CppUTest not working - c

I am trying to rewrite some legacy C code and would like to have some tests in place before actually starting the rewrite. FOr this I took a look at CppUTest and tried a sample application consisting of a header file chrtostr.h, an implementation file chrtostr.c and a test file called test_chrtostr.c which contents is listed bellow:
#include <CppUTest/CommandLineTestRunner.h>
#include "chrtostr.h"
TEST(chrtostr, test_chrtostr)
CHECK_EQUAL(chrtostr('n'), "sfsdfds");
int main(int ac, char **av)
return CommandLineTestRunner::RunAllTests(ac, av);
And the corresponding Makefile.am:
CPPUTEST_HOME = ./cpputest
CFLAGS = -g -Wall -I$(CPPUTEST_HOME)/include
bin_PROGRAMS = chrtostr test_chrtostr
chrtostr_SOURCES = chrtostr.c chrtostr.h main.c
test_chrtostr_SOURCES = test_chrtostr.c
The issue is that each time I try to run make I get the following traceback which doesn't actually help me too much: http://pastebin.com/BK9ts3vk

You should probably start by getting one of the demos going. You could see how CppUTest is intended to be used with C. My book, Test-Driven Development for Embedded C, will help you get started too. The first few chapters use a C-Only test harness. Later examples use CppUTest (I'm one of the authors of CppUTest). I also describe the advantages of a C++ test harness for C.
p.s. - for more information on CppUTest, look at CppUTest.org

That test driver is written in C++. You'll need to compile that as C++, so rename your file to .cpp and make sure g++ is called to drive the compile/link (rather than gcc).

Unfortunately, the "HelloWorld" example in CppUTest is undocumented and while the Appendix in "Test Driven Development for Embedded C" lists only 11 condition checks, I am finding that there are a lot more undocumented helper functions (all pretty much undocumented). I wouldn't recommend CppuTest unless you are trying to understand the concepts of TDD.
I would look for more of a commercial product or you are going to pick up a lot of bad TDD habits or get really frustrated and just move on.

I was just looking at this again. There were a few problems with your code. C++ errors don't always help clear them up.
I added comment before the things i fixed.
#include "CppUTest/TestHarness.h"
//The test file is c++. YOu have to tell it when you are linking to C code
extern "C"
#include "chrtostr.h"
//A test group needs to have a ';' after it. Under the hood, this macro
//create a base class for the test cases of the same name
//CHECK_EQUAL uses ==. STRCMP_EQUAL actually compares c-strings
TEST(Chrtostr, wrong)
STRCMP_EQUAL(chrtostr('n'), "sfsdfds");


Using 3rd Party C files with C Lion, a beginner perspective

I am in despair for a simple explanation to a simple problem.
I made a program in java that I need to recode in C for performance reasons. So I learned how to program in C. The problem is that C standard libraries do not contain collections (why????) such as a hashtables, treesets, etc. So I found this: https://github.com/srdja/Collections-C.
I use CLion on windows, I know well about coding but NOTHING about compiling, CMake, Linux, etc. My question is: I want to use those external source files my project, why is that so hard ? The tutorial on the link provided above tells me to use Linux command lines and stuff that I don't understand. Online I find stuff about telling me to add commands into CMakelist, none of these work for diverse reasons. I can't even copy all the .c and .h into my project because "they are not part of the project". So can anyone tell me how to make this simple code work ?
#include <stdio.h>
#include "hashtable.h"
int main() {
Hashtable *table;
hashtable_new(&table); //this is a function that creates the new hashtable in the source code of Collections-C
return 0;
By the way, because I think it's the same problem, how can I have subdirectories in my project so that I can put my header files away to keep the project tree tidy? I tried to add add_subdirectories($/include) to my CMakelist.txt
I am expecting people telling me that there are many similar questions already, but none of those I found is clear to me.
Thank you if you have the patience to explain this to me.
This is for C++, but it should work for your C code. In this example, it's defining where to find the OpenSSL and Google Test headers, and how to link with the Google Test library and the OpenSSL library (which is in C, as it turns out):
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
find_library(GTest required)
include_directories(${GTEST_INCLUDE_DIRS} /usr/include/openssl)
add_executable(stackexample ${SOURCE_FILES})
target_link_libraries(stackexample -lgtest -lssl -lcrypto pthread)
Collections-C appears to have an installer, so you would
List the path to its installed headers in the include_directories line
List its installed library in the target_link_libraries line
The solution was to build the library then do stuff with CMake. I followed this tutorial.

