AES Encryption -Key Generation with OpenSSL - c

As a reference and as continuation to the post:
how to use OpenSSL to decrypt Java AES-encrypted data?
I have the following questions.
I am using OpenSSL libs and programming in C for encrypting data in aes-cbc-128.
I am given any input binary data and I have to encrypt this.
I learn that Java has a CipherParameters interface to set IV and KeyParameters too.
Is there a way to generate IV and a key using openSSL? In short how could one use in a C program to call the random generator of openSSL for these purposes. Can any of you provide some docs/examples/links on this?

An AES key, and an IV for symmetric encryption, are just bunchs of random bytes. So any cryptographically strong random number generator will do the trick. OpenSSL provides such a random number generator (which itself feeds on whatever the operating system provides, e.g. CryptGenRandom() on Windows or /dev/random and /dev/urandom on Linux). The function is RAND_bytes(). So the code would look like this:
#include <openssl/rand.h>
/* ... */
unsigned char key[16], iv[16];
if (!RAND_bytes(key, sizeof key)) {
/* OpenSSL reports a failure, act accordingly */
if (!RAND_bytes(iv, sizeof iv)) {
/* OpenSSL reports a failure, act accordingly */

Assuming AES-128:
unsigned char key[16];
RAND_bytes(key, sizeof(key));
unsigned char iv[16];
RAND_bytes(iv, sizeof(iv));
The random generator needs to be seeded before using one of those.


RSA verification failed when I use some code from xlnx uboot

I'm trying porting some code to do RSA verification. I googled ,and found some code in xlnx u-boot .
I put this rsa-mod-exp.c in my code and of course with some other .h files. My SOC is little endian ,so I use the little endian definitions.
After all above are done , I try to create a signature to verify my code.
Before that , I noticed that the u-boot rsa structure is different from openssl RSA structure. So to get the u-boot rsa structure , I need to install a tool called dumppublickey . I found one from here and installed.
OpenSSL RSA public key structure:
struct {
BIGNUM *n; // public modulus
BIGNUM *e; // public exponent
BIGNUM *d; // private exponent
BIGNUM *p; // secret prime factor
BIGNUM *q; // secret prime factor
BIGNUM *dmp1; // d mod (p-1)
BIGNUM *dmq1; // d mod (q-1)
BIGNUM *iqmp; // q^-1 mod p
// ...
U-boot RSA public key structure:
struct rsa_public_key {
uint len; /* len of modulus[] in number of uint32_t */
uint32_t n0inv; /* -1 / modulus[0] mod 2^32 */
uint32_t modulus; / modulus as little endian array */
uint32_t rr; / R^2 as little endian array */
uint64_t exponent; /* public exponent */
Now, every thing is ready beside a signature. Here is the step I create my signature.
1. Create private key.It's a 2048 bit and the public exponent is three.
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out key.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048 -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_pubexp:3
2. Create cert file.
openssl req -new -x509 -key key.pem -out newcert.pem -days 3650
3. Get the U-boot structure public key.
dumppublickey newcert.pem
I got :
64, //lenth
0x63b40d47, //n0inv
{2799858569,......,1105502226,1577608370,1150603850,3030884821}, // modules (N)
{909785043,.......,3050452165,3418434484,2529136815,837355943}, // r^2
3 //exponent
4. Sign my file using the private key.
echo "hello world" > a.txt
openssl dgst -sign key.pem -sha256 -hex a.txt
I got :
RSA-SHA256(a.txt)= 157eb60ad0c77427cd....6b02b5d331d610b27f32aaa0
I put key length, n0inv, modulus, rr, exponent and the signature in my code. Notice that modulus and rr I useu_int32 array like I showed above while signature I use a u_int8 array like below.
Here is what I think the rsa-mod-exp.c (function rsa_mod_exp_sw) will give me . I thought I will get the result of the sha256 hash value of file a.txt. Same as the result I did using openssl.
openssl dgst -sha256 a.txt
However, I did't get this sha256 hash value . I got something strange.
Could anyone point which part is wrong and how to correct it ?
It seems struct key_prop argument of rsa_mod_exp_sw assumes that modulus and rr are big-endian.
So modulus and rr generated by dumppublickey should be converted to big-endian.
I could decrypt sign and confirmed that decrypted data contains pkcs v1.5 padding format.

