Memory management for gauss elimination - c

A matrix is created in processor 0 and scattered to other processors. A matrix is a symmetric dense matrix. That's why it is initialized in processor 0.
A matrix is created in this way:
for (i=0; i<N; i++)
for(j=0; j<N; j++)
A(i,j)=rand()%10; // The code will be changed.
A(i,j) is defined as:
#define A(i,j) A[i*N+j]
and N has to be 100,000 to test the algorithm.
The problem here is: if N=100,000 then the memory needed is approximately 76GB. What do you suggest to store the A matrix?
PS: Algorithm works very well when N<20.000 and the cluster is a distrubed memory system(2GB RAM per processor)

If you are doing this, as stated in comments, to do a scaling test, then Oli Charlesworth is completely right; anything you do is going to make this an apples-to-oranges comparison, because your node doesn't have 76GB to use. Which is fine; one of the big reasons to use MPI is to tackle problems that couldn't fit on one node. But by trying to shoehorn 76GB of data onto one processor, the comparison you're doing isn't going to make any sense. As mentioned by both Oli Charlesworth and caf, through various methods you can use disk instead of RAM, but then your 1 processor answer is going not going to be directly comparable to the fits-in-RAM numbers you get from larger number of nodes, so you're going to be going to a lot of work to get a number which won't actually mean anything.
If you want scaling results on this sort of problem, you either start with the lowest number of nodes that the problem does fit on, and take data at increasing numbers of processors, or you do weak scaling, rather than strong scaling tests -- you keep the work-per-processor constant while scaling up the number of processors, rather than the total work being constant.
Incidentally, however you do the measurements, you'll end up with better results if, as Oli Charlesworth suggests, you have each procesor generate its own data rather than have a serial bottleneck by having rank 0 do the generation of the matrix and then have all the processors receive their parts.

If you are programming on a POSIX system with sufficient virtual address space (which in practice will mean a 64 bit system), you can use mmap().
Either create an anonymous mapping of the required size (this will be swap-backed, which will mean you'll need at least 76GB of swap), or create a real file of the required size and map that.
The file-backed solution has the advantage that if your cluster has a shared file system, you don't need to explicitly transfer the matrix to each processor - you can simply msync() it after creating it, and then map the right region on each processor.

If you can switch to C++, you might look into STXXL, which is an STL implementation specifically designed for huge datasets, with transparent disk-backed support, etc.


Basic GPU application, integer calculations

Long story short, I have done several prototypes of interactive software. I use pygame now (python sdl wrapper) and everything is done on CPU. I am starting to port it to C now and at the same time search for the existing possibilities to use some GPU power to entlast the CPU from redundant operations. However I cannot find a good "guideline" what exact technology/tools should I pick in my situation. I just read plethora of docs, it drains my mental powers very fast. I am not sure if it is possible at all, so I'm puzzled.
Here I've made a very rough sketch of my typical application skeleton that I develop, but given that it uses GPU now (note, I have almost zero practical knowledge about GPU programming). Still important is that data types and functionality must be exactly preserved. Here it is:
So F(A,R,P) is some custom function, for example element substitution, repetition, etc. Function is presumably constant in program lifetime, rectangle's shapes generally are not equal with A shape, so it is not in-place calculation. So they are simply generated whith my functions. Examples of F: repeat rows and columns of A; substitute values with values from Substitution tables; compose some tiles into single array; any math function on A values, etc. As said all this can be easily made on CPU, but app must be really smooth. BTW in pure Python it became just unusable after adding several visual features, which are based on numpy arrays. Cython helps to make fast custom functions but then the source code is already kind of a salad.
Does this schema reflect some (standart) technology/
Is CUDA what I am looking for? If yes, some links/examples which coincides whith my application structure, would be great.
I realise, this a big question, so I will give more details if it helps.
Here is a concrete example of two typical calculations for my prototype of bitmap editor. So the editor works with indexes and the data include layers with corresponding bit masks. I can determine the size of layers and masks are same size as layers and, say, all layers are same size (1024^2 pixels = 4 MB for 32 bit values). And my palette is say, 1024 elements (4 Kilobytes for 32 bpp format).
Consider I want to do two things now:
Step 1. I want to flatten all layers in one. Say A1 is default layer (background) and layers 'A2' and 'A3' have masks 'm2' and 'm3'. In python i'd write:
from numpy import logical_not
Result = (A1 * logical_not(m2) + A2 * m2) * logical_not(m3) + A3 * m3
Since the data is independent I believe it must give speedup proportionl to number of parallel blocks.
