Ocaml implementation - arrays

I got a slight problem implementing arrays in ocaml. For example, when on the terminal(konsole) and I type
let tab = Array.make 5 6;
I have
val tab : int array = [|6; 6; 6; 6; 6|]
as an output. So it creates an array with a length of 5 and fills all the cases with 6. Okay I understand that part. But when I type it on a text editor like kate for example, save it and compile it it I get this error:
Error: Unbound value Array.make
I don't understand why it takes Array. make as a value in kate and it takes Array.make as a function in the terminal. I saved the file with the ".ml" extension and I compile it using ocamlc -o test name_of_file.
Any suggestions please? Thanks.

I compiled your program with ocamlc and it went fine (using OCaml 3.12.0).
I would guess that you are calling an old version of the compiler when you try to compile, perhaps one from when Array.make was still named Array.create. Perhaps when you installed the new version, you overwrote some of the files (such as the toplevel) but not others (such as the compiler). In order to check, compare the versions given by ocamlc -v and ocaml.
As for the message “Unbound value”, in OCaml, functions are values. The implementors did not differentiate between “Unbound value that is not a function” and “Unbound value that is a function”, but this is not the cause of the problem. The cause of your problem is that Array.make is unbound at all.

I found the error. It's a very stupid one. I saved my file as "array.ml". So during the compilation it created an array.cmi file and I think it kinda confused this file with the one found in .../lib/ocaml/array.cmi. I'm not really sure. So I renamed the file to "table.ml" and it compiled perfectly. It's crazy that it confused these two files


YouCompleteMe suggests only "local" used code

I'm trying to use YCM for the first time so in order to make it work I decided to give a chance for the YCM-Generator, which generates the .ycm_extra_conf.py file automatically based on the makefile.
So far my program is just a simple hello world.
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("Hello World!");
return 0;
I'm using the CMakeLists.txt trick to generate the makefile.
file(GLOB sources *.h *.c)
add_executable(Foo ${sources})
then after executing the YCM-Generator script, I get this output
Running cmake in '/tmp/tmp_YknVy'... $ cmake
Running make... $ make -i -j4
Cleaning up...
Build completed in 1.5 sec
Collected 2 relevant entries for C compilation (0 discarded).
Collected 0 relevant entries for C++ compilation (0 discarded).
Created YCM config file with 0 C flags
YCM plugin does find the .ycm_extra_conf.py file, but the auto-completion doesn't work right, for example, if I type "floa", it doesn't suggests "float", but It only suggests things that I used before like "int" or "printf".
Am I missing something or this is working as intended?
So I fixed it.
For c it does require a .ycm_extra_conf.py , while a friend of mine could make it work without one in c++.
The auto complete only suggest automatically functions that were previously used, if you don't remember a function name you have to press <Ctrl-Space>
YCM-Generator didn't do the job, so I modified the example file myself following the comments.
If you are used to Visual Assist, the auto complete works but it's really weak if compared to VA, which is a shame... I really hope someone port that plugin to Linux.

Changes in included file not registering in C

I am on Arch Linux. I have tried gcc and cc.
I have quite a strange problem. I have a file included from /usr/include (installed from an Arch package) in a C program like so.
// prog.c
#include <foobar/foobar.h>
When I change it, nothing happens. Let me explain. It includes some C code.
// foobar/foobar.h
int baz = 1, qux = 2;
Recently, it has been updated.
// foobar/foobar.h
int baz = 1, qux = 2, norf = 3;
My test program looks something like what follows.
// prog.c
#include <foobar/foobar.h>
printf ("%d %d %d\n", baz, qux, norf);
error: ‘norf’ undeclared (first use in this function)
I can duplicate the file in the same directory, name it foobar2.h, and then include that file instead and it outputs:
1 2 3
So the path is not incorrect. I can make a link to the folder, name it foobar2, and include foobar2/foobar.h and it outputs:
1 2 3
So the file is not incorrect.
To confirm that it is not registering changes, I can destroy the foobar folder entirely and try to print just the 2 variables that were originally inside the header. This outputs:
1 2
Clearly something is not updating. The same behaviour is displayed when I try updating the file with enums, functions, or new values for existing items in the file, and include them as the only lines in the file. None of the changes register. The same activity is displayed with gcc and cc. This has been going on a few months now and it still has not resolved itself.
When a file does not seem to be updating, it is a good idea to check other places on your system where your compilers search for libraries for identically named folders. In this case, it was in /usr/local/include, where I had a version that I compiled and forgot about entirely.
This can be mainly due to the include directory path mismatch. Check out the environment variable that can affect the behavior like C_INCLUDE_PATH , CPATH. Another option would be to check with gcc -I/src/directory foobar.h while compilation that can lead you closer to the problem or use #include "foobar.h" in the code.
In case if there are multiple copies of the program in your system, it is possible that completely different file is used for compilation and execution which can also lead to changes not getting reflected.

