Databinding issue with textbox and accessors - wpf

I am wondering what am I missing? The binding is not displaying at all in the textbox. These are my codes:
XAML Namespace:
DataContext and Resources:
<c:Parameter x:Key="mySource"/>
<Binding Source="{StaticResource mySource}" />
<TextBox x:Name="TextBox" Width="159" Height="26" Canvas.Left="36" Canvas.Top="47">
<Binding Path="JobKey" Mode="TwoWay" UpdateSourceTrigger="PropertyChanged"/>
The class:
namespace mySystem.Workspace
public class Parameter : Object
The accessors:
public BasePar JobKey
get { return jobKey; }
set { jobKey = value; }

There are lots of odd things here but the most obvious one that will get you working is that the Binding Path is case sensitive.
Change your binding to:
<Binding Path="JobKey" Mode="TwoWay" UpdateSourceTrigger="PropertyChanged"/>
This should get the binding working.
I'm also not sure what type BasePar is, or is meant to be, but unless you are doing something clever intentionally, just make it a standard type like string.
You should also probably not use the namespace System.Workspace, but something related to your own project.
After your response, the only thing I can guess that the BasePar object is intended for, is to be used within a DataTemplate, on an ItemsControl say. DataTemplates have the behaviour that when they do not know how to render an Object they will fall back the the Object's .ToString() method.
Now, in my comment I said that I don't think the TextBox can have a DataTemplate, and I believe this is true however I did find a trick at this Stackoverflow question which templates a content control and a textblock instead. The code is below:
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication2.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<c:Parameter x:Key="mySource"/>
<DataTemplate x:Key="MyDataTemplate">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding}"/>
<Binding Source="{StaticResource mySource}" />
Content="{Binding Path=JobKey}"
ContentTemplate="{StaticResource MyDataTemplate}" />
I don't have time right now to get the TextBox working - don't even know if it is possible, given my first few tries. However, this might help get you where you need to go.
But still - if I was me I'd just use simple binding to standard objects. I can't see the benefit of the BasePar class in this scenario.

What does the BasePar implementation look like? Have a look in the Debug Output window to see if you have a line like this:
System.Windows.Data Error: 1 : Cannot create default converter to perform 'two-way' conversions between types 'WpfApplication1.BasePar' and 'System.String'. Consider using Converter property of Binding. BindingExpression:Path=JobKey; DataItem='Parameter' (HashCode=14209755); target element is 'TextBox' (Name='TextBox'); target property is 'Text' (type 'String')
This is telling you that you are trying to bind to the property, but WPF cannot create a 2-way binding, because it cannot convert the text (you type into the TextBox) into a 'BasePar' object.
As per David's suggestion, you could bind to a primitive string type, or alternately (as per the warning message above) you could add a Converter to the binding to convert a string into a BasePar.

you need to make jobkey a DependencyProperty by deriving it from DependencyObject or derive your class from INotifyPropertyChanged and add all the notify code, etc.
if you do not do this, then you will not receive update notifications and your bindings wont work as expected.

You need to bind to the property not the field, i.e. make that upper-case. Also: To debug bindings check the Output-window in Visiual Studio.


How to bind a property from code-behind while the rest are bound to DataContext?

My goal is to bind an element property in XAML to a property of the code behind class, while the DataContext still is a ViewModel.
The reason is, that I have some only UI-cosmetic properties in XAML which are not controlled by the ViewModel but by the code behind.
So essentially I search something like that:
Attribute = "{Binding ThatOneCodeBehind.WhateverProperty}"
OtherAttribute1 = "{Binding StillDataContextSomething}"
OtherAttribute2 = "{Binding StillDataContextSomething}"
What is the correct binding Syntax for Attribute="{Binding ThatOneCodeBehind:WhateverProperty}"?
Your code behind is in some UIElement, let say Window. So give your element with code behind name and do bind to it. Of course property CodeBehindProperty should be defined there.
<Window x:Name="_this">
<TextBox Text="{Binding CodeBehindProperty, ElementName=_this}"/>
Another way is to find the ancestor with defined type:
<TextBox Text="{Binding CodeBehindProperty, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=Window}}"/>

