Im trying to make a batch file that makes a batch file that makes a vbs file with code in it. But the code that tells the new batch-file that it is supposed to make a vbs-file (the "> %Popup_file_name%.vbs") does not copy over.
I have already tried to make a value
Set Insert=">"
Echo echo X=MsgBox("%Popup_text%",0+16,"%Popup_title%") %Insert% %Popup_file_name%.vbs >> %MalName%.bat
::But then it copies the quotation marks over.
echo X=MsgBox("%Popup_text%",0+16,"%Popup_title%") ">" %Popup_file_name%.vbs
This is the code
Echo echo X=MsgBox("%Popup_text%",0+16,"%Popup_title%") > %Popup_file_name%.vbs >> %MalName%.bat
::Here is the part that doesn't work (i have marked it with som black boxes)
Echo echo X=MsgBox("%Popup_text%",0+16,"%Popup_title%") 【>】 %Popup_file_name%.vbs >> %MalName%.bat
::I expected it to just copy the line over with the "> %Popup_file_name%.vbs" but it does not.
i have a command that displays the current name of the batch file that it's code is appended to.
echo %~n0%~x0
i want to send the command to a text file without changing its syntax.
for example;
echo %~n0%~x0 >> somefile.txt
i tried escaping the percentage sign with another percentage but it doesn't work.
echo %%~n0%%~x0
any ideas...?
Try the caret instead of the %% like this ^% you might also need to escape the escape (I know weird and why .. but might).
Using the CARET ^ worked for me.
echo ^%%~n0^%%~x0 >> somefile.txt
this code will produce the batch file name
echo ^%~n0^%~x0 >> somefile.txt
I have a quite extensive batch file for swapping project files around and includes a few menu's and clearscreen commands. I have included the command - #Echo off to avoid all commands being output. The batch file works fine except it outputs the statement "Echo is off" when I refresh the screen for a new menu. Is there any way to stop the "Echo is off" statement?
Look for a line that has echo and either nothing after it or a variable that is empty.
This is good to echo a blank line
and similarly this will echo a blank line and not a "echo is off" error when the variable is empty.
The echo statement is question is attempting to echo a variable which is not set.
The easy way is to replace echo %var% with echo(%var%
How would i add this text to a file because it seems to get confused with the other greater than less than signs thanks
echo >> C:\docs\thisdoc.txt
If I've got you right, you want to write the text "echo >> c:\docs\thisdoc.txt" in a file? Then you need to escape the ">"characters with "^":
echo echo ^>^> C:\docs\thisdoc.txt > mybatch.cmd
I am making a .bat file, and I would like it to write ASCII art into a text file.
I was able to find the command to append a new line to the file when echoing text, but when I read that text file, all I see is a layout-sign and not a space. I think it would work by opening that file with Word or even WordPad, but I would like it to work on any computer, even if that computer only has Notepad (which is mostly the case).
How can I open the text file in a certain program (i.e. WordPad) or write a proper space character to the file?
I found that it is the best way to use:
echo <line1> > <filename>
echo <line2> >> <filename>
P.S. I used | in my ASCII art, so it crashed, Dumb Dumb Dumb :)
echo Hello, > file.txt
echo. >>file.txt
echo world >>file.txt
and you can always run:
wordpad file.txt
on any version of Windows.
On Windows 2000 and above you can do:
( echo Hello, & echo. & echo world ) > file.txt
Another way of showing a message for a small amount of text is to create file.vbs containing:
Msgbox "Hello," & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "world", 0, "Message"
Call it with
cscript /nologo file.vbs
Or use wscript if you don't need it to wait until they click OK.
The problem with the message you're writing is that the vertical bar (|) is the "pipe" operator. You'll need to escape it by using ^| instead of |.
P.S. it's spelled Pwned.
You can easily append to the end of a file, by using the redirection char twice (>>).
This will copy source.txt to destination.txt, overwriting destination in the process:
type source.txt > destination.txt
This will copy source.txt to destination.txt, appending to destination in the process:
type source.txt >> destination.txt
Maybe this is what you want?
echo foo > test.txt
echo. >> test.txt
echo bar >> test.txt
results in the following within test.txt:
echo "text to echo" > file.txt
Use the following:
echo (text here) >> (name here).txt
Ex. echo my name is jeff >> test.txt
my name is jeff
You can use it in a script too.
I always use copy con to write text, It so easy to write a long text
C:\COPY CON [drive:][path][File name]
.... Content
1 file(s) is copied