SOLR on a hosted server - solr

Is it possible to move solr to a hosted server? (in general is it possible to install SOLR on a web hosting service like or ? )
I have worked a bit on Solr and am currently running a SOLR server using JETTY on one of my local machines.
I saw a few articles on the net which speak about setting it up on Amazon EC2, but i could not find anything related to setting up solr on a hosted server.

If you can run a java application on your shared hosting you can run solr.


Best way to run SQL Server in Docker in Azure

Trying to find article or solution page in Azure but I am not successful yet.
The title is pretty much self explanatory. I am looking for a known best practice or solution with steps to follow to run docker with SQL Server in Azure.
I have Docker with SQL Server Express, Docker for Windows, running locally and my expectation is simply deploying this to Azure.
Based on my short experience with Azure, I probably need to set up some Azure service where I can deploy my docker image and run, not sure what that Azure product should be (probably more of Azure Container than Azure SQL)
well, given your requirement of windows containers (why?), you can use either Azure Container Instances (but be mindful of base images they support) or AKS engine. I'd discard webapps.

Deploy Identity Server4 as a AWS Serverless Lambda Function

Can we Deploy Identity Server4 as a AWS Serverless Lambda Function? We have build .net core web application and planning to deploy it as a AWS Lambda function.
I was able to get the development environment version working with the in memory datastore fairly easily with the Amazon.Lambda.AspNetCoreServer NuGet package that lets you run ASP.NET Core applications in Lambda. One gotcha I ran into was by default the ASP.NET Core blueprint that Visual Studio uses creates a API Gateway stage called "Prod" and the uppercase "P" caused problems. So I created a new stage in in all lower case and then it worked of me.
I didn't tackle the issue of using something besides an in memory datastore which would be crucial. I would like to look into using DynamoDB as the datastore so I wouldn't have to have a SQL Server instance.

MSSQL with nginx on AWS EC2 having RHEL

I would want to connect my Laravel application to an SQL Server. Locally, it's all fine and perfect.
However following same steps on AWS EC2 does not give the required result.
Instead I am stuck with 'Could not find driver' exception on launching the application. Here are a few parameters to be considered.
And yes, have tried all solutions I could find.
Using yum for the EC2 environment
nginx and not apache is used
PHP version is 5.6.11
RHEL version is 7.1
Need your help please

How to configure apache solr with existing spring mvc 4 hibernate 4 application?

How to configure and run apache solr with spring mvc in tomcat7 server? Will apache solr run only by specifying dependency in maven or do I have to install apache solr in local machine?
You need to have Solr service running in your system or in any server instance, only then you will be able to connect and do some operation on Solr.
Specifying dependency in maven will be useful only to get connected to Solr and do read/write operation on Solr service.
For instance if we compare this with any database system, then your database server is running some where and you use any jdbc driver in your application to perform CRUD operation on that RDBMS.
You can follow the below steps to install and run Solr
Make sure you have installed Java
Download Solr from
Extract Solr distribution archive to a directory
Start Solr server by issuing following command:
-- if you are in linux distribution then
$ bin/solr start
-- if you are in windows then
bin\solr.cmd start
Once Solr server is running, use a Web browser to see the Admin Console at http://localhost:8983/solr/
For more detailed instructions follow these links

How can i stop Solr without stopping the WebSphere Commerce Test Server (IBM RAD)

I need to test some error handling use cases in the event that the Solr server shuts down or is unreachable. On one of our testing servers i can run the stopServer script passing in the indentifier for the Solr server. I have tried using the same .bat version of that script locally, but it seems there is no separate profile for Solr.
Is there a way to stop Solr only (ie. the WC instance is still running as is Apache) in RAD, either through the Admin Console, CLI script, or some other UI interface?
In the WebSphere Commerce Developer, I don't believe you can do it since it's not the server deployment where it's in it's own profile. Nevertheless, I haven't tried it but I think what you can do is block the communication ports (on server its 3737).
