you may still be able to repair a database semi-automatically, simply by re-running everything.
If you are talking about Schema state, you can look at state-based deployment-tools instead of change-based. (not the official terminology)
You should look at these two tools
SQL Server Data Tools (Dacpac) data-tier-applications which is practically free
RedGate has an entire toolset for this https://www.red-gate.com/solutions/need/automate. which is licensed
The one thing to keep in mind with State based deployments is that you don't control how the database gets from one-state to another, with SSDT
For example a column-rename = drop and recreate that column, same for a table-rename.
In their defence they do have some protections and do tell you what is about to happen.
EDIT (Updating to address comment below)
It should not be a problem that you can't access the TargetDb while in development. You can still use the above tools provided you can use them (Dacpac/Redgate) tooling when you are deploying to the TargetDb.
If you are hoping to have a dynamic TSQL script that can update a target database in an unknown state. Then that is a recipe for failure/disaster. I do have some suggestions at the end for dealing with this.
The way I see it working is
Do your development using Dacpac/Redgate
Build your artefacts Dacpac / Redgate package
Copy artefact to the deployment server with tools
when doing deployments use the tools (Dacpac Powershell) or Redgate manually
If your only choice is a TSQL script, then the only option is extensive-defensive coding covering all possibilities.
Every object must have an existence check
Every property must have a state check
Every object/property must have a roll forward / roll backward script.
For example to sync a table
A Script to check the table exists, if not create it
A script to check each property of the table is in the correct state
check all columns and their data-types and script to update them to match
check defaults
check indexes, partitioning etc
Even with this, you might not be able to handle every scenario.
The work you are trying to do requires you start using a standard change control process.
Given the risk of data loss, and issues related to creation of columns in a specific sequence and the potential for column definitions to change.
I recommend you look at defining a base line version which you will manually have to upgrade each system to.
You can roll your own code, and use a schema version table, or use any one of the tools available such as redgate sql source control, visual studio database projects, dbup, or others.
I do not believe any tool will bring you from 0-1, however, once you baseline, any one of these tools will greatly facilitate your workflow.
Start with this article Get Your Database Under Version Control
Here are some tools that can help you?
Octopus Schema Migrations
Flyway By Redgate
Idera Database Change Management
SQL Server Data Tools

How do you track database changes in source control?

