Half of link is working the other half is not IE7 - internet-explorer-7

If you take a look at this page with IE7; http://tinyurl.com/4gqwhtx
You wont be able to click half of the links, any body has any idea about this ?
Edit: I dont know howelse I can explain this situation some moderators are closed my last question by saying not enough information about the question.
My problem is when I put links into that white area I can not click them for some reason anybody has any idea about why ie7 does this ?

Looks like you have a lot of z-indexs being used. Maybe try manipulating the z-index of your links to see if you're positioning them behind something...


Standard zoom view on different mobile devices

I'm new to CSS, jQuery etc. I have created a page and I need some guidance.
Currently I am using the metadata viewport tag with a fixed width (since my page is a fixed width at all times) and a initial-scale of 1.
This works very well once you have zoomed out - on all devices. The page renders at the correct scale, everything is great and you can zoom in and back out, and the page stays the same.
The problem is the INITIAL zoom level. When "Initial scale" is set to 1, it will zoom in way too much on phones, which is disturbing to first-time-viewers.
Is there a way to just tell whatever device that is viewing the page, that it should just zoom out as much as the viewport allows it? Like you would do with you fingers as it is right now. Just zoom all the way out and everything is fine... There must be some simple way to accomplish this? I've searched the net as much as I can, and all the solutions I have found either don't work or are really complicated, which seems unnecessary to me!
Thanks in advance
Turns out, the entire thing was because I had used a comma (,), instead of semicolon (;), to seperate my arguments in the metatag. This caused my first argument, which was width:810px, [next argument] to become invalid, cause the comma was attached to 810px. As soon as I replaced it with a semicolon, everything worked!

How to move ChildWindow in Silverlight

This one and similar don't work for some reason. Actually I want my Child Window to recenter itself once it's height changes. For example I add list items and I want it to go a bit upper so that it is still in the center.
Silverlight 4.
Ok, I am going to answer this question by myselft. Answer is here. Important thing is that where this code is placed. Check full answer by Rui Figueiredo, it is in last post in that topic.

WPf Loading screen

I have window with loading icon.
In application I do like this
// create loading window
//do some operations
loadingWindow.Visibility = Visibility.Hide;
loading window is not showing.
Can you tell me guys what I do wrong?
Maybe this will give you some help in the right direction. I believe you have to use threads to get the loading effect.
Edit: You show the loadingWindow, then you do operations and then you hide the loadingWindow. Since there is nowhere stated that the app should wait with making the loadingWindow hidden till the operations are done it won't show up. If you look at the link I posted you should get a general idea of how to make a loadingscreen. If it so happens to be you do need help with it, just say so in a comment.
Hope it helps.
If you want a splash screen, use the SplashScreen class.
Note that it can only display an image, so it's not suitable if you need something more complex (e.g. animations or interactivity)

Silverlight image flickering - how to avoid it

I am writing a little game in SL, but have a big problem. There is an image called 'ship' I want to use as player. It moves with the "Canvas.SetLeft(ship,ship.X+ship.speed)" method, but it seens like flickering. I tried to set higher the gameloop timer interval, but it didnt help me out.
Around the internet i couldnt find anything about sl double buffer or something like that.
Hopefully You can help me: )
Would you be able to post a sample online somewhere that demonstrates this problem? Double buffering is not something that is necessary in Silverlight, and will not help in this situation.
One thing which you could try is to set enableGpuAcceleration="true" on the Silverlight plugin object and set CacheMode="BitmapCache" on the "ship" element. Without knowing what the problem you are running into is, I can't know if this will help or not, but it is worth trying.

Creating "flippable" content in Silverlight

I'm currently trying to build my personal website with Silverlight 3 and I've got this idea that you should be able to flip through the content in a certain way. I haven't seen exactly what I wanted before, so I uploaded a screenshot of the design for you guys to get a better idea of what I'm talking about:
Picture of desired effect http://www.bo-mortensen.dk/bmdkflip.jpg
As you can see it's more or less a carousel on the X axis. I've seen a fair number of carousel tutorials, but it seems to be quite "complicated" for what I'm looking for.
My main problem is that I fail to understand how to make this thing dynamic. I can sure do the flipping animations, but when it comes to the best approach of making the bottom page (the mirrored one) the previous etc, I'm a bit lost :)
I'm looking for any good advice on how to make this dynamic in such a way that the only thing that needs to be changed is the content itself (text, pictures etc) Also, I believe that each page/usercontrol should be using the same two (flip up and flip down) animations, if that's possible at all?
Hope I made myself clear on this - it's late after all ;) If not, just let me know and I'll see if I can elaborate!
Looks like you are looking for a Flippable 3D control. So check out my blog for one and you can tweak it to make vertical rotation.
