Trouble implementing a (stable) method of retrieving n bytes from file - c

One of the purposes of the library of which I am developing is to retrieve a specified amount of bytes from a file, in this specific case I am wishing for access to /dev/random to retrieve entropy based random sequences.
My main issue with fread is that it will hang indefinitely when waiting for more entropy, and this is unwanted. My next choice would have been wrapping fread with feof to take bytes in chunks, then I could at least provide percentages complete for a better experience, although from what I could gather iteration 1, 2, 3, 4..'s bytes will be hard to track to equal exactly the amount needed.
Is there a method in a C standard that allows for what I am looking for, exact amount wanted and in chunks? If I were to look for timeouts of this, would threading the data request be a good option to look at?

Define "standard". Do you mean the ISO C standard? POSIX? Linux standards base (LSB)? For POSIX, the read call lets you specify the size of the buffer that you are trying to read. You can use pselect or poll to determine if there are bytes available to be read, with a timeout instead of blocking. On Linux, it is possible to use the "FIONREAD" ioctl call to obtain the exact number of bytes available for reading.
That said, you should ask yourself if you need that level of entropy. You might (or might not) be able to get away with reading from "/dev/urandom". Of course, you would have to determine if that is the case.

Try this
Here is the man page for a function I think will solve your problem.
I just saw that fread wasnt working, fgets reads a certain number of byes from file stream into buffer


Is there a portable way to discard a number of readable bytes from a socket-like file descriptor?

Is there a portable way to discard a number of incoming bytes from a socket without copying them to userspace? On a regular file, I could use lseek(), but on a socket, it's not possible. I have two scenarios where I might need it:
A stream of records is arriving on a file descriptor (which can be a TCP, a SOCK_STREAM type UNIX domain socket or potentially a pipe). Each record is preceeded by a fixed size header specifying its type and length, followed by data of variable length. I want to read the header first and if it's not of the type I'm interested in, I want to just discard the following data segment without transferring them into user space into a dummy buffer.
A stream of records of varying and unpredictable length is arriving on a file descriptor. Due to asynchronous nature, the records may still be incomplete when the fd becomes readable, or they may be complete but a piece of the next record already may be there when I try to read a fixed number of bytes into a buffer. I want to stop reading the fd at the exact boundary between the records so I don't need to manage partially loaded records I accidentally read from the fd. So, I use recv() with MSG_PEEK flag to read into a buffer, parse the record to determine its completeness and length, and then read again properly (thus actually removing data from the socket) to the exact length. This would copy the data twice - I want to avoid that by simply discarding the data buffered in the socket by an exact amount.
On Linux, I gather it is possible to achieve that by using splice() and redirecting the data to /dev/null without copying them to userspace. However, splice() is Linux-only, and the similar sendfile() that is supported on more platforms can't use a socket as input. My questions are:
Is there a portable way to achieve this? Something that would work on other UNIXes (primarily Solaris) as well that do not have splice()?
Is splice()-ing into /dev/null an efficient way to do this on Linux, or would it be a waste of effort?
Ideally, I would love to have a ssize_t discard(int fd, size_t count) that simply removes count of readable bytes from a file descriptor fd in kernel (i.e. without copying anything to userspace), blocks on blockable fd until the requested number of bytes is discarded, or returns the number of successfully discarded bytes or EAGAIN on a non-blocking fd just like read() would do. And advances the seek position on a regular file of course :)
The short answer is No, there is no portable way to do that.
The sendfile() approach is Linux-specific, because on most other OSes implementing it, the source must be a file or a shared memory object. (I haven't even checked if/in which Linux kernel versions, sendfile() from a socket descriptor to /dev/null is supported. I would be very suspicious of code that does that, to be honest.)
Looking at e.g. Linux kernel sources, and considering how little a ssize_t discard(fd, len) differs from a standard ssize_t read(fd, buf, len), it is obviously possible to add such support. One could even add it via an ioctl (say, SIOCISKIP) for easy support detection.
However, the problem is that you have designed an inefficient approach, and rather than fix the approach at the algorithmic level, you are looking for crutches that would make your approach perform better.
You see, it is very hard to show a case where the "extra copy" (from kernel buffers to userspace buffers) is an actual performance bottleneck. The number of syscalls (context switches between userspace and kernel space) sometimes is. If you sent a patch upstream implementing e.g. ioctl(socketfd, SIOCISKIP, bytes) for TCP and/or Unix domain stream sockets, they would point out that the performance increase this hopes to achieve is better obtained by not trying to obtain the data you don't need in the first place. (In other words, the way you are trying to do things, is inherently inefficient, and rather than create crutches to make that approach work better, you should just choose a better-performing approach.)
In your first case, a process receiving structured data framed by a type and length identifier, wishing to skip unneeded frames, is better fixed by fixing the transfer protocol. For example, the receiving side could inform the sending side which frames it is interested in (i.e., basic filtering approach). If you are stuck with a stupid protocol that you cannot replace for external reasons, you're on your own. (The FLOSS developer community is not, and should not be responsible for maintaining stupid decisions just because someone wails about it. Anyone is free to do so, but they'd need to do it in a manner that does not require others to work extra too.)
In your second case, you already read your data. Don't do that. Instead, use an userspace buffer large enough to hold two full size frames. Whenever you need more data, but the start of the frame is already past the midway of the buffer, memmove() the frame to start at the beginning of the buffer first.
When you have a partially read frame, and you have N unread bytes from that left that you are not interested in, read them into the unused portion of the buffer. There is always enough room, because you can overwrite the portion already used by the current frame, and its beginning is always within the first half of the buffer.
If the frames are small, say 65536 bytes maximum, you should use a tunable for the maximum buffer size. On most desktop and server machines, with high-bandwidth stream sockets, something like 2 MiB (2097152 bytes or more) is much more reasonable. It's not too much memory wasted, but you rarely do any memory copies (and when you do, they tend to be short). (You can even optimize the memory moves so that only full cachelines are copied, aligned, since leaving almost one cacheline of garbage at the start of the buffer is insignificant.)
I do HPC with large datasets (including text-form molecular data, where records are separated by newlines, and custom parsers for converting decimal integers or floating-point values are used for better performance), and this approach does work well in practice. Simply put, skipping data already in your buffer is not something you need to optimize; it is insignificant overhead compared to simply avoiding doing the things you do not need.
There is also the question of what you wish to optimize by doing that: the CPU time/resources used, or the wall clock used in the overall task. They are completely different things.
For example, if you need to sort a large number of text lines from some file, you use the least CPU time if you simply read the entire dataset to memory, construct an array of pointers to each line, sort the pointers, and finally write each line (using either internal buffering and/or POSIX writev() so that you do not need to do a write() syscall for each separate line).
However, if you wish to minimize the wall clock time used, you can use a binary heap or a balanced binary tree instead of an array of pointers, and heapify or insert-in-order each line completely read, so that when the last line is finally read, you already have the lines in their correct order. This is because the storage I/O (for all but pathological input cases, something like single-character lines) takes longer than sorting them using any robust sorting algorithm! The sorting algorithms that work inline (as data comes in) are typically not as CPU-efficient as those that work offline (on complete datasets), so this ends up using somewhat more CPU time; but because the CPU work is done at a time that is otherwise wasted waiting for the entire dataset to load into memory, it is completed in less wall clock time!
If there is need and interest, I can provide a practical example to illustrate the techniques. However, there is absolutely no magic involved, and any C programmer should be able to implement these (both the buffering scheme, and the sort scheme) on their own. (I do consider using resources like Linux man pages online and Wikipedia articles and pseudocode on for example binary heaps doing it "on your own". As long as you do not just copy-paste existing code, I consider it doing it "on your own", even if somebody or some resource helps you find the good, robust ways to do it.)