We use SQL Server 2000/2005 and Vault or SVN on most of our projects. I haven't found a decent solution for capturing database schema/proc changes in either source control system.
Our current solution is quite cumbersome and difficult to enforce (script out the object you change and commit it to the database).
We have a lot of ideas of how to tackle this problem with some custom development, but I'd rather install an existing tool (paid tools are fine).
So: how do you track your database code changes? Do you have any recommended tools?
Thanks for all the suggestions. Due to time constraints, I'd rather not roll my own here. And most of the suggestions have the flaw that they require the dev to follow some procedure.
Instead, an ideal solution would monitor the SQL Database for changes and commit any detected changes to SCM. For example, if SQL Server had an add-on that could record any DML change with the user that made the change, then commit the script of that object to SCM, I'd be thrilled.
We talked internally about two systems:
1. In SQL 2005, use object permissions to restrict you from altering an object until you did a "checkout". Then, the checkin procedure would script it into the SCM.
2. Run a scheduled job to detect any changes and commit them (anonymously) to SCM.
It'd be nice if I could skip the user-action part and have the system handle all this automatically.
Use Visual studio database edition to script out your database. Works like a charm and you can use any Source control system, of course best if it has VS plugins. This tool has also a number of other useful features. Check them out here in this great blog post
or check out MSDN for the official documentation
Tracking database changes directly from SSMS is possible using various 3rd party tools. ApexSQL Source Control automatically scripts any database object that is included in versioning. Commits cannot be automatically performed by the tool. Instead, the user needs to choose which changes will be committed.
When getting changes from a repository, ApexSQL Source Control is aware of a SQL database referential integrity. Thus, it will create a synchronization scripts including all dependent objects that will be wrapped in a transactions so, either all changes will be applied in case no error is encountered, or none of the selected changes is applied. In any case, database integrity remains unaffected.
I have to say I think a visual studio database project is also a reasonable solution to the source control dilemma. If it's set up correctly you can run the scripts against the database from the IDE. If your script is old, get the latest, run it against the DB. Have a script that recreates all the objects as well if you need, new objects must be added to the this script as well by hand, but only once
I like every table, proc and function to be in it's own file.
One poor man's solution would be to add a pre-commit hook script that dumps out the latest db schema into a file and have that file committed to your SVN repository along with your code. Then, you can diff the db schema files from any revision.
I just commit the SQL-alter-Statement additional to the complete SQL-CreateDB-statement.
Rolling your own from scratch would not be very doable, but if you use a sql comparison tool like Redgate SQL Compare SDK to generate your change files for you it would not take very long to half-roll what you want and then just check those files into source control. I rolled something similar for myself to update changes from our development systems to our live systems in just a few hours.
In our environment, we never change the DB manually: all changes are done by scripts at release time, and the scripts are kept in the version control system. One important part of this procedure is to be sure that all scripts can be run again against the same DB the scripts are idempotent?) without loss of data. For example, if you add a column, make sure that you do nothing if the column is already there.
Your comment about "suggestions have the flaw that they require the dev to follow some procedure" is really a tell-tale. It's not a flaw, it's a feature. Version control helps developers in following procedures and makes the procedures less painful. If you don't want to follow procedures, you don't need version control.
In SQL2000 generate each object into it's own file, then check them all into your source control. Let your source control handle the change history.
In SQL 2005, you'll need to write a bit of code to generate all objects into separate files.
In one project I arranged by careful attention in the design that all the important data in the database can be automatically recreated from external places. At startup the application creates the database if it is missing, and populates it from external data sources, using a schema in the application source code (and hence versioned with the application). The database store name (a sqlite filename although most database managers allow multiple databases) includes a schema version, and we increase the schema version whenever we commit a schema change. This means when we restart the application to a new version with a different schema that a new database store is automatically created and populated. Should we have to revert a deployment to an old schema then the new run of the old version will be using the old database store, so we get to do fast downgrades in the event of trouble.
Essentially, the database acts like a traditional application heap, with the advantages of persistence, transaction safety, static typing (handy since we use Python) and uniqueness constraints. However, we don't worry at all about deleting the database and starting over, and people know that if they try some manual hack in the database then it will get reverted on the next deployment, much like hacks of a process state will get reverted on the next restart.
We don't need any migration scripts since we just switch database filename and restart the application and it rebuilds itself. It helps that the application instances are sharded to use one database per client. It also reduces the need for database backups.
This approach won't work if your database build from the external sources takes longer than you will allow the application to be remain down.
If you are using .Net and like the approach Rails takes with Migrations, then I would recommend Migrator.Net.
I found a nice tutorial that walks through setting it up in Visual Studio. He also provides a sample project to reference.
We developed a custom tool that updates our databases. The database schema is stored in a database-neutral XML file which is then read and processed by the tool. The schema gets stored in SVN, and we add appropriate commentary to show what was changed. It works pretty well for us.
While this kind of solution is definitely overkill for most projects, it certainly makes life easier at times.
Our dbas periodically check prod against what is in SVN and delete any objects not under source control. It only takes once before the devlopers never forget to put something in source control again.
We also do not allow anyone to move objects to prod without a script as our devs do not have prod rights this is easy to enforce.
In order to track all the change like insert update and delete there will be a lot of overhead for the SVN.
It is better to track only the ddl changes like (alter, drop, create) which changes the schema.
You can do this Schema tracking easily by creating a table and a trgger to insert data to that table.
Any time you want u can get the change status by querying from that table
There are a lots of example here and here

How to keep code base and database schema in synch?

