org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: missing content stream - solr

I have installed Apache Solr with Tomcat and my /solr/admin is working fine. But when I try to issue /solr/update I am getting the following error. What could be the reason?
org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: missing content stream

If you add commit parameter i.e. ?commit=true, it will work

/solr/update will look for any input documents to be indexed. Running plain /solr/update will cause this exception since there is no input for it. The easiest way to run it is like,
java -Durl=localhost:8080/<your apache solr context path, mostly solr>/update -jar post.jar *.xml
This can also happen through SolrJ/spring-data-solr if you try to persist an empty collection of documents.
So solrClient.add(new ArrayList<SolrInputDocument>(), 10000);
would also cause the error.


Solr 4 Data Import Handler doesn't work

I am deploying Solr 4.3.0 in Tomcat 7.
Everything works fine but DataImportHandler. I can go to the
screen and see the dataimport options load at the UI.
Still, I can see any of my entities load in the "entity" combo box. Inside the configuration box, at the right side I can see the error below.
Apache Tomcat/7.0.41 - Error
525D76;}--> HTTP Status 500 - Filter execution threw an exception
noshade="noshade">type Exception reportmessage
Filter execution threw an exceptiondescription
The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from
fulfilling this request.exception
javax.servlet.ServletException: Filter execution threw an
exception root cause
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/spi/LoggingEvent
note The full stack trace of the root cause is
available in the Apache Tomcat/7.0.41 logs.Apache Tomcat/7.0.41
Problem is that I have the "log4j-1.2.16.jar" loaded in the classpath (it's on Tomcat lib dir).
Anyone have stepped in this problem?
Try following the steps outlined in Using the example logging setup in containers other than Jetty. I have encountered this same error when running Solr 4.3 until I followed these steps to configure logging.
After changing the directory, did you change the directory path in solrconfig.xml file.
I just want to make sure after the making changes in configuration file, did you restart the tomcat and solr server?
You need to copy the slf4j-log4j12-1.6.6.jar from the ext of Solr into the lib folder.
You also need to put the file there.

Need help understanding Solr

I'm just getting started with Nutch and Solr. I ran the crawl once with just one seed URL.
I ran this command:
bin/nutch crawl urls -dir crawl -solr http://localhost:8983/solr/ -depth 3 -topN 5
Everything goes fine and I'm assuming Solr indexes the pages? So how do I go about searching now? I went here localhost:8983/solr/admin/ but when I put a search query and click search I get this:
Problem accessing /solr/select/.
Reason: undefined field text
I also tried an example from the tutorial but when I run this command:
java -jar post.jar solr.xml monitor.xml
I get this:
SimplePostTool: version 1.4
SimplePostTool: POSTing files to http://localhost:8983/solr/update..
SimplePostTool: POSTing file solr.xml
SimplePostTool: FATAL: Solr returned an error #400 ERROR: [doc=SOLR1000] unknown field 'name'
My ultimate goal is to somehow add this data into Accumulo and use it for a search engine.
I'm assuming you are using Nutch 1.4 or up. If that is the case, you need to change the type of the fields you added in the solr/conf/schema.xml file from "text" to "text_general", without the quotes.
I am working towards a similar goal right now and have used that fix to at least get solr working properly, although I still cannot get solr to search the indexed sites. Hope this helps, let me know if you get it working.