Setting dependency properties on a static value converter from XAML

I have a value converter I wrote that allows me to bind against a property, test that property against a given (hard-coded) value, and return a brush based on if the test was true or false. The converter inherits from DependencyObject and implements IValueConverter. It exposes two dependency properties called PositiveBrush and NegativeBrush.
I declare it in XAML like this:
<xyz:CBrushConverter x:Key="BrushConverter"
PositiveBrush="{DynamicResource Glyph.Resource.Brush.LightGreen}"
NegativeBrush="{DynamicResource Glyph.Resource.Brush.DarkGray}" />
I can then adjust the color of a given element like this:
<TextBlock Foreground="{Binding SomeProperty, ConverterParameter='SomeValue', Converter={StaticResource BrushConverter}}" />
So in this example (making the assumption that SomeProperty returns a string) if the bound property 'SomeProperty' matches 'SomeValue' the converter will return the PositiveBrush as the Foreground (otherwise it will return the NegativeBrush).
So far so good - There may be other ways to skin this cat; but this has served me well for a long time and I don't really want to rock the boat.
What I would like to do however is declare my Positive and Negative brushes as part of my binding expression. Right now, if I wanted to use Red/Green and Blue/Yellow color combinations, I would need to declare two BrushConverters. But if I could declare the Positive/Negative brushes as part of the binding expression, I could use the same converter.
In pseudo-code, something like this (obviously this doesn't work):
<Grid Foreground="{Binding SomeProperty, ConverterParameter='SomeValue', Converter={StaticResource BrushConverter, BrushConverter.PositiveBrush='Red', BrushConverter.NegativeBrush='Green'}}" />
I did find a similar question on stack, How can I set a dependency property on a static resource? but it didn't explicitly address my question.
So... my google-foo is weak - I wasn't able to come up with the right search terms to dissect the Xaml binding syntax and work this out on my own, if it is even possible.
As always, any help is appreciated!
This should work:
<Binding Path="SomeProperty" ConverterParameter="SomeValue">
<xyz:CBrushConverter PositiveBrush="Red" NegativeBrush="Green"/>
Note however that you don't use the converter as static resource here. You would create a new converter instance for each Binding.
But if I could declare the Positive/Negative brushes as part of the binding expression, I could use the same converter.
You can't really do this. Converter is just a property of the Binding class. You still need to create an instance of the converter and set the dependency properties of this particular instance. What if you have several bindings that uses the same converter instance with different values for the PositiveBrush and NegativeBrush properties simultaneously?
You could define a converter instance inline though:
<Binding Path="SomeProperty" ConverterParameter="SomeValue">
<xyz:CBrushConverter PositiveBrush="Green" NegativeBrush="Red" />

Is it possible to use a DynamicResource in a MultiBinding at all?

In this case I am looking to use strings declared in a resource dictionary as part of a binding on a Text property. Binding just a single dynamic resource string is not a problem:
<TextBlock Text="{DynamicResource keyToMyString}" />
But you quickly run into problems if you need to use a StringFormat on a MultiBinding because you need to insert dynamic text or want to combine several strings. For example, if my MultiBinding looks like this:
<MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0} {1} some more text">
<Binding Source="{x:Static Resources:Strings.string1}" />
<Binding Source="{x:Static Resources:Strings.string2}" />
I can inject string1 and string2 from the specified resource file into the bound text, no problems there. But I cannot find a way to use strings from a dynamic resource in the same way. (I'm using this method to inject company and product names into text from a merged resource dictionary).
With a TextBlock I can circumvent this issue by using several Run items for the TextBlock content (reference):
<TextBlock >
<Run Text="{DynamicResource CompanyName}" />
<Run Text="{DynamicResource ProductName}" />
<Run Text="{DynamicResource MajorVersion}" />
but this is of no help when needing to bind the dynamic resource to the Window Title property. Is there anyway to accomplish this with (creative, if necessary) use of the existing markup extensions (like x:Static, etc)? Or do we have to write our own markup extension to achieve this?
Dynamic resource references have some notable restrictions. At least one of the following must be true:
The property being set must be a property on a FrameworkElement or FrameworkContentElement. That property must be backed by a DependencyProperty.
The reference is for a value within a Style Setter.
The property being set must be a property on a Freezable that is provided as a value of either a FrameworkElement or FrameworkContentElement property, or a Setter value.
Source: XAML Resources, MSDN.
So, in case of using the Binding, all the statements are violated.
As was shown, the DynamicResourceExtension works just fine for an instance of the Run class because the Run class (at least) is derived from the FrameworkContentElement class.
Additional references
Resources section: Wha' Happened Part Two: More Property Changes in WPF.
WPF: Dependency Properties & Resources.

Can a XAML object be a source for one binding as well as a target for another binding?

