How are the structure members stored on a little endian machine? - c

struct Dummy {
int x;
char y;
int main() {
struct Dummy dum;
dum.x = 10;
dum.y = 'a';
How would be the layout of the structure members on a little endian machine?
Would it be something like this?
0x1000 +0 +1 +2 +3
x: | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
y: | 'a'| 0 | 0 | 0 |
0x1000 +4 +5 +6 +7

I think you'll find this question useful. The endianess is usually relevant for a word in the memory, not to the whole structure.

Structure layout is a compiler implementation detail, affected by the default packing. Endianness normally only affects the order of the bytes in a structure member value, not the layout. Check the small print in the compiler manual or use sizeof and the offsetof macro to experiment.
The layout you documented in your question is indeed very common for a 32-bit LE compiler.

The structure members will be in the order declared, with padding inserted as necessary so each field is properly aligned for its type and with padding inserted as necessary at the end such that in an array each subsequent structure is properly aligned and begins immediately after the end of the previous structure. It is also possible (but unlikely) that additional unnecessary padding will be inserted between any two elements or at the end.
Each field itself will be stored as appropriate for the type on the compiler and architecture, e.g. the int 10 would be stored as the bytes 0a 00 00 00 on a normal little-endian machine with 32-bit ints.


Endian-independent way of using memcpy() from smaller to larger integer pointer

Suppose I have two arrays.
uint8_t[SIZE] src = { 0 };
uint32_t[SIZE] dst = { 0 };
uint8_t* srcPtr; // Points to current src value
uint32_t* dstPtr; // Points to current dst value
src holds values that sometimes need to be put into dst. Importantly, the values from src may be 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit, and aren't necessarily properly aligned. So, suppose I wish to use memcpy() like below, to copy a 16-bit value
memcpy(dstPtr, srcPtr, 2);
Will I run into an endianness issue here? This works fine on little-endian systems, since if I want to copy 8, then srcPtr has 08 then 00 the bytes at dstPtr will be 08 00 00 00 and the value will be 8, as expected.
But if I were on a big-endian system, srcPtr would be 00 then 08, and the bytes at dstPtr will be 00 08 00 00 (I presume), which would take on a value of 524288.
What would be an endian-independent way to write this copy?
Will I run into an endianness issue here?
Not necessarily endianness issues per se, but yes, the specific approach you describe will run into issues with integer representation.
This works fine on
little-endian systems, since if I want to copy 8, then srcPtr has 08
then 00 the bytes at dstPtr will be 08 00 00 00 and the value will be
8, as expected.
You seem to be making an assumption there, either
that more bytes of the destination will be modified than you actually copy, or perhaps
that relevant parts of the destination are pre-set to all zero bytes.
But you need to understand that memcpy() will copy exactly the number of bytes requested. No more than that will be read from the specified source, and no more than that will be modified in the destination. In particular, the data types of the objects to which the source and destination pointers point have no effect on the operation of memcpy().
What would be an endian-independent way to write this copy?
The most natural way to do it would be via simple assignment, relying on the compiler to perform the necessary conversion:
*dstPtr = *srcPtr;
However, I take your emphasis on the prospect that the arrays might not aligned as a concern that it may be unsafe to dereference the source and / or destination pointer. That will not, in fact, be the case for pointers to char, but it might be the case for pointers to other types. For cases where you take memcpy as the only safe way to read from the arrays, the most portable method for converting value representations is still to rely on the implementation. For example:
uint8_t* srcPtr = /* ... */;
uint32_t* dstPtr = /* ... */;
uint16_t srcVal;
uint32_t dstVal;
memcpy(&srcVal, srcPtr, sizeof(srcVal));
dstVal = srcVal; // conversion is automatically performed
memcpy(dstPtr, &dstVal, sizeof(dstVal));
Will I run into an endianness issue here?
Yes. You're not copying, you're converting from one format to another (packing several unsigned integers into a single larger unsigned integer).
What would be an endian-independent way to write this copy?
The simple way is to make the conversion explicit, like:
for(int i = 0; i < something; i++) {
dest[i] = (uint32_t)src[i*4] | ((uint32_t)src[i*4+1] << 8) |
((uint32_t)src[i*4+2] << 16) | ((uint32_t)src[i*4+3] << 24);
However, for cases where using memcpy() works it's likely to be faster, and this won't change after compiling; so you could do something like:
for(int i = 0; i < something; i++) {
dest[i] = (uint32_t)src[i*4] | ((uint32_t)src[i*4+1] << 8) |
((uint32_t)src[i*4+2] << 16) | ((uint32_t)src[i*4+3] << 24);
memcpy(dest, src, something*4);
Note: you'd also have to define the BIG_ENDIAN macro when appropriate - e.g. maybe a -D BIG_ENDIAN command line argument when starting the compiler when you know the target architecture needs it.
I'm storing 16-bit values in src which aren't 16-bit-aligned which then need to be put into a 64-bit integer
That adds another problem - some architectures do not allow misaligned accesses. You need to use explicit conversion (read 2 separate uint8_t, not a misaligned uint16_t) to avoid this problem too.

