WPF custom control databinding - wpf

I'm new to the development of custom controls in WPF, but I tried to develop a single one to use in a application that I'm developing. This control is an autocomplete textbox. In this control, I have a DependencyProprety that has a list of possible entries so a person can choose from while entering the text
public static readonly DependencyProperty ItemsSourceProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("ItemsSource",typeof (IList<object>),typeof (AutoCompleteTextBox),new PropertyMetadata(null));
public IList<object> ItemsSource
get { return (IList<object>) GetValue(ItemsSourceProperty); }
SetValue(ItemsSourceProperty, value);
I use this control in a usercontrol and associate this control to a property in the viewmodel
<CustomControls:AutoCompleteTextBox Height="23" Width="200"
VerticalAlignment="Center" Text="{Binding Path=ArticleName, Mode=TwoWay,
UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Articles,
Mode=OneWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}">
I have a viewmodel that I assign on the usercontrol load to the datacontext of the usercontrol load
protected virtual void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (!DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(this))
this.DataContext = viewModel;
This viewmodel has the property Articles with values but the ItemsSource property of the control is null when I try to search in the list after the user enter some text.
Is there any special step that I missed when I create the control so use the mvvm pattern.
I hope that the explain the problem in a understandable way. Any help/hints would be welcome.

There are two issues here:
First, you're dependency property is defining the "default" value for this property to be null. You can change that by changing the metadata to specify a new collection:
public static readonly DependencyProperty ItemsSourceProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("ItemsSource",typeof (IList<object>),typeof (AutoCompleteTextBox),
new PropertyMetadata(new List<object>));
Secondly, when using dependency properties, the setter can't contain any logic. You should keep your property set as:
public IList<object> ItemsSource
get { return (IList<object>) GetValue(ItemsSourceProperty); }
set { SetValue(ItemsSourceProperty, value); }
This is because the setter doesn't actually get called by the binding system - only when you use code. However, since the class is a DependencyObject and this is a DP, you don't need to raise property changed events.


WPF/XAML: Shortcut to a user control

I have created a UserControl named ContactPerson. It contains a persons name, phone number etc.
This usercontrol does not have a headline (ie. a label such as "_Contact Person") because I use this usercontrol in different situations.
However in one situation, I do have such a label, which means my code look somewhat like this:
<Label Content="_Contact Person"
Target="{Binding ElementName=_contactView}" />
<View1:contactView x:Name="_contactView"
DataContext="{Binding SupplierContact}"/>
I want - to set keyboard focus to the name-textbox inside the ContactPersonUserControl but it seems to be a difficult task (it is private after alle).
I do not want to move the label inside the usercontrol, which I guess would in fact be the most simple solution. It seems to me that XAML should provide a solution to this scenario.
How to do this in a simple and elegant way?
(I have a few of these controls, so I'll need to use the same solution several times).
I am not sure whether i understand your scenario correctly, But if you want to set focus to ui control from view model, then you may need to create an attached property.
Attached Property:
public static class ControlFocusExtension
public static readonly DependencyProperty IsFocusedProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("IsFocused", typeof(bool), typeof(ControlFocusExtension), new UIPropertyMetadata(false, OnIsFocusedPropertyChanged));
public static bool GetIsFocused(DependencyObject obj)
return (bool)obj.GetValue(IsFocusedProperty);
public static void SetIsFocused(DependencyObject obj, bool value)
obj.SetValue(IsFocusedProperty, value);
private static void OnIsFocusedPropertyChanged(DependencyObject pDependencyObject, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var uie = (UIElement)pDependencyObject;
if ((bool)e.NewValue)
User control XAML:
Now in your View (in XAML) you can bind this property to your ViewModel:
<TextBox local:FocusExtension.IsFocused="{Binding IsNameFocused}" />
You can change the value of IsNameFocused from your view model if needed.
Alternatively if you don't want to bind this then you can use it as -
<TextBox local:FocusExtension.IsFocused="True" />
Set focusvisualstyle property null for those you dont want to set focus like this
example <Label FocusVisualStyle="{x:Null}">
and for textbox focus <TextBox Focusable="True"/>

Bind to current item in ItemsControl (WP7.1 / 8.0 / Silverlight)