So recently on a project I'm working on, we've been struggling to keep a solution's code base and the associated database schema in synch (Database = SQL Server 2008).
Database changes occur fairly regularly (adding columns, constraints, relationships, etc) and as a result it's not uncommon for people to do a 'Get Latest' from source control and
find that they also need to rebuild the database as well (and sometimes they forget to do the latter).
We're not using VSTS: Database Edition (DataDude) but the standard Visual Studio database project with a script (batch file) which tears down and recreates the database from T-SQL scripts. The solution is a .Net & ASP.net solution with LINQ to SQL underlying as the ORM.
Anyone have ideas on an approach to take (automated or not) which would keep everyone up to date with the latest database schema?
Continuous integration with MSBuild is an option, but only helps pick up any breaking changes committed, it doesn't really help in the scenario I highlighted above.
We are using Team Foundation Server, if that helps..
We try to work forward from the creation scripts.
i.e a change to the database is not authorised unless the script has been tested and checked into source control.
But this assumes that the database team is integrated with your app team which is usually not the case in a large project...
(I was tempted to answer this "with great difficulty")
EDIT: Tools won't help you if your process isn't right.
Ok although its not the entire solution, you should include an assertion in the Application code that links up to the database to assert the correct schema is being used, that way at least it becomes obvious, and you avoid silent bugs and people complaining that stuff went crazy all of the sudden.
As for the schema version, you could use some database specific functionality if available, but i personally prefer to declare a schema version table and keep the version number in there, that way its portable and can be checked with a simple select statement
have a look at DB Ghost - you can create a dbp using the scripter in seconds and then manage all your database code with the change manager. www.dbghost.com
This is exactly what DB Ghost was designed to handle.
We basically do things the way you are, with the generation script checked into source control as well. I'm the designated database master so all changes to the script itself are done through me. People send me scripts of the changes they have made, I update my master copy of the schema, run a generate scripts (SSMS) to produce the new DB script, and then check it in. I keep my copy of the code current with any changes that are being made elsewhere. We're a small shop so this works pretty well for us. I realize that it probably doesn't scale.
If you are not using Visual Studio Database Professional Edition, then you will need another tool that can break the database down into its elemental pieces so that they are managable and changeable in an easier manner.
I'd recommend seriously considering Redgate's SQL tools if you want to maintain sanity over all your database changes and updates.
SQL Packager
SQL Multi Script
SQL Refactor
Use a tool like RedGate SQL Compare to generate the change schema between any given version of the database. You can then check that file into source code control
Have a look at this question: dynamic patching of databases. I think it's similar enough to your problem to be helpful.
My solution to this problem is simple. Define everything as XML, and make sure that both the database, the ORM and the UI are generated from this XML, no exceptions. That way, you can use code generation tools to quickly regenerate the database creation script, which will alter your schema while (hopefully) preserving some data. It takes some effort to do, but the net result is well worth it.