Structure for an array of bits in C

It has come to my attention that there is no builtin structure for a single bit in C. There is (unsigned) char and int, which are 8 bits (one byte), and long which is 64+ bits, and so on (uint64_t, bool...)
I came across this while coding up a huffman tree, and the encodings for certain characters were not necessarily exactly 8 bits long (like 00101), so there was no efficient way to store the encodings. I had to find makeshift solutions such as strings or boolean arrays, but this takes far more memory.
But anyways, my question is more general: is there a good way to store an array of bits, or some sort of user-defined struct? I scoured the web for one but the smallest structure seems to be 8 bits (one byte). I tried things such as int a : 1 but it didn't work. I read about bit fields but they do not simply achieve exactly what I want to do. I know questions have already been asked about this in C++ and if there is a struct for a single bit, but mostly I want to know specifically what would be the most memory-efficient way to store an encoding such as 00101 in C.
If you're mainly interested in accessing a single bit at a time, you can take an array of unsigned char and treat it as a bit array. For example:
unsigned char array[125];
Assuming 8 bits per byte, this can be treated as an array of 1000 bits. The first 16 logically look like this:
byte | 0 | 1 |
bit | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
Let's say you want to work with bit b. You can then do the following:
Read bit b:
value = (array[b/8] & (1 << (b%8)) != 0;
Set bit b:
array[b/8] |= (1 << (b%8));
Clear bit b:
array[b/8] &= ~(1 << (b%8));
Dividing the bit number by 8 gets you the relevant byte. Similarly, mod'ing the bit number by 8 gives you the relevant bit inside of that byte. You then left shift the value 1 by the bit number to give you the necessary bit mask.
While there is integer division and modulus at work here, the dividend is a power of 2 so any decent compiler should replace them with bit shifting/masking.
It has come to my attention that there is no builtin structure for a single bit in C.
That is true, and it makes sense because substantially no machines have bit-addressible memory.
But anyways, my question is more general: is there a good way to store
an array of bits, or some sort of user-defined struct?
One generally uses an unsigned char or another unsigned integer type, or an array of such. Along with that you need some masking and shifting to set or read the values of individual bits.
I scoured the
web for one but the smallest structure seems to be 8 bits (one byte).
Technically, the smallest addressible storage unit ([[un]signed] char) could be larger than 8 bits, though you're unlikely ever to see that.
I tried things such as int a : 1 but it didn't work. I read about bit
fields but they do not simply achieve exactly what I want to do.
Bit fields can appear only as structure members. A structure object containing such a bitfield will still have a size that is a multiple of the size of a char, so that doesn't map very well onto a bit array or any part of one.
know questions have already been asked about this in C++ and if there
is a struct for a single bit, but mostly I want to know specifically
what would be the most memory-efficient way to store an encoding such
as 00101 in C.
If you need a bit pattern and a separate bit count -- such as if some of the bits available in the bit-storage object are not actually significant -- then you need a separate datum for the significant-bit count. If you want a data structure for a small but variable number of bits, then you might go with something along these lines:
struct bit_array_small {
unsigned char bits;
unsigned char num_bits;
Of course, you can make that larger by choosing a different data type for the bits member and, maybe, the num_bits member. I'm sure you can see how you might extend the concept to handling arbitrary-length bit arrays if you should happen to need that.
If you really want the most memory efficiency, you can encode the Huffman tree itself as a stream of bits. See, for example:
Then just encode those bits as an array of bytes, with a possible waste of 7 bits.
But that would be a horrible idea. For the structure in memory to be useful, it must be easy to access. You can still do that very efficiently. Let's say you want to encode up to 12-bit codes. Use a 16-bit integer and bitfields:
struct huffcode {
uint16_t length: 4,
value: 12;
C will store this as a single 16-bit value, and allow you to access the length and value fields separately. The complete Huffman node would also contain the input code value, and tree pointers (which, if you want further compactness, can be integer indices into an array).
You can make you own bit array in no time.
#define ba_set(ptr, bit) { (ptr)[(bit) >> 3] |= (char)(1 << ((bit) & 7)); }
#define ba_clear(ptr, bit) { (ptr)[(bit) >> 3] &= (char)(~(1 << ((bit) & 7))); }
#define ba_get(ptr, bit) ( ((ptr)[(bit) >> 3] & (char)(1 << ((bit) & 7)) ? 1 : 0 )
#define ba_setbit(ptr, bit, value) { if (value) { ba_set((ptr), (bit)) } else { ba_clear((ptr), (bit)); } }
#define BITARRAY_BITS (120)
int main()
char mybits[(BITARRAY_BITS + 7) / 8];
memset(mybits, 0, sizeof(mybits));
ba_setbit(mybits, 33, 1);
if (!ba_get(33))
return 1;
return 0;