NoClassDefFoundError MimeTypeException with PDF extraction

I am getting an exception trying to use update/extract with PDF files
My Set up is:-
Ubuntu Server 11.10
Tomcat 6
I can browse to solr/admin OK
I have put all the contrib/extract and apache-solr-cell3.5.0.jar libraries into the tomcat folder webapps/solr/WEB-INF/lib
I am calling extract using:-
curl "http://localhost:8080/solr/update/extract?uprefix=attr_&fmap.content=attr_content&commit=true" -F "file=/path/to/my.pdf"
error is
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/tika/mime/MimeTypeException
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(
at org.apache.solr.core.SolrResourceLoader.findClass(
at org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore.createInstance(
at org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore.createRequestHandler(
at org.apache.solr.core.RequestHandlers$LazyRequestHandlerWrapper.getWrappedHandler(
at org.apache.solr.core.RequestHandlers$LazyRequestHandlerWrapper.handleRequest(
at org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore.execute(
Would appreciate any pointers - the only time this error seems to come up elsewhere is with Nutch and cached results.
I have tried sending the mimetype in the querystring and also a *.doc file but got the same error.
According to the error message it is not a MimeTypeException exception you get: The problem is a NoClassDefFoundError, because Solr cannot load the class MimeTypeException.
Normally this class is present in tika-core.jar.
Make sure you actually have that file and also check if you have a lib statement in your solrconfig.xml pointing to the right directory.
This was due to the basic error of copying the necessary tika libraries (to tomcat6/webapps/solr/WEB-INF/lib) but leaving ownership of the jar files as ROOT instead of chown-ing them to TOMCAT6. After setting the right permission and restarting Tomcat it started working OK
Found the solution of this problem, I was using SolrJ to update my pdf indexing.
after deploy solr to tomcat, I didn't include the following libraries into the tomcat/webapp
and I get all the lazy loading problem, etc etc
I even try to get apache tika...
until I do this...
shutdown tomcat
copy the libraries above to below
startup tomcat

Building Solr indexes through Haystack throws unknown field error

I'm trying to integrate Haystack with Solr. When I try to build the index, I get an error
"Unknown field django_id" from SOLR. What's causing this to happen?
You also get this error if you haven't given Solr the schema.xml file which Haystack generates for you, as explained here in the docs.
The schema.xml was malformed as I had copied additional text from the console.
If you added new fields to your database and copied the generated XML files from Haystack, you might also be getting this error because you haven't restarted jetty/Tomcat/whatever server you are using. This solved it for me on Ubuntu and Jetty:
sudo /etc/init.d/jetty stop
sudo /etc/init.d/jetty start
(by the way, that would also be the same as simply doing this):
sudo service jetty restart
Or, if you are using tomcat, that would be
sudo service tomcat6 restart
Edit: (tested this with Tomcat, and it solved the same problem again, the same as with Jetty).

How to set solr/home in linux OS?

I know how to configure solr.home by using Tomcat 6, but I don't know how to set solr.home by using Glassfish(V2.1). I have tried to set the solr.home in .profile as fellows:
export solr.home=/home/huenzhao/search/solr
export solr/home=/home/huenzhao/search/solr
export solr.solr.home=/home/huenzhao/search/solr
export JAVA_OPTS=$JAVA_OPTS -Dsolr.solr.home=/home/huenzhao/search/solr
and they all not work. The error is:
HTTP Status 500 - Severe errors in solr configuration. Check your log
files for more detailed information on what may be wrong. If you want
solr to continue after configuration errors, change:
false in null
------------------------------------------------------------- java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't find resource 'solrconfig.xml' in
classpath or 'solr/conf/',
cwd=/home/huenzhao/search/glassfish/domains/domain1/config at
at org.apache.solr.core.Config.( at
org.apache.solr.core.SolrConfig.( at
org.apache.solr.core.SolrConfig.( at
at com.sun.enterprise.web.WebModule.start( at
Anybody knows?
if you are running solr inside tomcat as a container you can specify the solr home inside the XML descriptor for this webapp. (my terminology for this is probably a little off).
I've got xml fragments for each solr instance I want to run and they specify their own local solr home directory inside the xml fragment. The fragments live at /conf/Catalina/localhost and each one manages a solr instance. This way I can have multiple solr instances on the same machine each with their own solr home variable.
The info is here:
In paticular
Create a Tomcat Context fragment to
point docBase to the
$SOLR_HOME/apache-solr-1.3.0.war file
and solr/home to $SOLR_HOME:
or place the file in
where Tomcat will automatically pick
it up. Tomcat deletes the file on
undeploy (which happens automatically
if the configuration is invalid).
Try to set the following:
export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dsolr.solr.home=/home/huenzhao/search/solr/"
Try setting a Java environment parameter from Java or edit your VM configuration:
System.setProperty("solr.solr.home", "/home/user/apache-solr-1.4/example/solr");
In my case I simply copied the 'solr' folder to glassfish/domains/domain1/config and it worked.
