Silverlight UI Automation issue - element cannot be found - silverlight

I need to create automated tests for a Silverlight application, I use the System.Windows.Automation namespace. My problem is the following:
I use AutomationElement.FindFirst to locate UI elements in the UI tree:
AutomationElement toBeInvoked = browser.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants,
new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty, id));
This works for a few steps, but after it won't find anything. I inspected that after screen changes the UI tree is going to be empty, UISpy sees only the Silverlight control, but nothing more: screenshot
. (I've also tried to use TreeWalker, but the result was the same.) If I click manually, and inspect the elements with UISpy, everything is OK. But when I run my code, it stops (usually at the same button).
Later I realized that if I click through manually the screens that my code will visit, and after I run it, there won't be any issue... Strange. I tried it in FF 3.6, 4.0 and IE8. The problem is the same in every browser.
Has anyone any idea what could be wrong, or where could be the mistake? Am I missed something in my code, or the problem is in the settings of the browser?
Thanks in advance, regards,

"If I click manually, and inspect the elements with UISpy, everything is OK. But when I run my code, it stops"
You can simulate manual-click this trouble-causing button by:
1.Get the coordinate of the button you want click by UI Automation;
2.Drive your mouse to click on its coordinate(by win32 mouse_event api);
See that if its following steps can run or not.


How to know which element receives the click()?

I am writing a script that goes to an Amazon URL and clicks on the 'Buy Now' button. That's it. I have to use WebdriverIO, javascript, and ChromeDriver. The problem is that I can't get this button to be clicked no matter which selector I use. I am able to manually do it just fine. But in the Code Inspect below, every combination of div/id/name, span/id/close, or input/id/name has resulted in no clicks. I know the script can see that web object because when I do a BuyNow.getText() to console, it prints out 'Buy Now'. And I know the xpath I use is good because I paste it into Inspect/Find and the exact element lights up yellow. Oh and the .click(), even though Visual Studio Code flags as deprecated, works just fine in previous scripts.
When I manually click on a button, is there a way to see what was the exact element that received this click?
let BuyNow = $(<XPATH>)
Code Inspect
Ok so I found out what the problem was. It had nothing to do with my XPATH selectors, any one of which to the elements in the Code Inspect picture would have worked (example: let BuyNow = *[id='buy-now-button']). The issue is that in the WDIO config file, I had a custom Chrome Profile being used. Which is fine, the Chrome.exe I was using was pointing to another custom Chrome Profile. I thought these two were the same, but the folders paths were getting messed up. Once I resolved them, and had both the Chrome.Exe and WDIO config pointing to the same customer folder, Chrome started to allow me to select buttons. I think that the WDIO code was looking at one user profile of chrome, and the desktop chrome browser that I was using was another user profile.
Solved. Fun Stuff but not really.

Black screen appears when the CEF Winform Browser loads for the 1st time

I am using CEF Sharp - V86
I am getting this strange issue and our users have starting complaining about it.
When the cefsharp winform browser loads for the first time, it shows the black window for few mili-seconds and then it disappears.
If we reload or refresh the webpage, it does not happens.
We have recently upgraded from V79 to V86 and we did not had any issue in earlier version.
What i have tried so far is, tried setting below command line arguements but it didn't work.
I have also tried setting
But it didn't work.
Additional Info :
Checked with Latest Version - CefSharp V88
When we load CefSharp winform browser in wpf application using winform host, a black screen appears on load for the first time for few miliseconds and then disappears.
This was not happening in earlier version.(i checked with V79 till V83).
Steps to reproduce.
Create a sample wpf application ,use windowsformhost to load cefsharp winform browser.
In constructor of winform browser, use any url. I tested with
Run the application.
Notice the initial black screen appears for few miliseconds and then disappears.
Please note this happens only for the first time when the chrome winform load.
his seems to have broken from CEFSharp v84.
Any help will be appreciated. :)
I was able to get rid of the black flash. Once I removed it from the VS Form Designer, things got better. Define it as a form level object:
private ChromiumWebBrowser cwbPage;
Then in the form constructor, instantiate it and add it to a panel in the form:
cwbPage= new ChromiumWebBrowser("");
cwbPage.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
//...add any event handlers
Finally, pass it the string of Html or navigate to the url:
cwbPage.LoadHtml("<html><body>This is a test.</body></html>");
It still takes about 3 seconds to load the content, but at least there is no black flash.
I experimented and tried going back to using the VS Form Designer, and the black flash came back. I stripped almost all of the properties away from it in the VS Form generated code, but it still flashed blackly. So it does not like using the Form Designer.