Is it possible to have a TextBlock as a target and a source?
Basically I have a bunch of entities which have simple relationships to other entities (like Entity1 Knows Entity3, Entity3 WorksAt Entity2 etc.)
I have a Link class that stores SourceEntity, Relationship and TargetEntity details.
What I want to be able to do is to select an entity then display the relationships related to that entity, with the target entities of each relationship listed underneath the relationship names.
When an entity is selected, an ObservableCollection is populated with the Links for that particular entity (SelectedEntityLinks<Link>).
Because each entity could have the same relationship to more than one target entity (Entity1 could know both Entity3 and Entity4 for eg.), I've created a method GetThisRelationshipEntities() that takes a relationship name as a parameter, looks through SelectedEntityLinks for relationship names that match the parameter, and returns an ObservableCollection with the target entities of that relationship.
In my xaml I have a WrapPanel to display each relationship name in a TextBlock:
<TextBlock x:Name="relationship" Text="{Binding Path=Relationship.Name}" />
Then underneath that another Textblock which should display the results of GetThisRelationshipEntities(String relationshipName).
So I want the "relationship" TextBlock to both get its Text from the binding I've shown above, but also to provide its Text as a parameter to the GetThisRelationshipEntities() method which I've added to <UserControl.Resources> as an ObjectDataProvider.
Sorry if this is a bit wordy but I hope it's clear. Any pointers/advice would be great.
To me it sounds like you should create a value converter class using IValueConverter and a property which is you relations table.
When doing
<TextBlock x:Name="relationship" Text="{Binding Path=Relationship.Name}" />
you would add
<TextBlock x:Name="relationship" Text="{Binding Path=Relationship.Name, Converter={StaticResource myRelationConverter}}" />
in the Convert() method you can do any crazy thing you want to.
I'm not entirely sure i got what you're trying to do, but i suggest trying to set the binding mode to TwoWay.
<TextBlock x:Name="relationship" Text="{Binding Path=Relationship.Name}"
Mode=TwoWay />
although now that i think about it, it might be the default option, so you can also try to call the GetThisRelationshipEntities() function on the TextBlock, every time it's source is updated:
private void relationship_SourceUpdated(object sender, DataTransferEventArgs e)
//To DO: whatever update you wanna make
Your wording is a litte inaccurate: it is not the DependencyObjects that are the source or target of a binding, but the properties of the DependencyObjects. A plain property can only be the source in a binding, but a DependencyProperty can act both as a source and as a target. For example in
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Name}" Name="txtName" />
<Label Content="{Binding ElementName=txtName, Path=Text}" />
the Text property of the TextBox is the target of the binding to some Name property in the DataContext, and at the same time it is the source of the binding to the Content property of the Label. The parameter of a method call is not a property, therefore it cannot be source or target in a binding. In your case the simplest solution is probably to handle the TextBlock.TextChanged event and to call your method from there. Using a ValueConverter as suggested by Martin is also an option.
Edit: Here is a working example that demonstrates the approach using the TextChanged event. It writes the contents of the TextBox to the Console everytime you change something. To bind to the result of your method you could just let the event handler write its result to a property and then bind to that property.
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
<TextBox Name="textBox1" TextChanged="textBox1_TextChanged" />
using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
namespace WpfApplication1
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
private void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)

Basic WPF databinding question

I have another WPF databinding question... one that I haven't found an answer to anywhere, and this surprises me since it seems like it is very basic.
Essentially, I have a string in code behind that I would like to establish a two-way binding with with a textbox in my GUI. I thought it was a simple matter of creating a DependencyProperty in the code behind, and then tying it to the TextBox via a Source binding. The problem is, I can't get one or both parts right.
Here is my DependencyProperty definition from the code behind:
public static readonly DependencyProperty FilePathProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( "FilePath", typeof(string), typeof(Window1));
public string FilePath
get { return (string)GetValue(FilePathProperty); }
set { SetValue( FilePathProperty, value); }
And here is my XAML:
Title="ReportingInterface Test Application" Height="300" Width="536">
<Menu DockPanel.Dock="Top">
<MenuItem Name="menu_plugins" Header="File">
<MenuItem Header="Open">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Label>File location:</Label>
<TextBox Name="text_filepath" Width="100" Text="{Binding Source=FilePath, Path=FilePath, Mode=TwoWay}"></TextBox>
<Button Margin="3" Width="20">...</Button>
The part I know is obviously wrong is the Binding part... I hate to waste people's time here with this question, but I honestly have come up short with every search (but now at least this request will populate subsequent google searches). :)
Thank you!
When you defined a binding in XAML, it binds to whatever is set as the DataContext for the object (or it's parent).
This typically means you'd set the DataContext of the Window to some class, and then the binding will work:
<TextBox Name="text_filepath" Width="100" Text="{Binding Path=FilePath, Mode=TwoWay}" />
You can fix this by adding, in the Window's constructor:
this.DataContext = this;
That will make the binding work against the window itself.
Alternatively, you can setup the binding to bind against a specific source object. If, in this case, you wanted to be able to use something else as the DataContext, but still want to bind to a Dependency Property defined in your Window, you could do:
<TextBox Name="text_filepath" Width="100" Text="{Binding Path=FilePath, RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType=Window}}"></TextBox>
This works by telling the binding to find the first ancestor of type "Window", and bind it the "FilePath" property on that object.
For what it's worth, I would recommend looking into the M-V-VM pattern (Model, View, ViewModel)- essentially, what you do is have this class that serves as the DataContext for your XAML, and all your fun exposed properties/commands/what have you are exposed as public members of that class (called a ViewModel).
Here's a good overview webcast:
MVVM video
And here's another from MSDN mag:
