Flexible storage and retrieval of motion capture data - c

I want to flexibly access motion capture data from C/C++ code. We currently have a bunch of separate files (.c3d format). We can expect the full set of data to be several hours long and tracking about 50 markers (4 floats each) per frame, sampled at 60 hz. So we're probably looking at a couple of gigabytes of data.
I'd like to have a database that can hold the data, allowing it to be relatively rapidly retrieved, augmented, and modified. I like to be able to apply labels to the data and retrieve sequences of frames by label, time indices (e.g., frame 400-2000, or every 30th frame) or other potential criteria.
Does such a thing already exist? Could I do it with SQLite for example? Does anyone have an intuition for what kind of performance I might get?
Currently, I'm just loading one .c3d file at a time and processing it. I haven't yet begun to apply meta-data/labels to sequences. I'll be accessing the sequences for visualization, statistical analysis, and training for machine-learning.

If you need to store multi-gigabytes of data with a known schema you might want to look into a binary flat file database. Of those available, I would recommend HDF5. It is not a relational database like SQLite, but provides rich support for array and matrix data with excellent performance. It also includes MPI support, if you ever expand your machine-learning onto a cluster.


Suggestions on how to store and retrieve time-series data

I am currently working on a project that requires us to store a large amount of time series data, but more importantly, retrieve large amounts of it quick.
There will be N devices (>10,000) which will periodically send data to the system, lets say every 5 seconds. This data will quickly build up, but we are generally only interested in the most recent data, and want to compact the older data. We don't want to remove it, as it is still useful, but instead of having thousands of data point for a day, we might save just 5 or 10 after N days/weeks/months have passed.
Specifically we want to be able to fetch sampled data over a large time period, say a year or two. There might be millions of points here, but we just want a small, linearly distributed, sample of this data.
Today we are experimenting with influxdb, which initially seemed like an alright solution. It was fast enough and allows us to store our data in a reasonable structure, but we have found that it is not completely satisfactory. We were unable to perform the sample query described above and in general the system does not feel mature enough for us.
Any advice on how we can proceed, or alternative solutions, is much appreciated.
You might be interested in looking at TimescaleDB:
It builds a time-series DB on top of Postgres and so offers full SQL support, as well as generally the Postgres ecosystem/reliability. This can give you a lot greater query flexibility, which sounds like you want.
In terms of your specific use case, there would really be two solutions.
First, what people typically would do is to create two "hypertables", one for raw data, another for sampled data. These hypertables look like standard tables to the user, although heavily partitioned under the covers for much better scalability (e.g., 20x insert throughput vs. postgres for large table sizes).
Then you basically do a roll-up from the raw to the sampled table, and use a different data retention policy on each (so you keep raw data for say 1 month, with sampled data for years).
Second, you can go with a single hypertable, and then just schedule a normal SQL query to delete individual rows from data that's older than a certain time period.
We might even in the future add better first-class support for this latter approach if it becomes a common-enough requested feature, although most use cases we've encountered to date seemed more focused on #1, esp. in order to to keep statistical data about removed data-points, as opposed to just straight samples.
(Disclaimer: I'm one of the authors of TimescaleDB.)

InfluxDB: storing audio or video

We are looking at InfluxDB to store large numbers of streamed measurements (1-2 tera-samples). Additionally, we would like to be able to also store audio and video streams corresponding to the measurements (not all of them but many). To me at least this makes sense, since it is all time base data. But I don't see any discussion of this online.
I imagine that the video data could be broken up into frames. And that the audio data could be broken up into 100msec audio frames.
Has anyone tried this? Any recommendations?
Most time-series databases are optimized for storing floating point values, with the occasional string here and there. Storing BLOBs beyond perhaps 1KB is likely not a good use case for InfluxDB, although we haven't done much performance testing with larger binary data.
That said, I don't quite follow your use case. It seems more like you need to index audio and video, rather than store and analyze time series data. TSDBs aren't just optimized for storing things with time as the primary axis, they are also optimized for aggregating those values and looking for change over time. Your use case doesn't seem to involve any aggregation or pattern searching, just a simple look-up table by time.
I would think a NoSQL database would be just as good for this, or perhaps OpenTSDB, which builds on top of Cassandra.

