SQL Server 2005 Report Services only works on development - sql-server

I have a large number of reports that only seem to load when working with MS Visual Web Developer Express. When I put application into production, all my reports just spin and then show nothing.

We need a lot more information to give you a good answer. There are many reasons why this could happen. One possibility - the data source is different on the server than on your local PC. Keep in mind - when you deploy a report to a SQL Server Reporting Services server, and you overwrite an existing report, your newly deployed report will keep the old data source of the report you're overwriting; It will not automatically use the datasource you were using on your development machine if it was previously using something else.

Check in profiler if the Database dou think is accessed is accessed by reportserver.
If not check the datasource in http://yourreportserver/reports/

Have you tried running IE8 in compatability mode?

#mike, as you said, while you already check and recheck the data source but still some user can use the report, and some other dont.
Lets have some scenario. User A work on PC A001 can use the report, while user B, work on PC B001 cannot use the report.
Please recheck whether user A still able to use the report in PC B001? if that the case, the problem is in the user right. but if not the problem is in IE/machine configuration.
hope that helps.


Update Database by republishing

this is my problem:
When working in webmatrix, if I have a published Umbraco site and I need to re-publish it to update the live version to my local version and I need to update the database too, I can't.
Webmatrix will say that the database file is in use. Of course it's in use, 'cause IIS is running on the server, and the site is live, so it's using its database, and it can't be overwritten.
What bugs me the most is that I haven't found any way to overcome this problem, if not by stopping my website's application pool on my server, or restarting the IIS service, but that's too much fuss!
There's got to be a simple way to update the database from Webmatrix.
I usually use a SQL CE database for my Umbraco websites but I can switch if SQL Server is needed.
Please, this is driving me nuts, I hope it's possible and someone will show me the way!
Thanks in advance
You could use the app_offline.htm method outlined here. Basically you can add a file to the root of the website called app_offline.htm and this will allow you to update the database. Obviously, you can format the app_offline.htm page to look like your site and have a some copy stating the site will be back up in a few minutes etc.
On a different note, moving the database to SQL Server causes a similar issue in that, although you can update the db without having to detach it, you still have to prevent people from accessing the site whilst the update is occurring.

Refreshing App.config after modifying bindingRedirect

I'm working with WinForms a project that has a couple of oddball requirements. This is an existing business system that is installed in numerous locations under a fairly wide variety of environments. Part of this variety is a mixture of SQL Server versions, and--of particular importance--SQL Server Reporting Services versions. Everyone is on at least 2005, but about 50% of our users are on some flavor of 2008.
Unfortunately for me, I need to be able to run a client-side report that's written in 2008-version RDL. I can't modify the report in any substantive way at this point, so rewriting it in 2005-version RDL isn't an option. The catch is that this report (as it's written in 2008) requires the 2008 ReportViewer control. However, the 2008 ReportViewer control cannot connect to 2005 SSRS.
The solution that I've come up with is more than a little hacky, but it will alleviate 90% of the problems introduced. I've left the references pointing to the 2005 version of ReportViewer, and I'm modifying the application configuration on startup to add assembly binding redirection tags moving from version to for ReportViewer.Common and ReportViewer.WinForms if the user's target report server is running 2008.
As twitch-inducing as this solution is, it's working for me. The users running SSRS 2005 can still access their existing reports, just not the new one. The users running SSRS 2008 can access everything. My only problem is that I haven't been able to find a way to refresh the configuration data. I'm updating this info before any of the assemblies are loaded, but calling ConfigurationManager.RefreshSection("runtime") doesn't appear to have any effect. Once the app restarts, the proper assemblies are loaded, but I'd really like to be able to have this change take effect immediately.
Any thoughts on how I can force the runtime to reload the binding redirection information from the App.config file at runtime?
Once the AppDomain is created, the configuration data that affects binding is fixed. Which happens on the default CLR when the primary AD is created, before your code starts running. If you are really desperate then you could create a secondary AppDomain and give it a custom AppDomainSetup with another ConfigurationFile. And loads and run your regular startup code in that AD. Not exactly sure what kind of side effects this might have.

SQL Server Report Services Premisson

I am currently looking into developing and designing the Report service system for work. My user does not seem to have access to Report Builder etc. I have given access to the below roles, but all I can seem to do is view report, create new folders and upload.
Content Manager
My Reports
Report Builder
Does anyone know what I need to do to resolve this?
Have you tried following the instructions on MSDN?
(These are the instructions for SQL 2008- I think the process for SQL 2005 is similar but may differ slightly)

Sql Server 2008 Reporting Services email on the fly solution

To all,
I have noticed that other reporting tools allow you the option, at the time of running a report from the web interface, to either have it rendered to the browser or allow you to enter an email address have have the report sent to that address. This would be helpful for long running reports or reports that are fairly large.
My question is whether this can be done with the existing sql server 2008 report server toolset or if there are third part solutions available?
I don't think that what you are wanting to do is possible out of the box.
This may seem like overkill for your situation, however, I have worked for a client who wanted some custom features like this. Given that Report Manager is so inflexible out of the box, we wrote a new front end leveraging the Reporting Services Service. We could then write our own extended capabilities right into the new viewer.
This link describes it a bit more.
You can setup a subscription on a report which will email it too you once or at regular intervals.
This Link give you more info. Be aware that if you want data driven subscriptions you need enterprise sql server.

SSRS Security

I am having a web application which is going to use SqlServerReport(SSRS) sitting on ReportingServer which is on my DatabaseServer.
There is a firewall between webapplication & SqlserverReport server.
Now how safe is it to use reports directly from webserver (ie accessing something there on database server.)
We use a appserver to interact with the database data.
All basic calls are
UI ==> AppServer ==> DatabaseServer (general cases) :) happy
UI ==> DatabaseServerReports (to access Sqlserver reports) :(
So my concern is how safe is to access reports directly from Databaseservers.
Yo need to open the ports 80(http)/443(https) in the firewall to using the SSRS server from the AppServer.
Please, contact your Network Admin.
Our security folks made us install IIS on a separate partition.
Why not use your app to display the reports? With ASP.NET you can use a report viewer control to display the report so the user has no idea where the report is coming from except that it is within the application.
How safe depends on where the user is located. SQL Server Reporting Services was not intended to be opened up to the Internet, for instance. Neither was the SQL Server database engine, for that matter. You said there's a firewall between the web server and the SQL Server, but that's not an unusual configuration in internal networks nowadays.
The concern that might come up is one from the performance side, more than any other. By viewing the reports using SSRS, the report rendering will occur on the same server as your database engine. If the hardware isn't enough for both roles, you'll see performance issues.
