RedGate SQL tools v Microsoft Visual Studio Team System Database Edition (Data Dude) - sql-server

I've been looking at RedGate's SQL tools and Microsofts Visual Studio Team System Database Edition (formerly Data Dude) for use within a testing and continuous integration environment.
What we need to be able to do is have:
Schema and Data under source control
Automated continuous integration using TeamCity (command line)
Push changes (and data) to
environments (staging, production,
test) but not from Visual Studio
What solution would best fit our needs and what are peoples opinions, views and experiences of both products. Which did/would you choose and why? Are there any alternatives that I have missed?

Have a look at this SO question Source Control tools for Visual Studio 2010 and SQL Server 2008 scripts and database updates?


Redgate Extension for Visual Studio

I want to know if there is a Redgate Extension for Oracle databases in Visual Studio similar to "ReadyRoll SQL Server Database Project" which supports SQL Server databases only ??
Thank you all.
Here at Redgate we have the Deployment Suite for Oracle. It is IDE agnostic, meaning it doesn't matter where you make your database changes, Visual Studio, SQL Developer, Toad etc. The tool words by detecting differences between your dev instance and what's in version control and prompts you to check in the differences.
If you want a ReadyRoll-like experience, in other words, you'd prefer migrations-based deployments over state-based deployments, the best we can offer today is a preview of an integration with Flyway, which is a highly popular and easy-to-use migrations-runner. See the Migration Script Support section of our roadmap for more details on how to try it out.

SSDT download guidance

I have SQL Server Management Studio. I've imported an excel file and learned how to write queries on the database. I'm interested in a report templates. I read about SSDT and assume that would be useful to me. When I click on File > New > Project, my options don't include the "Business Intelligence" menu items (i.e. Reporting Services).
The Microsoft page:
Where I downloaded SSDT, specifically refers to "Visual Studio." Is that different than Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio? Will SSDT work with SS Management Studio, or do I need to downoad "Visual Studio" as well, or are they one in the same... a bit confused. Thanks for any guidance on this.
Visual Studio and SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) are not the same thing. SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) only works within Visual Studio, and has nothing to do with SSMS. If you want to use what SSDT offers, you will need a compatible version of Visual Studio to do so.
Updated per request:
SSMS is used to do development around the SQL Server stack, where VS is an all around development tool that you can use to build applications in many programming languages.
Is used to be that SSDT was called Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS), and was more of a stand-alone thing; it was really off to the side of the SQL Server stack that business intelligence pros needed to get their work done. Now, with SSDT, MS has made is fit a little more with VS project templates, although you still have to download it separately.
You need SSDT to develop SSRS reports, SSAS cubes and SSIS packages, and it includes tools to help you deploy those things to the appropriate location when you are done with development.
Hope this helps you out!
Actually SSDT will include a scaled back version of Visual Studio that will allow you to create Integration Services packages, including an IDE to create and edit Script Components.
Read about it here:

Can we create a project for oracle database deployment similar to visual studio SSDT project

I need a way to deploy the oracle database in a single click, something similar to SSDT projects.
Red Gate (where I work) has a set of deployment tools for Oracle, including version control, but they are not tightly integrated in Visual Studio. They were designed to be standalone as unlike for SQL Server, there are a handful of different IDEs in the Oracle scene, including Toad, SQL Developer and PL/SQL Developer.
The predecessor of SSDT had Oracle support via a Quest Extension, but this was discontinued with the release of SSDT.

Where is SSIS in Visual Studio 2010?

Where do I find the SSIS tools in Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate? I'm at a new job so new computer / new setup / new everything. I can't find them anywhere! Is there a specific edition of SQL Server that includes these tools?
The DB is SQL Server 2005, SSMS is 2008, VS is 2010.
It is not yet available in Visual Studio 2010.
"First of all, thank you to those customers who have offered feedback
regarding how your work and productivity are impacted by Integration
Services (SSIS) not yet being available in Visual Studio 2010. As
developers ourselves, we certainly understand the frustration you have
reported in having two Visual Studio instances installed and
maintained on your development machines. While this side-by-side
configuration works, it is certainly a less ideal solution to
operating SSIS from within VS 2010. Unfortunately, the staggered ship
cycles of the two products (VS and SSIS) and some convoluted
dependencies did not allow us to reunite the development environments
of both tools until the next version of SQL Server.
Meanwhile, please be assured that SSIS projects continue to be
supported by Visual Studio both now and into the foreseeable future.
Until the next version of SQL Server, we will be happy to discuss with
any Visual Studio 2010 customer ways in which they can optimize the
interoperability of VS and SSIS. We apologize for any inconvenience
and are committed to improving your user experience both now and in
the future."

Convert existing database to Database project

I have a MS-SQL database on a server and have decided to play around with source control for the database. I want to create a database project and include that project within my solution. Is there any way to "import" an existing database into a database project in Visual Studio 2008?
I have run a few searches but I haven't really found anything of substance yet. Any ideas will be welcome!
Yes. If you have Visual Studio 2008 Team System, then the Database Edition GDR release 2 add-on is the way to go.
You can download from here: Microsoft® Visual Studio Team System 2008 Database Edition GDR R2
You can find a list of features here.
Also, Introducing New Features In The VSTS Database Edition GDR
Update: In response to poster's comment about not having the Team System version, you can still use the original Database Project that comes with Visual Studio, but it is not as fully featured as the new GDR R2 version.