Structs in a 32-bit architecture [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the meaning of "__attribute__((packed, aligned(4))) "
(3 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
The following code;
struct s1 {
void *a;
char b[2];
int c;
struct s2 {
void *a;
char b[2];
int c;
if s1 has a size of 12 bytes and s2 has a size of 10 bytes, is this due to data being read in 4 byte chunks and }__attribute__((packed)); reduces the size of void*a; to only 2 bytes?
A little confused as to what }__attribute__((packed)); does.
Many thanks
It is due to alignment, a process in which the compiler adds hidden "junk" between the fields to make sure they have optimal (for performance) starting addresses.
Using packed forces the compiler to not do that, which often means that accessing the structure becomes slower (or simply impossible, causing e.g. a bus error) if the hardware has problems doing e.g. 32-bit accesses on addresses that are not multiples of 4.
On Intel processors, the fetches of 32-bit aligned data is considerably faster than unaligned; on many other processors unaligned fetches might be illegal altogether, or need to be simulated using 2 instructions. Thus the first structure would have the c always on these 32-bit architectures aligned to a byte address divisible by 4. This however requires that 2 bytes will be wasted in storage.
struct s1 {
void *a;
char b[2];
int c;
// Byte layout in memory (32-bit little-endian):
// | a0 | a1 | a2 | a3 | b0 | b1 | NA | NA | c0 | c1 | c2 | c3 |
// addresses increasing ====>
On the other hand, sometimes you absolutely need to map some unaligned datastructures (like file formats, or network packets), as is, into C structures; there you can use the __attribute__((packed)) to specify that you want everything without padding bytes:
struct s2 {
void *a;
char b[2];
int c;
} __attribute__((packed));
// Byte layout in memory (32-bit little-endian):
// | a0 | a1 | a2 | a3 | b0 | b1 | c0 | c1 | c2 | c3 |
// addresses increasing ====>
This is due to data structure alignment, a combination of two processes: data alignment and data padding. The first structure will be aligned to the word as you said, however the second structure is packed and forces the compiler to not pad the structure to the word.
The second structure is 10 bytes because the character array is 2 bytes, not the void pointer (it remains 4 bytes, as all pointers are). This can hinder performance as the trade off of 2 bytes of space is not worth the efficiency lost by the hardware (under most circumstances) and could lead to undefined behaviour.

