So I did this code for Arduino in C. It is for controlling a stepper motor. But every time I have to wait until the microcontroller begins a new loop so that it can take the value for the new variables, how can I create an interrupt so it will do it in any time of the program?
#include <avr/io.h>
#define F_CPU 4000000UL
#include <util/delay.h>
#include "IO/ioconfig.h"
#include "leebotones/leebotonesA.h"
#include "leebotones/leebotonesB.h"
#include "rutina/avanza.h"
#include "rutina/retrocede.h"
char variableA = 0;
char variableB = 0;
int main(void){
while(1) {
if (leebotonesA()==1) {
} //Fin de if leebotonesA.
if (leebotonesB()==1) {
if (variableA==0) {
else {
if (variableA==2) {
} //Fin de if variableA.
if (variableA==1 && variableB==0) {
} //Fin de if leebotonesA.
if (variableA==1 && variableB==1) {
}//End of while
}// End of main
A hardware interrupt on the Arduino occurs when one of the interrupt pins receives a change of state. The function to use, if you have access to the Arduino library, is attachInterrupt.
Example code to listen for an interrupt (derived from the documentation I linked to, I added comments to help explain):
// The Arduino has an LED configured at pin 13
int pin = 13;
// Holds the current state of the LED to handle toggling
volatile int state = LOW;
void setup()
pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
// First Parameter:
// 0 references the interrupt number. On the Duemilanove, interrupt 0
// corresponds to digital pin 2 and interrupt 1 corresponds to digital pin
// 3. There are only two interrupt pins for the Duemilanove and I believe
// the Uno too.
// Second Parameter:
// blink is the name of the function to call when an interrupt is detected
// Third Parameter:
// CHANGE is the event that occurs on that pin. CHANGE implies the pin
// changed values. There is also LOW, RISING, and FALLING.
attachInterrupt(0, blink, CHANGE);
void loop()
// Turns the LED on or off depending on the state
digitalWrite(pin, state);
void blink()
// Toggles the state
state = !state;
There is also a concept of Pin Change Interrupts that is supported on every pin. See the bottom part of introduction to interrupts for more info.
However, sometimes a hardware interrupt can be avoided by refactoring your code. For example, keep your loop() running quickly --- mostly just reading inputs, limit the use of delay() --- and in the loop, call a function when the targeted inputted value is detected.
MSTimer2 is an Arduino library function to let you set timer interrupts.
Another alternative to delay, rather than interrupts, is to set a timer and check it each time through the loop. explains the concepts. The Metro library implements this and is easy to use. I've used it instead of delay() so that I can check for a button push while my robot is moving.
I am doing a major embedded project of making a GM counter. As a main microcontroller I am using a PIC32MK1024MCM064. I wont bore you with details, but I need to implement following algorithm:
When MCU turns on, 13 seconds delay has to pass
MCU waits for a button press, which triggers an interrupt
Button interrupt starts 60 seconds timer
During that 60 seconds, MCU input pin counts the impulses (Idle voltage state is high (3.3V) and low voltage state counts as an impulse (50-130 us duration))
After the timer has expired, MCU outputs the impulse number via 16x2 LCD screen
Project has many files included in it, but I have already verified all the peripheral code is written right:
I have already made sure, that my button interrupt and the timer interrupt work absolutely fine (used the oscilloscope, real timer and all the other stuff.)
I also verified that my I2C driver for the LCD screen works great as well.
I made sure I am indeed getting the low state impulses as defined (50-130 us duration.)
#include <xc.h>
#include "configurations_bits.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "stdio.h"
#include <sys/attribs.h>
#include "delay.h"
#include "inter_integrated_circuit_protocol.h"
#include "liquid_crystal_display.h"
#include "pulse_width_modulation.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "state_change_interrupts.h"
static int Particle_count = 0; //Variable for counting events
char Value[10]={0}; //Particle value string
int main(void) {
__builtin_disable_interrupts(); //Global interrupt disable
ANSELA = 0x00000000; //Enable PORT A digital inputs
ANSELG = 0x00000000; //Enable PORT G digital inputs
TRISEbits.TRISE12 = 0; //Output gpio of a led
TRISDbits.TRISD8 = 0; //Output gpio of a led
TRISGbits.TRISG9 = 0; //Output GPIO of GM ENABLE
LATGbits.LATG9 = 1; //Enable GM right away
TRISAbits.TRISA1 = 1; //Input for counting particles
TRISCbits.TRISC7 = 1; //Input for control button
Inter_Integrated_Circuit_Setup (); //I2C configuration
Inter_Integrated_Circuit_Enable (); //I2C enable
Liquid_Crystal_Display_initialization(); //LCD configuration
Liquid_Crystal_Display_Set_Cursor(1, 1);
Liquid_Crystal_Display_Write_String("Preparing for");
Liquid_Crystal_Display_Set_Cursor(2, 1);