Windows Phone 7.1 project (WP 8.0 SDK), I want to pass current item in ItemTemplate to a user control.
<local:ShipControl Ship="{Binding}" x:Name="ShipControl"/>
Code behind ShipControl:
public object Ship
return GetValue(ShipProperty);
SetValue(ShipProperty, value);
//Used by xaml binding
public static readonly DependencyProperty ShipProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Ship", typeof(Ship), typeof(Ship), new PropertyMetadata(null, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnShipChanged)));
private static void OnShipChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
//TODO: Set break point here
However, when debugging Ship an object of value DataBinding is passed as value, not a Ship (therefore return type is object instead of Ship). That eventually causes an exception on SetValue.
Other bindings on Ship-properties do work, so I really have no idea. According to this question, above should work:
WPF Pass current item from list to usercontrol
See here for sample project which throws exception on data binding, because passed object is Binding instead of data object. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/33603251/TestBindingApp.zip
You need to put a x:Name="MyControl" in your control, and then your binding will look like Ship="{Binding ElementName=MyList, Path=CurrentItem}" instead of just {Binding} (which does not mean much AFAIK). Your control needs to expose the CurrentItem property.
If you do not want to explicity name your control, you can try to play with Relative Source but I did not try myself so cannot help you on this one.
Your Dependency Property is badly formed so the XAML parser does not treat it as such.
You need to change your instance property type to Ship, and DependencyProperty owner type to ShipControl. Then the Binding will work (assuming that you are binding to a list of Ships).
public Ship Ship
get { return (Ship)GetValue(ShipProperty); }
set { SetValue(ShipProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty ShipProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Ship", typeof(Ship), typeof(ShipControl), new PropertyMetadata(null, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnShipChanged)));
private static void OnShipChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
//TODO: Set break point here

wpf attached property with collection doesnt get updated

I like to share a list between an application and a custom Usercontrol.
I use an IEnumerable as attached property to provide a list to a Listbox inside the custom UserControl. The ListBox then receives the attached property as ItemsSource. This works so far. But when the host list changes, the list inside the usercontrol should get updated. How can I achieve this ?
The current code sets the Usercontrol list, but when the host changes the list, the attached property won't get updated.
The host that uses the UserControl has a ComboBox, which should share its ItemsSource with the UserControl's ListBox
public ObservableCollection<Person> PersonList
The host's Xaml binds a ComboBox to the collection:
<ComboBox x:Name="combobox1" Width="200" ItemsSource="{Binding PersonList}" DisplayMemberPath="Name" SelectedIndex="0" IsEditable="True"></ComboBox>
The Usercontrol which is placed inside the host receives the collection via attached property. The binding looks heavy but seems ok:
prop:DynamicListProvider.DynamicList="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type Window}},
The attached property has a callback, which currently gets called only once:
class DynamicListProvider : DependencyObject
public static readonly DependencyProperty DynamicListProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null, OnDynamicListPropertyChanged)));
public static IEnumerable GetDynamicList(UIElement target) {..}
public static void SetDynamicList(UIElement target, IEnumerable value) {..}
private static void OnDynamicListPropertyChanged(DependencyObject o, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.NewValue != null && o is FrameworkElement)
The OnDynamicListPropertyChanged() should be called whenever the PersonList of the host changes. Do I have to put INotifyCollectionChanged inside the attached property? If so, where and how ?
here's my solution:
1) the usercontrol's dp:
public static readonly DependencyProperty SelectionListProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
new UIPropertyMetadata(null));
(..add property get/set wrapper)
2) set your UserControls ItemsSource on the List, e.g.
_combobox.ItemsSource = SelectionList;
3) the host owns the list. Add the data and its property in the class which instantiates the usercontrol. In my case, I use readonly / oneway binding.
ObservableCollection<MyList> _bigList= new ObservableCollection<MyList>();
public ObservableCollection<MyList> BigList
get { return _bigList; }
4) set binding in xaml
SelectionList="{Binding BigList, Mode=OneWay}"
5) Now whenever you modify the _biglist, call your PropertyChangedEventHandler on "BigList". This will notify the UserControl's SelectionList as set by the binding and call the BigList get{}. Hope it's clear to you.

