CakePHP 1.1 "parseExtension" inexsistent - cakephp

I have a problem with a site in CakePHP 1.1 which is impossible to migrate from version due to the size of the project.
I need to create methods to which call using extensions, for example:
$Route->connect('/xxx.xml', array ('controller' => 'Interactive', 'action' => 'xxx'));
But this does not work and the problem is that Cake 1.1 does not have this function:
Has anyone working with cakephp 1.1 had this problem? If so do they know how to fix it?

I'm not 100% familiar of the capabilities of CakePHP 1.1, but have you considered setting up a router to look for something like the following:
Then you could control what controller/action it leads to and alter the layout.
You might need to escape the . on .xml.
I would seriously consider upgrading to CakePHP 1.3 and reading the migration docs.

The problem is not the layout, is this:
if i set this router:
$Route->connect('/xxx.xml', array ('controller' => 'Interactive', 'action' => 'xxx'));
or your example:
$Route->connect('/:controller/:xxx.xml', array ('controller' => 'Interactive', 'action' => 'xxx'));
the function called is:
class MuControlController extends AppController {
function xxx.xml() {
obiusly this function cant exists.


Make CakePHP consider two different routes/models for same path?

I have a website that has users and entries, both of which are stored in a database. Every entry has its own page, using its slug, and every user has a public profile, using its username. Their respective URLs might look something like this:
Refactoring said website with CakePHP 3.4 (the original being built with “vanilla” PHP), I implemented the following routes:
['controller' => 'Entries', 'action' => 'view'],
['pass' => ['slug']]
['controller' => 'Users', 'action' => 'view'],
['pass' => ['username']]
The entry pages work like a charm — no problem there — but when I try to access a user profile, Cake throws a RecordNotFoundException. This makes sense, since it’s looking for an entry that does no exist.
I was hoping switching from firstOrFail to find in the EntriesController would allow the application to continue with the next route in line (because no exception would be thrown), but the result is actually worse: It tries to render the entry view without an object, causing PHP notices on an otherwise empty layout.
I have read the CakePHP documentation (“Book”), but could not find a solution to this (I would assume rather generic) problem. I have also tried many other (often less obvious) route setups, but no luck there either.
Now my mind keeps going to something like a EntryOrUserController, but I doubt that would be the best solution, or even a good one. Frankly, I think it’s silly. I guess I am really hoping for some controller or middleware function that does exactly what I want out of the box, but any elegant solution would do.
P.S. I do realize that the default CakePHP/MVC way of going about this would be to have URLs a bit more like this:
…but that is not an option in this case, so thanks but no. ☺
Thanks to ndm for pointing me in the right direction. After some tinkering I have a solution that works nicely. Posting it here because it might be of use to others. There are three steps.
1. Create custom routing class
namespace App\Routing\Route;
use Cake\Routing\Route\Route;
use Cake\ORM\Locator\LocatorAwareTrait;
class SlugRoute extends Route
use LocatorAwareTrait;
public function parse($url, $method = '')
$params = parent::parse($url, $method);
if (!$params ||
!isset($this->options['model']) ||
) {
return false;
$count = $this
$this->options['pass'][0] => $params['pass'][0]
if ($count !== 1) {
return false;
return $params;
2. Apply new routing class to relevant routes
['controller' => 'Entries', 'action' => 'view'],
['pass' => ['slug', 'name'], 'routeClass' => 'SlugRoute', 'model' => 'Entries']
['controller' => 'Users', 'action' => 'view'],
['pass' => ['username'], 'routeClass' => 'SlugRoute', 'model' => 'Users']
3. Consider a few things
I’m also telling the routes which models to use. It would probably be nice if the routing class figures this out by itself.
The routing class assumes we want to do a lookup on the first value of the pass array. That’s fine in this case (with only slug and username being passed), but it’s not very transparent and easily broken.