Step 2. Now I have an array and want to 'colorize' it with some palette, so it will be my lookup table. As I see now, there is a problem with simultanous read of lookup table element.
But my idea is, probably one can just duplicate the palette for all blocks, so each block can read its own palette? Like this:
When your code is highly parallel (i.e. there are small or no data dependencies between stages of processing) then you can go for CUDA (more finegrained control over synching) or OpenCL (very similar AND portable OpenGL-like API to interface with the GPU for kernel processing). Most of the acceleration work we do happens in OpenCL, which has excellent interop with both OpenGL and DirectX, but we also have the same setup working with CUDA. One big difference between CUDA and OpenCL is that in CUDA you can compile kernels once and delay-load (and/or link) them in your app, whereas in OpenCL the compiler plays nice with the OpenCL driver stack to ensure the kernel is compiled when the app starts.
One alternative that is often overlooked if you're using Microsoft Visual Studio is C++AMP, a C++ syntax-friendly and intuitive api for those who do not want to dig into the logic twists and turns of OpenCL/CUDA API's. Big advantage here is that the code also works if you do not have a GPU in the system, but then you do not have as many options to tweak performance. Still, in a lot of cases, this is a fast and efficient way to write proof your concept code and re-implement bits and parts in CUDA or OpenCL later.
OpenMP and Thread Building Blocks are only good alternatives when you have synching issues and lots of data dependencies. Native threading using worker threads is also a viable solution, but only if you have a good idea on how synch-points can be set up between the different processes in such a way that threads do not starve each-other out when fighting for priority. This is a lot harder to get right, and tools such as Parallel Studio are a must. But then, so is NVida NSight if you're writing GPU code.
A new platform called Quasar ( is being developed that enables you to write your math problems in a syntax that is very similar to Matlab, but with full support of c/c++/c# or java integration, and cross-compiles (LLVM, CLANG) your "kernel" code to any underlying hardware configuration. It generates CUDA ptx files, or runs on openCL, or even on your CPU using TBB's, or a mixture of them. Using a few monikers, you can decorate the algorithm so that the underlying compiler can infer types (you can also explicitly use strict typing), so you can leave the type-heavy stuff entirely up to the compiler. To be fair, at the time of writing, the system is still w.i.p. and the first OpenCL compiled programs are just being tested, but most important benefit is fast prototyping with almost identical performance compared to optimized cuda.
What you want to do is send values really fast to the GPU using the high frequency dispatch and then display the result of a function which is basically texture lookups and some parameters.
I would say this problem will only be worth solving on the GPU if two conditions are met:
The size of A[] is optimised to make the transfer times irrelevant (Look at,
The lookup table is not too big and/or the lookup values are organized in a way that the cache can be maximally utilized, in general random lookups on the GPU can be slow, ideally you can pre-load the R[] values in a shared memory buffer for each element of the A[] buffer.
If you can answer both of those questions positively then and only then consider having a go at using the GPU for your problem, else those 2 factors will overpower the computational speed-up that the GPU can provide you with.
Another thing you can have a look at is to as best as you can overlap the transfer and computing times to hide as much as possible the slow transfer rates of CPU->GPU data.
Regarding your F(A, R, P) function you need to make sure that you do not need to know the value of F(A, R, P)[0] in order to know what the value of F(A, R, P)[1] is because if you do then you need to rewrite F(A, R, P) to go around this issue, using some parallelization technique. If you have a limited number of F() functions then this can be solved by writing a parallel version of each F() function for the GPU to use, but if F() is user-defined then your problem becomes a bit trickier.
I hope this is enough information to have an informed guess towards whether you should or not use a GPU to solve your problem.
Having read your edit, I would say yes. The palette could fit in shared memory (See GPU shared memory size is very small - what can I do about it?) which is very fast, if you have more than one palette, you could fit 16KB (size of shared mem on most cards) / 4KB per palette = 4 palettes per block of threads.
One last warning, integer operations are not the fastest on the GPU, consider using floating points if necessary after you have implemented your algorithm and it is working as a cheap optimization.
There is not much difference between OpenCL/CUDA so choose which works better for you. Just remember that CUDA will limit you to the NVidia GPUs.
