Prevent JWPlayer from loading JWPLAYER.SWF multiple times for multiple instances - swfobject

I am using the JW Embedder with JWPlayer to embed 3 videos on a page. (I'm pretty sure the sitatuion would be the same if using SWFObject to do the embedding.
To my horror (!) when looking in Fiddler I saw 3 downloads (HTTP Status 200) for jwplayer.swf which is an unnecessary 200kb.
Obviously what's happening is that the javascript for the embedder just spews out the code to instantiate the flash object and then the browser initiates 3 requests for the 100kb jwplayer.swf file.
It isn't clever enough to wait for jwplayer.swf to load and then use it for the 2 other players.
How can I make sure that jwplayer.swf is only loaded once.

It is up to the browser to decide how to deal with multiple requests for the same objects. Most browsers will save the assets in a cache and either skip the subsequent requests and serve directly from the cache, or they send a different type of request which checks to see if the content has changed on the server.
Either way, there's no way for the player itself to control this behavior. That said....
If you're down with HTML5, you can try making a cache manifest for the swf.
This script looks promising: You can preload the first player and then the next two as a post-load callback (See comment 9).


Cache issues: React + REST server behind CDN

I am looking for a pattern that would allow me to better the UX for my users. I have a REST server running behind CloudFront being consumed from a plain React application on the frontend.
I'll simplify my example to illustrate my issue.
I have an endpoint called GET /posts/<id>. When the browser asks for it, it comes with a max=age=180 which means it would get stored in the browser's cache and any subsequent call to GET /posts/<id> will be served from the browser's cache for the duration of those 180 seconds, after which it will hit the CDN again to try and obtain a fresh copy.
That is okay for most users. I don't mind if updates to any post to delay up to 3 minutes before they're propagated to all the users. But there is one user who's the author of this post. That user can make changes to this post using PATCH /posts/<id>. Let's call that user The Editor.
Here's a scenario I have right now:
The Editor loads up the post page which then calls GET /posts/5
The CDN serves the latest copy to the front end.
the Editor then makes a change to the post and submits it to be back end via PATCH /posts/5.
The editor then refreshes his browser tab using Command-R (or CTRL-R).
As a result, the front end then requests GET /posts/5 again -- but gets the stale copy from before the changes because 180 seconds haven't passed yet since the last GET and the GET issued after the PATCH
What I'd like the experience to be is:
The Editor loads up the post page which then calls GET /posts/5
The CDN serves the latest copy to the front end.
The editor then makes a change to the post and submits it to be back end via PATCH /posts/5.
After a Command-R browser tab refresh the GET /posts/5 brings back a copy of the data with the changes the editor made with PATCH right away, regardless of the 180 seconds of ttl before a fresh copy can be obtained.
As for the rest of the users, it's perfectly okay for them to wait up to 180 seconds before the change in the post propagates to them when the GET /posts/5
I am using Axios, but I do not that SWR and React-Query support mutations. To my understanding this would allow the editor to declare a mutation for the object he just PATCH'ed on the server, so that any subsequent calls he makes to GET /posts/5 will be served from there, until a fresher version can be obtained from the backend.
My questions are:
Can SWR with "mutations" serve the mutated object via the GET /posts/5 transparently?
Will the mutation survive a hard browser tab refresh? or a browser closure, re-opening and subsequent /GET posts/5?
Is there another pattern/best practice to solve that?
TL;DR: Just append a harmless, gibberish querystring to the end of the request GET /posts/<id>?version=whatever
Good question. I must admit I don't know the full answer to this problem, but I want to share one well-known technique among frontend devs.
The technique is called cache busting. I'm not sure if this is the best practice, but I'm pretty sure it's widely practiced, since it's so straight-forward to understand.
Idea is simple. When you add a changed querystring to the end, you effectively change the URL, thus no cache is hit, you evade the whole cache problem.
So the detail steps to a solution for your particular use case would go like this:
Normally you'll just request GET /posts/<id> for all users
When a user logs in, a hash key is generated from whatever algorithm. For simplicity let's just use increasing integer and call it version. You store this version in localStorage so it can survive through page refresh.
Now you need to distinguish scenario when the user is viewing his own posts or other's posts. When guy is viewing his own, you always use GET /posts/<id>?version=n
Whenever the user edits his post and hits save button, you bump version from n to n+1
Next time he goes to post view page, the app requests GET /posts/<id>?version=n+1 which is not cached, and would retrieve the up-to-date content.
One last thing, make sure your server safely ignores that ?version=n querystring.
I'm sure there're other solutions to this problem. I'm no expert of server config and HTTP headers so I'm not getting into that topic, but there must be something to look for.
As of pure frontend solution, there's Serivce Worker API for you to consider. The main point of this API is to enable devs to programmatically control cache strategies.
With this API, you could leave your current app code as-is, just install a service worker, then you could use the same cache busting technique in the background to fetch new content, or just delete the cache (using Cache API) when user edits, or even fake a response for the GET /posts/<id> from the PATCH /posts/<id> that user just send.
Depending on what CDN you use, you can invalidate a cache manually when publishing updates to a post. For example cloudfront lets you specify which path you want to fetch fresh on the next request.
For sites with lots of traffic but few updates this works pretty well, and is quite simple to implement. For sites with a lot of authors and frequently changing content you would need to get more creative though.
One strategy I've used in the past is using a technique called object versioning, where instead of invalidating the cache to an object you just publish a version of it with a timestamp. This would also mean you need to publish a manifest file when your frontend loads. The manifest contains the latest timestamps of all the content the page needs to load, and is on a much shorter TTL than the rest of the content. When you publish a new version of a post you would update the timestamp in the manifest, and the frontend pulls the latest version of it the next time the page loads.

