Ways to improve WPF UI rendering speed - wpf

In case a screen of a WPF application contains lots of primitive controls, its rendering becomes sluggish. What are the recommended ways to improve the responsiveness of a WPF application in such a case, apart from adding fewer controls and using more powerful videocard?
Is there a way to somehow use offscreen buffering or something like that?

Our team was faced with problems of rendering performance. In our case we have about 400 transport units and we should render chart of every unit with a lot of details (text labels, special marks, different geometries etc.).
In first our implementations we splitted each chart into primitives and composed whole unit's chart via Binding. It was very sad expirience. UI reaction was extremely slow.
So we decided to create one UI element per each unit, and render chart with DrawingContext. Although this was much better in performance aspect, we spent about one month improving rendering.
Some advices:
Cache everything. Brushes, Colors, Geometries, Formatted Texts, Glyphs. (For example we have two classes: RenderTools and TextCache. Rendering process of each unit addresses to shared instance of both classes. So if two charts have the same text, its preparation is executed just once.)
Freeze Freezable, if you are planning to use it for a long time. Especially geometries. Complex unfreezed geometries execute HitTest extremely slow.
Choose the fastest ways of rendering of each primitive. For example, there is about 6 ways of text rendering, but the fastest is DrawingContext.DrawGlyphs.
Use profiler to discover hot spots. For example, in our project we had geometries cache and rendered appropriate of them on demand. It seemed to be, that no improvements are possible. But one day we thought what if we will render geometries one time and cache ready visuals? In our case such approach happened acceptable. Our unit's chart has just several states. When data of chart is changed, we rebuild DrawingVisual for each state and put them into cache.
Of course, this way needs some investments, it's dull and boring work, but result is awesome.
By the way: when we turned on WPF caching option (you could find link in answers), our app hung up.

I've had the same perf issue with a heavily customized datagrid since one year, and My conclusion is:
there is basically nothing you can do
on your side (without affecting your
app, i.e.: having fewer controls or
using only default styles)
The link mentioned by Jens is great but useless in your case.
The "Optimizing WPF Application Performance" link provided by NVM is almost equally useless in my experience: it just appeals to common sense and I am confident you won't learn anything extraordinary either reading. Except one thing maybe: I must say this link taught me to put as much as I can in my app's resources. Because WPF does not reinstanciate anything you put in resource, it simply reuses the same resource over and over. So put as much as you can in there (styles, brushes, templates, fonts...)
all in all, there is simply no way to make things go faster in WPF just by checking an option or turning off an other. You can just pray MS rework their rendering layer in the near future to optimize it and in the meantime, try to reduce your need for effects, customized controls and so on...

Have a look at the new (.NET 4.0) caching option. (See here.)

I have met a similar problem and want to share my thoughts and founds. The original problem is caused by a virtualized list box that displays about 25 complex controls (a grid with a text block and a few buttons inside displaying some paths )
To research the issue I used the VisualStudio Application Timeline that allows to how much time it takes to render each control and PerfView to find out what actually WPF is doing to render each control.
By default it took about 12ms to render each item. It is rather long if you need to update the list dynamically.
It is difficult to use PerfView to analyse what heppens inside since WPF renders item in the parent-child hierarchy, but I got the common understanding about internall processes.
WPF does following to render each item in the list:
Parse template using XAML reader. As far as I can see the XAML parsing is the biggest issue.
Apply styles
Apply bindings
It does not take a lot of time to apply styles and bindings.
I did following to improve performance:
Each button has its own template and it takes a lot of time to render it. I replaced Buttons with Borders. It takes about 4-5ms to render each item after that.
Move all element settings to styles. About 3ms.
Create a custom item control with a single grid in the template. I create all child elements in code and apply styles using TryFindResources method. About 2ms in the result.
After all these changes, performance looks fine but still most time is spent on loding the ListControl.Item template and the custom control template.
4. The last step: replace a ListControl with Canvas and Scrollbar controls. Now all items are created at runtime and position is calculated manually using the MeasureOverride and ArrangeOverride methods. Now it takes <1ms to render each item from which 0.5ms is spent on TextBlock rendering.
I still use styles and bindings since they do not affect performance a lot when data is changed. You can imagine that this is not a WPF solution. But I fave a few similar lists in the application and it is possible not to use templates at all.