If i understand corretly to your problem, kernel (function executed on GPU) should be simple. It should follow this pseudocode:
kernel main(shared A, shared outA, const struct R, const struct P, const int maxOut, const int sizeA)
int index := getIndex() // get offset in input array
if(sizeA >= index) return // GPU often works better when n of threads is 2^n
int outIndex := index*maxOut // to get offset in output array
outA[outIndex] := F(A[index], R, P)
Functions F should be inlined and you can use switch or if for different function. Since there is not known size of the output of F, then you have to use more memory. Each kernel instance must know positions for correct memory writes and reads so there have to be some maximum size (if there is none, than this all is useless and you have to use CPU!). If different sizes are sparse, then I would use something like computing these different sizes after getting the array back to RAM and compute these few with CPU, while filling outA with some zeros or indication values.
Sizes of arrays are obviously length(A) * maxOut = length(outA).
I forgot to mention that if execution of F is not same in most of the cases (same source code), than GPU will serialize it. GPU multiprocessors have a few cores connected into the same instruction cache so it will have to serialize the code, which is not the same for all cores! OpenMP or threads are better choice for this kind of problem!

Understand whether code sample is CPU bound or Memory bound

As a general question to those working on optimization and performance tuning of programs, how do you figure out if your code is CPU bound or Memory bound? I understand these concepts in general, but if I have say, 'y' amounts of loads and stores and '2y' computations, how does one go about finding what is the bottleneck?
Also can you figure out where exactly you are spending most of your time and say, if you load 'x' amount of data into cache (if its memory bound), in every loop iteration, then your code will run faster? Is there any precise way to determine this 'x', other than trial and error?
Are there any tools that you'll use, say on the IA-32 or IA-64 architecture? Doest VTune help?
For example, I'm currently doing the following:
I have 26 8*8 matrices of complex doubles and I have to perform a MVM (matrix vector multiplication) with (~4000) vectors of length 8, for each of these 26 matrices. I use SSE to perform the complex multiplication.
/*Copy 26 matrices to temporary storage*/
for(int i=0;i<4000;i+=2){//Loop over the 4000 vectors
for(int k=0;k<26;k++){//Loop over the 26 matrices
Perform MVM in blocks of '2' between kth matrix and
'i' and 'i+1' vector
The 26 matrices take 26kb (L1 cache is 32KB) and I have laid the vectors out in memory such that I have stride'1' accesses. Once I perform MVM on a vector with the 27 matrices, I don't visit them again, so I don't think cache blocking will help. I have used vectorization but I'm still stuck on 60% of peak performance.
I tried copying, say 64 vectors, into temporary storage, for every iteration of the outer loop thinking they'll be in cache and help, but its only decreased performance. I tried using _mm_prefetch() in the following way: When I am done with about half the matrices, I load the next 'i' and 'i+1' vector into memory, but that too hasn't helped.
I have done all this assuming its memory bound but I want to know for sure. Is there a way?
To my understanding the best way is profiling your application/workload. Based on the input data, the characteristic of the application/workload can significantly vary. These behaviors can however be quantified with to few phases Ref[2, 3] and a histogram can broadly tell the most frequent path of the workload to be optimized. The question that you are asking will also require benchmark programs [like SPEC2006, PARSEC, Media bench etc] for an architecture and is difficult to answer in general terms ( and is an active part of research in computer architecture). However, for specific cases a quantitative result can be stated for different memory hierarchies. You can use tools like:
and other monitoring and simulation tools to get the profiling traces of the application. You can look at performance counters like IPC, CPI ( for CPU bound) and memory access, cache misses, cache access , and other memory counters for determining memory IPC, Memory access per cycle (MPC), is often used to determine the memory boundedness of an application/workload.
To specifically improve matrix multiplication, I would suggest using a optimized algorithm as in LAPACK.

How can we allocate memory of order 10^15 in C

I need to allocate memory of order of 10^15 to store integers which can be of long long type.
If i use an array and declare something like
long long a[1000000000000000];
that's never going to work. So how can i allocate such a huge amount of memory.
Really large arrays generally aren't a job for memory, more one for disk. 1015 array elements at 64 bits apiece is (I think) 8 petabytes. You can pick up 8G memory slices for about $15 at the moment so, even if your machine could handle that much memory or address space, you'd be outlaying about $15 million dollars.
In addition, with upcoming DDR4 being clocked up to about 4GT/s (giga-transfers), even if each transfer was a 64-bit value, it would still take about one million seconds just to initialise that array to zero. Do you really want to be waiting around for eleven and a half days before your code even starts doing anything useful?