Need a highly compressed datastore for Crawl data and log data

I have to store a lot of crawl and log data in a Datastore with an efficient compression ratio.
So far I tried and installed Cassandra, Couchbase, Mysql and an FlatFile format and read the architectual overview of Google Big Table, Hypertable and the LevelDB File Layout.
Cassandra and Couchbase are about 1/5 in disk size of the uncompressed Mysql Database, but I want better results.
So I need a Simple Data Store with high compression features as in vertica, teradata, oracle and sqlserver products. (Page level compression)
The actual flatFile dataSet looks like
Per File are about 400 high redundant entries each about 5kb
A File can be compressed from 1722 KB to 39 KB so an compression ratio of 44:1 up to 100:1 depending on the compression chunk size should be possible.
Defining the use case:
I have to poll all relevant gas_station webpages/apis every 30 seconds to get up to the minute pricing information, because it is not possible to write a parser for every gas station, a generic solution is required for index creation. With a database holding all craweld gas station pages a generic parser can easily be developed and backtestet. With this raw data model data loss through broken specific converters should be avoided.
With keys like "oil_type-gas_station-timestamp-content", its easy and efficient to compare two gas_station pricings over time. For reading a Time Serie that is smaller then the compression chunk size only 2 to 4 chunks should be decompressed.
So the following features are optimal:
Configurable Compression Options (Level,Compression Engine,Chunk Size (from 64kb to 10 MB))
Range Scans
Java Bindings
column datasore for better compression
Nice to have:
Multi Master
write quorum of 1
Forward and backward iteration over the data. (to compare two time series)
configurable replica distribution
few dependencies
Wich free Database is able to hold archived data of high redundant crawl data (only a few bytes change) , compresses good and does not use too much time to query a random record.
(In opposit to the mysql archive format, that has to decompress the whole table until the requested row)
Maybe there is a log database, that is able to index a lot of log lines and compresses them internaly? (scope of logstash, fluentd, flume)
If someone would know some benchmarks, numbers on this topic it would help a lot, to evaluate the right technology.
I am glad for your help!
Assuming you are in a multithreaded environment, possible multi-process, LevelDB is NOT a good idea.
Cassandra is written in Java, therefore you'll see excessive memory consumption when handling a big load of big files, at least without tweaking the JVM. Also, since it's written in Java, it probably won't be fast enough for really good compression.
I use HyperTable on my Linux-box to store photos and movies.
You can use HyperTable from any language with Thrift-support.
Additionally, if you need it, you can use the C++ drivers, for extra-speed.
One thing that is nice about HyperTable is that it doesn't add a dependency on Java, since it's written in C++, which also means it's blazing fast and not garbage-collected (no memory overhead).
Hypertable does have a Java client however, out of the box.
I use my own C# Thrift-client, which I ported from Java.
See >here< for the code.
Since HyperTable operates on Byte-Arrays, you can simply put your file in the thrift-client as byte-array, and HyperTable will compress it for you automagically, if you have told it to do so in the column definition.
You could also try MongoDb, if you absolutely want to.
Mongo actually derives from humongous, by the way.
However, I must say I have never "really" used it.

Storing time-series data, relational or non?