Triggering Commands from the ViewModel in WPF with MVVM

I have created a few Custom Controls (NOT UserControls) with bind-able "ClearCommand" ICommand dependency properties. This property will do exactly what it sounds: it will clear all the values from the control (textboxes, etc). I also bind (some) of those same properties to the VM I describe below.
Now I'm stuck trying to trigger the ClearCommand in those controls in the following MVVM scenario:
I've added a few such controls into my View. The View also includes a "Save" button that binds to my ViewModel's SaveCommand DelegateCommand property.
What I need to happen is that, upon a successful save, the VM should trigger the ClearCommand on those controls found in the View.
I've added code examples below. I have a few controls that resemble the ExampleCustomControl. Also, just to note, I am open to restructuring some of this if it's completely off.
Example Control snippet:
public class ExampleCustomControl : Control {
public string SearchTextBox { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<CustomObject> ResultList { get; set; }
public ExampleCustomControl() {
ClearCommand = new DelegateCommand(Clear);
/// <summary>
/// Dependency Property for Datagrid ItemSource.
/// </summary>
public static DependencyProperty SelectedItemProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("SelectedItem",
typeof(CustomObject), typeof(ExampleCustomControl), new PropertyMetadata(default(CustomObject)));
public CustomObject SelectedItem {
get { return (CustomObject)GetValue(SelectedCustomObjectProperty); }
set { SetValue(SelectedCustomObjectProperty, value); }
public static DependencyProperty ClearCommandProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("ClearCommand", typeof(ICommand),
typeof(ExampleCustomControl), new PropertyMetadata(default(ICommand)));
/// <summary>
/// Dependency Property for resetting the control
/// </summary>
[Description("The command that clears the control"), Category("Common Properties")]
public ICommand ClearCommand {
get { return (ICommand)GetValue(ClearCommandProperty); }
set { SetValue(ClearCommandProperty, value); }
public void Clear(object o) {
SearchTextBox = string.Empty;
SelectedItem = null;
ResultList = null;
Example View snippet:
<Grid HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch">
<RowDefinition Height="*" />
<RowDefinition Height="30"/>
<control:ExampleCustomControl Grid.Row="0"
SelectedItem="{Binding Selection, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" />
<Button Grid.Row="1" x:Name="ResetButton" Command="{Binding SaveCommand}">
Example ViewModel:
public class TestViewModel : WorkspaceTask {
public TestViewModel() {
View = new TestView { Model = this };
SaveCommand = new DelegateCommand(Save);
private CustomObject _selection;
public CustomObject Selection {
get { return _selection; }
set {
_selection = value;
public DelegateCommand SaveCommand { get; private set; }
private void Save(object o) {
// perform save
// clear controls
As others have said the VM shouldn't know about the view directly in MVVM so it doesn't make sense really that the VM triggers something on your custom control to clear everything.
I would have set the DataContext of the custom control to an object that has all the properties you want to clear, which are all each bound (two-way) to your textboxes etc. Then in the Save() method you can set a new object (which the custom control DataContext is bound to) and all the properties will be cleared for you (assuming you have implemented INotifyPropertyChanged on the object).
As per my comment, see an example of the workaround for your current setup (untested btw):
public static DependencyProperty SelectedItemProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("SelectedItem",
typeof(CustomObject), typeof(ExampleCustomControl), new PropertyMetadata(default(CustomObject), OnSelectedItemChanged));
private static void OnSelectedItemChanged(DependencyObject source, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var cont = source as ExampleCustomControl;
//do all the clearing of txtboxes etc here....
cont.SearchTextBox = string.Empty;
But I would still try and move all this into the VM. i.e. have a clear command, like you do with the save command and bind the textbox text etc to a property in the VM and when the command is called it clears everything, which you can then easily call from the Save method in the VM too. But obviously I have no idea what you are trying to achieve in the long run or how selectedItem and the textboxes etc are related, so depends (as always) i guess.
It sounds like you are thinking about this the wrong way. In MVVM the ViewModel should never know anything about the custom controls (hence you are having a problem with this Clear functionality).
Your requirements are a bit vague, but have you considered:
1) If the properties are bound from the VM, can't the Control detect when these are changed?
2) If you really need to call Clear from the XAML layer and want to keep it pure MVVM, then consider something like the Expression Blend SDK's CallMethodAction.
As a followup to my comment. I suspect your command is targeting the View and clearing the TextBoxes directly. Instead, have your command target the ViewModel and clear the properties the View is bound to. Then you can have the command be a property on the ViewModel and call it whenever needed.

How to bind DataGridColumn.Visibility?

