Error during the executing a file with GMP library - c

I have installed gmp library many times and run several programs. Every time I run my first program after 'successful' compilation, i hit the following error.
./a.out: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
After immense amount of looking over the net, I was not able to resolve this issue correctly.
PS: One suggestion in one of the forums was to create the link to the library file in i think /usr/lib. But it was condemned badly in the same thread.
Eventually I want my code to run. A quick solution for this issue would be appreciated.

Try ldd ./a.out which should show you where the system is looking for the lib. But yeah, it means that it's not correctly installed, or that the search path for this lib is not good.
So the symlink may be a good idea. How did you installed GMP on your computer? apt-like or compilation?


How to include linux/module.h in my source file?

I have looked at other similar questions around stackoverflow, but it doesn't seem to work for me. I am trying to compile a code sample, and it needs these header files:
But I keep getting errors saying that those files can't be found. I know I should add them to the kernel, but can you please guide me through the process and tell me how to get this done. Thanks in advance for any help.
The code sample can be found here.
You probably want to compile kernel source code first, or check if the below path exists
Or more precisely
/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build
path to your kernel build
This is generally the path where your kernel build tree is present.
Needless to say normal gcc based compilation wont work here.
This should get you started
Some of these files are shipped with any linux distro in :
but if you haven't linux installed in your machine see linux source tree in github repo :

Linker cannot find existing Static Library File

I have a Eclipse project using C programming language. I have been stuck with a problem related to linker error since two days now. I have checked various forums to find a solution. Tried a lot of the suggestions but could not resolve it. So as a last resort, i am asking question here. My main program MotorRun.c has code which calls functions in the static library FtMscLib_Static_LIBCMT_Release.Lib which is in Libs folder in the path C:\FT-Project\Common\Libs. I am using MinGW gcc compiler.
When i run the makefile, it generates an error:
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/4.9.1/../../../../x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -lC:\FT-Project\Common\Libs\FtMscLib_Static_LIBCMT_Release.Lib
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
The code run by the makefile is
gcc "-LC:\\FT-Project\\Common\\Libs" -shared -o libRoboCopMinGW.exe "src\\MotorRun.o" "-lC:\\FT-Project\\Common\\Libs\\FtMscLib_Static_LIBCMT_Release.Lib"
By looking at the execution code, we can see that the paths and library name has been set correctly, but the linker just cannot find it so that it can link the library with my MotorRun.o object file. Hope someone can help me in finding a solution.
The program MotorRun.c is a very simple one, so i am not posting it here. But if necessary i can update it later. Thanks in advance!
The correct linker syntax is typically something like:
-Lpath_to_library_directory -lname
where the library filename (for a Windows static library) would be name.lib. So your above linker line needs to lose the .lib part. You may also need to prefix the -l argument with another argument -static, to instruct the linker to search for the static library FtMscLib_Static_LIBCMT_Release.Lib otherwise it might try to find the DLL instead.
By the way, there are heaps of posts on StackOverflow regarding the issue of static and dynamic linking with MinGW, so feel free to search for these also. The MinGW web pages also have numerous tips on the same topic.

How to compile LuaFileSystem library and get .dll file WITHOUT luarocks?

So, I got file "lfs.c" "lfs.h" "lfs.def" and ".gitignore". I tried installing MinGW and typing in that command: gcc lfs.c (Keep in mind that I'm a total newbie in such things), which leaves me with error "failed to include lua.h"... I don't know how to do that, can anyone please explain to me how to do that? Or at least give me the link to already compiled lfs.dll?
You are likely to be missing Lua include files; see this SO answer for details on how to set it up.
Simply getting lfs.dll may not be so easy as different DLLs may depends on different Lua DLLs on Windows. I have lfs.dll that is compiled against Lua51.dll, so if this works for your project/needs, you can get a compiled version here.

How to manage wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64 at computer cluster

I have a problem with the library when I execute a program in MATLAB. The code works fine on my laptop and my desktop, which is why I'm sure the problem is a library or linking compatibility issue:
/home/arturo/Virality/viral_cluster_ml/Viral_features/code/segment_pedro/segment: error while loading shared libraries: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64
I've google some answers on how to fix the library, and some say that I should remove the library to later re-install the correct version:
error while loading shared libraries: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64
The problem is that I can't afford the luxury to delete a library, because I am ssh'ing to a cluster at the lab I'm working in. I really wouldn't want to mess up any programs that are running at the cluster, so isn't there another way of fixing this problem? I'm hoping a solution similar to:
sudo apt-get install libstd++6
that doesn't require me to delete or modify any files, but rather to install them.
Or maybe the error is that I'm not linking the library correctly?
The file does exist, as when I use
the computer finds it at these directories:
I've also tried setting the path to the the file before running MATLAB, without anyluck:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64:/home/arturo/Virality/viral_cluster_ml/Viral_features/code/scene_sun ./matlab
Similar link and problem:
Problem was solved by recompiling a subfolder of the code on the cluster.

Unable to load shared library: undefined symbols

I have my own program with plugins (dynamic shared libraries) on a linux (ubuntu) system. My libraries (plugins) use OpenCV (maybe not so important).
My plugins are in /usr/local/lib/mysoft/.
I have compiled my program successfully even with libraries, successfully installed so everything seems to be OK up to this point.
When I run my program, it loads a bunch of these libraries based on some configuration file. I have several libraries which are loaded successfully but I cannot load one library. It gives me error when loading (used dlopen() to open the library):
/usr/local/lib/mysoft/ undefined symbol: _ZN2cv6resizeERKNS_11_InputArrayERKNS_12_OutputArrayENS_5Size_IiEEddi
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Tue Nov 20 19:11:29 CET 2012
It obviously has some problems to find cv::resize which is part of OpenCV but I don't understand why.
I checked following things:
OpenCV is probably correctly installed since other libraries use it as well and are loaded without problems
no dependencies of my program, or OpenCV are missing (checked with ldd)
Architecture of all libraries and binaries seems to be the same (I checked it with objdump -f)
Does anybody have an idea what am I doing wrong?
This post seems to be so relevant but still didn't help:
Linux shared library that uses a shared library undefined symbol
Well I found the problem, hopefully it can help others...
The problem - I was missing one OpenCV library when compiling. So I replaced "opencv_core opencv_highgui" by "opencv_core opencv_imgproc opencv_highgui" and everything works.
So although I was able to compile it one of the dependencies was missing - I guess something has changed in OpenCV cause these sources worked perfectly (even with build) with older versions of the OpenCV.