When to use custom user controls

I've got a massive UI that I'm designing. The way that my employer wants it, there are at least 100 labels. Now, I've always thought that in cases like this, breaking up the UI into smaller custom controls was the ideal way to go. However, someone recently told me that custom controls are really only for code re-use. What is the actual suggested practice for this?
The finished form will look like this:
Now, I'm using WPF for the UI, and I'm thinking of breaking this down into smaller bits.
Based on your image i see some repetitions, each of this repetitions could be a custom UserControl
But it depends on the usability is it easier to write a custom UserControl so do it but if it would reduce the readability of your code and it also adds additional complexity don't do it
here are an example of what could be separate UserControl's
the green ones are possible useful encapsulations of logic
the orange ones maybe need some not market stuff (don't know enough about your software)
the red ones are the maybe's based on the intern use (from the visual part they are repetitions so the should custom UserControl)
Since your UI is read-only, I'd suggest using a grid.
Are you new to WPF? To break the View into bits WPF offers you CustomControls and UserControls. They are two very similar things yet completely different from each other. CustomControls are Buttons, Labels, TextBoxes, DataGrids...etc. They are basically simple stand-alone controls. UserControls are groups of stand-alone controls serving a purpose such as example a Button and a ComboBox next to each other so user can select something in ComboBox and confirm that by clicking the Button.
If you wish to display data from database I suggest you DataGrid which will give you a table-alike look with rows and columns and all that. If you wish to place few buttons next to DataGrid on which the user may click to insert a new row or to edit a certain cell then I suggest you to wrap all that with a UserControl which you can reuse in other places where you have to display and change data from database too.
You should be using a datagrid and can customize its template to render individual cells as Textblock (lighter version of Label) from a rendering perspective. The main difference between Textblock and Label is very minor things such as access keys and disabled state behavior. But from a WPF object hierarchy - Textblocks are much lighter. But besides that point - from your employer perspective - once you have customized the grid template and render them (so as they look as textblocks/labels) - your employer should have no problems.
Also as somebody suggested above - if you want to logically break sections of the UI since they maybe coming from a different table in db - then User controls is the way to go (for maintainability of code)
Let me know if you are looking for more technical details or need help further technically.
There is nothing wrong in making and using custom controls or user controls or defining some data templates which will be reused depending on how your data is organized.
For sure the UI looks pretty messy and some sort of grid should be used with templates for example where there is similar data. I also have the suggestion and first think about the data and the functionality before starting and let the UI be driven by that. For sure you will the reuse controls/templates. If you think in front on the model and behavior the UI can afterwards more easily changed.
Create your viewmodel correctly, implement the functionality in commands, use bindings, after that the UI will come naturally, reuse controls, use several grids, make the UI more user friendly using several regions, tabs, windows or anything that makes the user more comfortable.

WPF Canvas - Visual Studio like split view

I'm working on an app, that displayes huge (10000+ elements) graphs in a wpf canvas.
I'd like a feature like in Visual Studio, when you can split the view of an editor (so I can view two distant part of the same graph at the same time).
I have some constraints:
data binding (creating the bindings) of graph elements makes the loading of big graphs very slow, so I'm not using MVVM, the "VM" knows about the view and updates it directly when needed
the children of the canvas are frameworkelements, since I use the Tag property
because of the number of graph elements, I don't want to keep two different view for each element for the two part of the split view
So it should be like displaying multiple parts of the same canvas in different places. You can't set two parents for the FrameworkElements in WPF, so the easiest way is out of question :(
What are my options? Should I reconsider my constraints or there is some workaround for this?
Let me know if you need any more details (it's a big application, so I can't give you every information).
Edit: duplicating with visual brush is not an option since I need proper input event notifications, so both view must be editable.
Bind the same data to two controls.
Use a visual brush and duplicate input on the real control.
Create a custom graphing control that can output two parts of the graph at once.
If binding to two controls is too slow, then I think you need to rethink your application. The very fact that you have so much data displayed at once that you need a dual view to see separate parts is disturbing. That should raise a red flag. The red flag would notify you that, "What I need, and what I have is different." And you should go back to the drawing board and find out what you really need.
Otherwise, it might be best to create a custom control. The graph is rendering in its entirety even though you only need small portions displayed. If you had your own custom control you could speed up the entire app by rendering only visible portions at a time, and splitting within the control.