I have an issue similar to the following post:
Silverlight DataGridTextColumn Binding Visibility
I need to have a Column within a Silverlight DataGrid be visibile/collapsed based on a value within a ViewModel. To accomplish this I am attempting to Bind the Visibility property to a ViewModel. However I soon discovered that the Visibility property is not a DependencyProperty, therefore it cannot be bound.
To solve this, I attempted to subclass my own DataGridTextColumn. With this new class, I have created a DependencyProperty, which ultimately pushes the changes to the DataGridTextColumn.Visibility property. This works well, if I don't databind. The moment I databind to my new property, it fails, with a AG_E_PARSER_BAD_PROPERTY_VALUE exception.
public class MyDataGridTextColumn : DataGridTextColumn
#region public Visibility MyVisibility
public static readonly DependencyProperty MyVisibilityProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("MyVisibility", typeof(Visibility), typeof(MyDataGridTextColumn), new PropertyMetadata(Visibility.Visible, OnMyVisibilityPropertyChanged));
private static void OnMyVisibilityPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var #this = d as MyDataGridTextColumn;
if (#this != null)
#this.OnMyVisibilityChanged((Visibility)e.OldValue, (Visibility)e.NewValue);
private void OnMyVisibilityChanged(Visibility oldValue, Visibility newValue)
Visibility = newValue;
public Visibility MyVisibility
get { return (Visibility)GetValue(MyVisibilityProperty); }
set { SetValue(MyVisibilityProperty, value); }
#endregion public Visibility MyVisibility
Here is a small snippet of the XAML.
<DataGrid ....>
<MyDataGridTextColumn Header="User Name"
Binding="{Binding User.UserName}"
MyVisibility="{Binding Converter={StaticResource BoolToVisibilityConverter}, Path=ShouldShowUser}"/>
<DataGridTextColumn .../>
A couple important facts.
The Converter is indeed defined above in the local resources.
The Converter is correct, it is used many other places in the solution.
If I replace the {Binding} syntax for the MyVisibility property with "Collapsed" the Column does in fact disappear.
If I create a new DependencyProperty (i.e. string Foo), and bind to it I receive the AG_E_PARSER_BAD_PROPERTY_VALUE exception too.
Does anybody have any ideas as to why this isn't working?
Here's the solution I've come up with using a little hack.
First, you need to inherit from DataGrid.
public class DataGridEx : DataGrid
public IEnumerable<string> HiddenColumns
get { return (IEnumerable<string>)GetValue(HiddenColumnsProperty); }
set { SetValue(HiddenColumnsProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty HiddenColumnsProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register ("HiddenColumns",
typeof (IEnumerable<string>),
typeof (DataGridEx),
new PropertyMetadata (HiddenColumnsChanged));
private static void HiddenColumnsChanged(object sender,
DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
var dg = sender as DataGrid;
if (dg==null || args.NewValue == args.OldValue)
var hiddenColumns = (IEnumerable<string>)args.NewValue;
foreach (var column in dg.Columns)
if (hiddenColumns.Contains ((string)column.GetValue (NameProperty)))
column.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
column.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
The DataGridEx class adds a new DP for hiding columns based on the x:Name of a DataGridColumn and its descendants.
To use in your XAML:
<my:DataGridEx x:Name="uiData"
DataContext="{Binding SomeDataContextFromTheVM}"
ItemsSource="{Binding Whatever}"
HiddenColumns="{Binding HiddenColumns}">
<sdk:DataGridTextColumn x:Name="uiDataCountOfItems">
Binding={Binding CountOfItems}"
You need to add these to your ViewModel or whatever data context you use.
private IEnumerable<string> _hiddenColumns;
public IEnumerable<string> HiddenColumns
get { return _hiddenColumns; }
private set
if (value == _hiddenColumns)
_hiddenColumns = value;
PropertyChanged (this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("HiddenColumns"));
public void SomeWhereInYourCode ()
HiddenColumns = new List<string> {"uiDataCountOfItems"};
To unhide, you only need to remove the corresponding name from the list or recreate it without the unhidden name.
I have another solution to this problem that uses an approach similar to the "Binding" property that you find on DataGridTextColumn. Since the column classes are DependencyObjects, you can't directly databind to them, BUT if you add a reference to a FrameworkElement that implements INotifyPropertyChanged you can pass a databinding through to the element, and then use a dependency property to notify the Column that the databinding has changed.
One thing to note is that having the binding on the Column itself instead of the Grid will probably mean that you will want to use a DataContextProxy to get access to the field that you want to bind the Visibility to (the column binding will default to the scope of the ItemSource).
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data;
namespace XYZ.Controls
public class ExtendedDataGridTextColumn : DataGridTextColumn
private readonly Notifier _e;
private Binding _visibilityBinding;
public Binding VisibilityBinding
get { return _visibilityBinding; }
_visibilityBinding = value;
_e.SetBinding(Notifier.MyVisibilityProperty, _visibilityBinding);
public ExtendedDataGridTextColumn()
_e = new Notifier();
_e.PropertyChanged += ToggleVisibility;
private void ToggleVisibility(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.PropertyName == "Visibility")
this.Visibility = _e.MyVisibility;
//Notifier class is just used to pass the property changed event back to the column container Dependency Object, leaving it as a private inner class for now