Retrieving Global Variable Values from Command Line

In one particular project, we're trying to embed version information into shared object files. We'd like to be able to use some standard linux tool to parse the shared object to determine the version for automated testing.
Currently I have "const int plugin_version = 14;". I can use 'nm' and 'objdump' and verify that it's there:
00000000000dcfbc r plugin_version
I can't, however, seem to be able to get the value of that variable easily from command line. I figured there'd be a POSIX tool for showing the initialized values for globals. I have contemplated using a format for the variable as the information itself, ie, plugin_version_14, but that seems like a huge hack. Embedding the information in the filename unfortunately is NOT an option. Any other suggestions welcome.
You could embed it as a string
"MAGIC MARKER STRING VERSION: 4.56 END OF MAGIC" then just look for "MAGIC MARKER STRING" in the file and extract the version information that comes after it.
if you make it a standard, you could easily make command line tool to find these embeded strings on all your software.
if you require it also to be an int, a little macro magic will construct both the int and magic string to make sure they are never out of synch.
There's a couple of options I think.
My first instinct is to make sure the version information lives in its own section in the ELF file. You can use objdump -s -j name of section /bin/whatever.
This rather relies on objdump being available of course.
Alternatively you can do what Keith suggested, and just use 'strings', along with a magical marker string. This feels a little hackish, but should work quite well.
Finally, why don't you just add a --version command line option? You can then store the version information however you like, and trivially retrieve it using the one tool which is certain to be installed on any system which has your software.
A terrible hack that I've used in the past is to embed the version information in a variable name, so nm will show:
00000000000dcfbc r plugin_version_14
Why not writing your own tool to get that version in C/C++ ? You could Use dlopen, then dlsym to get the symbol and print its value to standard output. This way you also verify if the symbol is already there. It looks like 20 ~ 30 lines of code to me and about 20 minutes of your life :)
I know that the question is about command line, but writing such a tool yourself should be easy (especially if such a command line tool does not exist).
If the binary is not stripped, you could use gdb to print the variable. (I just tried to script gdb, but it seems to refuse work if stdin is not a tty, maybe expect will do the job ? )
If you can accept using python, this might help:
import struct
import sys
import subprocess
if __name__ == '__main__':
so = sys.argv[1]
sym = sys.argv[2]
addr = subprocess.check_output('nm %s | grep %s' % (so, sym), shell=True)
addr = int(addr.split()[0], 16)
so_file = open(so)
data = so_file.read(4)
print struct.unpack('#i', data)[0]
Disclaimer: This script doesn't do any error checking (if you like it I'm sure you can come up with some ;)). It also assumes you're reading a 4-byte native int value.
$ cat global.c
const int plugin_version = 14;
$ python readsym.py global.so plugin_version

GCC installed. Mathematica still won't compile to C

I'm running Mathematica 8 on a MacOSX, trying to compile even the simplest program to C. Anything having to do with C simply doesn't work in Mathematica. I have GCC 4.2 installed; I've even reinstalled it multiple times with XCode. Here's what I'm doing and the errors I'm getting:
First, I always evaluate the command
If I set the compilation target to C,
c = Compile[ {{x}}, x^2 + Sin[x^2], CompilationTarget -> "C"];
I get an error that reads: Compile::nogen : A library could not be created from the compiled function.
If I try to create a library,
demoFile = FileNameJoin[{$CCompilerDirectory,"SystemFiles","CSource","createDLL_demo.c"}];
lib = CreateLibrary[{demoFile},"testLibrary"]
I get an message $Failed. Wolfram says that this is because I don't have a C compiler installed. I find that hard to believe because when I run
It tells me that I've got GCC installed: {{"Name" -> "GCC",
"Compiler" -> CCompilerDriver'GCCCompiler`GCCCompiler,
"CompilerInstallation" -> "/usr/bin", "CompilerName" -> Automatic}}
What's more, terminal says I have GCC installed too!! Any help would be appreciated. I'd really like to compile Mathematica to C.
In this answer I'll collect some debugging steps for similar problems, for future reference. Feel free to edit/improve them.
If compiling to C code does not work from Mathematica 8,
Check that you have a supported C compiler installed and it works (the obvious).
Note that the compiler does not necessarily have to be in the PATH, at least on Windows/Visual Studio it doesn't.
Check that Mathematica recognizes the compiler
<< CCompilerDriver`
will list the compilers known to Mathematica.
Check what commands Mathematica executes to compile the generated C code:
Compiler`$CCompilerOptions = {"ShellCommandFunction" -> Print};
Compile[{{x}}, x^2, CompilationTarget -> "C"];
Note that with "ShellCommandFunction" -> Print the commands will not be executed, so you'll need to re-set Compiler`$CCompilerOptions to {} after this step is complete to allow command execution again.
Check the output/errors from the compiler:
Compiler`$CCompilerOptions = {"ShellOutputFunction" -> Print};
Compile[{{x}}, x^2, CompilationTarget -> "C"];
These last two steps will hopefully give you enough clues to proceed. With this information you can check if the correct library / include paths are passed to the compiler (in the case of gcc/icc, look at the -L option which specifies library paths and the -I option which specifies include paths). Then check if the required include and library files are present at those paths.
If you get Compile::nogen, you can see the compiler output by setting ShellOutputFunction->Print right in the Compile expression:
c = Compile[ {{x}}, x^2 + Sin[x^2],
CompilationTarget -> {"C", "ShellOutputFunction"->Print}];
In general, this is how you can pass options to the underlying CreateLibrary call, by changing CompilationTarget->"C" to CompilationTarget->{"C", options}. Setting Compiler`$CCompilerOptions works too, but this technique has the advantage of not setting a global variable.
It is a shame that the only error you are seeing is $Failed, that's not terribly helpful; I wonder if perhaps there are some file or directory permissions problems?
I'm running on linux not Mac so I am not sure if my setup is "close enough" or not. On my machine your Compile command succeeds and generates a file .Mathematica/ApplicationData/CCompilerDriver/BuildFolder/blackie-desktop-5077/compiledFunction1.so in my home directory. Is there any way you can find a .Mathematica directory associated with your userid, and see if it exists and is writeable by mathematica?
Also, you could check to see if "gcc" is or is not being accessed by checking the file access time of /usr/bin/gcc before and after your call to Compile. From an operating system shell you can do ls -lu /usr/bin/gcc or from Mathematica perhaps Import["!ls -lu /usr/bin/gcc", "Text"]

