Foursquare Updating - sql-server

No, not another question that asks, "How can I make my messages flow like on Foursquare???"
What I want to know is, how they are getting their messages in the right order and timeframe.
Here's my situation. I have a proc that can get messages for a given day, and then return the selected result set to the web and have on the front end, my code show them and slide new ones on top. However, these "new" ones, aren't new ones, they are just the ones in the set that didn't initially fit on the page, although they "look new". Now what happens when I get to the end, and the set is empty finally...I make another call right?
Well this call is going to get, yes some ones they didn't see, but also all the ones they already saw.
What's a work around for this?

If you only want to show messages once, then persist the Id of the last message and use that as input into the proc on the second call, basically asking for any messages that came in since the last call.
re: Foursquare, I assume you are referring to the "recent activity" on their main page. They seem to call for 30 activities, then just cycle through them showing 11 at a time. They loop through a static list of 30. No second call that I can see.


How to Cancel/Reset page between StartPage/EndPage when printing?

I'm processing a specially formatted text file to send to the printer. I have encountered a condition that would be easiest to handle by discarding the current (incomplete) page and starting a new one instead. So, I have called StartPage() and output one or more lines of output and then I realize that I need to discard what I have output on this page only before I have called EndPage(). To me, this seems like it should be a simple and obvious function, but I have been unable to find any way to do this. Is it possible or am I just dreaming?
EDIT: In case this wasn't clear, I want to remove a single, partially completed page from my output and then continue to output additional pages. I DO NOT want to remove the entire job (or print queue.)
It appears that what I want does not exist.
I have assumed that between StartPage() and EndPage(), my printer output for the page is being buffered to build an image of the page to send to the printer. Apparently I can neither (a) change my mind and discard the incomplete (or completed) page nor (b) change (or remove) what I have already written to the page. I tried (b) and I got two lines of text superimposed upon one another.

Overlapping Toastbar messages

I'm using the ToastBar messages with timeout 6 seconds. If I click another button within 6 seconds which will display another toastbar message, second one will overlap with first one in some instances. How can a dispose first message and display second message without overlapping if the button is clicked before timeout occurs. Please advise.
ToastBar.showErrorMessage("Test Message", 6000);
Make sure you are always invoking this method from the EDT and not from a separate thread e.g. the network thread. Use the edt error detection tool in the simulator to try and track such issues.
I have the same issue. First I tried to make sure that I do not call each message using the same object reference, but also use local variable instances to allow the Garbage Collector (GC) dispose them since the instance is discarded when the task is done.
However, this may take some time and the message still appears overlapping or even worse, it repeats itself with out a trigger, but less likely (infrequent) now because the GC collects the object.
It may be tempting to call the GC manually if possible, but then you need to assess performance impact.
I have not attempted yet the approach I am about to suggest, but let me know what you think.
Making it so, that ToastBar messages appear one on top of the other when triggered. Maybe a List<ToastBar> object or other similar may prove useful. This may be described as a ToastBar "buffer".
The other way around is to clear() the message but then if it is too long it will not allow the user the necessary time to read the feedback.
I have this in my TODO list but will follow up when I make some additional progress.

Save to .settings file diffrence between 2 diffrent ways of saving

I was reading about the .settings file on msdn and I noticed they give 2 examples of how to set the value of a item in the settings. Now my question is what is the real diffrence between the 2 and when would you use one instead of the other, since to me they seem pretty mutch the same.
To Write and Persist User Settings at Run Time
Access the user setting and assign it a new value, as shown in the following example:
Properties.Settings.Default.myColor = Color.AliceBlue;
If you want to persist changes to user settings between application sessions, call the Save method, as shown in the following code:
The first statement updates the value of the setting in memory. The second statement updates the persisted value in the user.config file on the disk. That second statement is required to get the value back when you restart the program.
It is very, very important to realize that these two statements must be separate and never be written close together in your code. Keeping them close is harakiri-code. Settings tend to implement unsubtle features in your code, making it operate differently. Which isn't always perfectly tested. What you strongly want to avoid is persisting a setting value that subsequently crashes your program.
That's the harakiri angle, if you saved that value then it is highly likely that the program will immediately crash again when the user restarts it. Or in other words, your program will never run correctly again.
The Save() call must be made when you have a reasonable guarantee that nothing bad happened when the new setting value was used. It belongs at the end of your Main() method. Only reached when the program terminated normally.

Mirror API latency when sending something to a timeline

It seems that sometimes timeline items (just text) arrive instantly and other times they take forever... Is there a way to send one at precisely the right time?
You can send the notification at a precise time.
.setDeliveryTime(new DateTime(oneMinuteInFuture.getTime()));
That's a java example, where oneMinuteInFuture is a Calendar object set to one minute after now.
What happens when you do this is the card is inserted in the timeline immediately, but the notification is delayed until the specified time. So the card goes in right away and one minute later I get a chime.
There is an unaccepted issue related to this at the issue tracker you might want to star and follow, it appears that this functionality might change in the future.

Create many passes from the app - iphone passbook

I have an application where i have to issue a gift cupon kind of a thing when the user reaches a certain score say 'x'.
I want to create a coupon with a unique QRcode, at the time the user reaches the score 'x' so that he can download it on his iphone and use it. Once it is used , the cupon should be invalidated. this applies to any user using the application. Meaning a coupon is created once the score is reached and deleted or invalidated once it is used.
I'm not able to figure out how to create a cupon everytime any user reaches the score. Ofcourse, i did go through a lot of documentations and links like I also tried using pass-source but the valid account requires you to pay minimum about 8$.
As suggested in raywenderlich tutorials, i can create passes but thats not created through the application.
Also i didn't see any method where we can be notified when a user uses his issued coupon so that we can invalidate it.
Am i missing something here?
"Using" a QR code on a coupon means it is scanned by something else. That something else has to take responsibility to report the activity back to you, so you could then update the pass with an "Expired" flag in your database, re-sign and rebuild the pass, issue the push notification so that it would eventually update on the device. You'd also probably want that scanner-thingie to check with you to see that the code is valid before accepting it. So, yeah, not Apple's problem.
