Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Publish Problem - wpf

I have a WPF C# 4.0 Application. I was publishing projects fine before but all of a sudden one particular project starts to not publish. I get the following errors after a successful build.
Error 2 Could not find file 'obj\x86\Release\CSCDemo.exe'. CSCDemo.0
Next error is 'failed to Publish'
I know that CSCDemo.exe is in the Release folder because I checked.
Would Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 fix this?

The packager is looking at the obj\x86 folder, not the normal bin\release folder for your exe. I am thinking the issue has to do with either the packager looking in the wrong place or you have changed the project properties for your CSCDemo project. Have you changed it from being an x86 application to x64?
Another thing to try would be a complete rebuild.

I have just suffered from this problem. It seems my Avast Anti-Virus was deleting the file as soon as it was created. I just added my project folder to it's global exclude list and everything worked fine again.

I'm not sure exactly how your development machine can get fouled up this way, but this started happening for several developers in our group too.
After researching it, it appears that the built in build/publish script that Visual Studio (2010 in our case) uses has a flaw in the order that it does things. Most importantly it runs a cleanup on the OBJ directory deleting the target EXE file before the publish step can grab it.
The solution
This is somewhat of a hacky workaround, but it solved the problem for me.
The fix is to copy the file back to the /obj/ folder from the /bin/ folder right before the publish step. Unfortunately there is no way that I know to specify a BeforePublish event through the IDE, so you will have to edit the .vbproj file in a text editor.
Add the followign section just before the final </project> tag.
<Target Name="BeforePublish">
<Copy SourceFiles="$(TargetPath)" DestinationFolder="$(IntermediateOutputPath)" />

change the platform from x86 to Any CPU will help
Build>configuration manager
change the platform against CSCDemo to Any CPU


WPF application installed in program files just exits - but runs in another folder

Using Visual Studio 2017 on Windows 10, I have a WPF application with an installer created using the Visual Studio Installer extension. When I install it on another PC, the application starts but then exits within the same second. Nothing in logs.
If I add a manifest to force admin mode, its starts correct.
If I copy the files to another folder (outside program files) it starts correct.
Apparently the "program files" is restricted or something? Am I missing something in my setup/installer project? Any other ideas more than welcome!
I've tried to create the installer using WIX and then it runs fine. Seems to be some settings in the VS Installer extension.
You can modify the ACLs on the folder in question to allow write access by regular users (not great) or you could write the settings file somewhere else where write permission for users is standard.
There are many ways: Resolve lacking permissions.
There is another, similar answer here.
Adding a couple further links:
WiX and deployment links, various topics.

Visual studio debugging starts but application doesn't

So, the problem that I am having is that when I push F5, or click Start, Visual Studio starts debugging, but the application doesn't actually build. If I go to my Task Manager, and look for the process it isn't there. Or, if I alt-tab between the programs I had open. I have had this problem twice now. The last projet I started, I encountered this problem. I spent days looking for answers on my time off but couldn't find anyhting. So i started a new project. And now I'm getting the same thing. If I go to my source tree and go back to a previous build and discard my changes, it works fine. But the problem comes back. Its not my coding. I am not getting any build errors. And I don't have any break points. So i can't hit continue. PLease alos note, that between it working, and not working I have not changed ANY setings in Visual Studio. I will post what I have tried. If I forget anything, please forgive me. I have days and days of history to go through in my browser.
Restarted Computer and VS
Ran VS in Admin
Always Build is selected in Tools -> Options -> Projects and
Solutions -> Build and Run
Make sure project is set to Debug in Solution Configuration and
Build is checked in Configuration Manager.
Make sure Only BUild startup projects and dependencies on run is
Clean Solution
Unchecked Enable the Visual Studio hosting process in Project ->
Properties -> Debug tab
Made sure vshost32.exe was not running in the background while
program was not running in the Task Manager.
Deleted contents of bin and obj files in my project folder file and
reset computer.
Tried running the program from the exe in previously mentioned
bin/obj file. (The last one does start the process in Task Manager. But still doesnt show in the task bar, or alt tab.)
None of these have worked. I am getting very frustrated at this. Maybe I am not looking for the right thing in Google...
I suggest you close all third party tools/processes like the Anti-virus or others, and then re-debug it.
You could run your VS in safemode:
devenv /SafeMode
Some community members found that the symbols loaded is really slow recently, and this issue has been report the Microsoft product team, so please also disable the Microsoft symbols server under TOOLS->Options->Debugging->Symbols. Debug it again.

Installshield The specified File key not found in the File table

I've packaged my WinForms app with the Visual Studio Installshield Limited Edition wizard.
When installing the app, I get this error during installation.
Error 2715. The specified File key ('myappname.xml_serializa') not found in the File table
Any ideas from anyone? I'm completely loss on this one.
In your installer project directory, open the *.isl file and search for the text in your error message, myappname.xml_serializa. It will most likely be in there quite a few times. Either remove it or correct all instances of it.
I had a similar problem recently and found out that it didn't find the key because I was not adding the .primaryoutput file on the section Specify Application Data -> Files. Check if you are adding all the necessary files for your setup before creating the installer. The installer will be created even if it doesn't have all the files, but it won't execute properly.
Hope this helps
Changing the *.isl file resolved our issue. I found that we had changed the .NET framework of a project and when we removed the project output from the Installshield using the prompt it did not update this file so when we added the output again it now contained two outputs. OUTPUT and OUTPUT1. Hope this helps
This is what worked for me: The project in my case was readonly as it was connected to TFS. If you are working offline, make sure you make the project files writable. (Uncheck Read Only at the folder level)
This worked for me:
In your setup project double-click Project Assistant.
Click on Application Files.
Select file(s) with the file extension that was reported in the error message(s).
Click on Delete.
Repeat for any files as needed.
Go back to setup project in Solution Explorer.
Click on Rebuild