What is the reason behind having data URI instead of path for images less than 10kb in React?

In the Create React App documentation inside the Adding Images, Fonts, and Files section, they say :
importing images that
are less than 10,000 bytes returns a data URI instead of a path. This
applies to the following file extensions: bmp, gif, jpg, jpeg, and
The reason for them is :
To reduce the number of requests to the server
But is it specific to how React works (updating the DOM for example) or it's a wide spread practice in web development in order to reduce load times?
This is not a practice that's particular to React. Whether something gets rendered via React or by ordinary HTML, if an image is rendered using a data URI, if the data URI exists in the code already (either bundled inside the JS or hard-coded into the HTML), no additional requests to the server will have to be made.
In contrast, if you have something like src="theImage.png", that'll result in a request to the server to download the image.
it's a wide spread practice in web development in order to reduce load times?
If, for example, the web server was using HTTP 1.1, and you had, say, 25 images with srcs pointing to different files, the sheer number of separate requests could present a problem - regardless of whether React was being used or not.
(HTTP/2 mitigates this problem at least somewhat - see here)

using img-ngsrc in Android for large dynamic images is causing future HTTP requests to get queued in pending state

I am developing an Angular JS application using ionic. For android, I am using crosswalk for better performance.
I've noticed that when running on Android, I am facing problems with http requests getting stuck when trying to load large images - if any request gets "stuck" -- i.e. no error, but in my chrome developer inspector, I see the http request as "pending" -- then all subsequent requests go into "pending" state too. This problem does not exist in iOS
The code is pretty simple:
<span ng-repeat="monitor in monitors">
<img ng-src="" />
This results in around 6 GETs of images of size 600x400 and the images keep changing (the server keeps changing the image)
What I've observed specifically with Android is after a few successful iterations, the network HTTP GET behind this img ng-src gets stuck in pending like I said above and then all subsequent HTTP requests also get into pending and none of them ever get out of that state.
I am guessing there is some sort of limit for network queue that is getting filled up.
So how do I solve this issue?
a) One way I could think of is to put a timeout -- but ng-src does not seem to have a time out function. My thought is on timeout, the http request would cancel - like in normal $http.get functions and this should help.
b) Maybe there is a way to flush all http requests. I saw in SO, someone created a new directive which needs to be added here: AngularJS abort all pending $http requests on route change --> but this needs me to replace http with this new directive --> while I am using img ng-src
c) Neither a nor c are ideal. I'd like to know what is really going on - why does Android balk at this while iOS does not (comparing Galaxy S3 with iPhone 5s). So if you have any other solutions, I'd love to hear them
Wow, this was quite a learning. I managed to implement a work-around.
Edited: For those who think this is due to the limitation of 6 connections- please go through
The problem specifically is Chrome (At least with crosswalk, and maybe chrome in general) has a problem if you open multiple streams of HTTP connections that don't close for a long time. In my case the "img-src" was pointing to an image URL that the server was changing 3 times a second. Each image takes a second or two to download, so data keeps streaming in.
There is something about this that puts Chrome in a tizzy and it starts getting into an eternal pending loop for any HTTP requests after the first pending - even unrelated HTTP requests
Fortunately, I managed to implement a workaround: The server had an option to just get one image (not dynamic). I used that URL and the implemented a $interval timer in that controller that would refresh that URL every second - effectively retrieving images every second (or any other timer value I want)
Chrome has NO problem dealing with the HTTP requests in this way because they are getting closed predictably, even if it means more HTTP requests.
Phew. Not the solution I'd want, but it works very well.
And the gallant iOS handles this well too (it handled the original scenario perfectly too)