"undefined reference" error after adding function to a C project

I've added a new function wiringPiVersion() to wiringPi, but after I build and install the shared library, when I attempt to compile a small C program around it, I get:
wpi_ver.c:(.text+0xc): undefined reference to `wiringPiVersion'
However, when I include it in an XS based Perl module, all works well. I don't know enough about C to figure out what's going wrong here, and I've been searching for the better part of two hours trying different things to no avail.
Here's my small C program to test the new function:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wiringPi.h>
int main (){
char * ver = wiringPiVersion();
printf("wiringPi version: %s\n", ver);
return 0;
Compilation that throws the error:
gcc -o ver wpi_ver.c -lwiringPi
The addition to wiringPi's header file:
extern char * wiringPiVersion(void);
The wiringPi's .c file addition:
#define WPI_VERSION "2.36"
char * wiringPiVersion(void){
In my Perl module's XS file, I have:
char *
...and my Perl module's Makefile.PL
LIBS => ['-lwiringPi'],
...and after re-installing the Perl module, I can access the function without any issues in a test script.
I'm hoping this is something simple I'm overlooking which someone may be able to point out. My question is, how do I rectify this?
So it turned out that there were two .so files generated when I rebuilt wiringPi... one in the wiringPi's build directory way under my home directory, and the other in /usr/local/lib.
After a tip in comments, I added the library path explicitly:
gcc -o ver wpi_ver.c -L/usr/local/lib -lwiringPi
...and it all fell together and works as expected:
$ ./ver
wiringPi version: 2.36
Note: I have sent Gordon the patch in hopes it gets included in the next wiringPi cut.
Update: I received an email back from Gordon and he stated that currently, only the gpio application has the ability to report the version, so he advised that he's going to add something similar to my patch in a future release.
Although already solved, I added this answer to show what gave me the hint.
Error message "undefined reference" points to a linker error (cf. answer on SO), so its about checking if the correct library is drawn.

multiple definition of main first defined here

I'm new to programming and currently I'm learning C programming. I'm writing codes on the code blocks and in it using GCC compiler. When I create a new project, (as you know it creates main.c file with it) and due to that I'm not able to compile another file in that project.
File 1:
int main()
int a,b,c,d;
printf("Enter three numbers\n");
printf("\n The maximum of three numbers is %d",d);
File 2: main.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("Hello world!\n");
return 0;
When I compile the first programme, it shows the following error:
multiple definition of 'main'
first defined here
I've searched every where I could and I'm not able to solve this. In one of the answers here on stack overflow, someone had suggested to write this in
(Project->Build options...->Linker settings (tab))
When I wrote it, there were no errors. But it wasn't able to run my File 1 and instead, it runs that main.c file. Even when I close the main.c file, it opens there again and runs main.c file which gives the output "Hello World!".
Initially when I was using code blocks there were no such errors. I don't know why this is happening and I've not much knowledge about compilers.
As noted in comments you can only have one main function.
So when you start a new project you need to replace the main.c file with the main.c file you want to use. Or you can edit the 'hello world' main.c program.
When you start a new project in code::blocks you can get a new directory with a simple program that prints 'Hello World'. This file is usually main.c. You need to edit this file or replace it. The reason that code::blocks puts this simple main.c program in the new project is so that you can compile it and test your system without having to write a new program.
Some computer languages allow you to use the same function name for different functions ( which are identified by their parameters and sometimes return types ). That's called overloading. C does not allow this. Functions in C must have unique names.
The main() function is a special one in C as it is used as the standard entry point for applications. That is, the main() function will be called first and your application should start and (typically) end in that function.
As a beginner I would suggest you avoid automated editor features that create and build projects for you. You will miss out on learning how things work doing that. Use an editor to start from empty files and learn how they all connect and how to use the compiler from the command line. The command line is something every beginner should start from, IMO.
It may be harder to learn, but it will give you a much better feel for what is going on.
I guess what you maybe trying to do is have multiple sandbox "gists" that you may wanna run all as their own main function. If that is the case, then just close your project and open the files directly. As long as they are not in a project, they will run fine.

