Make the official WPF RibbonTextBox look like a PasswordBox - wpf

I'm developing an application with the official WPF Ribbon system, and I'd like to have a password field up in the ribbon. Is there any way I can modify the RibbonTextBox control to display dots instead of characters, the way a PasswordBox does? Thanks in advance.

Can't you just use the key up event, and take the value out of the box, store it in a variable, and replace it with the character you want?
User presses "A" on key up, you grab the value, store it in a variable, and then replace it with an "*". Keep doing this until they stop typing in the box?


In WPF how can I duplicate the old WinForms OnKeyPressed functionality?

We have a WPF application where we need to detect if the user is typing something that can appear in a textbox. WinForms used to have a nice OnKeyPressed override that differed from OnKeyDown in that it was only called when a printable character was typed (e.g. it differentiated between 'A' and 'a' but not between the '1' on the top row vs. the numeric keypad. It also ignored keys like 'Shift', etc.) We need to duplicate that functionality in WPF.
Now I know I can override OnKeyDown and inspect the keycode, but that means manually testing for every possible key that would result in something appearing in a textbox. That seems to be the consensus from the other similar SO questions that I've found, but I just can't believe something so basic would be left out of the API.
Asides from a monster if-tree, one 'hacky' solution is to use an in-memory textbox, pass the keycode to it, then inspect if the text has a length. But I'm getting nauseous even typing that as a possible solution! UGH!! I feel dirty!
SO... what's the easiest way to tell if a user pressed a key or keys that will result in a printable character?
Actually, I think I just found it so I'm posting the answers for others. You don't use any 'Key' events at all. WPF more clearly separates those out from the textual values. As such, you override the OnPreviewTextInput and/or OnTextInput functions. To get what was actually typed, check the .Text property on the event args which returns a simple string.
Done and done!
Hope this helps others! Been driving me up a wall!

Blend Slider Control

Is there a free implementation of the text box in Blend's property grid that allows you to change the number by clicking and dragging? Or perhaps another way to ask is what kind of control called so I can google it?
just try this
It's called a numeric UpDown control. (Terrible name, I know).
MS has a sample implementation for WPF, although I think you'll have to provide the draggable part yourself.

how do I know when a user has selected an auto complete suggestion in a text box?

Using Winforms 2.0
I have a text box with a custom autocompletecollection source and the mode is suggest.
How do I know when the user selects a suggestion?
You can simply compare strings (inputed with avaliable). Or use combo box for extended control of inputed values.
i couldn't get you properly.
if you gave suggest Mode.i will explain using Dropdown
if user start entering value in drop down automatically the suggested value populate.if he is entering continuously that new value added to that drop down.
Now let's consider about Text box
when ever you enter text box value you need to save a local file or otherwise then only you can able to support suggest mode.with out having source for that text box how you can know what are the values present that text box.
Explain briefly please

How to create a shape acting like a textbox?

Please refer this control
The formattedtext control is a shape which helps to generate the shape of the text with proper geometry. I would like to make this control act like a text box with cursors and features like typing in from keyboard.
Right now I use an invisible text box with a formattedtext control to act like that. But the cursor position always creates a problem when the size of the text is not equal to the size of the rendered text as shape.
Can anyone please show the way to achieve this.
Well, I built a syntax highlighting textbox using the method you describes.
Actually, at first I wanted to rebuilt everything too, but I thought : I have to build the caret fonctionnalities, the selection brush, manage a lot of different events, like selection with mouse or keyboard, deletion, Copy/Cut/Paste, etc etc...
That's a LOT of work, and windows users are used to select text in textboxes for instance, so this complex implementation cannot be left unimplemented. We must follow some Microsoft guidance on how a textbox must feel.
Actually, I think that building a new textbox from scratch is not the way to go. I suggest you to continue on your current method. If you have different fonts in the same textbox, use a RichTextBox, and handle the font changes in the textbox as well as in the formatted text.
Also, a good think to implement is to only draw the visible text with the formattedtext (but only if the user can write several hundreds of text lines).

wpf / silverlight textbox filter design

I have a list that the user can filter in several ways. two of which lend themselves to combo boxes and two that need to accept user input. For example, one textbox allows the user to type in any part of a list item's description, and the dialog will only present items whose description contains the text entered.
It is a dialog 'picker' type of window, so space is at a premium. I'd like for the text boxes not to require a traditional label. Instead, when the dialog is first invoked, the label (ie, "Description") is grayed out, centered, and in italics. Maybe a tool tip to further make it obvious to the user what it's for. When the user starts to type, the faux label disappears and the entered text is normal left aligned text.
Does wpf / silverlight have any native support for doing something like this? I guess it could be a combination of styles and eventing. I'd rather not invent any wheels that might be out there (I got the idea specifically from looking at Tortoise' "Show Log" window, but I've seen it before).
Does anyone have any sample code they can share to do this? Or a an alternative idea that also saves space and simplifies the layout?
Kevin Moore's InfoTextBox, which is part of his Bag-O-Tricks is the kind of thing I was looking for, almost exactly. This is also the 'watermark' (great name - I would have found this sooner if I had known that) text box from another post.