Structure and pointer

I'm having a problem getting the entry memory address to a member variable of a structure. I've tried in two ways, one of which didn't work properly. It would be very good if you guys give me some advice.
First, i defined a structure named BITMAP_HEADER.
WORD bfType ;
DWORD bfSize ;
WORD bfReserved1 ;
WORD bfReserved2 ;
DWORD bfOffBits ;
} ;
Second, i defined and initialized some variables. please look at the code below before you read next line. In case you ask me why i got a character pointer, i needed to access each bytes of integer bfSize.
struct BITMAP_HEADER bitmap_header ;
char* pSize = (char*)&bitmap_header.bfSize;
Third, i got a memory address to the bfSize in two different ways and printed the values.
1. printf("%X\n", *pSize) ;
2. printf("%X\n", (unsigned char)*(((char*)&bitmap_header)+2)) ;
(1) directly got a memory address to the bitmap_header.bfSize.
(2) got a memory address to the structure BITMAP_HEADER and shifted the pointer to the next by 2 bytes.
Finally, here is the result.
For your information, here is the hex data of the structure BITMAP_HEADER.
42 4D / F6 C6 2D 00 / 00 00 / 00 00 / 36 00 00 00
Why didn't the first method work? I thought the two methods were exactly same.
You're running into structure padding here. The compiler is inserting two bytes' worth of padding between the bfType and bfSize fields, to align bfSize to 4 bytes' size, since bfSize is a DWORD.
Generally speaking, you cannot rely on being able to calculate exact offsets within a structure, since the compiler might add padding between members. You can control this to some degree using compiler-specific bits; for example, on MSVC, the pack pragma, but I would not recommend this. Structure padding is there to specify member alignment restrictions, and some architectures will fault on unaligned accesses. (Others might fixup the alignment manually, but typically do this rather slowly.)
See also:
As for the raw data which structure is known in advance, it usually better to read it to an array and use defined offsets to access required fields. This way you won't have to worry about compiler's behaviour (which might often be not as you expected). Your code would look like:
#define FIELD_TYPE 0
#define FIELD_SIZE 2
#define FIELD_RES1 6
#define FIELD_RES2 8
#define FIELD_OFF 10
#define SIZE_HEADER 14
static uint8_t header[SIZE_HEADER];
uint8_t * pheader = header;
DWORD offset_bits = (DWORD)*(pheader + FIELD_OFF);
P.S. to make this code portable, size of WORD and endianness must be considered, few #ifdef.. #else.. #endif should help with that.
P.P.S it would be even better use manual logical operations and shift operators instead of casting, but left it this way for the sake of brevity.

How to write a byte to register with specific memory address?

I want to write a byte to register with specific memory address (0x1228A432)
But, this register has a following structure:
Bits | Access | Name | Reset | Description |
[31:8] | Read only | -------- | ------ | Reserved |
[7:0] | Read-write | REG[7:0] | 0xXX | ----------- |
Please tell me, how to write a byte to this register without "touching" the Reserved bits?
EDIT1: My target is Cortex A9.
I could successfully read/write to onboard DDR2 memory using 256-bit values (such as 0xFF)
EDIT2: I used to work with DDR2 memory in the following way :
// First stage
static unsigned char *p = 0;
char * argv1="0x60000000";
unsigned long address=strtoul(argv1, 0, 0);
p = (unsigned char *) argv1;
// Second stage
char * argv4="FF";
int value=strtol(argv4,0,16);
// Third stage
int offset = 9;
EDIT3: I found out the following information:
All registers are 32 bits wide and do not support byte writes.
Write operations must be word-wide and bits marked as reserved must be preserved
using read-modify-write.
One way to preserve bits [31:8], assuming 32-bit wide access, is to read the value, zero-out bits [7:0], bitwise-or it with the value needed and then write it back to the register.
Something like (stealing from RedX a bit ;) ):
uint8_t your_8_bit_value = 0x42;
uint32_t volatile * const mem_map_register = (uint32_t volatile *) 0x1228a432;
*mem_map_register = (*mem_map_register & 0xFFFFFF00) | your_8_bit_value;
Yet I think there should be more info available about your hardware. I've seen several datasheets saying e.g. that you have to write all 1 to reserved bits (meaning that reserved bits are reserved for future use, and 1 is a safe default), etc. So it is not always obvious, that leaving reserved bits untouched is the right thing to do.
You should find more details about your hardware - are byte-wide writes supported, are writes to reserved bits ignored perhaps, or should be all 0/1, etc.
Look up the assembler instruction handbook for an 8 bit writing instruction (not sure if it exists). If it does, use an uint8_t for your assignment to that memory location (uint8_t volatile * const reg = (uint8_t volatile * const) 0x1228a432;).
Else do what Omkant said. Overwriting the bits with the same number should not produce any unwanted results, since they are not "zeroed" before being overwritten.
His code in C (this is the verbose version for better readability):
uint8_t your_8_bit_value = 0x42;
uint32_t volatile * const mem_map_register = (uint32_t volatile *) 0x1228a432;
*mem_map_register = (*mem_map_register & 0xFFFFFF00) | your_8_bit_value;
[register value] = ([register value] | [00 00 00 FF]) & [FF FF FF XX]
Here , xx is the one byte read from your given address and then set a mask of 24 bits.
And perform bitwise & on the values shown above
I think this should work
