appengine : pointing a domain to subdomain - google-app-engine

can i point
using cname record or other gimmicks ? I do not want to use google apps.
it is possible ?

If you don't want to use Google Apps, you could serve redirects to your appspot address from another HTTP server somewhere. You cannot do this with DNS settings alone without Google Apps; the server needs to know which application to serve for a given request URL, and if the domain isn't a Google Apps domain, you can't configure this. Note that if you use redirects, the user will not see your domain name when visiting your app; once they're redirected they'll be viewing at an address.
Are you aware that there's a free level of Google Apps service, that you could set up only to serve App Engine apps?


How to redirect GAE custom domain to www url?

I have hosted my application in Google App Engine. Now I can able to access my app using and as well as Now I want to redirect every request to How to perform this redirection?
It's nothing to do with django or appengine. Look into your domain hosting and find out how to change Cname record (domain forwarding. )
If you are handling the domain using Google Apps for Work then you can do so from Admin Console > Domains > Change redirect and then follow the instructions. Either case as it's already mentioned you will have to change/update the CNAME records from your domain provider.

Google Domain: Error 404 while redirecting to external site with cname www

I have purchased a two domains from google. Let's say and
My Appengine project is linked to
I just have to redirect from to
I have forwarded the naked domain to and have pointed the CNAME 'www' to '#'
But still, gets redirected but, does not get redirected. Instead I get an Error 404
Additionally, I think, the above purchased domain do not have fixed ip, hence pointing A-record of to IP of seems not possible
After having a long conversation with the Google Apps Representative, it seems that the configuration is all fine, but if you purchase a domain for google and do not pay additionally for google apps for atleast one user, subdomain forwarding is not possible.
In my opinion, just allowing naked domain forwarding but blocking subdomain forwarding (for essential subdomain like www) is not completely helpful. Cname redirects or subdomain forwarding to external site should have been allowed, whether or not a customer pays for google apps.
To sum it up, it seems that for every domain you purchase from google you are compelled to purchase a registration of google apps.
The Google App Engine service allows custom domains through virtual hosting. Adding a CNAME in DNS will fail because you need to configure a domain alias in order for App Engine to recognise it.
Add your domain alias through your corresponding Google Apps account as explained here
If your domain alias is not that important in itself, configure URL forwarding on the DNS level, this will redirect your browser to the primary domain.
Incidently, it's not because an IDE plug-in such as the Google Eclipse plug-in doesn't distinguish between GWT and App Engine projects that you shouldn't either: this is totally unrelated to GWT :-) (you linked this on the Google+ GWT community)

Forward naked domains

I recently purchased a domain with Yahoo Domains for my GAE app. Where I managed to get the domain mapped into my GAE account.
Now, since GAE does not support naked domains, I just placed the CNAME for www to point to Google App Engine.
Everything works fine now, i.e. my app can be accessed through
The problem is with naked domain (with Yahoo), I am trying to forward the naked domain to however, the domain manager is complaining that the forward is not possible.
What could be the problem that forward is not possible? Also, is there a way to solve this in GAE management console, since Yahoo domain manager seems to not able to handle this.
Hi Please try to do the following changes from your Google Apps Admin Console.
Go to this URL for Domain Management Settings in Google Apps Console.
Under the Domain Management. Click on change redirect and add Also check the attached screenshot for the same.
Also follow the instructions provided in the URL change A record below change redirect url.
After making these changes you will see the URL will get redirected automatically.

Host external domain on google app engine

I want to register a website and want to host the same on google app engine. I dont want any sub-domain like
I read a lot about GAE but I think I ended up with confusion.
Suppose the domain is: Can I use google app engine without any sub-domain? And then will I be eligible for GAE free services?
Google App Engine no longer supports mapping your app to a naked domain. If your domain registrar supports URL redirects, you can redirect from to your app, which can be served from domains like or

Redirect to my own domain's subdomain

I have a GAE app and I have already been able to redirect to my own domain's www subdomain and the naked domain. For example, if I owned and, then entering in or into the browser will render the contents of successfully. I configured all this using Google Apps on the Google side of things and NameCheap on the registrar side of things.
Now, I have made a new, non-default version of my GAE app. Let's call it How do I set up a URL forward (or what-not) so that I can access this GAE version by simply entering into my browser?
What you are looking for to do is possible if you set up a wildcard subdomain mapping. This is well documented in the final section of Using a Custom Domain.
