How to use JSON without json file? - extjs

I need to use dynamically JSON with data.TreeStore.
With this component, there is proxy "config", it need a path to JSON file.
My problem is, i can't write Json file in my application.
I would know, if i can generated JSON dynamically and pass it to url config into proxy?
For example :
Var trStore = Ext.create('Ext.Data.TreeStore',{
... // config
proxy {
type : 'ajax',
url : { id : 'id0', task :'task0', value : 'val0', ..... }
My URL is not a file url but is JSON generated with my own method !
How to build JSON for use it with TreeStore and without make file !?
I hope you understand my problem :)
Thanks a lot to help !

Your example looks like you want to pass static "inline data" to the TreeStore.
As far as I can see this is not possible with a bare TreeStore, since it does not have a data config option as the "normal" Store has. However, it is possible with a Treepanel.
You can pass your inline data to the TreeStore using the root config option of the Treepanel (not the TreeStore). It works in a very similar manner as the data config option of a "normal" Store:
Ext.create('Ext.tree.Panel', {
root: { id : 'id0', task :'task0', value : 'val0', children: [...], ... }
// ...
There are two caveats related to this:
The beta3 docs say root is boolean, that's wrong.
Because of a bug in beta3 you cannot use this together with rootVisible: false.

Remember that a "json file" is really just a text string, so you can generate that with PHP or your preferred server software.
For the url in the proxy, simply put in the url you use to run that function. Eg in my web app I have
This runs the getTree() function on my controller, and the function knows to return json.


How to set esFactory host address dynamically in elastic search using angular?

I have created a json which have the key value pair of my host address. I need to set the client host as the value which is mentioned in JSON?
app.service('client', function (esFactory) {
return client = esFactory({
host: ''
Want to make the 'host:' value to be read from a property/JSON file.
Finally I found an alternate solution for this. Since my intention is to update the configuration details from a property file or JSON file, I done the same in another manner.Apart from calling the JSON/property file using http calls I statically maintained the JSON throughout in my application by importing using script tag in my html. The problem which I faced during using http calls is time delay. The host will default assign to localhost address before completing the ajax call for JSON reading and to take the content from JSON. So when we mention the JSON file in script tags in html page it will load on when DOM creates and then we can access the data in JSON every were in our js.
You can use like this
app.factory('elasticClient', ['esFactory', function (esFactory) {
return esFactory({
host: 'http://localhost:9200',
sniffOnStart: true,
sniffInterval: 300000
Please check AngularJS-ElasticSearch

angular $sce trustAsResourceUrl from node

im trying to make a streaming service where i stream the content of a file (in this case a video) into a video element.
for this purpose i have downloaded and installed videogular and is now trying to set it up however im sure how to do it.
According to the documentation on videogular to load a video you would need a syntax like this:
sources: [
{src: $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(myMp4Resource), type: "video/mp4"}
Which is fine for when you want to load the content in without streaming.
But say for instance you have a node server running at port 8105 and the file you wish to collect had an id of 1 then the result might look something like this:
sources: [
{src: $sce.trustAsResourceUrl('http://localhost:8105/loadvideo/1'), type: "video/mp4"}
However in my attempt to do so it would just tell me that the resource is not an actual resource.
My question is how do you stream to a video content (preferably with videogular) and does anyone know of examples where people have made this possible?
Server side code
Okay so my initial idea (and i know this is a change for the code above) was to create a route that took at path:
.post(function (request, response) {
var path = '../' +;
var file = fs.createReadStream(path);
And then piped the output of the file.
Then use this to stream the file
If you have video files on your harddrive and you want to serve them all with their filenames, you should just use Express Static to serve them just like any other resource
You can add a path prefix '/videos' to differentiate them from regular resources.
app.use('/videos', express.static('videos'));
Then a video file ./videos/myvid.mp4 would be available as http://localhost:8000/videos/myvid.mp4
To have a file available as a file, you need to set the appropriate headers before piping
And to load the file you'd put this code in your router, and where you're using post, if you don't have a strong reason I'd just use get or all
You might also wanna be able to end the transmission if client decides to disconnect mid-stream
Alternatively you might want to go with instead of streams, which which case appropriate headers and interruptions are automatically handled.
So the whole code might look like this:
.all(function(req, res){
res.header('content-disposition', 'filename="video.mp4"')
var stream = fs.createReadStream('./resources/video.mp4');
require('on-finished')(res, stream.abort.bind(stream));
// or simply'/path'))
Then you can use http://localhost:8000/path/to/video.mp4 to either directly load the video into your browser, it'll play it if it can or simply offer to download. Or you can use this URL in your videgular
sources: [ {src: $sce.trustAsResourceUrl('http://localhost:8000/path/to/video.mp4'), type: "video/mp4"} ]