I am creating a system which polls devices for data on varying metrics such as CPU utilisation, disk utilisation, temperature etc. at (probably) 5 minute intervals using SNMP. The ultimate goal is to provide visualisations to a user of the system in the form of time-series graphs.
I have looked at using RRDTool in the past, but rejected it as storing the captured data indefinitely is important to my project, and I want higher level and more flexible access to the captured data. So my question is really:
What is better, a relational database (such as MySQL or PostgreSQL) or a non-relational or NoSQL database (such as MongoDB or Redis) with regard to performance when querying data for graphing.
Given a relational database, I would use a data_instances table, in which would be stored every instance of data captured for every metric being measured for all devices, with the following fields:
Fields: id fk_to_device fk_to_metric metric_value timestamp
When I want to draw a graph for a particular metric on a particular device, I must query this singular table filtering out the other devices, and the other metrics being analysed for this device:
SELECT metric_value, timestamp FROM data_instances
WHERE fk_to_device=1 AND fk_to_metric=2
The number of rows in this table would be:
d * m_d * f * t
where d is the number of devices, m_d is the accumulative number of metrics being recorded for all devices, f is the frequency at which data is polled for and t is the total amount of time the system has been collecting data.
For a user recording 10 metrics for 3 devices every 5 minutes for a year, we would have just under 5 million records.
Without indexes on fk_to_device and fk_to_metric scanning this continuously expanding table would take too much time. So indexing the aforementioned fields and also timestamp (for creating graphs with localised periods) is a requirement.
Non-Relational (NoSQL)
MongoDB has the concept of a collection, unlike tables these can be created programmatically without setup. With these I could partition the storage of data for each device, or even each metric recorded for each device.
I have no experience with NoSQL and do not know if they provide any query performance enhancing features such as indexing, however the previous paragraph proposes doing most of the traditional relational query work in the structure by which the data is stored under NoSQL.
Would a relational solution with correct indexing reduce to a crawl within the year? Or does the collection based structure of NoSQL approaches (which matches my mental model of the stored data) provide a noticeable benefit?
Definitely Relational. Unlimited flexibility and expansion.
Two corrections, both in concept and application, followed by an elevation.
It is not "filtering out the un-needed data"; it is selecting only the needed data. Yes, of course, if you have an Index to support the columns identified in the WHERE clause, it is very fast, and the query does not depend on the size of the table (grabbing 1,000 rows from a 16 billion row table is instantaneous).
Your table has one serious impediment. Given your description, the actual PK is (Device, Metric, DateTime). (Please don't call it TimeStamp, that means something else, but that is a minor issue.) The uniqueness of the row is identified by:
(Device, Metric, DateTime)
The Id column does nothing, it is totally and completely redundant.
An Id column is never a Key (duplicate rows, which are prohibited in a Relational database, must be prevented by other means).
The Id column requires an additional Index, which obviously impedes the speed of INSERT/DELETE, and adds to the disk space used.
You can get rid of it. Please.
Now that you have removed the impediment, you may not have recognised it, but your table is in Sixth Normal Form. Very high speed, with just one Index on the PK. For understanding, read this answer from the What is Sixth Normal Form ? heading onwards.
(I have one index only, not three; on the Non-SQLs you may need three indices).
I have the exact same table (without the Id "key", of course). I have an additional column Server. I support multiple customers remotely.
(Server, Device, Metric, DateTime)
The table can be used to Pivot the data (ie. Devices across the top and Metrics down the side, or pivoted) using exactly the same SQL code (yes, switch the cells). I use the table to erect an unlimited variety of graphs and charts for customers re their server performance.
Monitor Statistics Data Model.
(Too large for inline; some browsers cannot load inline; click the link. Also that is the obsolete demo version, for obvious reasons, I cannot show you commercial product DM.)
It allows me to produce Charts Like This, six keystrokes after receiving a raw monitoring stats file from the customer, using a single SELECT command. Notice the mix-and-match; OS and server on the same chart; a variety of Pivots. Of course, there is no limit to the number of stats matrices, and thus the charts. (Used with the customer's kind permission.)
Readers who are unfamiliar with the Standard for Modelling Relational Databases may find the IDEF1X Notation helpful.
One More Thing
Last but not least, SQL is a IEC/ISO/ANSI Standard. The freeware is actually Non-SQL; it is fraudulent to use the term SQL if they do not provide the Standard. They may provide "extras", but they are absent the basics.
Found very interesting the above answers.