Pulse_Width_Modulation_Setup(); //PWM setup
Pulse_Width_Modulation_Enable(); //Turn on high voltage generation
for(int i=0; i<13; i++){
delay_ms(1000);} //Waiting until the high voltage rail rises up to 400V (starting GM tube voltage)
Liquid_Crystal_Display_Clear(); //Clearing LCD
Liquid_Crystal_Display_Set_Cursor(1, 1);
Liquid_Crystal_Display_Write_String("Ready for");
Liquid_Crystal_Display_Set_Cursor(2, 1);
State_Change_Interrupts_Setup (); //Button interrupt setup
Timer2_Setup (); //Timer interrupt setup
__builtin_enable_interrupts(); //Global interrupt enable
while (1){
if(T2CONbits.ON){ //Condition, that the timer is on
Liquid_Crystal_Display_Clear(); //Clearing LCD
Liquid_Crystal_Display_Set_Cursor(1, 1);
Liquid_Crystal_Display_Write_String(" Measurement Is ");
Liquid_Crystal_Display_Set_Cursor(2, 1);
Liquid_Crystal_Display_Write_String(" In Progress ");
while(T2CONbits.ON){ //Execute this while cycle until the timer shuts off
Particle_count = Particle_count+1;
delay_us(100);} //GM tube dead time compensation
Liquid_Crystal_Display_Clear(); //Clearing LCD
sprintf(Value,"%05d CPM",Particle_count);
Particle_count=0; //Resetting the CPM value
Liquid_Crystal_Display_Set_Cursor(1, 1);
Liquid_Crystal_Display_Write_String(Value);//Printing radiation level in CPM notation
Liquid_Crystal_Display_Clear(); //Clearing LCD
return (EXIT_FAILURE);
When I press the button, my LCD outputs "Measurement Is In Progress" for a fraction of a second, then it immediately outputs "00000 CPM" which means it had counted zero impulses (In my application, I know for sure that I must capture at least 5 impulses per minute.) Looks like the while cycle has only one or few iterations (it should last for a minute). So my code problem is not a missing semicolon somewhere, but I feel like the whole architecture is not right. Have you got any observations or suggestions, how could I implement the mentioned algorithm? Want to thank you in advance.
(P.S I am running a 8 MHz internal FRC as the main clock)
I want to measure pulse duration using only one CCP model in capture mode with a pic 18f4550, so I try to detect the rising edge in first time, when a rising edge is detected the timer1 turn on and the capture mode change to falling edge, with this method I have to measure the pulse width, but the code I use doesn't work well!!
it was good when I used two CCP model.
if anyone could help, I will be grateful.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "osc_config.h"
#include "LCD_8bit_file.h"
#include <string.h>
void main()
unsigned long comtage;
unsigned long DEPHASAGE[20];
float Deph_tempo;
comtage= TMR1;
Deph_tempo = (((float)comtage /30.518)/65536 );
sprintf(DEPHASAGE,"%.5f ",Deph_tempo);
Reducing the number of instructions being exceuted while waiting for CCP1IF will increase precision. Have you tried this?
// ...
while (1)
CCP1CON = 0b00000101;
PIR1bits.CCP1IF = 0;
TMR1ON = 0;
TMR1 = 0;
// if your comms with the LCD use interrupts:
// disable interrupts here
while (!PIR1bits.CCP1IF)
TMR1ON = 1;
CCP1CON = 0b00000100;
PIR1bits.CCP1IF = 0;
while (!PIR1bits.CCP1IF)
compte = TMR1;
// if your comms with the LCD use interrupts:
// enable interrupts here
// refresh display
// if your comms with the LCD use interrupts:
// you may want to add a small delay here, to
// allow for comms to the LCD to end.
// this may not be necessary, depending on the
// signal frequency.
// ...
If that doesn't work, you should check that the LCD is NOT using interruots.
If it does, you should:
disable interrupts before reading a sample
keep interrupts disabled while timing
enable interrupts before updating the display
add a delay before taking the next sample, the delay should be long enough for the LCD buffer to empty.
That's for a solution without using interrupts... I think you'll get better results using pin change interrupts and a free running timer.
EDIT: After writing this solution, I found the bug in your code, around these lines of code:
while(!(PIR1bits.CCP1IF==1)) // this is missing a ;
comtage= TMR1; // this line gets executed in the loop
// and adds instructions to the
// loop, this probably more than
// halves the precision of your
// results.
// the imprecision is increased with
// your code that runs after the if block
I have written code that makes LEDs blinks and moves a servo to several different directions. Here's the basic structure:
//led on
//led off
//servo to 45
//servo to 90
//servo to 270
I want both to run at the same time. The code above only turns on the LEDs, and infinitely since it's in the loop. The servo never works. I looked at other questions on here but I couldn't find anything relevant.
How can I make both the LEDs and servo work at the same time?
In general you cannot use two infinite loops. That's because it is senquentional program, so it cannot run second when until the first one is done. So if first loop is infinite, the second will never run.
To do some kind of 'multithreading', in simplest way is to use timers and interrupts.
