FB.getLoginStatus never fires the callback function in Facebook's JavaScript SDK - facebook-iframe

The simple thing of calling FB.init (right before </body>) and then FB.getLoginStatus(callback) doesn't fire the callback function.
After some debugging, I think the SDK is stuck in the "loading" (i.e. FB.Auth._loadState == 'loading') phase and never gets to "loaded", so all callbacks are queued until the SDK has loaded.
If I force-fire the "loaded" event during debugging - with FB.Event.fire('FB.loginStatus', 'loaded') in case you're intersted - then the callbacks are invoked correctly.
Extra details that might be relevant:
My app is a facebook iframe app (loaded via apps.facebook.com/myapp)
I'm using IE9. The same behavior happens in Chrome
The app is hosted in http://localhost
What's going on? Why is the SDK never gets to loaded?
UPDATE: Just tried it on Chrome and it worked (not sure why it didn't work before). Still doesn't work in IE

I had this same problem in Firefox 3.5 on Windows, but only on the very first log in to the page (probably because it was a slower machine and there was some weird timing issues going on).
I fixed it by forcing FB to refresh the login status cookie every time it checks:
FB.getLoginStatus(callback, true); //second argument forces a refresh from Facebook's server.
Without "force=true", sometimes it wouldn't fire the callback.

I had the exact same problem, and I solved it disabling "Secure Browsing" in the Facebook Security settings. Keeping Secure Browsing on forces the pages as "https", but I had no "Secure Canvas URL" set up, and this gave me a lot of errors in the console as well.
Hope this may help someone :)

In my experience, getLoginStatus() never calls the callback in Firefox when third-party cookies are disabled.
The original poster mentioned his application is hosted on http://localhost. I've never had luck with that, and believe it will cause problems.
Just today, I've had problems where getLoginStatus is not calling the callback on any browser, unless the user is actually connected to the app! I'm hoping this is a bug on facebook's end that they will solve.

Yet another possibility for FB.getLoginStatus not firing its callback is when using a "test" user account that has not been authorized to view that application. Its pretty bad that facebook doesn't give you any error messages.
I have also seen failed callbacks on bad appIds and redirectUrls.

I also ran into this issue specifically in Chrome. I tried calling it on page load and after a user-initiated action with no success.
It turned out that it was not a cross-domain issue. The getLoginStatus() call was being blocked by the Un-Passwordise extension in Chrome. As soon as I disabled the extension, it worked perfectly, even on page load.
More info about this issue here: Chrome-only cross-domain scripting errs in Facebook iFrame App upon FB.Login(..)

I understand that this question is a little old now, but I ran across it searching for solutions.
Double-check what you have set in your Facebook app configuration under the section "Website with Facebook Login". The Site URL domain must match the domain your page with the FB.getLoginStatus (and other related auth Javascript) is served from.
After hours of struggling, I realized that I could not reuse an existing app configuration I had on a new server and had to create a new app to handle the website login for this new server.
The other answers are probably equally valid in your specific case, but since there may be others like me who have struggled for a while on this, hopefully this gives you one other place to check. Making a new app with the correct Site URL was the answer in my particular case.


React app hosted by Netlify doesn't update unless F5 or reload

I'm a little surprised there is nothing out there about this that I have found. But just like the title says, I have a React SPA deployed to Netlify. It goes live without error. The only issue is, if the end user has been to the site before, they have to refresh the page to see any changes I have pushed out.
Is there something I need to add to the index file perhaps?
The browser caches the compiled js bundle.
You can read more here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Cache-Control
One of your options would be to disable it, or set cache expiration to a lower value during the intense development and increase it if/when you deploy less often.
Another option could be to implement some kind of API method to check if newer version has been deployed and trigger a page refresh. (Please be careful not to discard users work, like data filled in forms, during a refresh)
Each have pros and cons.

Next JS messing up responses for concurrent requests

I have a NextJs app that uses SSR for all pages (so no static pages to worry about caching). Inside App.getInitialProps I get the user-agent to make an educated guess about whether the requests comes from a mobile device or desktop to render the correct layout on the server. But I came across an issue where sometimes the mobile layout got rendered on the desktop and vice-versa.
After extensive debugging, I came to this conclusion: if two user agents make a request to the same URL, there is a change next will confuse the request and serve the wrong answers. For example, if there is a chrome and a safari user simultaneously requesting the same URL, there is a chance the chrome user will get served the response meant for the safari user. In this example it's a non issue, but if Next messes up a mobile and a desktop request, the server and client get out of sync and the hydration phase fails.
Has anyone come across an issue like that? I guess I am either doing something wrong inside my _app.js or in the next.config.js, but I can't find anything regarding an issue like that

Weird data binding behavior with socket.io

I am creating a socket.io app using angular 2 on the frontend and I am getting a very weird behavior that I have never seen before when working with socket.io. I have no idea if my code is causing the issue or if it is something within the interaction between angular2 and socket.io, but if it is my code, I can't say what code I might need to post.
The mysterious behavior: At first instinct, my process for testing if my sockets connections are working properly is to open up an incognito tab, go to my project site, log in as a different user and see if API requests are emitted properly across the users. However; right now EVERY action that is made on either of the users happens to the other user. EX: if I type into a form one of the clients, the other clients form will get updated with the same information. If I click the forms submit button to post the data in the form, the other clients submit button will be clicked as well. Occasionally, it happens when navigating between states, where the other client will also navigate to the state. The behavior also occurs when logging on to a completely different computer, so imagine it is an issue with how socket.io emits data.
All the clients are connecting and disconnecting appropriately and are getting assigned unique socket ID's.
Turns out, the solution was a bit simpler than I was expecting it to be. I strange behavior occurs through a conflict with npm live-server running at the same time as my socket.io connection. I still cannot explain why the conflict was manifested as this sort of strange behavior, but at least I got it to stop by running the app as an express app serving up the index.html.
If anyone could explain why this might have been happening, I would love to hear.