Angular and Google tag manager (GTM)

I am running into a problem, and I cannot seem to find a fix for it. The situation is as follows the marketing department wants to integrate GTM. Which is fine as they want to have full control over the different third party providers they wish to integrate. But for this to happen they would like to have the ability to track all clicks on a page.
And they came back to me that currently no click events are being tracked with the current configuration within GTM. At first the thought was that events were not propagating (bubbling) upwards. But having tested this myself by binding a event listener to the document (click) (see below) all div, buttons etc. with an ng-click directives did reach this handler without problems.
document.addEventListener("click", function(event){
So my assumption was that there was something wrong with the configuration but after looking at the configuration (one I created myself which looks as follows):
I still could not get it to work. Buttons that already use angulartics - to send an event to the GTM container work as expected:
Only the catch all click events (or any filter on it like purely looking at button clicks) does not. Now after looking at it a little more it seems GTM expects the _event to happen. But I can't figure out (gazing through the gtm.js file) how they bind to all click events within the document (there is a click binding on the document after initialization but I am unsure if this is GTM or something from angular). And even if so I have placed many breakpoints within this file which seemingly could be related to it but none of them triggered when something was clicked.
So my question is, has anybody got experience combining angularjs with angulartics and GTM while having it catch all click/touch/mousedown etc. events and send these to GTM?
Make sure that you pusblished GTM container after you made some changes. Use "Publish Now" or "Preview and Debug" buttons inside of GTM interface(top-right corner).
Because according to your tag config this tag should fire every time when user clicks something on the website.
Regarding to "" - this GTM-event will fire every time, when user clicks something on the website.
On the screenshot you may see, how it looks like in GTM debug mode("Preview and Debug") when user clicking on somethig at web-page, when GTM click listener turned on(like in your tag).
May be some relevant articles from my website about tracking of buttons/links on GTM will help you too:
My problem turned out to be that the person (from marketing) who gave me the html GTM tags (noscript / script) did not copy it properly (or something went wrong when it was pasted within JIRA). And after I copied it directly (having gotten access to the GTM admin panel) it worked as I would expect it to work.
Seeing as I debugged it by trying to only have one index.html with purely a button in it. Even at that point the tracker did not work and I became suspicious why that was happening as there was no angular code any more that could cause the problems.
Lesson learned, next time copy code yourself when you need it to make sure it does not get corrupted along the way :/

Unable to automate the Angularjs Click through Selenium driver

Is there a possible way to automate the click event of angularjs button, which navigates to a new page in turn.
Something like following is what the original browser code is.
I am able to get to the point where the click event comes into picture, but it is not getting navigated to a different screen.
Any solution to this problem ? Thanks.
Is this for end-to-end testing purposes?
If so, the angular team themselves maintain a fantastic tool called protractor
It provides smart abstractions on top of WebDriverJS/Selenium to allow you to easily find elements by their angular bindings and click through as you have described.

drupal overlay not closing, Edit link not loading overlay

I'm having an odd issue after having migrated my drupal project to a client's server.
After configuring the apache http.conf to accept clean urls, I'm now finding that the administrative overlay does not always respond.
-The Find content shortcut doesn't respond, but the Content link on the overlay does.
-The Edit link when on a node's detail page makes the site darken like it does when the overlay is being loaded, but the Edit window for the node never appears.
-The X (close) on an overlay page (like when using Content to see the list of all nodes, but then want to quit out of it and go back to the site) fails to close the overlay and a strange, second vertical scrollbar appears on the right of the browser screen.
I have had a similar problem before, but chalked it up to javascript on the page interfering with the overlay's own javascript. Now I'm not so sure.
If anyone else has had this problem, or can surmise what the issue might be, then I would appreciate any and all help given.
My thanks,
It looks as if you are using a jQuery version that is incompatible with the overlay module. It's probably because $.browser is deprecated in jQuery 1.9, see the following issue:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'msie' of undefined - jQuery tools
To fix this issue, you'll need to install the latest jQuery Update module and select something below jQuery 1.9 for the admin interface. This should clear up your problems in IE.