Call method from source file in another directory

I have a newbie question about the C programming language. I have looked around to find the answer in similar questions but I failed to figure it out.
Assume a simple project consisting of two dirs: src and test. The source and header files are defined by src/main.c, test/foo.h and test/foo.c.
#include "../test/foo.h"
int main (void) {
int a = VAR; /* works, recognizes declared macro */
some_function(a); /* doesn't work, "undefined reference" */
#ifndef FOO_H
#define FOO_H
void some_function(int a);
#define VAR 2;
test/foo.c (redundant but to be complete):
#include "foo.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void some_function(int a) {
printf("%d", ++a);
I created the project in Eclipse and I also compile with it, I figured it wasn't a linking error since the macro gets recognized but the method is not callable.
The reason why I'm using different directories is because I have a lot of files and would like my test code to be separate from my main source code. Note that src and test have the same parent directory.
Any ideas what's going on here? Am I missing something very obvious?
Any help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance!
edit: I'm working on a (Debian) Linux machine and Eclipse uses the gcc compiler.
edit2: Thanks to H2CO3's answer I learned it is indeed a linking error. Since compiling and linking manually every time is quite an overhead, I was wondering if anyone knows how to teach Eclipse to link executables from different directories?
--------------------- SOLUTION ---------------------
edit3: Lol the solution was very easy after all, all I had to do was create a "new source folder" rather than a "new folder". I feel stupid but thanks to you all for replying, H2CO3 in particular!
I figured it wasn't a linking error since the macro gets recognized but the method is not callable.
Non sequitur. Macros are expanded in the preprocessing phase. (And as such, they have nothing to do with linkage at all.) You do have a linker error.
What you have to do is compile both files then link them together, so something like this should work:
gcc -Wall -o dir_one/foo.o dir_one/foo.c
gcc -Wall -o dir_two/bar.o dir_two/bar.c
gcc -o my_program dir_one/foo.o dir_two/bar.o
Also, read this SO question/answer and/or this article to understand how the steps of the compilation process work together. (These are almost the same for C and C++, it's only the name mangling that usually differs.)

How to use a C library from D?

Today I heard about the D programming and that it is compatible to C code. Nevertheless I haven't found any information on whether it is possible to use C libraries like GTK or PortAudio from D?
If it is possible, could you explain how to do this?
It is possible to call C libraries from D. What you need to do is to convert the C header files to D. For the most part this is pretty straightforward, and there is a hard-to-use command-line tool to help automate the process. It's never really worked for me on anything but toy examples, but it could be a good start to see the kind of transformations that need to be done. Just put a snippet you're having trouble translating into a header by itself and see what htod does with it.
The biggest problem you'll usually encounter is creative use of the C preprocessor. Some things can be turned into version() statements in D, but not all.
As for actually compiling and linking with the code, on unix-like platforms I think you can compile and link in the C code using GCC. On Windows you either have to compile the C files using DMC and link with DMD. Or you can compile the C code into a DLL using any compiler capable of that, and then to link with DMD you need to make a DMD-compatible import lib out of the DLL. This can be done using the implib tool found in the free Basic Utilities Package available from DigitalMars.
There are also a lot of these header translations have already been done. It's useful to browse the Bindings project of Dsource first, or ask on the digitalmars D newsgroups first before embarking on something big like translating GTK headers. A lot of popular libraries like GTK have already been wrapped (e.g. here: GTKD)
D code can be linked with C object files, and can interact with C dlls, but you'll need to generate a D module from the C header file you want to use. The official D website has a guide for doing that very thing.
Popular alternative is to load the library during the run-time. Here is an example how to load libpng and call a libpng function:
module libpngtest;
import std.stdio;
import core.sys.posix.dlfcn;
alias uint function() png_access_version_number_t;
int main() {
auto lib = dlopen("libpng.so".ptr, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL);
if (lib is null) {
return -1;
} else {
auto png_access_version_number = cast(png_access_version_number_t)dlsym(lib, "png_access_version_number");
if (dlclose(lib) == 0) {
return 0;
} else {
return -1;
} // main() function
// compile: dmd libpngtest.d -L-ldl
// run: ./libpngtest
Use the DPaste to test it: http://www.dpaste.dzfl.pl/917bc3fb
You need to write C bindings.
This answer explain how.
Take a look at http://dsource.org
There are many projects that might help you to get start with
