how is Billing for Channel API done? - google-app-engine

I've chosen google-app-engine because of its scalability, and now I try to understand how much I will have to pay once I release the product.
I've looked back and forth in the google app engine documentation to find an answer for question and couldn't find. I found few details in the "Quotas" page, I found how much I can get for free and how much is the Billing Default Quota.
In Billing Page there are number for CPU, etc with Resource and Unit and how much it cost. But no where could I find how much will it cost me per channel calls/created, etc.
I can't even try to make calculations with what's in the Admin console, because the current numbers there now are 0 (since there are 2 users which are the programmers).
How can I be ready for the releasing of the product that (hopefully) will have a huge number of channels created daily?
Is there a page I missed, or is there a tool for calculating?
Moishe, thanks for the quick and readable answer. So here are some more questions:
1. Do you think - if needed - that I will be able to get even more quota for the number of channels? I saw there's a special form to ask for more quotas, but I'm not sure that includes the Channel-API feature...
2. Are there any posts you've made for "how to use channel-API efficiently"? I saw some stuff about reusing the tokens per user. Is there more?
Thanks again.

Creating a channel costs about 2.7 CPU-seconds. A CPU-hour costs $0.10. So, each channel created costs
(2.7 / 3 600) * $0.10 = $7.5 × 10^-5
So creating 1000 channels will cost $0.075, or 7.5 cents.
You'll also get charged the normal outgoing bandwidth costs for any data sent over a channel.
The CPU cost probably isn't the biggest concern; you're more likely to run into quota caps then running out of money. Paid apps are limited to 86400 channel creations/day (1/second).


GAE Channel API - Channels Created Cost

I have a paid app and can see the quota is 90,040 per day for channels created.
I have looked at all the pricing pages from cloud services and developer pricing pages and can not see any prices regarding the cost per channel created after the 100 free limit. this page only says the daily limit is "Based on your budget" but I do not see any costs anywhere on the web.
Am I to assume that I get 90,040 free per day for having a paid app
As I understand the pricing changed recently and that's why the documentation is a little confusing. It used to be that you paid a tiny amount for each channel (something like 0.0001 - don't remember how many zeroes).
Now this tiny charge is canceled. You are just paying for CPU & bandwidth that your channels are using. That's why it says according to budget.
It's the same story with Email, and various other APIs as mentioned here: I'm fairly sure Channel API should be included in the last row in the resource billing table.
It costs 10,000 micropennies to create a channel (or 100 channels per 1 cent, see appstats for more).
See a more detailed answer to the same question here:!topic/google-appengine/uQFWM6F--hY

Google App Engine Channel API quota

I know that there are similar questions, but they aren't up to date anymore. I'd like to know how much it costs to create 1 / 10 / 100 / 1000 channels per day? I only find the pricing list, which doesn't mention channels, and the quota list, which only says "depends on your budget".
I run out of quota really fast. If users access your website only for a short time, then creating 100 channels isn't enough (all other quotas are still 0%). I also read, that reusing channels isn't possible.
Channels are available for two hours. After that they are released. Does the quota mean: "You are only allowed to create 100 channel per day" or does it mean: "You are only allowed to have 100 channels at the same time"?
There is also an API do define when a channel should be released. Does this API even make sense? Let's say I choose to release the channel after one minutes. So while using browsing my website for 5 minutes, the user would create 5 different channels. Does it make sense to decrease the release time?
It costs 10,000 micropennies to create a channel (or 100 channels per 1 cent, see appstats for more)
You shouldn't create more than 1 channel per user.
The free quota says you are only allowed to create 100 channels per day. Enable billing to get more.
I wasn't aware about a possibility of releasing channels and not really sure what is the purpose of doing that and since they are so expensive to create anyway - it's probably better to reuse for the same user in case they return.