IE8 freeze caused by long synchronous xmlhttprequest from silverlight

I'm having an issue where a long synchronous request will freeze Internet Explorer.
Let me explain the context : this is a web application which only supports IE8 and which can only use Synchronous*.
We have a Silverlight component with a save button. When the user presses the button, some information is sent to the server using a synchronous XMLHttpRequest, then some other actions are done client-side in the Silverlight component.
The server-side part includes calculations that will sometime take a while (several minutes).
In short, here is the code (c# silverlight part)
ScriptObject _XMLHttpRequest;
_XMLHttpRequest.Invoke("open", "POST", url, false);
_XMLHttpRequest.Invoke("send", data);
I know that the server does its work properly because I can see in the verbose logs, the end of the page rendering for the "url" called from Silverlight.
However, in debug mode I can see that I never reach the "checkresponse" line. After calling the "send" line, IE will freeze forever, not unfreezing once the server log shows that "url" has been processed.
Also, I tried to add "_XMLHttpRequest.SetParameter("timeout", 5000)" between the "open" and the "send" lines. IE freezes for 5 seconds, then "checkresponse" and "dootherthings" are executed. Then IE freezes again while server-side calculations are processed and doesn't unfreeze once the server is done with its work.
IE timeout is supposed to be 3 hours (registry key ReceiveTimeout set to 10800000), and I also got rid of IE 2-connexions limit (MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server and MaxConnectionsPerServer set to 20).
Last important information : there is no issue when the server-side part only takes a few seconds instead of several minutes.
Do you know where the freeze could come from (IE bug, XMLHttpRequest bug, something I have done wrong) and how I can avoid this ?
Thank you !
Kévin B
*(while trying to solve my issue with the help of Google I found an incredible amount of "use asynch" and "synch is bad" posts; but I can't do this change in my app. Switching the application, ajax loads, and all server side calculations to asynchronous is a huge work which has been quoted for our client and is a long-term objective. I need a short-term fix for now)
Silverlight virtually requires that everything be done asynchronously. Any long running synchronous process will hang the browser if run on the UI thread. If you never reach the 'checkResponse' line of code it is possible that an unhandled exception was thrown on the previous line, and it is being swallowed. You can check in the dev tools of your browser to see if there are any javascript errors. I am surprised that calling XMLHttpRequest synchronously works at all since I would expect it to lock up the UI thread. But, the solution depends on your definition of async.
You can try:
calling the sync XHR request on a background thread and then marshalling to the UI thread (eg with Dispatcher.BeginInvoke) when you are ready
setting up an XMLHttpRequest wrapper that makes the call in async mode and raises a callback in Silverlight on completion
using HttpClient or WebClient
While these options are async, they don't require your server code to be written any differently (it can stay synchronous). I have seen a web server process a call for over an hour before finally returning a response, at which time the Silverlight app raised a callback. You could even use tools like the TPL await/async, or co-routines available in many mvvm frameworks to make the code appear very procedural/synchronous while still performing its actions asynchronously.
I hope you already solved your issue, but maybe this will be helpful to whomever may come across this post.

Redirect (?) issue in CakePHP 1.3: "Failed to load source"

From the /posts/edit-view I'm submitting a form to the action addCategory in my Post controller.
The action does all the work it has to do, and subsequently calls $this->redirect($this->referer());.
At first sight my app works fine, but I encountered some hickups when moving to a production server. Monitoring the calls in Firebug I see that the action acually returns a 302 Found but the 'Response' is Failed to load source for: http://localhost/xps/posts/addCategory.
This happens on both dev en production servers, only on the production server it makes the redirect flow fail. On both servers the controller actions are executed well: category is added.
Removing all the code in the action results in the same failure. Removing the redirect removes the failure, but that's not getting me anywhere.
A second (though maybe irrelevant) irregularity is that the submit method of the form is identified as PUT in Firebug although I explicitly set it to POST in Cake.
I recently switched from CakePHP 1.3.4 to 1.3.6, but reversing does not change the behavior
I use the RequestHandler, Session and Auth components and call parent::beforeFilter() in beforeFilter().
I also found the following thread http://cakephp.1045679.n5.nabble.com/puzzle-over-activity-td1260972.html It suggests to remove $this->Auth->authorize = 'controller'; but I don't have that stated anywhere anyway.
Does anyone have an idea where to look next?
Just a guess, but if you are using Security component, it might cause problems. Also, sometimes when using the ajax and sessions it can cause problems. Maybe if the page requires sessions, you could try it without sessions and see if it works.
Ok, I found it.
The Failed to load source is still there but is not the cause of failure.
In one of my Behaviors I had a space after ?> which messed up the headers, which made me look into the wrong detail.