And, even if you go the disk route, that's quite a bit. At (roughly) $50 per TB, you're still looking at $400,000 and you'll possibly have to provide your own software for managing those 8,000 disks somehow. And I'm not even going to contemplate figuring out how long it would take to initialise the array on disk.
You may want to think about rephrasing your question to indicate the actual problem rather than what you currently have, a proposed solution. It may be that you don't need that much storage at all.
For example, if you're talking about an array where many of the values are left at zero, a sparse array is one way to go.
You can't. You don't have all this memory, and you'll don't have it for a while. Simple.
EDIT: If you really want to work with data that does not fit into your RAM, you can use some library that work with mass storage data, like stxxl, but it will work a lot slower, and you have always disk size limits.
MPI is what you need, that's actually a small size for parallel computing problems the blue gene Q monster at Lawerence Livermore National Labs holds around 1.5 PB of ram. you need to use block decomposition to divide up your problem and viola!
the basic approach is dividing up the array into equal blocks or chunks among many processors
You need to uppgrade to a 64-bit system. Then get 64-bit-capable compiler then put a l at the end of 100000000000000000.
Have you heard of sparse matrix implementation? In one of the sparse matrices, you just use very little part of the matrix despite of the matrix being huge.
Here are some libraries for you.
Here is a basic info about sparse-matrices You dont actually use all of it. Just the needed few points.

What is the ideal growth rate for a dynamically allocated array?

C++ has std::vector and Java has ArrayList, and many other languages have their own form of dynamically allocated array. When a dynamic array runs out of space, it gets reallocated into a larger area and the old values are copied into the new array. A question central to the performance of such an array is how fast the array grows in size. If you always only grow large enough to fit the current push, you'll end up reallocating every time. So it makes sense to double the array size, or multiply it by say 1.5x.
Is there an ideal growth factor? 2x? 1.5x? By ideal I mean mathematically justified, best balancing performance and wasted memory. I realize that theoretically, given that your application could have any potential distribution of pushes that this is somewhat application dependent. But I'm curious to know if there's a value that's "usually" best, or is considered best within some rigorous constraint.
I've heard there's a paper on this somewhere, but I've been unable to find it.
I remember reading many years ago why 1.5 is preferred over two, at least as applied to C++ (this probably doesn't apply to managed languages, where the runtime system can relocate objects at will).
The reasoning is this:
Say you start with a 16-byte allocation.
When you need more, you allocate 32 bytes, then free up 16 bytes. This leaves a 16-byte hole in memory.
When you need more, you allocate 64 bytes, freeing up the 32 bytes. This leaves a 48-byte hole (if the 16 and 32 were adjacent).
When you need more, you allocate 128 bytes, freeing up the 64 bytes. This leaves a 112-byte hole (assuming all previous allocations are adjacent).
And so and and so forth.
The idea is that, with a 2x expansion, there is no point in time that the resulting hole is ever going to be large enough to reuse for the next allocation. Using a 1.5x allocation, we have this instead:
Start with 16 bytes.
When you need more, allocate 24 bytes, then free up the 16, leaving a 16-byte hole.
When you need more, allocate 36 bytes, then free up the 24, leaving a 40-byte hole.
When you need more, allocate 54 bytes, then free up the 36, leaving a 76-byte hole.
When you need more, allocate 81 bytes, then free up the 54, leaving a 130-byte hole.
When you need more, use 122 bytes (rounding up) from the 130-byte hole.
In the limit as n → ∞, it would be the golden ratio: ϕ = 1.618...
For finite n, you want something close, like 1.5.
The reason is that you want to be able to reuse older memory blocks, to take advantage of caching and avoid constantly making the OS give you more memory pages. The equation you'd solve to ensure that a subsequent allocation can re-use all prior blocks reduces to xn − 1 − 1 = xn + 1 − xn, whose solution approaches x = ϕ for large n. In practice n is finite and you'll want to be able to reusing the last few blocks every few allocations, and so 1.5 is great for ensuring that.
(See the link for a more detailed explanation.)
It will entirely depend on the use case. Do you care more about the time wasted copying data around (and reallocating arrays) or the extra memory? How long is the array going to last? If it's not going to be around for long, using a bigger buffer may well be a good idea - the penalty is short-lived. If it's going to hang around (e.g. in Java, going into older and older generations) that's obviously more of a penalty.
There's no such thing as an "ideal growth factor." It's not just theoretically application dependent, it's definitely application dependent.