Testing and Managing database versions against code versions

As you develop an application database changes inevitably pop up. The trick I find is keeping your database build in step with your code. In the past I have added a build step that executed SQL scripts against the target database but that is dangerous in so much as you could inadvertanly add bogus data or worse.
My question is what are the tips and tricks to keep the database in step with the code? What about when you roll back the code? Branching?
Version numbers embedded in the database are helpful. You have two choices, embedding values into a table (allows versioning multiple items) that can be queried, or having an explictly named object (such as a table or somesuch) you can test for.
When you release to production, do you have a rollback plan in the event of unexpected catastrophe? If you do, is it the application of a schema rollback script? Use your rollback script to rollback the database to a previous code version.
You should be able to create your database from scratch into a known state.
While being able to do so is helpful (especially in the early stages of a new project), many (most?) databases will quickly become far too large for that to be possible. Also, if you have any BLOBs then you're going to have problems generating SQL scripts for your entire database.
I've definitely been interested in some sort of DB versioning system, but I haven't found anything yet. So, instead of a solution, you'll get my vote. :-P
You really do want to be able to take a clean machine, get the latest version from source control, build in one step, and run all tests in one step. Making this fast makes you produce good software faster.
Just like external libraries, database configuration must also be in source control.
Note that I'm not saying that all your live database content should be in the same source control, just enough to get to a clean state. (Do back up your database content, though!)
Define your schema objects and your reference data in version-controlled text files. For example, you can define the schema in Torque format, and the data in DBUnit format (both use XML). You can then use tools (we wrote our own) to generate the DDL and DML that take you from one version of your app to another. Our tool can take as input either (a) the previous version's schema & data XML files or (b) an existing database, so you are always able to get a database of any state into the correct state.
I like the way that Django does it. You build models and the when you run a syncdb it applies the models that you have created. If you add a model you just need to run syncdb again. This would be easy to have your build script do every time you made a push.
The problem comes when you need to alter a table that is already made. I do not think that syncdb handles that. That would require you to go in and manually add the table and also add a property to the model. You would probably want to version that alter statement. The models would always be under version control though, so if you needed to you could get a db schema up and running on a new box without running the sql scripts. Another problem with this is keeping track of static data that you always want in the db.
Rails migration scripts are pretty nice too.
A DB versioning system would be great, but I don't really know of such a thing.
While being able to do so is helpful (especially in the early stages of a new project), many (most?) databases will quickly become far too large for that to be possible. Also, if you have any BLOBs then you're going to have problems generating SQL scripts for your entire database.
Backups and compression can help you there. Sorry - there's no excuse not to be able to get a a good set of data to develop against. Even if it's just a sub-set.
Put your database developments under version control. I recommend to have a look at neXtep designer :
It is a free GPL product which offers a brand new approach to database development and deployment by connecting version information with a SQL generation engine which could automatically compute any upgrade script you need to upgrade any version of your database into another. Any existing database could be version controlled by a reverse synchronization.
It currently supports Oracle, MySql and PostgreSql. DB2 support is under development. It is a full-featured database development environment where you always work on version-controlled elements from a repository. You can publish your updates by simple synchronization during development and you can generate exportable database deliveries which you will be able to execute on any targetted database through a standalone installer which validates the versions, performs structural checks and applies the upgrade scripts.
The IDE also offers you SQL editors, dependency management, support for modular database model components, data model diagrams, SQL clients and much more.
All the documentation and concepts could be found in the wiki.

Automating DB Object Migrations from Source Control

I'm looking for some "Best Practices" for automating the deployment of Stored Procedures/Views/Functions/Table changes from source control. I'm using StarTeam & ANT so the labeling is taken care of; what I am looking for is how some of you have approached automating the pull of these objects from source - not necessarily StarTeam.
I'd like to end up with one script that can then be executed, checked in, and labeled.
I'm NOT asking for anyone to write that - just some ideas or approaches that have (or haven't) worked in the past.
I'm trying to clean up a mess and want to make sure I get this as close to "right" as I can.
We are storing the tables/views/functions etc. in individual files in StarTeam and our DB is SQL 2K5.
We use SQL Compare from redgate (http://www.red-gate.com/).
We have a production database, a development database and each developer has their own database.
The development database is synchronised with the changes a developer has made to their database when they check in their changes.
The developer also checks in a synchronisation script and a comparison report generated by SQL Compare.
When we deploy our application we simply synchronise the development database with the production database using SQL Compare.
This works for us because our application is for in-house use only. If this isn't your scenario then I would look at SQL Packager (also from redgate).
I prefer to separate views, procedures, and triggers (objects that can be re-created at will) from tables. For views, procedures, and triggers, just write a job that will check them out and re-create the latest.
For tables, I prefer to have a database version table with one row. Use that table to determine what new updates have not been applied. Then each update is applied and the version number is updated. If an update fails, you have only that update to check and you can re-run know that the earlier updates will not happen again.
