SharePoint Service Account and Remote SQL Server - sql-server

Our custom SharePoint site uses a standard connection string (in web.config) to a remote sql server using a sql server authentication. I need to know if it is possible to change this connection to use a SharePoint service account instead of a sql server account. If so, how do specify the service account in the connection string and how do you create a login and user for an sp service account when that user does not exist on the sql server machine and nor is it available on Active Directory.
I think I need to use integrated security in the connection string and run db calls within SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges block. If i use this as a delegate, what sp account will the code be executed under and how do i assign a sql server login to a sharepoint account on a remote machine. Any links to sample code or articles explaining this process would be helpful.

From the SQL Server side, you should create a domain account for Sharepoint in AD. Then you log in to SQL Server via Management Studio (SQL2005 or later), on the left hand side click on security tab, and add a new login - you'll enter the domain Sharepoint service account, and give it the relevant permissions to the databases it needs to access.
For the Sharepoint side, you probably can edit web.config but there must be a Sharepoint admin tool to take care of this properly.


Microsoft Access: connecting to SQL Server via Active Directory username and password Trusted_Connection=no

I have a Microsoft Access Application which generates a connection string like:
This works without any problem.
What I want to do is to connect to a SQL Server instance where the user must insert his Active Directory name and password.
Like this:
This only works for users which are created on the SQL Server directly.
I tried Uid=DOMAIN\username, but it isn't working.
Is this possible? Or is there another way how I can get through this?
The environment:
The User is using a local PC with a local account and then he's doing a "NetworkConnect" with his AD-User and password.
After that, "RunAs" as his AD-User is working BUT there is another Application that is started from the Access Application and this App must be started with the local User-Account.
SQL-Server and the AD-User are member of the same domain.
Your choices are
Login to SQL Server using your the Windows Domain account that you are currently logged into. You do this automatically by specifying Trusted_Connection=yes;, or
Login to SQL Server using a SQL Login.
Those are the only two choices possible using a SQL provider connection string. Specifically, you cannot use the SQL access provider to do impersonation, that is, to login to SQL Server using a different Windows domain account than the one that you are currently logged into.
Microsoft designed the AD integration with SQL Server to use the account of the client application, not to be able to handle logging in as a part of the connection string. If the user isn't going to be logged into the machine using the account needed for the database access, the next best option may be something like ShellRunAs in order to let the user run your client app as the correct AD account.

Get client OS username from SQL Server

The requirement is to find which OS user logs in to a SQL Server database whenever the login is Windows Authentication or SQL Server authentication. Need to know WHO (AD account on the client PC) used which db account logged into SQL Server with what application.
The problem is I could not get the client's OS username when a SQL Server authentication user logs in.
For example, I used my AD account Domain name on a laptop, laptop123. Domain name is Stackoverflow, username is developer1, started Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, connected with DB account (SQL Server authentication) ERPAPPUSER. I need to record the domain user Stackoverflow/developer1.
I can easily get the information that user ERPAPPUSER logged in from laptop123 using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
I created a database logon trigger and could get the client username, hostname, logon time, application name and so on, but could not get the client OS username.
INSERT INTO audit_history.dbo.db_logon_history
Many thanks!
-- Added 'WITH EXECUTE AS 'as' ', otherwise for all users who don't have access to the db_logon_history will not be able to login.
Short answer is no, it is not possible.
Long answer, SQL Server supports 2 security modes. These are a) "Windows Authenitcation mode" and b) "Mixed Mode" - which is "SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode". This second mode means that you can log in with a SQL Server login or a Windows Account. The Windows Account would be the same as in (a) above. Now when you log in with Windows it is a trusted connection, so you have to have the Windows Account/Group authorized to access your SQL Server instance. The connection is authentication against a token which is created when the user logs in to windows. This token is passed to SQL Server and can thus be parsed to return the information that you have described above. However when you log on with SQL Server Mode you are not logging on with a domain account and thus no domain account is passed to SQL Server. Rather you log in with a SQL Server native account that is running in the context of the server. Now, you could be logging on with any sort of device, not just a windows client. If you wish to pass the client details to SQL Server when using SQL Server mode, you have to pass it as a parameter from the front end. i.e. using a stored procedure or similar. (Good question by the way. and well asked.)

Authenticating WCF Service - SQL Server

I am following to add authentication to a WCF. My SQL Server is on a different machine than the development server. In Step 1, I am not using SQLExpress but using SQL Server 2012. When I get to the Step 8: Create a User in the User Store, under Security Tab of Web Site Administration Tool I see the following message:
There is a problem with your selected data store. This can be caused by an invalid server name or credentials, or by insufficient permission. It can also be caused by the role manager feature not being enabled. Click the button below to be redirected to a page where you can choose a new data store.
The following message may help in diagnosing the problem: Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication.
So looks like setting Windows Authentication is the problem. I am not sure what in the multi-step process I have to modify to add authentication to my WCF. Any help will be appreciated.
The example in Your link Access to SQL server is given to a local user NetworkService. This is the default Identity for the Application pool.
In Your case you cannot use a local user account, since the SQL Server is on a different machine.
You need to:
Create a domain account
Grant Access to SQL server to that domain account
Change the Identity for Your Application pool to that of the domain accout

How do I configure SQL Server to allow access via IIS

I have a web service that stores data in a local SQL Server 2008 database. If I run the web service under my account the web service can successfully access the database. However, if I use the DefaultAppPool (IUSR) account then accessing the database from the web service fails.
How do I set security on SQL Server to allow access to a specific database via IIS?
The specific error message I am getting is:
Login failed for user 'IIS APPPOOL\DefaultAppPool'
You have two options (obvious maybe!):
Instead of using Windows Integrated
Security use SQL Authentication
If you can't or don't want to, then you have
to create a new user in SQL Server
that relates to that Windows account.
Or (third option) you can change the web service to run under an account that you know works.
I generally run the app pool under a domain user account, that way you control the specific user for each site on your server.
If I can't use a domain account, I'll run the site as "Network Service" - and the user that would correspond to that in SQL would be the machine account (MACHINENAME$ - replace "machinename" with your IIS server name").
If you plan to use the new IIS7 IIS users - which are not windows users - you'll have to use SQL Authentication instead of Windows authentication for your SQL database access.

Website Forms Authentication -> Sql Server Windows Authentication

To cut a long story short: As part of an online database access system I'm writing I want to use the new BLOB access features in SQL 2008 - this means I have to use Windows Authentication when logging into the SQL Server; however due to it's very nature the website front end to all this uses Forms authentication with the membership data stored on that SQL server.
How do I get the web application to impersonate a user account so it can connect to the SQL server, i.e. I don't want to use the account of a user logged into the website. (Not that you could do this as the membership details are stored on the SQL server)
The webserver and the SQL server are on different machines on the same network, there is a user account set up just for the web application to use.
The connection string should look something like:
< add name="MyConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=THESQLSERVER;Initial Catalog=TheDatabase;Persist Security Info=True; Integrated Security=True;Application Name=CRM.Sales" providerName=""/>
Where you use Integrated Security. Then your application pool should use an identity that has access to your sql server.
You would grant rights to that identity.
