Retrieve last row from the Google DataStore Java - google-app-engine

I want to retrieve the last row from the data store so how can i do that??
I know the long method i.e
for(Table_name e: resultset)
I have String with (number) as primary key.can i use it to get descending order???
Is there any method through which i can get the last row???

You should probably sort in the opposite order (if possible for your query, the data store has some restrictions here) and get the first result of that.
Also, if you store numbers in String fields the order may not be what you want it to be (you might need padding here).


Cloud Firestore change field name

my database like;
I want, when announcement0 field is deleted, announcement1 field name to change announcement0. Is there a way to do this ?
There is no way to rename fields in Firestore, let alone to have that happen automatically.
It sounds like you have multiple announcements in your document however. In that case, you could consider storing all announcements in a single array field announcements. In an array field, when you remove the first item (at index 0) all other items after that shift down in the array to take its place, which seems to be precisely what you want.
You cannot rename fields in a document. You'll have to delete and recreate it.
Now I'm assuming the number just defines the order of document. If that's the case you can use this workaround, instead of looking for 'announcement0' on client side, you can just store a number field in the document such as 0 in announcement0 and so on. So to get announcement1 when announcement0 is deleted you can uses this query:
const firstAnnouncement = await dbRef.orderBy('number').limit(1).get()
This will get the announcement with least number (highest rank). You can change the limit as per your needs.
But if renaming fields is needed then you'll have to delete and recreate all trailing announcements.

Laravel skip and delete records from Database

I'm developing an app which needs to record a list of a users recent video uploads. Importantly it needs to only remember the last two videos associated with the user so I'm trying to find a way to just keep the last two records in a database.
What I've got so far is the below, which creates a new record correctly, however I then want to delete all records that are older than the previous 2, so I've got the below.
The problem is that this seems to delete ALL records even though, by my understanding, the skip should miss out the two most recent records,
private function saveVideoToUserProfile($userId, $thumb ...)
RecentVideos::select('id')->where('user_id', $userId)->orderBy('created_at')->skip(2)->delete();
Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?
Limit and offset do not work with delete, so you can do something like this:
$ids = RecentVideos::select('id')->where('user_id', $userId)->orderByDesc('created_at')->skip(2)->take(10000)->pluck('id');
RecentVideos::whereIn('id', $ids)->delete();
First off, skip() does not skip the x number of recent records, but rather the x number of records from the beginning of the result set. So in order to get your desired result, you need to sort the data in the correct order. orderBy() defaults to ordering ascending, but it accepts a second direction argument. Try orderBy('created_at', 'DESC'). (See the docs on orderBy().)
This is how I would recommend writing the query.
RecentVideos::where('user_id', $userId)->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->skip(2)->delete(); query on an array field not working with a big number of values

I use Core and Cloud Code to store data and perform some operations for a mobile app. I have an issue with a query on an array field that is sometimes not returning anything even if I am sure it should.
I store a large amount of phone numbers in an array field to keep track of user's matching contacts.
This field is called phoneContacts and look like this (with numbers only, this is just as an example):
["+33W30VXXX0V","+33W30VXX843","+33W30VZVZVZ","+33W34W3X0Y4","+33W34W386Y0", ...]
I have a function in Cloud Code that is supposed to get matching rows for a given phone number. Here is my query:
var phoneNumber = request.params.phoneNumber;
var queryPhone = new Parse.Query('UserData');
queryPhone.equalTo('phoneContacts', phoneNumber); // phoneNumber is passed as a string param, i.e. "+33W30VXX843"
var usersToNotify = [];
return queryPhone.each(function(userData) {
var user = userData.get('user');
.then(function() {
return usersToNotify;
I tested my query with an array of 2 or 3 phone numbers and it works well and returns the expected rows. But then I tried with a user having around 300 phone numbers in that phoneContacts field and even if I query a value that is present (appear with a filter in Parse Data Browser), nothing is returned. To be sure I even took a phone number existing in 2 rows: one with few values and one with many, and only the row with a few values got returned.
I've read carefully the Parse documentation and especially about queries and field limits, but it doesn't seem to have a restriction on the number of values for an array field, and nothing says that query might not work with a lot of values.
Anybody can point me in the right direction? Should I design my Parse Classes differently to avoid having so many values in an array field? Or is there something wrong with the query?
You need to be using a PFRelation or some sort of intermediate table. You should not use an array to store 300 phone numbers, your queries will get really slow.

