sql server stored procedure - sql-server

Can I join a table with a Stored Procedure which returns a table ?

You need to use INSERT.. EXEC to store the data from the SP into a table or table-variable. Then you can join to that.
Say the SP returns a table (a int, b varchar(10), c datetime)
declare #temp table (a int, b varchar(10), c datetime)
insert #temp
exec myproc 1, 10, 'abcdef'
select *
from #temp t join othertable o on ... etc
Without creating a temp table, if you also exclude table-variable, then the only option - provided the SP -does not take any- parameters, is to use OPENQUERY to run the SP to return a table. Pseudo:
select *
from OPENQUERY(local_server, 'spname_no_params') t
join othertable o on ... etc

You can't join directly onto a stored procedure. So you either need to use the approach per Richard's answer, or you could convert the sproc to a table valued function.
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fxnExample(#Something INTEGER)
FROM MyTable
WHERE Something = #Something
which you then use/JOIN on in a query like this:
SELECT t1.Foo, f.A, f.B
FROM Table1 t1
JOIN dbo.fxnExample(1) f ON t1.A = f.A
The thing to note is you can't do everything in a user defined function that you can in a sproc so depending on what your sproc does, this may not be possible. Also, for best performance you should make it an inline table valued function like my example above. The alternative is a multi-statement table valued function which could give you poor performance due to the way that the execution plan produced will be based on an assumption of a very low number of rows being returned by it (i.e. 1) - so if it returned a larger number of rows then performance could be poor.
Here's a good MSDN article on it: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/psssql/archive/2010/10/28/query-performance-and-multi-statement-table-valued-functions.aspx

No it's not possible. What you can do is put the output of that SP into a temporary table and use it to your join statement.


Use output of procedure in a new procedure SQL Server [duplicate]

I'm not sure if this is something I should do in T-SQL or not, and I'm pretty sure using the word 'iterate' was wrong in this context, since you should never iterate anything in sql. It should be a set based operation, correct? Anyway, here's the scenario:
I have a stored proc that returns many uniqueidentifiers (single column results). These ids are the primary keys of records in a another table. I need to set a flag on all the corresponding records in that table.
How do I do this without the use of cursors? Should be an easy one for you sql gurus!
This may not be the most efficient, but I would create a temp table to hold the results of the stored proc and then use that in a join against the target table. For example:
CREATE TABLE #t (uniqueid int)
INSERT INTO #t EXEC p_YourStoredProc
UPDATE TargetTable
SET a.FlagColumn = 1
FROM TargetTable a JOIN #t b
ON a.uniqueid = b.uniqueid
You could also change your stored proc to a user-defined function that returns a table with your uniqueidentifiers. You can joing directly to the UDF and treat it like a table which avoids having to create the extra temp table explicitly. Also, you can pass parameters into the function as you're calling it, making this a very flexible solution.
SELECT uniqueid FROM dbo.SomeWhere
UPDATE dbo.TargetTable
SET a.FlagColumn = 1
FROM dbo.TargetTable a INNER JOIN dbo.udfGetUniqueIDs() b
ON a.uniqueid = b.uniqueid
This will work on SQL Server 2000 and up...
Insert the results of the stored proc into a temporary table and join this to the table you want to update:
EXEC usp_WorkResults
UPDATE DataTable
SET Flag = Whatever
FROM DataTable
ON DataTable.Ket = #WorkTable.Key
If you upgrade to SQL 2008 then you can pass table parameters I believe. Otherwise, you're stuck with a global temporary table or creating a permanent table that includes a column for some sort of process ID to identify which call to the stored procedure is relevant.
How much room do you have in changing the stored procedure that generates the IDs? You could add code in there to handle it or have a parameter that lets you optionally flag the rows when it is called.
Use temporary tables or a table variable (you are using SS2005).
Although, that's not nest-able - if a stored proc uses that method then you can't dumpt that output into a temp table.
An ugly solution would be to have your procedure return the "next" id each time it is called by using the other table (or some flag on the existing table) to filter out the rows that it has already returned
You can use a temp table or table variable with an additional column:
Column1 uniqueidentifer,
Checked bit
SELECT [...], 0 FROM MyTable WHERE [...]
DECLARE #Continue bit
SET #Continue = 1
WHILE (#Continue)
SELECT #var1 = Column1,
#var2 = Column2,
FROM #MyTable
WHERE Checked = 1
IF #var1 IS NULL
SET #Continue = 0
UPDATE #MyTable SET Checked = 1 WHERE Column1 = #var1
Edit: Actually, in your situation a join will be better; the code above is a cursorless iteration, which is overkill for your situation.

Joining Results of Stored Procedure with Temporary Table

I have two tables that I have joined together. I'd like to join the result of the joined table with the results of a stored procedure that has two variables.
I'm not sure whether or not I should create two temporary tables or another function, so I'm a little lost on where I should even start and what the easiest method would be.
Below is my first join.
FROM dbo.Users a WITH (NOLOCK)
JOIN Company b ON a.email = b.email
Below is my stored procedure, all it does is split one column into more rows. Split is another function. I would like to use an inner join.
SELECT a.*, b.*
FROM [dbo].[Menu] a
CROSS APPLY dbo.Split(SalesPersons, ',') b
WHERE ID = #ID AND Date = #Date
The easiest way to do this, assuming that the output from the stored procedure is deterministic would be to populate the output of the stored procedure into a temp table and then join to it.
Exec sproc_YourSproc 'Params'
FROM dbo.Users u
INNER JOIN dbo.Company c ON u.email = c.email
INNER JOIN #tmp t ON t.ID = c.ID
That being said, as Martin Smith said above, you probably want to move that logic into the stored procedure if possible.
Also, please don't use (NOLOCK) it doesn't really help the way most people think that it does, and it can cause some really nasty results. (Double reading rows, ghost records, ect)
If you need to be able to perform reads without causing read/write contention, I would investigate using more optimistic isolation levels, find ways to optimize the read performance to reduce possible congestion, or find indexing strategies that would make it possible to satisfy reads without locking the table itself.