Trying to add a couple more considerations here.
1) Data aging
Time-series management usually need to create aging policies. A typical scenario (e.g. monitoring server CPU) requires to store:
1-sec raw samples for a short period (e.g. for 24 hours)
5-min detail aggregate samples for a medium period (e.g. 1 week)
1-hour detail over that (e.g. up to 1 year)
Although relational models make it possible for sure (my company implemented massive centralized databases for some large customers with tens of thousands of data series) to manage it appropriately, the new breed of data stores add interesting functionalities to be explored like:
automated data purging (see Redis' EXPIRE command)
multidimensional aggregations (e.g. map-reduce jobs a-la-Splunk)
2) Real-time collection
Even more importantly some non-relational data stores are inherently distributed and allow for a much more efficient real-time (or near-real time) data collection that could be a problem with RDBMS because of the creation of hotspots (managing indexing while inserting in a single table). This problem in the RDBMS space is typically solved reverting to batch import procedures (we managed it this way in the past) while no-sql technologies have succeeded in massive real-time collection and aggregation (see Splunk for example, mentioned in previous replies).
You table has data in single table. So relational vs non relational is not the question. Basically you need to read a lot of sequential data. Now if you have enough RAM to store a years worth data then nothing like using Redis/MongoDB etc.
Mostly NoSQL databases will store your data on same location on disk and in compressed form to avoid multiple disk access.
NoSQL does the same thing as creating the index on device id and metric id, but in its own way. With database even if you do this the index and data may be at different places and there would be a lot of disk IO.
Tools like Splunk are using NoSQL backends to store time series data and then using map reduce to create aggregates (which might be what you want later). So in my opinion to use NoSQL is an option as people have already tried it for similar use cases. But will a million rows bring the database to crawl (maybe not , with decent hardware and proper configurations).
Create a file, name it 1_2.data. weired idea? what you get:
You save up to 50% of space because you don't need to repeat the fk_to_device and fk_to_metric value for every data point.
You save up even more space because you don't need any indices.
Save pairs of (timestamp,metric_value) to the file by appending the data so you get a order by timestamp for free. (assuming that your sources don't send out of order data for a device)
=> Queries by timestamp run amazingly fast because you can use binary search to find the right place in the file to read from.
if you like it even more optimized start thinking about splitting your files like that;
or use kdb+ from http://kx.com because they do all this for you:) column-oriented is what may help you.
There is a cloud-based column-oriented solution popping up, so you may want to have a look at: http://timeseries.guru
You should look into Time series database. It was created for this purpose.
A time series database (TSDB) is a software system that is optimized for handling time series data, arrays of numbers indexed by time (a datetime or a datetime range).
Popular example of time-series database InfluxDB
I think that the answer for this kind of question should mainly revolve about the way your Database utilize storage.
Some Database servers use RAM and Disk, some use RAM only (optionally Disk for persistency), etc.
Most common SQL Database solutions are using memory+disk storage and writes the data in a Row based layout (every inserted raw is written in the same physical location).
For timeseries stores, in most cases the workload is something like: Relatively-low interval of massive amount of inserts, while reads are column based (in most cases you want to read a range of data from a specific column, representing a metric)
I have found Columnar Databases (google it, you'll find MonetDB, InfoBright, parAccel, etc) are doing terrific job for time series.
As for your question, which personally I think is somewhat invalid (as all discussions using the fault term NoSQL - IMO):
You can use a Database server that can talk SQL on one hand, making your life very easy as everyone knows SQL for many years and this language has been perfected over and over again for data queries; but still utilize RAM, CPU Cache and Disk in a Columnar oriented way, making your solution best fit Time Series
5 Millions of rows is nothing for today's torrential data. Expect data to be in the TB or PB in just a few months. At this point RDBMS do not scale to the task and we need the linear scalability of NoSql databases. Performance would be achieved for the columnar partition used to store the data, adding more columns and less rows kind of concept to boost performance. Leverage the Open TSDB work done on top of HBASE or MapR_DB, etc.
I face similar requirements regularly, and have recently started using Zabbix to gather and store this type of data. Zabbix has its own graphing capability, but it's easy enough to extract the data out of Zabbix's database and process it however you like. If you haven't already checked Zabbix out, you might find it worth your time to do so.