Mongodb: how to auto-increment a subdocument field?

The following document records a conversation between Milhouse and Bart. I would like to insert a new message with the right num (the next in the example would be 3) in a unique operation. Is that possible ?
{ user_a:"Bart",
{ from:"Bart",
{ from:"Milhouse",
msg:"Wanna go out ?"
In MongoDB, arrays keep their order, so by adding a num attribute, you're only creating more data for something that you could accomplish without the additional field. Just use the position in the array to accomplish the same thing. Grabbing the X message in an array will provide faster searches than searching for { num: X }.
To keep the order, I don't think there's an easy way to add the num category besides does a find() on conversation.last_msg before you insert the new subdocument and increment last_msg.
Depending on what you need to keep the ordering for, you might consider including a time stamp in your subdocument, which is commonly kept in conversation records anyway and may provide other useful information.
Also, I haven't used it, but there's a Mongoose plugin that may or may not be able to do what you want:
You can't create an auto increment field but you can use functions to generate and administrate sequence : 
I would recommend using a timestamp rather than a numerical value. By using a timestamp, you can keep the ordering of the subdocument and make other use of it.

Search entries in Go GAE datastore using partial string as a filter

I have a set of entries in the datastore and I would like to search/retrieve them as user types query. If I have full string it's easy:
q := datastore.NewQuery("Products").Filter("Name =", name).Limit(20)
but I have no idea how to do it with partial string, please help.
q := datastore.NewQuery("Products").Filter("Name >", name).Limit(20)
There is no like operation on app engine but instead you can use '<' and '>'
'moguz' > 'moguzalp'
EDIT: GAH! I just realized that your question is Go-specific. My code below is for Python. Apologies. I'm also familiar with the Go runtime, and I can work on translating to Python to Go later on. However, if the principles described are enough to get you moving in the right direction, let me know and I wont' bother.
Such an operation is not directly supported on the AppEngine datastore, so you'll have to roll your own functionality to meet this need. Here's a quick, off-the-top-of-my-head possible solution:
class StringIndex(db.Model):
matches = db.StringListProperty()
def GetMatchesFor(cls, query):
found_index = cls.get_by_key_name(query[:3])
if found_index is not None:
if query in found_index.matches:
# Since we only query on the first the characters,
# we have to roll through the result set to find all
# of the strings that matach query. We keep the
# list sorted, so this is not hard.
all_matches = []
looking_at = found_index.matches.index(query)
matches_len = len(foundIndex.matches)
while start_at < matches_len and found_index.matches[looking_at].startswith(query):
looking_at += 1
return all_matches
return None
def AddMatch(cls, match) {
# We index off of the first 3 characters only
index_key = match[:3]
index = cls.get_or_insert(index_key, list(match))
if match not in index.matches:
# The index entity was not newly created, so
# we will have to add the match and save the entity.
To use this model, you would need to call the AddMatch method every time that you add an entity that would potentially be searched on. In your example, you have a Product model and users will be searching on it's Name. In your Product class, you might have a method AddNewProduct that creates a new entity and puts it into the datastore. You would add to that method StringIndex.AddMatch(new_product_name).
Then, in your request handler that gets called from your AJAXy search box, you would use StringIndex.GetMatchesFor(name) to see all of the stored products that begin with the string in name, and you return those values as JSON or whatever.
What's happening inside the code is that the first three characters of the name are used for the key_name of an entity that contains a list of strings, all of the stored names that begin with those three characters. Using three (as opposed to some other number) is absolutely arbitrary. The correct number for your system is dependent on the amount of data that you are indexing. There is a limit to the number of strings that can be stored in a StringListProperty, but you also want to balance the number of StringIndex entities that are in your datastore. A little bit of math with give you a reasonable number of characters to work with.
If the number of keywords is limited you could consider adding an indexed list property of partial search strings.
Note that you are limited to 5000 indexes per entity, and 1MB for the total entity size.
But you could also wait for Cloud SQL and Full Text Search API to be avaiable for the Go runtime.