Where to store settings in Sencha Touch?

i would like to consolidate the url base for my RESTFul API in a single place in my app built with Sencha Touch. Where is the best place i can put it?
There is a obvious option to store it in localStorage, but is this a good practice ?
When I want to support MVC structure I create file Config.js and put it in application tree in the following place:
in Config.js:
Ext.define('MyApp.config.Config', {
singleton: true,
config: { /** here you can put any objects of your choice that will be accessible globally**/
baseURL : ? '' : 'http://localhost/testing_locally',
topBannerUrl : 'http://some_url/banner.png',
anotherGlobalParam : true
constructor: function(config) {
return this;
Those config parameters will be visible in the whole application.
You may get them:
MyApp.config.Config.getBaseImgURL(); /* returns 'http://some_url/banner.png' */
MyApp.config.Config.getAnotherGlobalParam(); /* returns true */
or set:
This solution may be especially handy when your project requires many configuration parameters.
I hope it will work for you as well.
Always keep your url base in a seperate file like util.js(utility.js). Your file path should be app > util > Util.js. You can keep your common functions like animateItem, showLoading/hideLoading, custom functions, etc over here so that you can use the same function throughout the app. To load this file in your app do this:
name: 'HelloWorld',
requires: [
view: []
For best practices in sencha touch you can see this: Sencha Touch Blog
+1 for Anubis recommendation.
Something like this:
Ext.define('MyApp.Const', {
Then you can access your urls with:
Of course you must require Const class but you don't need to instantiate it.

Set a store with a function in app.js doesn't work in production build?

I'm trying to create a search form view based on the following example of Sencha :
I made a few changes just not to create the view by code but export it in a view.
To set up the store, i use this in the config :
where Preconisations is my project name and getStoreAdherents the function set in the app.js:
getStoreAdherents: function () {
if (!this.storeAdherents) {
var gestionAdherent = new DAL_Adherent(); // custom classes
var tc = gestionAdherent.GetAll(); // and functions which returns a json string with data
this.storeAdherents = Ext.create('', {
model: "Preconisations.model.ADHERENT",
data: tc,
sorters: 'nom',
groupField: 'code'
return this.storeAdherents;
Now, everything works fine but when i make the testing or the production build, i've got this error :
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getStoreAdherents' of undefined
at the store definition...
Maybe, there's a better way to set up the store by code but i can't understand why it's working in developpement and not with the production or testing build...
Is anyone had this problem ? Or how do you set up dynamically a store with a function ?
Thanks... I'm banging my head on the wall on this one...
It is clear that you have a build dependency issue in Ext Build. In the code snippet posted, there is a chance that you missed to add "Preconisations.model.ADHERENT" to a class path. If so, please add the following to your app.js
requires: ["Preconisations.model.ADHERENT"]
If the issue persist, Please do the following diagnostics :
Run your app (development mode) in Google Chrome with the Console open; Look for warnings that states a particular class is being synchronously loaded and add requires statement for those classes.
In fact i think there's a bug in setting a store dynamically in the config.
I found this workaround which work in developpement and in build production :
I don't specify a store : xxxx in the view.
Instead, in a controller i put this code in the launch function :
where getMainView is a reference to my view.
That's all !

symfony 1.4: routing based on a partial url

I am trying to do the following:
in my routing file, I want to say anything going to Foo/json_* it should go to the appropriate action in the action.class.php file
Foo/json_bar1 -> public function executeBar1
Foo/json_bar2 -> public function executeBar2
In that case, you could probably write a routing rule like this (untested):
url: /Foo/json_:action/
params: { module: myModule, sf_method: json }
This, because the :action parameter is a "magic" parameter, which sets the action. (Normally you set the action parameter in the params block.
The sf_method is optional, by the way, but it sets the request format as json. That way, any exceptions will also render in JSON, and the correct headers are set for json.
The best practice to do this by the way, would be:
url: /Foo/:action.:sf_method
params: { module: myModule }
In that case you can write a bar1 action. Going to /Foo/bar1.html will render the HTML, and /Foo/bar1.json will render a json response. Of course you're free the replace the :sf_method with json, and set the sf_method param, like in my first example.