Encrypt bytes in a C struct, using OpenSSL RC4

I need to encrypt an in-RAM C struct, byte-for-byte, using OpenSSL / EVP RC4 stream-cipher. How do I implement EVP (e.g. EVP_CipherUpdate) to accomplish the actual encryption of bytes in the struct?
The Details...
I have a ISAM/BTree database that needs its records/data encrypted. Don't worry about that, just know that each "record" is a C struct with many members (fields). This has been working for like 15 years (don't ask, the codebase is from the K&R C days, I think). The ISAM overhead simply takes a bytestream (the struct w/data) as an argument when writing the record... specifically, the ISAM's "write" function accepts a pointer to the data/structure.
Anyway, I'm trying to implement an OpenSSL stream cipher (RC4) -via the EVP framework- that can just sit between my program and the ISAM, so as to simply hand the ISAM my encrypted bytes, without him knowing or caring. I might add that I think the ISAM doesn't care about the structure of the data or even that it's a struct... it just gets raw data, I believe.
My struct is like this simplified example (in reality there are many more varied members):
typedef struct
UCHAR flag;
char field2[30];
int qty;
How would I (if it's even possible) go about encrypting the entire structure (in-place, even), byte for byte, if necessary? I've tried testing with simple strings, even; but can't get that to work, either.
I have another file called crypto.c (and .h) where I'm building my functions to encrypt and decrypt whatever I "pass" to them (might be a string, a struct, whatever - that's why my arg is void). For example:
void encrypt_db_rawData(void *data_to_encrypt, size_t data_size)
unsigned char buf_out[data_size];
int buf_out_byteCount = 0;
buf_out_byteCount = sizeof(buf_out);
EVP_CIPHER_CTX ctx; //declare an EVP context
int keyBytes = 16; //size of RC4 key in bytes
/* ... my_keystr is acquired from a file elsewhere ... */
/* ... my_iv is a global defined elsewhere ... */
EVP_CipherInit_ex(&ctx, EVP_rc4(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length(&ctx, keyBytes);
EVP_CipherInit_ex(&ctx, NULL, NULL, my_keystr, my_iv, 1);
int byte_i;
for( byte_i = 0; byte_i < sizeof(data_to_encrypt); i++ )
EVP_CipherUpdate(&ctx, buf_out, &buf_out_byteCount, data_to_encrypt[byte_i], 1);
*data_to_encrypt = buf_out; //overwrite the original data with its encrypted version
C is not my first language ~ especially C89 (or older perhaps), and I'm in way over my head on this one - this got thrown into my lap due to some restructuring; so I appreciate any constructive help anyone can offer. I'm in pointer-HELL!