problems with memset in Metal C

I’m trying to initialize the Metal C environment with the following code, but get the following errors on the memset line.
ERROR CCN3275 IMIJWS0.METAL.SAMPLIB(MEM):6 Unexpected text ')' encountered.
ERROR CCN3045 IMIJWS0.METAL.SAMPLIB(MEM):6 Undeclared identifier ___MEMSET.
ERROR CCN3277 IMIJWS0.METAL.SAMPLIB(MEM):6 Syntax error: possible missing ')' or ','?
CCN0793(I) Compilation failed for file //'IMIJWS0.METAL.SAMPLIB(MEM)'. Object file not created.
Below is my code
#include &lt string.h&gt
#include &lt stdlib.h&gt
#include &lt metal.h&gt
void mymtlfcn(void) {
struct __csysenv_s mysysenv;
memset ( &mysysenv, 0, sizeof ( mysysenv ) );
mysysenv.__cseversion = __CSE_VERSION_1;
mysysenv.__csesubpool = 129;
mysysenv.__cseheap31initsize = 131072;
mysysenv.__cseheap31incrsize = 8192;
mysysenv.__cseheap64initsize = 20;
mysysenv.__cseheap64incrsize = 1;
The issue was with the search order. Although I did search(/usr/metal/include) from with in my JCL I didn't proceed it with a nosearch option, so string.h was getting picked up from the standard system librarys instead of the version included with Metal C. I've pasted my optfile dataset I passed to the CPARM below for refference.
So, I have no idea. But some suggestions:
You might try copying/pasting this code here from this example just to make sure it works 'as expected'
Maybe try defining some of the macros here? (when I did C programming on zOS, I had to do include some weird macros in order to get stuff to work. I have no reasonable technical explanation for this.)
You could try searching for memset() using "=3.14" (from ispf.) See if any other modules use that function, and then check the headers that they include (or macros that they define - either in the C files or H files) to make it work.
Another thought: before the memset(), try doing putting a printf() in. If you get a syntax error on the same line (only for printf, rather than memset) then you can see if the problem is before line 6 - like a misplaced parenthesis.
Finally, if i recall correctly, I had to compile my individual modules, and then link them manually (unless I wrote a JCL to do this for me.) So you might have to link once to link with your other modules, and then link again against the C library. Not to be pedantic, but: you're fairly certain that you're doing all of the link passes?
I realize that's a lot of hoops to try and you've probably already read the manuals, but maybe there is something useful to try?
Also, and you probably already know this, but this site (for looking up error codes) is infinitely useful. (along with the above links for full-text-searching the manual)
Edit: this page also talks about "built-in functions" - you could try (as stated at the bottom of the page) "#undef memcpy" to use the non-built-in version?
Can you show us your compiler arguments? You need to make sure that you're not pulling in the standard C header files in addition to the metal C ones. Here's an example:
xlc -c -Wc,metal,longname,nosearch,'list(./)' -I. -I /usr/include/metal -I "//'SYS1.SIEAHDRV'" -S -qlanglvl=extended foo.c
as -mrent -mgoff -a=foo.list -o foo.o foo.s
ld -bac=1 -brent -S "//'SYS1.CSSLIB'" -o foo foo.o
Are you missing the closing brace '}' for the function? How about any missing semi-colon line terminators? When missing braces/semi-colons the z/OS C compiler throws some strange/misleading messages sometimes. I don't have it to try out, but I'm assuming Metal does as well.