Issue Signing xap file in post build event on TFS Build

We have a silverlight(5) project, the source in TFS (2010) and Continuous Integration build has been setup and working fine. However, we are now at the stage where we are trying to release it to some users to get them using it and give feedback. I've set up the code so that it checks for updates and if there are any it downloads the latest xap file. However this requires the xap file to be signed. No problem when doing this from our dev machines, but when it comes to the automated build it fails, with the message
Xap packaging failed. Cannot locate the signing tool SignTool.exe.
I've tried numerous things to get the signtool to be recoginised and can't. However, we don't actually need this on the CI build, so I've then tried a second tack which is to make the postbuild event conditional on being run in VisualStudio. Followed various suggestions here on SO but can't gett them to work.
The post build event is
if "$(BuildingInsideVisualStudio)" == "true" (
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin\signtool.exe" sign /f "$(SolutionDir)castle.pfx" "$(TargetDir)Castle.xap"
copy "$(TargetDir)Castle.xap" "$(SolutionDir)Castle.Web\ClientBin"
still no joy. Have tried multiple variations of this, but keep getting the same message from the automated build.
So can anyone help with either a) getting the signing tool to be recoginised on the build server or b) getting the automated build to skip the postbuild event?
Found the problem in the end...
I had been putting in place some features so the app would download and install the latest xap file. This requires it to be signed. As this wasn't working I followed some instructions on signing a xap file, not realising that one of the other developers here had put in place the code I described above in the post build event.
I had mistakenly thought that this was created as a result of me checking the 'Sign The Xap File' check box.
So first issue was that other developer had not shared his pfx file with us to add to our certificate stores.
Second, and main issue, was that we then had two attempts at signing going on. The one via the check box and the one via the post build event. I removed the check box and it worked fine.
The issue with the check box is that it expects the SignTool.exe to be in a particular location. On our development boxes with full VS it is where it is looking for it, but on the build server it wasn't. Think it may also have something to do with 64bit machines.
By using only the build event (once you have the correct certificates installed) you can specify explicitly the location that the signtool is going to be, and if necessary install the windows sdk to that location.
This is the top result in Google for this error so updating it with my steps to resolve.
The above didnt work for me but performing the steps below should fix it.
Install the Windows 8.1 SDK on the build server (Windows 2008 R2 for me)
Adding the Windows SDK BIN directory (that contains signtool.exe, on my server) to the Environment PATH variable - e.g. c:\program files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\bin - note: Do not add quotes around this
Restart all the Visual Studio Team Foundation services in services.msc after you add the file path to the PATH variable as it needs to reload these before building

Silverlight project build fails in VS2010 when project is on a mapped network drive

I am just learning Blend/Silverlight/VS2010/.net/etc. I have a simple project that resides on a network drive. When I tell VS2010 to rebuild the project, I get the following error message:
------ Rebuild All started: Project: MySilverlightApplication, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
MySilverlightApplication -> H:\PRJ\VisualStudio\ExpressionBlend\Unleashed\MySilverLightApplication\MySilverlightApplication\Bin\Debug\MySilverlightApplication.dll
C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft\Silverlight\v4.0\Microsoft.Silverlight.Common.targets(214,9):
error : Could not load the assembly
This assembly may have been downloaded from the Web. If an assembly has been downloaded from the Web,
it is flagged by Windows as being a Web file, even if it resides on the local computer.
This may prevent it from being used in your project. You can change this designation by changing the file properties.
Only unblock assemblies that you trust. See for more information.
========== Rebuild All: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========
The project was not downloaded from the Web (I created it using Blend.) After doing some searching, I guessed the problem may be due to .net security settings. I issued the following command:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC>caspol -m -ag 1.3 -url "file://\\p4dc\h$\*" FullTrust
in the hope that would solve the problem. p4dc is the name of the server machine, h$ is the administrative share for the h: drive on the server which in turn is mapped to the drive letter "H" on the local machine (\\p4dc\h$ is mapped to H in the local machine).
That did not solve the problem. I don't know if my caspol command is correct (I wasn't planning on learning caspol on the fly), it just seemed like a reasonable thing to try. The problem goes away when I make a copy of the entire project on the local C drive but, that "solution" is rather undesirable.
At this point, I don't really know what else to try to solve the problem without moving the project to a local drive.
Any help leading to a solution is much appreciated.
The error message displayed by VS2010 would lead anyone to believe the issue is with trust and security and it is BUT, no amount of allowing full trust on the network drive will solve the problem.
What lead to the solution was first to port the project to VS2008 to find out if it would encounter the same problem. VS2008 was perfectly happy to run the project without complaint.
Then I converted the VS2008 project (which was working) to VS2010. VS2010 refused to build the project but this time the error message was different, referring to "remote assemblies" and to a link on MSDN, which led to the solution.
The real problem is that VS2010 considers an assembly on a network drive a "remote assembly" (the same as if the assembly were being loaded from a web site.) Caspol was not able to solve that problem (it seems it should have but, it may be my fault, I am not well versed in using Caspol).
To end this long story, the link provided in the error message is:
after following the instructions in that link to edit "machine.config", I changed <runtime/> to:
<loadFromRemoteSources enabled="true"/>
the project built successfully and ran without a hitch.
Thank you to Alison and CodeNaked for their efforts to help,
PS: it would have been rather nice if VS2010 had displayed the "better" error message initially. Instead, I had to port the VS2010 non working project to VS2008 where it worked and that one to VS2010 where I got the better error message that led to the solution.
Not sure if this will help but it's worth a shot: How Do I Allow my Visual Studio .NET Projects to Run from a Network Location?