Use of the IN condition

I can easily create a stored procedure in SQL Server with parameters that I use with =, LIKE and most operators. But when it comes to using IN, I don't really understand what to do, and I can't find a good site to teach me.
#Ids --- What type should go here?
Is this possible and if so how ?
With SQL Server 2008 and above, you can use Table Valued Parameters.
You declare a table type and can use that as a parameter (read only) for stored procedures that can be used in IN clauses.
For the different options, I suggest reading the relevant article for your version of the excellent Arrays and Lists in SQL Server, by Erland Sommarskog.
I've done this in the past using a Split function that I add to my schema functions as described here
Then you can do the following:
#Ids --- What type should go here?
SELECT * FROM TableA WHERE ID IN ( dbo.Split(#Ids, ',') )
Just remember that the IN function always expects a table of values as a result. SQL Server is smart enough to convert strings to this table format, so long as they are specifically written in the procedure.
Another option in your specific example though, could be to use a join. This will have a performance improvement, but often does not really meet a real-world example you need. The join version would be:
FROM TableA AS ta
INNER JOIN dbo.Split(#Ids, ',') AS ids
ON ta.Id = ids.items
If your asking what I think your asking, I do this every day..
WITH myData(FileNames)
SELECT '0608751970%'
UNION ALL SELECT '1000098846%'
UNION ALL SELECT '1000101277%'
UNION ALL SELECT '1000108488%'
FROM tblFiles (nolock) f
INNER JOIN myData md
ON b.FileNames LIKE md.FileNames
Or if your doing this based on another table:
WITH myData(FileNames)
SELECT RTRIM(FileNames) + '%'
FROM tblOldFiles
WHERE Active=1
FROM tblFiles (nolock) f
INNER JOIN myData md
ON b.FileNames LIKE md.FileNames

Is it possible to use a Stored Procedure as a subquery in SQL Server 2008?

I have two stored procedures, one of which returns a list of payments, while the other returns a summary of those payments, grouped by currency. Right now, I have a duplicated query: the main query of the stored procedure that returns the list of payments is a subquery of the stored procedure that returns the summary of payments by currency. I would like to eliminate this duplicity by making the stored procedure that returns the list of payments a subquery of the stored procedure that returns the summary of payments by currency. Is that possible in SQL Server 2008?
You are better off converting the first proc into a TABLE-VALUED function. If it involves multiple statements, you need to first define the return table structure and populate it.
CREATE proc getRecords #t char(1)
set nocouut on;
-- other statements --
-- final select
select * from master..spt_values where type = #t
-- becomes --
CREATE FUNCTION fn_getRecords(#t char(1))
returns #output table(
name sysname,
number int,
type char(1),
low int,
high int,
status int) as
-- other statements --
-- final select
insert #output
select * from master..spt_values where type = #t
However, if it is a straight select (or can be written as a single statement), then you can use the INLINE tvf form, which is highly optimized
CREATE FUNCTION fn2_getRecords(#t char(1))
returns table as return
-- **NO** other statements; single statement table --
select * from master..spt_values where type = #t
The second proc simply selects from the first proc
create proc getRecordsByStatus #t char(1)
select status, COUNT(*) CountRows from dbo.fn2_getRecords(#t)
group by status
And where you used to call
EXEC firstProc #param
to get a result, you now select from it
SELECT * FROM firstProc(#param)
You can capture the output from a stored procedure in a temp table and then use the table in your main query.
Capture the output of a stored procedure returning columns ID and Name to a table variable.
declare #T table (ID int, Name nvarchar(50))
insert into #T
exec StoredProcedure
Inserting the results of your stored proc into a table variable or temp table will do the trick.
If you're trying to reuse code in SQL Server from one query to the next, you have more flexibility with Table Functions. Views are all right if you don't need to pass parameters or use any kind of flow control logic. These may be used like tables in any other function, procedure, view or t-sql statement.
If you made the procedure that returns the list into a table-valued function, then I believe you could use it in a sub-query.
I would use a view, unless it needs to be parameterized, in which case I would use an inline table-valued function if possible, unless it needs to be a multi-statement operation, where you can still use a table-valued function, but they are usually less efficient.

UPDATE with a stored procedure on SQL Server 2005

UPDATE users
SET field = my_sp()
in SQL Server 2005. Apparently I can't do this and have to use some form of EXEC. Can anyone help me out and let me know how to do this? This should be some easy rep.
To assign value you need to use sql function. it is impossible to assign value from stored procedure.
Here is link how to create it.
you need to write a scalar function that takes some parameters (or even zero) and returns what you need.
You could store the output of the stored procedure in a temp table, then use that temp table as the basis for your update. As an example, the code below assumes your proc returns a record set with two integers.
create table #t (
ColumnA int,
ColumnB int
insert into #t
(ColumnA, ColumnB)
exec my_sp
update u
set field = t.ColumnB
from users u
inner join #t t
on u.UserID = t.ColumnA
drop table #t