CakePHP set redirect parameters using an array

I am writing some simple redirects in CakePHP 2.4.2 and came across one that stumped me a bit.
How can I redirect to another view with the same passedArgs? It seems like it should be simple, but I must be overlooking something. I tried this:
$this->redirect(array_merge(array('action' => 'index',$this->params['named'])));
The debug output seems correct:
'action' => 'index',
(int) 0 => array(
'this' => 'url',
'and' => 'stuff'
My desired outcome is that
redirects to
but now it just sends me to
Not sure what I am missing here, perhaps I have deeper configuration issues - although it's not a terribly complicated app.
For passed params (numeric keys) use array_merge.
But since you use named params, which have a string based key, you can leverage PHP basics:
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'index') + $this->request->params['named']));
This adds all array values from the named params except for action, which is already in use here (and hence should not be overwritten anyway). So the priority is clear, as well.
Cake expects a flat array of parameters, so you need to use array_merge to add in extra arrays to it on the sides. Try this:
$this->redirect(array_merge(array('action' => 'index'), $this->params['named']));
... or using your original variable $passedArgs:
$this->redirect(array_merge(array('action' => 'index'), $this->passedArgs));
Maybe better solution will be used persist attribute in Router::connect()?

Pagination and sort - Plugin not working - CakePHP 2.0

I have created a plugin called movies, I have used custom routes.
I have used pagination limit as '5'.
The first page is fine, but when I click on next or numbers. Those things doesn't works.
my Plugin/Movies/Config/routes.php
Router::connect('/movieslist', array('plugin' => 'Movies', 'controller' => 'Movies', 'action' => 'index'));
Router::connect('/movieslist/:page', array('plugin' => 'Movies', 'controller' => 'Movies', 'action' => 'index'));
my action code: Plugin/Movies/Controller/MoviesController.php
public function index() {
$this->Movie->recursive = 0;
$this->paginate = array('limit'=>5);
$this->set('movies', $this->paginate());
my view file code: Plugin/Movies/View/Movies/index.ctp
Same one from cakebake console. No changes made here.
Even the sort doesn't works :(
I'm tiered of searching my problems in many places :(
I had previously getting error in links itself and I fixed this after seeing this page:
CakePHP custom route pagination
Links are fixed but the links doesn't works. Pls don't down vote, I'm struggling from long time.
I'm using cakephp 2.0 version.
As a first step I'd swap the order of the router rules, since cakephp stops after the first match found. While the "/movieslist/:page" one will match a url with a page, it only does so for the named parameter page. Without it a url of the form "/movielist/2", might be interpreted as a link to "/movielist" with a normal parameter "2", hence the first router rule triggers.
If that does not work you can always just manually set the named page parameter. paginate just looks to see if it is set, but does not care if cakephp automagically figured it out from the url or if you do it yourself.
public function index($myPage=1) {
$this->Movie->recursive = 0;
$this->paginate = array('limit'=>5);
$this->params["page"] = $myPage;
$this->set('movies', $this->paginate());

