Suppress navigation when setting HtmlPage.Window.CurrentBookmark property in Silverlight - silverlight

I have a scenario where I need to change the HtmlPage.Window.CurrentBookmark property, but I want to do it without causing the Silverlight application to reload. Right now, I'm doing this, but it's causing the application to restart:
public void SetBookmark(string authenticationGroupTag, string ownerUserTag, string roomName)
string bookmark = GetBookmark(authenticationGroupTag, ownerUserTag, roomName);
HtmlPage.Window.CurrentBookmark = bookmark;
// HtmlPage.Window.Eval("window.location.hash='" + bookmark + "'");
That particular behavior -- restarting the application -- doesn't seem to be documented anywhere, so I wonder if I'm just doing it wrong. I've tried catching various navigation related events (either Page.OnNavigatedFrom or RootFrame.Navigating), but neither of those actually get fired: the app just unloads and then reloads.
So I guess I have two parts to my question: (1) Is this the expected behavior, or am I just doing something wrong? and (2) If it is the expected behavior, has anyone come up with a workaround for it? Is there a way to update the portion of the URL after the "#" without reloading the Silverlight application?

Turns out that this is just a variant of a problem that's been long noted, namely, that Internet Explorer refreshes the page when (a) the user has arrived at the current page after a redirect, and (b) you change the window.location.hash. In other words, this is an IE issue (still not fixed in IE9!), not a Silverlight problem. Everything behaves correctly with Firefox and Chrome. (See javascript location.hash refreshing in IE and Response.Redirect with a fragment identifier causes unexpected refresh when later using location.hash for more details, and some suggested workarounds.)


Codenameone: AppArg is null on ios when app open via applink

When opening my ios app via an applink, as specified by associated domains feature, the AppArg is null.
The consecutive call of start() method, as described in this issue, does not occur.
In my case, start() is called only once, with a null AppArg, and that's it.
The first thing a do, in the start() method, is call
This works fine when opening the app via a custom scheme, but not when opening via an applink.
Note: I use the ios.glAppDelegateBody and ios.afterFinishLaunching build hints to handle app open via push notification. I figured this might interfere with AppArg reading so I removed those temporarily and tried again, but to no avail.
Currently, the only solution I see is to write some native code and try to get the opening url this way, but I'd very much like for the AppArg to work as it states.
I've tested on iphone 6s with ios 15.1.
Update 3:
This problem occurs due to the call of the facebook sdk in the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions which causes the method to return NO, and that prevents continueUserActivity to execute and retrieve the launch url. The offending code is this:
return [[FBSDKApplicationDelegate sharedInstance] application:application
This code gets executed if the facebook.appIdbuild hint is present in the codenameone settings.
After I removed it, things started working.
However, you won't be able to do this if you actually use facebook connect.
Update 2
I added the following snippet to the apple-app-site-association file hosted on my domain, as per the documentation here.
"activitycontinuation": {
"apps": [ <id of my app> ]
It didn't work still.
The same documentation also states the an associated domain entitlement like this: should be added. So I added it to the ios.associatedDomains build hint, along with the applinks, looking like this:,
It still didn't work. The build suceeded, but I'm not sure that codename one is actually doing something with activitycontinuation service.
So, the problem is still not solved!
So, the flow start,stop,start only happens when the app is in background and gets opened via an applink click, and both times start is called with the AppArg populated with the applink. All well in this case.
However, if the app is closed, and opepend via applink click, start is called only once and the AppArg is null. Problem!
The method shouldApplicationHandleURL is never called. I implemented it on the main app class, returning true.
I have also tried adding native code to try to get the applink, for the case when the app was previously closed. I tried to add the code below to the glAppDelegateBody build hint, but the build failed complaining that the continueUserActivity is duplicate. The code used was something like this:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
continueUserActivity:(NSUserActivity *)userActivity
restorationHandler:(void (^)(NSArray *restorableObjects))restorationHandler {
NSURL *url = userActivity.webpageURL;
// Handle url
return YES;
Currently, I'm running out of ideas. So, please, help. Thank you.
iOS uses a different mechanism for dealing with applinks than it does for custom app URL schemes, so it is likely that there is a race condition here -where start() is being called before the URL is provided to the app.
Try implementing the com.codename1.system.URLCallback interface in your main lifecycle class and implement the shouldApplicationHandleURL method. This should be called when an applink is processed.
The solution, in my case, was to remove the facebook.appId build hint from the I wasn't using facebook anymore, but forgot about the build hint. After removing it, things started working.
Found about this here.
By adding the following code to the ios.afterFinishLaunching build hint, the AppArg will be populated at start with the app launchUrl (if any), regardless of the fact that facebook sdk is used or not:
NSDictionary *activityDictionary = [launchOptions objectForKey:UIApplicationLaunchOptionsUserActivityDictionaryKey];
if (activityDictionary) {
NSUserActivity *userActivity = [activityDictionary valueForKey:#"UIApplicationLaunchOptionsUserActivityKey"];
if (userActivity != nil) {
if ([NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb isEqualToString:userActivity.activityType] && userActivity.webpageURL != nil) {
JAVA_OBJECT launchUrlStr = fromNSString(CN1_THREAD_GET_STATE_PASS_ARG [userActivity.webpageURL absoluteString]);
JAVA_OBJECT displayInstObj = com_codename1_ui_Display_getInstance__(CN1_THREAD_GET_STATE_PASS_SINGLE_ARG);
com_codename1_ui_Display_setProperty___java_lang_String_java_lang_String(CN1_THREAD_GET_STATE_PASS_ARG displayInstObj, appArgKey, launchUrlStr);