Why fread does have thread safe requirements which slows down its call

I am writing a function to read binary files that are organized as a succession of (key, value) pairs where keys are small ASCII strings and value are int or double stored in binary format.
If implemented naively, this function makes a lot of call to fread to read very small amount of data (usually no more than 10 bytes). Even though fread internally uses a buffer to read the file, I have implemented my own buffer and I have observed speed up by a factor of 10 on both Linux and Windows. The buffer size used by fread is large enough and the function call cannot be responsible for such a slowdown. So I went and dug into the GNU implementation of fread and discovered some lock on the file, and many other things such as verifying that the file is open with read access and so on. No wonder why fread is so slow.
But what is the rationale behind fread being thread-safe where it seems that multiple thread can call fread on the same file which is mind boggling to me. These requirements make it slow as hell. What are the advantages?
Imagine you have a file where each 5 bytes can be processed in parallel (let's say, pixel by pixel in an image):
One thread needs to pick 5 bytes "12345", the next one the next 5 bytes "6789A".
If it was not thread-safe different threads could pick-up wrong chunks. For example: "12367" and "4589A" or even worst (unexpected behaviour, repeated bytes or worst).
As suggested by nemequ:
Note that if you're on glibc you can use the _unlocked variants (*e.g., fread_unlocked). On Windows you can define _CRT_DISABLE_PERFCRIT_LOCKS
Stream I/O is already as slow as molasses. Programmers think that a read from main memory (1000x longer than a CPU cycle) is ages. A read from the physical disk or a network may as well be eternity.
I don't know if that's the #1 reason why the library implementers were ok with adding the lock overhead, but I guarantee it played a significant part.
Yes, it slows it down, but as you discovered, you can manually buffer the read and use your own handling to increase the speed when performance really matters. (That's the key--when you absolutely must read the data as fast as possible. Don't bother manually buffering in the general case.)
That's a rationalization. I'm sure you could think of more!