CryptoApi to CommonCrypto

I have cryptographic code used in the Windows platform, which uses the Crypto API functions and need to convert this to using Common Crypto on OS X.
Essentially the original code is this, with error checking removed for brevity: -
CryptCreateHash(m_hProv, CALG_MD5 ,0, 0, &hHash);
CryptHashData(hHash,(LPBYTE)pszInputData, lstrlen(pszInputData)*sizeof(TCHAR), 0);
CryptDeriveKey(m_hProv, CALG_RC4, hHash, CRYPT_EXPORTABLE | 0x00280000, &m_hKey);
CryptDecrypt(m_hKey, 0, bFinal, 0, pData, pdwDataSize);
As far as I understand, this is what's happening: -
CryptAcquireContext - Get an object to handle the cryptography
CryptCreateHash - Create an MD5 hashing object
CryptHashData - Hash the input data with MD5
CryptDeriveKey, CryptDecrypt - Decode pData with RC4, using the key m_hKey
The size of pszInputData is 12 bytes and the output array of the MD5 hashed object is the same on both platforms.
To decode with RC4, I'm doing the following with Common Crypto: -
CCCryptorRef cryptor = NULL;
CCCryptorCreate(kCCDecrypt, kCCAlgorithmRC4, 0,
(void*), m_hKey.length(), NULL, &cryptor);
char outBuffer[12];
size_t outBytes;
CCCryptorUpdate(cryptor, (void*)pData, *pdwDataSize, outBuffer, 12, &outBytes);
Testing the output (outBuffer array) from Common Crypto with an online RC4 decoder matches, so this is decoding correctly.
However, the final output from the Windows code in pData doesn't match the RC4 decoded in Common Crypto.
Are there some steps I'm missing or not understanding with the Windows Crypto API calls here; why do the outputs differ?
(Please note, I'm not looking for comments on the security or flaws in using RC4)
The problem turns out to be understanding how CryptDeriveKey uses the number of specified bits with the RC4 Decryption.
CryptDeriveKey(m_hProv, CALG_RC4, hHash, CRYPT_EXPORTABLE | 0x00280000, &m_hKey);
Here it's stating that we want a 40 bit key (0x00280000 = 40 << 16).
However, when calling CryptDecrypt, Windows actually uses 16 bytes for the key, taking the first 40 bits and setting the rest of the array to zero.
So, passing a 16 byte key, with just the first 40 bits set, to the CCCryptorCreate function generates the matching output to Windows.
Try using the API described in Open SSL (EVP_BytesToKey - password based encryption routine).

OpenSSL RSA signature verification: hash and padding?

I am trying to write code to verify some RSA signatures. The signatures were made using the OpenSSL command-line tool, using the equivalent of this command line:
openssl dgst -sha1 -sign private_key_file.pem < binary_data_file > sig
I am trying to use libtomcrypt to do the verify:
Here is the calling signature of the RSA verification function in libtomcrypt:
int rsa_verify_hash_ex(
const unsigned char *sig, unsigned long siglen, // signature to verify
const unsigned char *hash, unsigned long hashlen, // hash value to check against sig
int padding, // defined constant value, see below
int hash_idx, // identifies which hash algorithm, see below
unsigned long saltlen, // specify salt length, see below
int *stat, // output parameter, returns whether verify succeeded or not
rsa_key *key); // RSA public key to use for verify
This function returns a 0 if it operates without error, otherwise returns an error code. If it operates without error, the stat output parameter indicates whether the signature verified.
Most of the arguments seem straightforward: pass in the signature to check, the hash value to use to compare it, and the RSA key to use for the check. hash_idx is clear from the example code included with libtomcrypt; it is an index into a table of supported hash algorithms, and I can find the correct value to use with this code snippet: hash_idx = find_hash("sha1")
But I'm wondering about the padding and saltlen values. padding doesn't worry me too much, as there are only two possible values, and I can just try them both. But what should I pass for saltlen?
The OpenSSL documentation for the OpenSSL functions for RSA verify don't show a saltlen parameter. The man page for openssl dgst (i.e. the result of man dgst) does not discuss salt.
So my questions:
How can I determine the correct salt length to use?
Does OpenSSL's dgst command insert any extra stuff in the input, such as: (stdin)=
(I found that (stdin)= thing by searching StackOverflow: Why are the RSA-SHA256 signatures I generate with OpenSSL and Java different?)
libtomcrypt also has a function called pkcs_1_pss_decode() which is documented to "decode a PSS encoded signature block". Is there any chance that this is the function I need to call?
Thanks for any help you can give me.
EDIT: thanks to the help below, from #Jonathan Ben-Avraham, I was able to get this working today. The answers to my questions are, respectively:
Use length 0 for the salt, no salt at all.
No, OpenSSL did not insert anything extra such as (stdin)=
I needed to call rsa_verify_hash_ex(), and I needed to specify the padding argument as LTC_LTC_PKCS_1_V1_5.
No salt:
First, generate a binary SHA1 hash of your data:
openssl dgst -sha1 -binary -out hash1 some_data_file
This is an SHA1 hash or digest. There is no salt prependended to the file some_data_file. The openssl dgst -sha1 itself does not add salt. Note that the output file is just a 20 byte SHA1 hash with no salt. If there were salt, the hash would have to include it, probably prepended before the last 20 bytes that hold the SHA1 hash.
Next, sign the SHA1 hash file hash1 with your private key:
openssl pkeyutl -sign -in hash1 -inkey privkey.pem -pkeyopt digest:sha1 -out sig1
Now sign the some_data_file with openssl dgst:
openssl dgst -sha1 -sign privkey.pem < some_data_file > sig2
Finally, compare the two signatures:
diff sig1 sig2
and you should see that they are the same. This tells us that signing the raw SHA1 hash of a file with no salt is the same as using the openssl dgst -sha1 -sign command to sign the file, so it must be that the openssl dgst -sha1 -sign command also did not use any salt when generating its SHA1 hash for sig2.
Note also that you cannot achieve the same result using the deprecated rsautl:
openssl rsautl -sign -in hash1 -inkey privkey.pem -out sig1
instead of openssl pkeyutl, because openssl rsautl -sign does not do the ASN.1 encoding of DigestInfo as required by RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 defined in e.g. RFC3447 section 9.2 step 2. (This is why you need -pkeyopt digest: even though pkeyutl -sign itself doesn't do any hashing.) See this SE post for details.
One thing to emphasize: Be sure to pass the hash instead of the actual data. That threw me off for some time. Here's a snippet that works (but use sha256):
verify_tomcrypt(unsigned char *keyblob, size_t klen,
unsigned char *payload, size_t dlen,
unsigned char *signature, size_t slen)
rsa_key key;
int stat;
unsigned long len;
unsigned char digest2[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
ltc_mp = ltm_desc;
/* try reading the key */
if (rsa_import(keyblob, klen, &key) != CRYPT_OK) {
printf("Error reading key\n");
int hash_idx = find_hash("sha256");
if (hash_idx == -1) {
printf("LTC_SHA256 not found...?\n");
len = sizeof(digest2);
if (hash_memory(hash_idx, payload, dlen, digest2, &len) != CRYPT_OK) {
printf("sha256 fails...?\n");
if (rsa_verify_hash_ex(signature, slen, digest2, sizeof(digest2), LTC_LTC_PKCS_1_V1_5, hash_idx, 0, &stat, &key) == CRYPT_OK) {
if (stat == 1)
printf("Tomcrypt: Signature OK!\n");
printf("Tomcrypt: Signature NOK?\n");
} else {
printf("Tomcrypt: Signature error\n");