Scalable, fast, text file backed database engine?

I am dealing with large amounts of scientific data that are stored in tab separated .tsv files. The typical operations to be performed are reading several large files, filtering out only certain columns/rows, joining with other sources of data, adding calculated values and writing the result as another .tsv.
The plain text is used for its robustness, longevity and self-documenting character. Storing the data in another format is not an option, it has to stay open and easy to process. There is a lot of data (tens of TBs), and it is not affordable to load a copy into a relational database (we would have to buy twice as much storage space).
Since I am mostly doing selects and joins, I realized I basically need a database engine with .tsv based backing store. I do not care about transactions, since my data is all write-once-read-many. I need to process the data in-place, without a major conversion step and data cloning.
As there is a lot of data to be queried this way, I need to process it efficiently, utilizing caching and a grid of computers.
Does anyone know of a system that would provide database-like capabilities, while using plain tab-separated files as backend? It seems to me like a very generic problem, that virtually all scientists get to deal with in one way or the other.
There is a lot of data (tens of TBs), and it is not affordable to load a copy into a relational database (we would have to buy twice as much storage space).
You know your requirements better than any of us, but I would suggest you think again about this. If you have 16-bit integers (0-65535) stored in a csv file, your .tsv storage efficiency is about 33%: it takes 5 bytes to store most 16-bit integers plus a delimiter = 6 bytes, whereas the native integers take 2 bytes. For floating-point data the efficiency is even worse.
I would consider taking the existing data, and instead of storing raw, processing it in the following two ways:
Store it compressed in a well-known compression format (e.g. gzip or bzip2) onto your permanent archiving media (backup servers, tape drives, whatever), so that you retain the advantages of the .tsv format.
Process it into a database which has good storage efficiency. If the files have a fixed and rigorous format (e.g. column X is always a string, column Y is always a 16-bit integer), then you're probably in good shape. Otherwise, a NoSQL database might be better (see Stefan's answer).
This would create an auditable (but perhaps slowly accessible) archive with low risk of data loss, and a quickly-accessible database that doesn't need to be concerned with losing the source data, since you can always re-read it into the database from the archive.
You should be able to reduce your storage space and should not need twice as much storage space, as you state.
Indexing is going to be the hard part; you'd better have a good idea of what subset of the data you need to be able to query efficiently.
One of these nosql dbs might work. I highly doubt any are configurable to sit on top of flat, delimited files. You might look at one of the open source projects and write your own database layer.
Scalability begins at a point beyond tab-separated ASCII.
Just be practical - don't academicise it - convention frees your fingers as well as your mind.
I would upvote Jason's recommendation if I had the reputation. My only add is that if you do not store it in a different format like the database Jason was suggesting you pay the parsing cost on every operation instead of just once when you initially process it.
You can do this with LINQ to Objects if you are in a .NET environment. Streaming/deferred execution, functional programming model and all of the SQL operators. The joins will work in a streaming model, but one table gets pulled in so you have to have a large table joined to a smaller table situation.
The ease of shaping the data and the ability to write your own expressions would really shine in a scientific application.
LINQ against a delimited text file is a common demonstration of LINQ. You need to provide the ability to feed LINQ a tabular model. Google LINQ for text files for some examples (e.g., see http://www.codeproject.com/KB/linq/Linq2CSV.aspx, http://www.thereforesystems.com/tutorial-reading-a-text-file-using-linq/, etc.).
Expect a learning curve, but it's a good solution for your problem. One of the best treatments on the subject is Jon Skeet's C# in depth. Pick up the "MEAP" version from Manning for early access of his latest edition.
I've done work like this before with large mailing lists that need to be cleansed, dedupped and appended. You are invariably IO bound. Try Solid State Drives, particularly Intel's "E" series which has very fast write performance, and RAID them as parallel as possible. We also used grids, but had to adjust the algorithms to do multi-pass approaches that would reduce the data.
Note I would agree with the other answers that stress loading into a database and indexing if the data is very regular. In that case, you're basically doing ETL which is a well understood problem in the warehouseing community. If the data is ad-hoc however, you have scientists that just drop their results in a directory, you have a need for "agile/just in time" transformations, and if most transformations are single pass select ... where ... join, then you're approaching it the right way.
You can do this with VelocityDB. It is is very fast at reading tab seperated data into C# objects and databases. The entire Wikipedia text is a 33GB xml file. This file takes 18 minutes to read in and persist as objects (1 per Wikipedia topic) and store in compact databases. Many samples are shown for how to read in tab seperated text files as part of the download.
The question's already been answered, and I agree with the bulk of the statements.
At our centre, we have a standard talk we give, "so you have 40TB of data", as scientists are newly finding themselves in this situation all the time now. The talk is nominally about visualization, but primarly about managing large amounts of data for those that are new to it. The basic points we try to get across:
Plan your I/O
Binary files
As much as possible, large files
File formats that can be read in parallel, subregions extracted
Avoid zillions of files
Especially avoid zillions of files in single directory
Data Management must scale:
Include metadata for provenance
Reduce need to re-do
Sensible data management
Hierarchy of data directories only if that will always work
Data bases, formats that allow metadata
Use scalable, automatable tools:
For large data sets, parallel tools - ParaView, VisIt, etc
Scriptable tools - gnuplot, python, R, ParaView/Visit...
Scripts provide reproducability!
We have a fair amount of stuff on large-scale I/O generally, as this is an increasingly common stumbling block for scientists.