private class Notifier : FrameworkElement, INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public Visibility MyVisibility
get { return (Visibility)GetValue(MyVisibilityProperty); }
private set { SetValue(MyVisibilityProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty MyVisibilityProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("MyVisibility", typeof(Visibility), typeof(Notifier), new PropertyMetadata(MyVisibilityChanged));
private static void MyVisibilityChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var n = d as Notifier;
if (n != null)
n.MyVisibility = (Visibility) e.NewValue;
n.PropertyChanged(n, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Visibility"));
The datagrid column inherits from DependencyObject instead of FrameworkElement. In WPF this would be no big deal... but in silverlight you can only bind to FrameworkElement objects. So you get the descriptive error message of AG_E_PARSER_BAD_PROPERTY_VALUE when you try.
I don't know how much this will help, but I've run into the lack of dependency property problem with data grid columns myself in my latest project. What I did to get around it, was to create an event in the grid column view model, then when the grid is being assembled in the client, use a closure to subscribe the grid column to the column view model. My particular problem was around width. It starts with the view model class for the grid column, which looks something like this pseudo-code:
public delegate void ColumnResizedEvent(double width);
public class GridColumnViewModel : ViewModelBase
public event ColumnResizedEvent ColumnResized;
public void Resize(double newContainerWidth)
// some crazy custom sizing calculations -- don't ask...
public void ResizeColumn(double width)
var handler = ColumnResized;
if (handler != null)
Then there's the code that assembles the grid:
public class CustomGrid
public CustomGrid(GridViewModel viewModel)
// some stuff that parses control metadata out of the view model.
// viewModel.Columns is a collection of GridColumnViewModels from above.
foreach(var column in viewModel.Columns)
var gridCol = new DataGridTextColumn( ... );
column.ColumnResized += delegate(double width) { gridCol.Width = new DataGridLength(width); };
When the datagrid is resized in the application, the resize event is picked up and calls the resize method on the viewmodel the grid is bound to. This in turn calls the resize method of each grid column view model. The grid column view model then raises the ColumnResized event, which the data grid text column is subscribed to, and it's width is updated.
I realise this isn't directly solving your problem, but it was a way I could "bind" a view model to a data grid column when there are no dependency properties on it. The closure is a simple construct that nicely encapsulates the behaviour I wanted, and is quite understandable to someone coming along behind me. I think it's not too hard to imagine how it could be modified to cope with visibility changing. You could even wire the event handler up in the load event of the page/user control.
Chris Mancini,
you do not create binding to "Binding" property of data grid column. Well, you write "{Binding User.UserName}", but it doesn't create binding, because (as zachary said) datagrid column doesn't inherit from FrameworkElement and hasn't SetBinding method.
So expression "{Binding User.UserName}" simply creates Binding object and assign it to Binding property of column (this property is type of Binding).
Then datagrid column while generates cells content (GenerateElement - protected method) uses this Binding object to set binding on generated elements (e.g. on Text property of generated TextBlock) which are FrameworkElements
GreatTall1's solution is great, but it need to bit change to make it work.
var n = d as Notifier;
if (n != null)
//Assign value in the callback will break the binding.
//n.MyVisibility = (Visibility)e.NewValue;
n.PropertyChanged(n, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Visibility"));
Note that the problem isn't just as simple as 'Visibility' not being a dependency property. In a DataGrid the columns aren't part of the visual 'tree' so you can't use AncestorType even in WPF (or Silverlight 5).
Here's a couple WPF related links (please comment if any of these work for Silverlight - sorry I don't have time to test now)
Has a really nice explanation of the problem and failures of certain solutions (and a clever solution):
And a couple StackOverflow questions:
WPF Hide DataGridColumn via a binding
Binding Visible property of a DataGridColumn in WPF DataGrid
This works on a data grid template column:
public class ExtendedDataGridColumn : DataGridTemplateColumn
public static readonly DependencyProperty VisibilityProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Visibility", typeof(Visibility), typeof(DataGridTemplateColumn), new PropertyMetadata(Visibility.Visible, VisibilityChanged));
public new Visibility Visibility
get { return (Visibility)GetValue(VisibilityProperty); }
set { SetValue(VisibilityProperty, value); }
private static void VisibilityChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if ((DataGridTemplateColumn)d != null)
((DataGridTemplateColumn)d).Visibility = (Visibility)e.NewValue;
From your MyDataGridTextColumn class, you could get the surrounding DataGrid.
Then you get your ViewModel out of the DataContext of the DataGrid and add a handler to the PropertyChanged event of your ViewModel. In the handler you just check for the property name and its value and change the Visibility of the Column accordingly.
Its not quite the best solution, but it should work ;)