In your case you want to run two different task. Blinking led and steering servos. When you use wait()/sleep()/delay(), the uC is simply stopping (except handling other things like interupts etc.). So you can set timers and in the interrupt blink led. Or better in the interrupt just set some flag, and in your main just check if flag has changed. Than just handle blink. So in general you will have in you main sth like this:
volatile uint8_t nowBlink = 0
// some timer handling and then:
nowBlink = 1
nowBlink = 0;
Setting intterupt to 1 s, will blink your led with freq of 1 Hz, and then other parts of program will be done.
Here you have timers explained, and Here you have some libraries. Just read that and you should be master of arduino.
Best regards, voodoo16.
Don't use functions like delay_ms(), wait () etc. Try interrupt.
Use the struture like this :
int flag = 0;
void func_delay_50ms () interrupt
// set initial condition
flag ++;
void main
while (1)
if (flag == 4) // per 200ms
led = -led;
flag = 0;
if (!(flag % 2)) // per 100ms
servo ();
note : servo () should not block for a long time.
There are no really conturrent threads, And you should create an illusion to realize it.
(:з」∠) My poor English. pardon me.
Blinking a LED does not really require code on the MCU. You can use a timer and a PWM signal.
I wrote an Operating System for Arduino which supports multithreading in order to run multiple loops at once. Note that the servo has a range from 0-180. You can't turn in 270 degrees. You can find the source and further documentation here
This example code should do exactly what you want when running under the ArduinoOS.
#include "KernelInitializer.h"
#include "Servo.h"
#include "Led.h"
void setup()
void mainThread()
while (true)
Led led(2); // replace 2 with the pin of your led
while (true)
void secondThread()
Servo servo(9); // replace 9 with the pin of your servo
while (true)
You can simply use a goto statement
in both the dont even need a loop if you use goto, like in assembly language.
c code for it is:
int main()
int count;
printf("Loop 1\n");
goto loop2;
printf("Loop 2\n");
goto loop1;
return 0;
The program for LEDs 8x8 doesn't function in Arduino Uno. I'm not using the pinMode() method to specify pin OUTPUT for LEDs. I'm using the method "LedControl"
The specification pin:
for setting the pin. Why ?
This program compiles and executes without problems.
I'm importing the library correctly.
I'm using this example:
#include "LedControl.h"
/*Now we need a LedControl to work with.
pin 4 is connected to the DataIn
pin 5 is connected to the CLK
pin 6 is connected to LOAD / CS
We only have a single MAX7219 */
LedControl lc=LedControl(4,6,5,1);
/* we always wait a bit between updates of the display */
unsigned long delaytime=500;
void setup() {
/* The MAX72XX is in power-saving mode on startup,
we have to do a wakeup call */
void loop() {
/* This function will light up every Led on the matrix. The led will blink along with the row-number. row number 4 (index==3) will blink 4 times etc. */
void single() {
for(int row=0;row<8;row++) {
for(int col=0;col<8;col++) {
for(int i=0;i<col;i++) {
The LedControl library uses pinMode in the background to make the LEDs easier to control. When you give values to LedControl, it automatically uses pinMode, which operates as pinMode(pin, OUTPUT|INPUT).
what am I doing wrong ? I have the RX of the Bluetooth HC-07 wired into pin2 looking for a change in voltage when data is received to start a interrupt.
I'm trying to cause an interrupt when data is received via the Bluetooth.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>// import the serial library
#include <PinChangeInt.h>
SoftwareSerial Genotronex(10, 11); // RX, TX
int ledpin=13; // led on D13 will show blink on / off
int BluetoothData; // the data given from Computer
void doSomething(void);
void setup() {
// wil run once
Genotronex.begin(9600);// data rate for comunicating
Genotronex.println("Bluetooth On please press 1 or 0 blink LED ..");
attachInterrupt(0,doSomething, CHANGE);
void loop() {
// Main body of code
void doSomething(){
This is a repost of the code ,, I've taken out what the comments said and added what you recommended,, for the most part. The code runs but change state never changes back it only changes once? I've tried taking out DetachInterrupt but the actual interrupt stops working then ? Any more ideas? Thanks for the help btw
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>// import the serial library
SoftwareSerial Genotronex(10, 11); // RX, TX
int ledpin=13; // led on D13 will show blink on / off
int BluetoothData; // the data given from Computer
void doSomething(void);
volatile int state = LOW;
void setup() {
// wil run once
Genotronex.begin(9600);// data rate for comunicating
Genotronex.println("Bluetooth On please press 1 or 0 blink LED ..");
attachInterrupt(0,doSomething, CHANGE);
void loop() {
// Main body of code
digitalWrite(ledpin, state);
void doSomething(){
state = !state;
If you can change interrupt from CHANGE to HIGH/LOW and add something like 'debouncing'. My version here (HIGH state interrupts):
void interruptfunction() {
//your interrupt code here
if (digitalRead(2)==LOW){
if (digitalRead(2)==LOW) break;
Or this: (not tested)
void interruptfunction() {
//your interrupt code here
if (digitalRead(2)==HIGH) state=true;
else state=false;
if (digitalRead(2)!=state){
if (digitalRead(2)!=state) break;
If you have to react on CHANGE try leaving detachInterrupt(0); but reattach it somewhere in your main loop.