Problems with a big form (50 elements or so) in wpf

I got a pretty big form on a wpf page. I'm putting it together on a Grid, but all the element clutter the page. I figured i'd split out the form into smaller usercontrols and then piece it together on the page as one form. That didn't quite work: SharedSizeScope on a Grid makes the form 'dance'
I could break up the form into a 'wizard style' page, with a next button - dealing with each user control on its own, but i'd rather not break it up into several pages because the end user is used to having it all on one page. Also the validation/storing of data is really a big-bang operation, making it harder to provide feedback if something goes wrong in one of the first pages/usercontrols.
So what now? I'm really tempted to just put all the small elements directly on the page in one big grid. I just feel it's wrong - it will be a maintenance nightmare - i even started thinking 'i wish there were some kind of #region tag in xaml' - that means i know i'm wrong ;)
What can i do?
I would strongly recommend to use nested container controls, like Grids (or other Panels) inside other Grids inside more Grids etc.
It is very common to have several nesting levels, and thus hierarchically split a complex layout into multiple less complex sub-layouts. This makes your layout significantly simpler compared to one big container that tries to do it all (see your failed ShardSizeScope approach).
Once you have created a sensible hierarchy of containers, you may easily use the Visual Studio XAML editor's code collapsing feature to keep track of all your XAML.

Rendering Thread still slow after Virtualization

At a high level my application is applying about 5 different DataTemplates to a set of ListBoxItems based on their type. These items are laid out on a canvas at specific x, y points. I implemented virtualization on my ListBox and it did not seem to improve the time it takes to complete the rendering thread's processes. It still takes about 8-12 seconds for the UI to be completely loaded and usable by the user. I thought virtualization would help fix this problem but after looking around it looks like it only helps process scrolling large amounts of data. Am I correct in this assumption and does anyone else have any other tips for improving the rendering thread. This is the only problem I am having and then my project is complete. Thanks StackOverflow!
Virtualisation means that only the items you have visible are created, then dynamically destroyed/new items created as you scroll. The alternative is all UI controls are created for all items at once.
It sounds like you have bigger problems with the rest of the app. Do you perform all loading operations on a background thread? Is the UI control tree very complex indeed? Are you displaying 100s or 1,000s of items?
We also had a lot of trouble with performance in WPF. Best way is of course to profile your application. We use ANTS Performance profiler for that, but any .NET profiler will do. We got a huge performance hit, because of the lookup of our XAML Resources. Thats the advice i can give you:
Try to minimize all resources in XAML. But not only that, also try to minimize the amount of XAML files you have. One thing you can try is to defere the loading of complex parts of your DataTemplate. Similiar to what happens when you load a JPEG in a browser, first you will see a pixelated image which will be finer after it finished loading the JPEG. To accomplish that, use a simpler DataTemplate at first and then if this is visible only load the complex template on demand or after a while.
But without more information of your specific problem, we can only guess. This is an old question of mine about a similiar subject, maybe this will help aswell.
Yes, ListBox virtualization is for scrolling. When you have a large number of items in a ListBox, enabling virtualization will make only the visible items (+ a few extra items for scrolling) render, and scrolling the ListBox replaces the data in the rendered items instead of rendering new items.
If you were to post some code, perhaps we could assist you with some performance tweaks

Is excessive nesting of WPF layout panels (e.g. Grid) computationally expensive?

I have heard from a coworker that I - as a designer using Microsoft Expression Blend - should avoid using excessive nesting of panel elements, because they are computationally expensive.
For example, I tend to create the mainwindow with header and custom statusbar with grid, and then take the top panel and put a grid inside it, and if I have a message inside a rectangle on the already gridded top panel I create yet another grid, etc.
As a very layout-oriented disigner (who wants to use every screen most efficiently whatever the screen dimensions are) I know this is the best way to do it considering absolute control and flexibility, which prevent the window to resize in "unpredictable" ways ;oP
...this friend of mine said that, if you have, say, five grids nested inside one another, if you pass the mouse over them, you generate five mouse events, which is costly.
Also, if you have too many calculations due to the too many containers asking for children sizes before the actual rendering, it can also be costly.
I had some previous experience with PyGtk, and I must say I used A LOT o layout panels for all my scripts, and even the resizing of windows never seemed to me to be specially costly, except when I had some complex canvas drawing needed to be recalculated.
Does anyone have any experience or know anything about it?
Thanks a lot for reading
There's no straight-forward answer to this, but obviously the more elements you have participating in layout, the longer the measure and arrange phases are going to take for the window. Depending on which features of which Panel types you use it could be more or less costly, but for sure the more you use the more overhead there will be during the layout calculations. You can learn more about how the layout system works by reading that entire MSDN article.
In the end this is something that, unless you've gone crazy, will not often be an issue. To find out if it is causing problems for your app I suggest using the WPF Performance Suite to do some performance testing.
Wouldn't worry about it that much, i for one did not have problems with it so far. Apply some common sense, what panels are needed in which case? Do you really need yet another panel to achieve your goal or not?
The MSDN article on this issue might be of interest since it explains a few things which are not straightforward: Optimizing Performance: Layout and Design