Reading large buffers in C - Efficient techniques

I'am programing in C language. Sometimes we have to read large data from files for which we normally use fread or read system calls, which means either stream I/O or system call I/O.
I want to ask, if we are reading such a large data, then calculating the block size and reading according to that, will it help us in any way reading it efficiently or not?
I know that reading through system calls can make it slow and there are other conditions, like if we have to deal with network sockets then we should use these, instead of using stream based I/O will give us optimized results. Like wise I need some tips and tricks to read large data from files and the things to be taken care of.
Also if mmap can be more advantageous than these conventional I/O , please elaborate the situations when it would be?
Platform : Linux , gcc compiler
Have you considered memory-mapping the file using mmap?
I think it is always a good idea to read in blocks. For huge files, we would obviously not want to allocate huge amount of memory in heap.
If the file is of the order of a few MBs then I think we can read the whole file at once in a char buffer and use that buffer to process your data. This would be faster than reading again and again from file.

what's the proper buffer size for 'write' function?

I am using the low-level I/O function 'write' to write some data to disk in my code (C language on Linux). First, I accumulate the data in a memory buffer, and then I use 'write' to write the data to disk when the buffer is full. So what's the best buffer size for 'write'? According to my tests it isn't the bigger the faster, so I am here to look for the answer.
There is probably some advantage in doing writes which are multiples of the filesystem block size, especially if you are updating a file in place. If you write less than a partial block to a file, the OS has to read the old block, combine in the new contents and then write it out. This doesn't necessarily happen if you rapidly write small pieces in sequence because the updates will be done on buffers in memory which are flushed later. Still, once in a while you could be triggering some inefficiency if you are not filling a block (and a properly aligned one: multiple of block size at an offset which is a multiple of the block size) with each write operation.
This issue of transfer size does not necessarily go away with mmap. If you map a file, and then memcpy some data into the map, you are making a page dirty. That page has to be flushed at some later time: it is indeterminate when. If you make another memcpy which touches the same page, that page could be clean now and you're making it dirty again. So it gets written twice. Page-aligned copies of multiples-of a page size will be the way to go.
You'll want it to be a multiple of the CPU page size, in order to use memory as efficiently as possible.
But ideally you want to use mmap instead, so that you never have to deal with buffers yourself.
You could use BUFSIZ defined in <stdio.h>
Otherwise, use a small multiple of the page size sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE) (e.g. twice that value). Most Linux systems have 4Kbytes pages (which is often the same as or a small multiple of the filesystem block size).
As other replied, using the mmap(2) system call could help. GNU systems (e.g. Linux) have an extension: the second mode string of fopen may contain the latter m and when that happens, the GNU libc try to mmap.
If you deal with data nearly as large as your RAM (or half of it), you might want to also use madvise(2) to fine-tune performance of mmap.
See also this answer to a question quite similar to yours. (You could use 64Kbytes as a reasonable buffer size).
The "best" size depends a great deal on the underlying file system.
The stat and fstat calls fill in a data structure, struct stat, that includes the following field:
blksize_t st_blksize; /* blocksize for file system I/O */
The OS is responsible for filling this field with a "good size" for write() blocks. However, it's also important to call write() with memory that is "well aligned" (e.g., the result of malloc calls). The easiest way to get this to happen is to use the provided <stdio.h> stream interface (with FILE * objects).
Using mmap, as in other answers here, can also be very fast for many cases. Note that it's not well suited to some kinds of streams (e.g., sockets and pipes) though.
It depends on the amount of RAM, VM, etc. as well as the amount of data being written. The more general answer is to benchmark what buffer works best for the load you're dealing with, and use what works the best.

refresh stream buffer while reading /proc

I'm reading from /proc/pid/task/stat to keep track of cpu usage in a thread.
fopen on /proc/pic/task/stat
fget a string from the stream
sscanf on the string
I am having issues however getting the streams buffer to update.
If I fget 1024 characters if regreshes but if I fget 128 characters then it never updates and I always get the same stats.
I rewind the stream before the read and have tried fsync.
I do this very frequently so I'd rather not reopen to file each time.
What is the right way to do this?
Not every program benefits from the use of buffered I/O.
In your case, I think I would just use read(2)1. This way, you:
eliminate all stale buffer2 issues
probably run faster via the elimination of double buffering
probably use less memory
definitely simplify the implementation
For a case like you describe, the efficiency gain may not matter on today's remarkably powerful CPUs. But I will point out that programs like cp(2) and other heavy-duty data movers don't use buffered I/O packages.
1. That is, open(2), read(2), lseek(2), and close(2).
2. And perhaps to intercept an argument, on questions related to this one someone usually offers a "helpful" suggestion along the lines of fflush(stdin), and then another someone comes along to accurately point out that fflush() is defined by C99 on output streams only, and that it's usually unwise to depend on implementation-specific behavior.