AppEngine cpm_usd change

AppEngine features a member in its logs called cpm_usd. As far as I understand this is the approximate cost of 1000 of such requests in US Dollars.
Since 08/16/2012 these numbers are SIGNIFICANTLY smaller (factor 500) for my app (I did not change my app). I was wondering what this is about?
Did Google change the way they calculate those costs?
Are frontend hours included or does this only include calls to services like the datastore?
The only answer I have is that they stopped including the frontend hours in the calculation (I am currently still in dev mode and am thus accumulating a lot of idle time that could have distorted the original / old result).
I am not sure why your numbers have changed but my understanding is that, as of the pricing changes last year, this number is not relevant anymore.
Around the time your numbers changed Google was adding cost tracking functionality to the AppStats tool. What you can do now is turn on pricing metrics in AppStats and get an accurate picture of the RPC costs of your request (which covers pretty much all costs except instance hours).
A quick test of a few requests on one of my apps shows that the cpm_usd and the cost reported by AppStats are not in line at all. Based on the number reported by cpm_usd for the requests I was just testing there is no way that number could contain datastore costs which means it is basically useless to me.
Check out the cost tracking that AppStats can provide and see how your own numbers line up:
Update Sept 5, 2012:
I asked about the current relevance of cpm_usd in a recent App Engine office hours hangout and while they could not give an exact answer they indicated they think it is still a relevant number. It would be nice to have more insight into what cpm_usd currently represents. Here is a recording of Amy answering the question:

any number on Google App Engine free quota in terms of total number of request and unique visitors

Does anyone have any number on Google App Engine (free quota) in terms of total number of request and unique visitors it allows per day?
Maybe someone who has live production code can tell us this?
Rough number is enough, just to get the idea.
I can not get this information from the pricing model.
I had this question when I first started using App Engine, but it's impossible to answer with the information in your question.
You must have an estimate on the individual API quota usages, then calculate based on that.
You might be able to simplify it by trying to figure out which API quota you're likely to hit first, and then figuring out the number of requests you can serve before that quota runs out. ie:
Storing photos or other large data for users? You'll probably hit the blobstore quota first. Daily/unique visitor counts probably won't matter.
Serving lots of photos or large data? You'll probably hit the bandwidth quota first.
Need to start a channel for every view? You'll probably hit the channel quota first and get 100 views per day.
Need to send an email for every view? You'll probably hit the mail quota first.
Need to query the datastore a lot? You'll probably hit the datastore limit first.
The datastore limit is the hardest to calculate. You get 50k read and 50k write ops. Most likely you'd read more than write.
If you need 2 read ops per page, you might could do 25k views per day.
If you need 2 read ops per page, but you're smart and you memcache them, and memcache is effective 80% of the time, you could get 125k views per day.
If you need 500 read ops per page and you can't cache it, you can do 100 views per day. That's provided you don't run out of one of the other quotas.
Do your own math.
The quotas and rates (for free and paid apps) are listed on

App Engine server + Android multiplayer game

I'm creating a multi-player android game and thought it would be a interesting idea to have App Engine handle the server work.
The game consists of 4 players, each phone requests an update every 0.5 seconds.
These requests are very simple and lightweight so i shouldn't be over reaching any free quotas.
The problem i found was that App Engine only handles 500 requests per second, i would only be able to
have around 60 game sessions active before App Engine will start ignoring new requests?
"App Engine's quota system allows for efficient applications with billing enabled to scale to around 500 queries per second (qps) or more than 40 million queries per day."
Or should i just not use this platform because it is not made for this kind of usage?
I sent this same question to the discussion groups on google but after 4 hours it hasn't been posted, there was no response on whether it was a bad question or anything. Hopefully someone here can give me some advice.
Thank you kindly, i'm looking forward to an answer and or advice.
Rohan C
That's an interesting question, considering the only page where I can find that quote contains the answer in the same paragraph.
App Engine's quota system allows for
efficient applications with billing
enabled to scale to around 500 queries
per second (qps) or more than 40
million queries per day. This is a
substantial amount of traffic and
should easily suffice for even the
heaviest of Slashdottings. But if you
expect your application will need to
handle even higher qps, please
complete this form so we can assist