2 is a pretty common growth factor - I'm pretty sure that's what ArrayList and List<T> in .NET uses. ArrayList<T> in Java uses 1.5.
EDIT: As Erich points out, Dictionary<,> in .NET uses "double the size then increase to the next prime number" so that hash values can be distributed reasonably between buckets. (I'm sure I've recently seen documentation suggesting that primes aren't actually that great for distributing hash buckets, but that's an argument for another answer.)
One approach when answering questions like this is to just "cheat" and look at what popular libraries do, under the assumption that a widely used library is, at the very least, not doing something horrible.
So just checking very quickly, Ruby (1.9.1-p129) appears to use 1.5x when appending to an array, and Python (2.6.2) uses 1.125x plus a constant (in Objects/listobject.c):
/* This over-allocates proportional to the list size, making room
* for additional growth. The over-allocation is mild, but is
* enough to give linear-time amortized behavior over a long
* sequence of appends() in the presence of a poorly-performing
* system realloc().
* The growth pattern is: 0, 4, 8, 16, 25, 35, 46, 58, 72, 88, ...
new_allocated = (newsize >> 3) + (newsize < 9 ? 3 : 6);
/* check for integer overflow */
if (new_allocated > PY_SIZE_MAX - newsize) {
return -1;
} else {
new_allocated += newsize;
newsize above is the number of elements in the array. Note well that newsize is added to new_allocated, so the expression with the bitshifts and ternary operator is really just calculating the over-allocation.
Let's say you grow the array size by x. So assume you start with size T. The next time you grow the array its size will be T*x. Then it will be T*x^2 and so on.
If your goal is to be able to reuse the memory that has been created before, then you want to make sure the new memory you allocate is less than the sum of previous memory you deallocated. Therefore, we have this inequality:
T*x^n <= T + T*x + T*x^2 + ... + T*x^(n-2)
We can remove T from both sides. So we get this:
x^n <= 1 + x + x^2 + ... + x^(n-2)
Informally, what we say is that at nth allocation, we want our all previously deallocated memory to be greater than or equal to the memory need at the nth allocation so that we can reuse the previously deallocated memory.
For instance, if we want to be able to do this at the 3rd step (i.e., n=3), then we have
x^3 <= 1 + x
This equation is true for all x such that 0 < x <= 1.3 (roughly)
See what x we get for different n's below:
n maximum-x (roughly)
3 1.3
4 1.4
5 1.53
6 1.57
7 1.59
22 1.61
Note that the growing factor has to be less than 2 since x^n > x^(n-2) + ... + x^2 + x + 1 for all x>=2.
Another two cents
Most computers have virtual memory! In the physical memory you can have random pages everywhere which are displayed as a single contiguous space in your program's virtual memory. The resolving of the indirection is done by the hardware. Virtual memory exhaustion was a problem on 32 bit systems, but it is really not a problem anymore. So filling the hole is not a concern anymore (except special environments). Since Windows 7 even Microsoft supports 64 bit without extra effort. # 2011
O(1) is reached with any r > 1 factor. Same mathematical proof works not only for 2 as parameter.
r = 1.5 can be calculated with old*3/2 so there is no need for floating point operations. (I say /2 because compilers will replace it with bit shifting in the generated assembly code if they see fit.)
MSVC went for r = 1.5, so there is at least one major compiler that does not use 2 as ratio.
As mentioned by someone 2 feels better than 8. And also 2 feels better than 1.1.
My feeling is that 1.5 is a good default. Other than that it depends on the specific case.
The top-voted and the accepted answer are both good, but neither answer the part of the question asking for a "mathematically justified" "ideal growth rate", "best balancing performance and wasted memory". (The second-top-voted answer does try to answer this part of the question, but its reasoning is confused.)
The question perfectly identifies the 2 considerations that have to be balanced, performance and wasted memory. If you choose a growth rate too low, performance suffers because you'll run out of extra space too quickly and have to reallocate too frequently. If you choose a growth rate too high, like 2x, you'll waste memory because you'll never be able to reuse old memory blocks.
In particular, if you do the math1 you'll find that the upper limit on the growth rate is the golden ratio ϕ = 1.618… . Growth rate larger than ϕ (like 2x) mean that you'll never be able to reuse old memory blocks. Growth rates only slightly less than ϕ mean you won't be able to reuse old memory blocks until after many many reallocations, during which time you'll be wasting memory. So you want to be as far below ϕ as you can get without sacrificing too much performance.