CakePhp Router:connect, I don't get the syntax

I am trying to connect the next urls:
1) /food/tips
2) /happiness/tips/best_tips
To the following objects:
1) controller=tips / action=index / passed_parameters=food
2) controller=tips / action=index / passed_parameters=(happiness,best_tips)
These routes are not fixed.
Meaning: what I try to do is to route every url that have tips as action, to the tips controller, to any fixed(index is good enough) action, and chaining the rest of the url as it was in the original call.
Something like /any_controller/tips/any_param to /tips/index/any_params
-- end edit --
Hope that now there is some sense.
How should it be done?
(please - also explain)
the routing is all done through the call Router::connect('thing to catch', 'where to send it');
so it can be as simple as:
Router::connect('/food/tips', '/tips/index/food');
or the preferred method (using cakes built in url builder)
Router::connect('/food/tips/*', array('controller' => 'tips', 'action' => 'index', 'food');
The first method takes a string argument and passes it to another string which would be a url and you would then have to catch it in your controller, and expect a passed parameter through the url.
The second method uses cakes built in url former which takes an array with keys controller and action (there are other options:
The second is preferred due to proper formatting and future flexibility (I believe).
any passed parameters in the second method are just passed as un-named items in the array. named parameters are just passed as keyed elements. So if I wanted to create a URL like this
I would write the url like this:
Router::connect('/url_to_catch', array('controller' => 'posts', 'action' => 'index', 'find' => 'all', 'page' => 2);
So just to finish up, I would actually pass your parameter through as named:
Router::connect('/happiness/tips/best_tips', array('controller' => 'tips', 'action' => 'index', 'items' => array('happiness', 'best_tips'));
which would need a function in your tips controller that looks like this:
function tips(){ $this->passedArgs['items']; }
I would recommend reading the chapter on Routing the the book, as it will explain things better than I can and it seems counter productive to paste it here.!/view/948/Defining-Routes
For the sake of explanation I will try,
Router::connect('/food/tips', array('controller' => 'tips', 'action' => 'index', 'food'));
Router::connect('/happiness/tips/best_tips', array('controller' => 'tips', 'action' => 'index', 'happiness','best_tips'));
This should get things working for you. What you are essentially doing is telling the Cake Routing what url you want it to capture, as it will be doing this using Regex. Then you want to tell it which code you want it to run. So this takes a Controller and Action pair, as a set of things to do.
You also want to pass through your named paremeters afterwards. These will tack onto the function in your controller so that you can do stuff with them.
It's quite easy, just check the Router configuration in the manual. You have to use the connect method from the Router class. This accepts 2 parameters. First your desired routed (e.g. food/tips) and second an array with the actual path it should follow. So for your examples you'd do something like this:
Router::connect('/food/tips', array('controller' => 'tips', 'action' => 'index', 'food');
Router::connect('/happiness/tips/best_tips', array('controller' => 'tips', 'action' => 'index', 'happiness', 'best_tips');
This is equivalent to calling TipsController->index('food') and TipsController('happiness', 'best_tips) respectively.
However, your routes look a bit funny. The Cake convention for routes is /controller/action/param1/param2/etc where the parameters param1 etc. are optional and the index action is assumed when no other action is given.
You're taking a different approach and I would suggest (if you can) change it to the Cake conventional routes, as this will save you a lot of work later on because Cake will automatically connect these routes to the desired methods.
So my suggestion is going for tips/food and tips/happiness/best_tips instead of the routes you suggest. This way, you don't have to do any router configuration.
After you're edit, I think it's best to try something with defining custom routes. I can't test this for you at the moment, so you should do some testing yourself, but in that case it would be something like:
array('action' => 'index'),
'section' => '[a-z]*',
'param' => '[a-z]*'
Sorry, I've tested the above and it doesn't seem to work.

Setting up magic routes for plugins in CakePHP 1.3?

I'm working on upgrading my project from CakePHP 1.2 to 1.3. In the process, it seems that the "magic" routing for plugins by which a controller name (e.g.: "ForumsController") matching the plugin name (e.g.: "forums") no longer automatically routes to the root of the plugin URL (e.g.: "" pointing to plugin "forums", controller "forums", action "index").
The error message given is as follows:
Error: ForumsController could not be found.
Error: Create the class ForumsController below in file: app/controllers/forums_controller.php
class ForumsController extends AppController {
var $name = 'Forums';
In fact, even if I navigate to "" or "", I get the same exact error.
Do I need to explicitly set up routes to every single plugin I use? This seems to destroy a lot of the magic I like about CakePHP. I've only found that doing the following works:
Router::connect('/forums/:action/*', array('plugin' => 'forums', 'controller' => 'forums'));
Router::connect('/forums', array('plugin' => 'forums', 'controller' => 'forums', 'action' => 'index'));
Setting up 2 routes for every single plugin seems like overkill, does it not? Is there a better solution that will cover all my plugins, or at least reduce the number of routes I need to set up for each plugin?
I guess, that topic Configuration-and-application-bootstrapping covers that:
'plugins' => array('/full/path/to/plugins/', '/next/full/path/to/plugins/')
Also take a look at this ticket: (Cake 1.3 had removed magic plugin routes).
You don't have myplugin_app_controller.php in your /app/plugins/myplugin directory.
Just create a file containing following:
class MypluginAppController extends AppController {
And you will have all your plugin's features. :)