Umbraco cms AngularJS Regular Expression Keep appearing

Umbraco uses angularJS as based library and backoffice totally developed on it. The reason telling first is to tell that I have a field on which URL regular expression applied. If someone entered invalid url like below image
it shows error as need.
But if a user try to remove whole text by selecting it and removing at once. It still keep appearing the error like this
However, if a user erase text one by one like this
then the validation error removed and user need to click on button to see error again.
I would to know how screen 3 state can be achievable when user remove all text together? Its really annoying behavior for a user to remove text character one by one to refresh the state of the field. Screen 3 state should be applied on screen 2.
Can anybody tell me how it can fix or achievable? Right now, it seems like a default behavior.
Looking forward to hear from you guys. Suggestions will be much appreciatable.
Regards o
I've looked into this issue. This seems to be a product bug.
When you remove whole text at once, newValue is an empty string and the code responsible for resetting error messages doesn't run. If you have access to the umbraco code, you can easily fix it by removing highlighted check:

adding controller later

I'm trying to create an NG app where parts can be enabled/disabled dynamically. The idea is to have an "admin" page, where parts of the app can be enabled or disabled, and then see new functionality appear, in the form of an adjusted menu at the top of the page, and matching routes, controllers, etc loaded into the app (I'm using SocketStream w/ NG).
The first step was to add / remove routes dynamically, for which I found a solution at - working well, as far as I can tell.
Next, adding items to the menu bar - easy with ng-repeat on ul/li items.
So the app adjusts its menu and recognizes the corresponding route. So far so good.
The problem comes with registering a controller. I'm calling myApp.controller('SandboxCtrl',[...]) with proper args (same as what worked when initialising statically on startup), but the controller does not appear to get loaded or inited properly. Navigating to the newly added route generates errors such as:
Error: Argument 'SandboxCtrl' is not a function, got undefined
I'm currently at a loss on how to proceed. I've not been able to find a solution on the web. The app is too large to put in a jsFiddle, but I can commit the last changes on GitHub if needed.
Questions: is this feasible? what can I do to debug this? any examples I could look at?
EDIT: The code is now at (needs node/npm/redis). It's easy to reproduce the problem: launch with "npm start", browse to localhost:3333, go to admin tab, click on "jcw-sandbox" and then "Install". Top menu will update with new a "Sandbox" entry. Clicking on that entry generates the error shown above.
Oh, almost forgot: relevant code is in client/code/app/ and client/code/modules/ ...
The answer turns out to be two-fold:
the NG calls were made from SocketStream RPC callbacks, and had to be wrapped in $scope.$apply calls - my bad, didn't know about this SS/NG interaction
the rest of the solution was outlined by #matys84pl - pick up $controllerProvider (and $filterProvider) early on, so they can be called at a later time instead of the normal "app.controller" and "app.filter" members, which don't seem to work anymore later on
Example code in GitHub, I'll link to a specific commit so this answer stays valid:

Dojo : FilteringSelect : problems with coming back to valid state

I've came across this issue today and I think I might need some help. We are using 1.6.1 version of Dojo, but this is cross version issue.
Steps to reproduce the following issue are pretty simple:
click the dojo doc link for Filtering Select dijit.form.FilteringSelect
On the documentation page, click the first FilteringSelect sample
In the Codeglass window sample, click the filteringselect and add "x" to "California", thus bringing it to invalid state
While focused, delete the "x" letter.
and here comes the problem. Technically the value is correct, but the dijit is still like in error state (unless it loses focus).
I'd like to get the dijit react and render correctly straightaway I delete the character causing the invalid state without losing focus.
Any ideas for the workaround?
Thank you.
ok. for eveyryone else interested the solution was 'quite' simple, just use the dijit.form.FilteringSelect._refreshState() .The underscore prefix is might not be someone's cup of tea but that was the only way to get it in correct state.
in our case it was a bit tricky as we are using the wrapped in our own object and I needed the proper trigger which I've found in connecting to onComplete event of the inherited fetch() method.

HTML Bridge not working with cross-domain Silverlight XAP

I've got a complex Silverlight app that uses the HTML bridge functionality quite extensively (in both directions). The app runs fine when the hosting page is from the same domain as the XAP source. Unfortunately, I can't get the HTML bridge functionality to work when the hosting page is on a different domain.
Now, I know the various tricks normally required to get this to work, i.e., everything that's documented here: I've even put together my own simplified cross-domain repro that I was hoping would highlight the problem, but unfortunately, my "repro" works, i.e., both JS->SL and SL->JS functionality work just fine in it, even if the XAP is hosted on a different domain.
Here's what I've tried so far to narrow down the problem:
On my production solution (where I'm having the problem):
Confirmed that "EnableHtmlAccess" is set to true in the <object> tag.
Confirmed that "ExternalCallersFromCrossDomain" is set to "ScriptableOnly" in the AppManifest.xml file.
On my repro solution (where I can't get it to have the problem):
Added multiple libraries with multiple registered scriptable objects.
Added events to the registered objects.
On both:
Tried it with a static <object> tag and with a dynamically created <object> tag (via Silverlight.js).
Tried it with and without specifying handlers for onSourceDownloadProgressChanged, onSourceDownloadComplete, onError, and onLoad.
Tried it with and without a splashscreen.
I'm kinda running out of ideas. Anyone have any suggestions for other troubleshooting steps?
Well, so far I haven't been able to track down the precise difference between the working and the non-working versions. But I came up with a workaround that's sufficient for my needs. As it turns out, only the JS->SL functionality was broken; any calls from SL->JS still worked. So what I did was to register the scriptable SL objects from within Silverlight. In my controlling JavaScript class, I created a function with a unique name, and registered it with the window object:
var mLoadingController;
var mAppId = 'alantaClient_' + Alanta.makeId();
var mSetLoadingControllerId = mAppId + '_SetLoadingController';
window[mSetLoadingControllerId] = function (value) {
mLoadingController = value;
And then I pass in the name of the function as a part of the Silverlight app's InitParams:
var initParams = 'setLoadingControllerId=' + mSetLoadingControllerId;
Silverlight.createObject(mSource, mAppHost, mAppId, params, events, initParams);
And then I call that registration function from within Silverlight, like so:
// Do everything necessary to make the LoadingController scriptable.
HtmlPage.RegisterScriptableObject("LoadingController", LoadingController.Instance);
string setLoadingControllerId;
if (e.InitParams.TryGetValue(LoaderConstants.SetLoadingControllerIdReference, out setLoadingControllerId))
HtmlPage.Window.Invoke(setLoadingControllerId, LoadingController.Instance);
And then I can call it from JS, like so:
Kinda hacky, but it works. Close enough for now.