Therefore I'd suggest these candidates for "mathematically justified" "ideal growth rate", "best balancing performance and wasted memory":
≈1.466x (the solution to x4=1+x+x2) allows memory reuse after just 3 reallocations, one sooner than 1.5x allows, while reallocating only slightly more frequently
≈1.534x (the solution to x5=1+x+x2+x3) allows memory reuse after 4 reallocations, same as 1.5x, while reallocating slightly less frequently for improved performance
≈1.570x (the solution to x6=1+x+x2+x3+x4) only allows memory reuse after 5 reallocations, but will reallocate even less infrequently for even further improved performance (barely)
Clearly there's some diminishing returns there, so I think the global optimum is probably among those. Also, note that 1.5x is a great approximation to whatever the global optimum actually is, and has the advantage being extremely simple.
1 Credits to #user541686 for this excellent source.
It really depends. Some people analyze common usage cases to find the optimal number.
I've seen 1.5x 2.0x phi x, and power of 2 used before.
If you have a distribution over array lengths, and you have a utility function that says how much you like wasting space vs. wasting time, then you can definitely choose an optimal resizing (and initial sizing) strategy.
The reason the simple constant multiple is used, is obviously so that each append has amortized constant time. But that doesn't mean you can't use a different (larger) ratio for small sizes.
In Scala, you can override loadFactor for the standard library hash tables with a function that looks at the current size. Oddly, the resizable arrays just double, which is what most people do in practice.
I don't know of any doubling (or 1.5*ing) arrays that actually catch out of memory errors and grow less in that case. It seems that if you had a huge single array, you'd want to do that.
I'd further add that if you're keeping the resizable arrays around long enough, and you favor space over time, it might make sense to dramatically overallocate (for most cases) initially and then reallocate to exactly the right size when you're done.
I recently was fascinated by the experimental data I've got on the wasted memory aspect of things. The chart below is showing the "overhead factor" calculated as the amount of overhead space divided by the useful space, the x-axis shows a growth factor. I'm yet to find a good explanation/model of what it reveals.
Simulation snippet:
Neither shape nor the absolute values that simulation reveals are something I've expected.
Higher-resolution chart showing dependency on the max useful data size is here:
UPDATE. After pondering this more, I've finally come up with the correct model to explain the simulation data, and hopefully, it matches experimental data nicely. The formula is quite easy to infer simply by looking at the size of the array that we would need to have for a given amount of elements we need to contain.
Referenced earlier GitHub gist was updated to include calculations using scipy.integrate for numerical integration that allows creating the plot below which verifies the experimental data pretty nicely.
UPDATE 2. One should however keep in mind that what we model/emulate there mostly has to do with the Virtual Memory, meaning the over-allocation overheads can be left entirely on the Virtual Memory territory as physical memory footprint is only incurred when we first access a page of Virtual Memory, so it's possible to malloc a big chunk of memory, but until we first access the pages all we do is reserving virtual address space. I've updated the GitHub gist with CPP program that has a very basic dynamic array implementation that allows changing the growth factor and the Python snippet that runs it multiple times to gather the "real" data. Please see the final graph below.
The conclusion there could be that for x64 environments where virtual address space is not a limiting factor there could be really little to no difference in terms of the Physical Memory footprint between different growth factors. Additionally, as far as Virtual Memory is concerned the model above seems to make pretty good predictions!
Simulation snippet was built with g++.exe simulator.cpp -o simulator.exe on Windows 10 (build 19043), g++ version is below.
g++.exe (x86_64-posix-seh-rev0, Built by MinGW-W64 project) 8.1.0
PS. Note that the end result is implementation-specific. Depending on implementation details dynamic array might or might not access the memory outside the "useful" boundaries. Some implementations would use memset to zero-initialize POD elements for whole capacity -- this will cause virtual memory page translated into physical. However, std::vector implementation on a referenced above compiler does not seem to do that and so behaves as per mock dynamic array in the snippet -- meaning overhead is incurred on the Virtual Memory side, and negligible on the Physical Memory.
I agree with Jon Skeet, even my theorycrafter friend insists that this can be proven to be O(1) when setting the factor to 2x.
The ratio between cpu time and memory is different on each machine, and so the factor will vary just as much. If you have a machine with gigabytes of ram, and a slow CPU, copying the elements to a new array is a lot more expensive than on a fast machine, which might in turn have less memory. It's a question that can be answered in theory, for a uniform computer, which in real scenarios doesnt help you at all.