Single Server request per page vs SPA Application

I had the idea to make a SPA application using angularJS and then just sending AJAX updates to the server when I need.
My initial idea would be make the client application fly, but if I have to do an AJAX round trip to the server, I think the time would be approximately the same as to request a single web page.
Requesting a page just has more bytes of data, is not like I'm requesting 20 resources like in this article:
I would be requesting a page or resource per request.
So in the end even if I create my client side application as a SPA using angularJS, these requests (would have to be synchronous and show a please wait message while they don't return, as I don't want to user to take more actions before I make sure his request passes validation and is processed correctly) would take some time and make user wait, just about the same time as requesting a full page.
I think SPA pages would be very useful if I have like a wizard on my app with multiple pages/steps and at the end, submit the results of wizard, to the server, which I don't.
Also found this article:
One of the biggest advantages of Single Page Apps is that they reduce
data transfer. As a result, pages after the initial loading usually
can be displayed faster and seem more interactive.
But I don't believe this last quote is really true.
Am I right, or is there a way that I'm not seeing to build an application that would look like it's executing locally?
I know how guys will start saying "depends on what you want", but lets focus on this scenario where there's no wizards.
What ever you said is right. But most of the frameworks(Angular,BackBone) you take they are going to cache the templates of html on the browser so the rendering would be pretty fast compared to the normal applications. Traditional apps will have to fetch the html from the server for each request which is a time consuming one.
Hope this helps you!!!
If you are wanting to go through that syncronous server side validation step for each page request, then there is probably no big advantage to using AngularJS.
If you are requesting a page and then manipulating that page's contents once it's loaded you might want to consider AngularJS. A good example would be requesting a page that displays a list of items. Now let's say we want to search that list or order it in different ways. Rather than using AJAX to call the server to filter the list and then re-render it, it could be much faster to user AngularJS to filter and re-render the list without making any further requests to the server.

Why is single-page apps faster when it generally has to make more requests per page?

How are single-page apps (SPAs) supposed to be faster when generally SPAs have to make multiple requests to get data for different parts on the page? As opposed to rendering server side, where the browser only has to make a single request to get the whole page?
I also remember reading somewhere that opening/closing a web request is the bottleneck sometimes in web requests.
So why does an approach that makes more requests per page is supposed to make web sites faster?
Because you only load what you need.
For example, on a "normal" web page, the menu, sidebar, etc. would have to be rerendered on each page, but with an SPA only the content gets changed.
In addition, think of this case: A website that displays 100,000 items on the front page (with pictures). In the traditional case, it will take a long time to load the page, but with an SPA you only load the "first screen" (i.e. what the user can see), and load the rest as he scrolls down.
In other words, SPAs aren't magic: it's just that they only need to update the bits of the page that change, which makes the response time lower for users (i.e. they can "use" the new contact faster).
If well done, they are faster because:
Part of the server workload is offset to the client.
Only the needed page fragments are loaded at any given time.
Redundant templating code is reduced. One template can style many items, as opposed to having to output a lot of HTML for a full page at once.
They also facilitate lazy loading and the download of new data during idle times, and parallelism: the concurrent downloads of elements.
Usually SPA are built with a lazy mode approach: get the info only when you need it and if you need it.
Also usually the data coming to and from the spa is in a format (json for example) which focuses on the data only. The presentation layer is a concern of the SPA and all the required assets should be already loaded.
So usually they are faster and more maintainable.
It is not always the case though.
