How to interface between C and gprolog? - c

I am in the somewhat unfortunate position of interfacing C and Prolog code. We have some data collection code in C, and some analysis code in Gnu-Prolog. So what is the best method to interface C and gprolog? I am currently trying to use the C library included in the gprolog package to call Prolog from C.
Note: I am working on ubuntu machines.
One of the problems I was facing was how to iterate over a list. I finally realized that though you could make a list out of n elements, you had to iterate over it in Prolog fashion - get the head and get the tail and recurse.

There's an entire chapter called Interfacing Prolog and C in the GNU-Prolog manual. I expect that you've seen this since you mention the manual in your comment, but since you seem to be asking for more information than what's given there, perhaps you could be more specific about where you're having trouble?


From Assembler to C-Compiler

i designed a small RISC in verilog. Which steps do I have to take to create a c compiler which uses my assembler-language? Or is it possible to modify a conventional compiler like gcc, cause I don't want to make things like linker, ...
You need to use an unmodified C lexer+parser (often called the front end), and a modified code generation component (the back end) to do that.
Eli Bendersky's pycparser can be used as the front end, and Atul's mini C compiler can be used as inspiration for the code generating back end:
With Eli Bendersky's pycparser, all you need to do is convert the AST to a Control Flow Graph (CFG) and generate code from there. It is easier to start with supporting a subset of C than the full shebang.
The two tools are written in Python, but you didn't mention any implementation language preferences :)
I have found most open sourcen compilers (except clang it seems) too tightly coupled to easily modify the back end. Clang and especially GCC are not easy to dive into, nowhere NEAR as easy as the two above. And since Eli's parser does full C99 (it parses everything I've thrown at it) it seem like a nice front end to use for further development.
The examples on the Github project demonstrates most of the features of the project and it's easy to get started. The example that parses C to literal English is worth taking a look at, but may take a while to fully grok. It basically handles any C expression, so it is a good reference for how to handle the different nodes of the AST.
I also recommended the tools above, in my answer to this question: Build AST from C code

Uniroot function in C

In a C program that gets called from within R, I need to use the 'uniroot' function of R. One way to do this is to invoke R again from C with the 'call_R' function. I am wondering if there is a better way ? Is there a function in 'Rmath.h'to do this ?
As per ?uniroot, the R function is basically a wrapper around some freely available C source code for implementing Richard Brent's root finding algorithm -- it even gives the link. So if you're already programming in C, you don't need to touch R at all for this.
The Rmath library provides a number statistical distribution functions, but no access to R itself.
What you want amounts to embedding R in your C program, which is doable but a little tedious. If you are to C++, you could look at my RInside which makes this pretty painless via C++. It comes with a fairly decent number of examples.

Coming from an OOP background, what would be some C programs/libraries to help me get the "C way"?

I have been doing OOP (C++/Java/PHP/Ruby) for a long time and really have a hard time imagining how large programs and libraries such as Linux or Apache can be written entirely in an imperative style. What would be small open source C projects I could look at to get a feel of how things are done in C?
Bonus points if the project is hosted on GitHub.
Things are done exactly the same way in C, but with less overt support from the language. Instead of creating a class to encapsulate some state, you create a struct. Instead of creating class members, with implicit this parameters, you create functions that you explicitly pass a struct* as the first parameter, that then operate on the struct.
To ensure that encapsulation is not broken you can declare the struct in a header, but only define it in the .c file where it is used. Virtual functions require more work - but again, its just a case of putting function pointers in the struct. Which is actually more convenient in C than C++ because in C you get to fill in your vtables manually, getting quite a fine level of control over which part of code implements part of what COM interface (if you are into COM in C of course).
You might find the ccan (Comprehensive C Archive Network, modeled after Perl's CPAN) interesting.
It's small at the moment, but the contributions are of high quality. Many of the contributions are by linux kernel developers.
Almost everything in there falls into the "few thousand LOC" or less category, too.
If you want a small example to start with, try looking at the source for the basic Linux CLI utilities. GNU binutils, make, or any of the other GNU utilities have full source code available and are relatively small code bases (some are larger than others). The easiest thing is usually to start with a utility that you have used before and are already familiar with.
Look at GLib for an almost canonical example of how to do object oriented programming in C.

Is there a way to translate C code to Ruby?

I'm sitting with massive amounts of legacy C code that needs to be converted to Ruby for a project.
I've seen Ruby to C translators online, but not the other way around. Would there be a simple way to approach this particular problem?
You'll either have to write a C to Ruby translator, which is possible but the effort might not be justifiable, or you could split the C code up into smaller modules that you can create Ruby wrappers for as a first step. Once they're all wrapped in Ruby and the main control flow is done in Ruby, you can write a test harness (both to verify correctness of your replacement code and to aid reverse engineering) and start replacing the C modules with Ruby modules.
The divide & conquer approach should work with regular Ruby if you use the modules as native extensions but obviously this will cause further problems if you're targeting something like JRuby as your runtime environment. If you want to do something similar in JRuby as per your comment, you're looking at wrapping the C modules in JNI and calling through from the JVM that way. Either way will allow your C code to interact with the Ruby code, but the two approaches are not interchangeable.
Neither approach is going to be quick and both are going to be a lot of work.
You could:
Write a C interpreter in Ruby (very hard).
Wrap the compiled C code with something like SWIG (much easier).
Programming in C and programming in Ruby bear completely different programming paradigms. So while the old saying that you can write Fortran (or C in this case) code in any language is true, the Ruby code that you would eventually get by machine translation wouldn't be Ruby at all, except syntactically.
So, IMHO, any way other than manual (and done by proficient Rubyists, I might add) would be either impossible, or at least not useful at all.
Maybe you can try this
It's fresh for cpp but existed longer for c to ruby
You can try Abap2Ruby. It can also convert cpp to ruby.

How do I access the Ruby AST from C level code?

I understand that the Ruby 1.8 AST is traversed at runtime using a big switch statement, and many things like calling a method in a class or parent module involve the interpreter looking up and down the tree as it goes. Is there a straightforward way of accessing this AST in a Ruby C extension? Does it involve the Ruby extension API, or necessitate hacking the internal data structures directly?
A good starting point is probably to read the source of the ParseTree library, which lets you get at and mess with the AST from ruby.
Thanks for the tip. You're right - ParseTree seems to be the only code out there with any manipulation of the AST going on, except that it's actually written in RubyInline.
So, it's a strange mixture between Ruby and C code. Very interesting reading, though.
The other reference of course is eval.c from Ruby itself.
It's going to take a fair bit of reading of both, to get my head around it.