I know it is an old question, but there are several things that everyone seems to be missing.
First, this is multiplication by 2: size << 1. This is multiplication by anything between 1 and 2: int(float(size) * x), where x is the number, the * is floating point math, and the processor has to run additional instructions for casting between float and int. In other words, at the machine level, doubling takes a single, very fast instruction to find the new size. Multiplying by something between 1 and 2 requires at least one instruction to cast size to a float, one instruction to multiply (which is float multiplication, so it probably takes at least twice as many cycles, if not 4 or even 8 times as many), and one instruction to cast back to int, and that assumes that your platform can perform float math on the general purpose registers, instead of requiring the use of special registers. In short, you should expect the math for each allocation to take at least 10 times as long as a simple left shift. If you are copying a lot of data during the reallocation though, this might not make much of a difference.
Second, and probably the big kicker: Everyone seems to assume that the memory that is being freed is both contiguous with itself, as well as contiguous with the newly allocated memory. Unless you are pre-allocating all of the memory yourself and then using it as a pool, this is almost certainly not the case. The OS might occasionally end up doing this, but most of the time, there is going to be enough free space fragmentation that any half decent memory management system will be able to find a small hole where your memory will just fit. Once you get to really bit chunks, you are more likely to end up with contiguous pieces, but by then, your allocations are big enough that you are not doing them frequently enough for it to matter anymore. In short, it is fun to imagine that using some ideal number will allow the most efficient use of free memory space, but in reality, it is not going to happen unless your program is running on bare metal (as in, there is no OS underneath it making all of the decisions).
My answer to the question? Nope, there is no ideal number. It is so application specific that no one really even tries. If your goal is ideal memory usage, you are pretty much out of luck. For performance, less frequent allocations are better, but if we went just with that, we could multiply by 4 or even 8! Of course, when Firefox jumps from using 1GB to 8GB in one shot, people are going to complain, so that does not even make sense. Here are some rules of thumb I would go by though:
If you cannot optimize memory usage, at least don't waste processor cycles. Multiplying by 2 is at least an order of magnitude faster than doing floating point math. It might not make a huge difference, but it will make some difference at least (especially early on, during the more frequent and smaller allocations).
Don't overthink it. If you just spent 4 hours trying to figure out how to do something that has already been done, you just wasted your time. Totally honestly, if there was a better option than *2, it would have been done in the C++ vector class (and many other places) decades ago.
Lastly, if you really want to optimize, don't sweat the small stuff. Now days, no one cares about 4KB of memory being wasted, unless they are working on embedded systems. When you get to 1GB of objects that are between 1MB and 10MB each, doubling is probably way too much (I mean, that is between 100 and 1,000 objects). If you can estimate expected expansion rate, you can level it out to a linear growth rate at a certain point. If you expect around 10 objects per minute, then growing at 5 to 10 object sizes per step (once every 30 seconds to a minute) is probably fine.
What it all comes down to is, don't over think it, optimize what you can, and customize to your application (and platform) if you must.

Why is that data structures usually have a size of 2^n?

Is there a historical reason or something ? I've seen quite a few times something like char foo[256]; or #define BUF_SIZE 1024. Even I do mostly only use 2n sized buffers, mostly because I think it looks more elegant and that way I don't have to think of a specific number. But I'm not quite sure if that's the reason most people use them, more information would be appreciated.
There may be a number of reasons, although many people will as you say just do it out of habit.
One place where it is very useful is in the efficient implementation of circular buffers, especially on architectures where the % operator is expensive (those without a hardware divide - primarily 8 bit micro-controllers). By using a 2^n buffer in this case, the modulo, is simply a case of bit-masking the upper bits, or in the case of say a 256 byte buffer, simply using an 8-bit index and letting it wraparound.
In other cases alignment with page boundaries, caches etc. may provide opportunities for optimisation on some architectures - but that would be very architecture specific. But it may just be that such buffers provide the compiler with optimisation possibilities, so all other things being equal, why not?
Cache lines are usually some multiple of 2 (often 32 or 64). Data that is an integral multiple of that number would be able to fit into (and fully utilize) the corresponding number of cache lines. The more data you can pack into your cache, the better the performance.. so I think people who design their structures in that way are optimizing for that.
Another reason in addition to what everyone else has mentioned is, SSE instructions take multiple elements, and the number of elements input is always some power of two. Making the buffer a power of two guarantees you won't be reading unallocated memory. This only applies if you're actually using SSE instructions though.