Transform xorcrypto encryption module to AES encryption module

I have been given a sample encryption module which simply xor a key with the packet data and place the result in data field of constructed packet itself....
The code for xoricv module is here.
xorcrypto(uint8_t *key, uint32_t keylen,
uint8_t *data, uint32_t datalen)
int d, k;
for (d=0, k=0; d < datalen; ++d, k = (k+1)%keylen) {
data[d] ^= key[k];
Now i need to change the module so that it performed the AES Encryption rather than simple xor operation.
Would you suggest possible transformation i need to do ????
It is a small part of my project and i am stuck in between..
The AES Command I have used on command line for encryption
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -in file.txt -out file.enc
Daily i am going through plenty of errors when i tried to implement it by my own and i have very limited time so please help me.......
Here is my implementation ...... although i am adding it here in answer column because may be there is small bug in my implementation which i could be able to solve through some valuable suggestions but still If any other way is possible please suggest and provide me some implementation code...
/* u_int8_t ... etc all are typedefs for uint8_t....etc
so don't bother about them */
void xorcrypto(u_int8_t *key, u_int32_t keylen,u_int8_t *data,
u_int32_t datalen)
int ch,i,j;
uint8_t modata[100];
FILE *fp,*fr,*fq,*ft;
fputs((char *)key,fp);
fputs((char *)data,fq);
system("sudo openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -in file.txt -out file.enc -pass file:key");
while( (ch=fgetc(fr))==EOF) {
system("sudo openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -salt -in file.enc
-out file1.txt -pass file:key");
while( (ch=fgetc(ft)) != EOF) {
Call to function in module is described as -
espcrypto(esp_private *epriv, sendip_data *data, sendip_data *pack)
u_int32_t keylen;
u_int8_t *key;
static u_int8_t fakekey;
struct ip_esp_hdr *esp = (struct ip_esp_hdr *)pack->data;
if (!epriv->keylen) { /* This isn't going to be very productive... */
key = &fakekey;
keylen = 1;
} else {
key = (u_int8_t *)epriv->key;
keylen = epriv->keylen;
/* Encrypt everything past the ESP header */
xorcrypto(key, keylen,
(u_int8_t *)esp->enc_data,
pack->alloc_len + data->alloc_len -
sizeof(struct ip_esp_hdr));
return TRUE;
This is code in the xorcrypto.c file in packet generator tool i am using which is linked during packet construction through command line as -am .That is the reason why I was being so lazy.I am first looking for an implementation which can act as proof of concept .Rest all optimizations can be done later.
The output I am getting is - encryption not performed at all the data is still in plain text in packet.
udit#udit-Dabba ~/Downloads/sendip-2.5-mec-2/mec $ cat file.txt
udit#udit-Dabba ~/Downloads/sendip-2.5-mec-2/mec $ cat file.enc
}�#��G�����0����iudit#udit-Dabba ~/Downloads/sendip-2.5-mec-2/mec $ cat file1.txt
udit#udit-Dabba ~/Downloads/sendip-2.5-mec-2/mec $
Why file.txt is null even key file is not updated ???
If any other information needed i will add it here......but please help me getting out of the mesh .
This may not even be possible without making some additional changes to your software. It doesn't look like your function allows for the resulting encrypted data to be larger than the unencrypted data, for one, which will be required for RSA.
The key you pass to your function will also be quite different; one side of an RSA key will consist of the modulus and an exponent. The modulus will be a large number (not representable with the normal integer types), and the exponent is typically a large number for one side and a (relatively) small one for the other.
Aside from that, there are a number of issues and difficulties with RSA. You could try to deal with these yourself, but you'd probably be better off using an existing library like OpenSSL. Some of these issues include:
Implementing RSA (with usefully long keys) requires modular arithmetic on very large numbers, far larger than any of the normal integer types. You'd either have to write functions for this, or find a library.
The data has to be broken into pieces that are shorter than the modulus (part of the key), including whatever padding and such is encrypted along with the data. The length of each piece after encryption will be the length of the modulus. That's why the resulting encrypted data will be longer than the original data (and also padding).
Avoiding certain vulnerabilities requires additional steps, such as adding random padding into each piece of data and ensuring that the padded data, raised to the exponent from the key, would exceed the modulus (if it weren't done as modular exponentiation).
So first, you'll need to make it possible for your encryption function to return more data than you gave it. Then you should probably look at using an encryption library to do the actual encryption, to save a lot of work and reduce the chances of letting vulnerabilities slip through.
I feel the line :
while( (ch=fgetc(fr))==EOF)
// Also, Similar statements that you have used many times.
You are reading 1 character from the file and comparing that to EOF. That works fine untill you are working with normal text files.
But here you are working with an encrypted file, file.enc which can contain anything at all.
It can even posses EOF character itself as data content.
That means if file has 100 characters and 2nd character is EOF then it will terminate at 2nd character itself.
I feel this as a possible problem.
Remains.. the other problems - I suggest using fprintf() instead of fputs(), these are easy to use and hence avoids unseen bugs. Since you are working on strings instead of characters logically.
Moreover, using these you also get an advantage of string formatting when needed.
Try out and then get back.. :)