I think in the end though, the overwhelming reason in most cases is that programmers like powers of two.
Hash Tables, Allocation by Pages
This really helps for hash tables, because you compute the index modulo the size, and if that size is a power of two, the modulus can be computed with a simple bitwise-and or & rather than using a much slower divide-class instruction implementing the % operator.
Looking at an old Intel i386 book, and is 2 cycles and div is 40 cycles. A disparity persists today due to the much greater fundamental complexity of division, even though the 1000x faster overall cycle times tend to hide the impact of even the slowest machine ops.
There was also a time when malloc overhead was occasionally avoided at great length. Allocation's available directly from the operating system would be (still are) a specific number of pages, and so a power of two would be likely to make the most use of the allocation granularity.
And, as others have noted, programmers like powers of two.
I can think of a few reasons off the top of my head:
2^n is a very common value in all of computer sizes. This is directly related to the way bits are represented in computers (2 possible values), which means variables tend to have ranges of values whose boundaries are 2^n.
Because of the point above, you'll often find the value 256 as the size of the buffer. This is because it is the largest number that can be stored in a byte. So, if you want to store a string together with a size of the string, then you'll be most efficient if you store it as: SIZE_BYTE+ARRAY, where the size byte tells you the size of the array. This means the array can be any size from 1 to 256.
Many other times, sizes are chosen based on physical things (for example, the size of the memory an operating system can choose from is related to the size of the registers of the CPU etc) and these are also going to be a specific amount of bits. Meaning, the amount of memory you can use will usually be some value of 2^n (for a 32bit system, 2^32).
There might be performance benefits/alignment issues for such values. Most processors can access a certain amount of bytes at a time, so even if you have a variable whose size is let's say) 20 bits, a 32 bit processor will still read 32 bits, no matter what. So it's often times more efficient to just make the variable 32 bits. Also, some processors require variables to be aligned to a certain amount of bytes (because they can't read memory from, for example, addresses in the memory that are odd). Of course, sometimes it's not about odd memory locations, but locations that are multiples of 4, or 6 of 8, etc. So in these cases, it's more efficient to just make buffers that will always be aligned.
Ok, those points came out a bit jumbled. Let me know if you need further explanation, especially point 4 which IMO is the most important.
Because of the simplicity (read also cost) of base 2 arithmetic in electronics: shift left (multiply by 2), shift right (divide by 2).
In the CPU domain, lots of constructs revolve around base 2 arithmetic. Busses (control & data) to access memory structure are often aligned on power 2. The cost of logic implementation in electronics (e.g. CPU) makes for arithmetics in base 2 compelling.
Of course, if we had analog computers, the story would be different.
FYI: the attributes of a system sitting at layer X is a direct consequence of the server layer attributes of the system sitting below i.e. layer < x. The reason I am stating this stems from some comments I received with regards to my posting.
E.g. the properties that can be manipulated at the "compiler" level are inherited & derived from the properties of the system below it i.e. the electronics in the CPU.
I was going to use the shift argument, but could think of a good reason to justify it.
One thing that is nice about a buffer that is a power of two is that circular buffer handling can use simple ands rather than divides:
#define BUFSIZE 1024
++index; // increment the index.
index &= BUFSIZE; // Make sure it stays in the buffer.
If it weren't a power of two, a divide would be necessary. In the olden days (and currently on small chips) that mattered.
It's also common for pagesizes to be powers of 2.
On linux I like to use getpagesize() when doing something like chunking a buffer and writing it to a socket or file descriptor.
It's makes a nice, round number in base 2. Just as 10, 100 or 1000000 are nice, round numbers in base 10.
If it wasn't a power of 2 (or something close such as 96=64+32 or 192=128+64), then you could wonder why there's the added precision. Not base 2 rounded size can come from external constraints or programmer ignorance. You'll want to know which one it is.
Other answers have pointed out a bunch of technical reasons as well that are valid in special cases. I won't repeat any of them here.
In hash tables, 2^n makes it easier to handle key collissions in a certain way. In general, when there is a key collission, you either make a substructure, e.g. a list, of all entries with the same hash value; or you find another free slot. You could just add 1 to the slot index until you find a free slot; but this strategy is not optimal, because it creates clusters of blocked places. A better strategy is to calculate a second hash number h2, so that gcd(n,h2)=1; then add h2 to the slot index until you find a free slot (with wrap around). If n is a power of 2, finding a h2 that fulfills gcd(n,h2)=1 is easy, every odd number will do.
