Time Limit for Task Queue in Google App Engine - google-app-engine

I am using Task Queue in GAE for performing some background work for my application. I have come to know that there is a 10 minute time limit for a particular task. My concern is how do I test this thing in my local environment. I tried thread sleep but it didn't throw any exception as mentioned in google app engine docs. Also is this time limit is measured by CPU time or the actual time.

The time is measured in wall clock time. The development server doesn't enforce time limits, although it's unclear why you'd want to test it because it's unlikely your tests will perform the same as they will in production, so trying to guess how much you'll be able to accomplish in 10 minutes on the production servers by seeing how much you can accomplish in 10 minutes on the development server will fail horribly.

For your development server, start a timer when a task is initiated. keep checking in your code if you reached 10 mins wall clock time. When you reach, throw a DeadlineExceededError. It would be better to have the try and except statements in the class handlers which call a particular function of your code.


App Engine TaskQueue: Interrupted and 20 Minutes to Restart

It seems that when app engine taskqueue's get interrupted, they take 20 minutes or more to restart, is this behavior normal?
I am using the TaskQueue on Google Cloud's App Engine Flexible system. I regularly add tasks to the taskqueue and they get processed on the system. It appears that occasionally, the task gets interrupted in the middle of what it's doing. I don't know why this happens, but I assume it's probably because the instance that its on restarted itself.
My software is resilient to such restarts, but the problem is that it takes a full 20 minutes for the task to be restarted. Has anyone experienced this before?
I think you're right, an instance grabs the task and then goes down. Taskqueue doesn't realize it and waits for some kind of timeout.
This sounds very similar to an issue i experienced:
app engine instance dies instantly, locking up deferred tasks until they hit 10 minute timeout
So to answer your question, I would say yes this does happen. As for what to do, I guess it depends on what it is this task is doing, how often it runs, etc. If the 20 minute lag isnt a big deal I would just live with it, just because fixing it can be a bit of a wild goose chase, but here's what I would try:
When launching tasks, launch duplicates as well with a staggered value for countdown/eta
setup a separate microservice to handle/execute these tasks, hopefully this will make it's execution more predictable, you'll be able to tweak instance-size, & scaling settings to better suit it.

Instances takes long time to spin up

I have an app engine application with some services being based on webapp2 framework and some service being based on endpoints-v2 framework.
The issue that i am facing over is that some time the OPTIONS request being sent from front end takes a huge amount of time get the response back which varies from 10 secs to 15 secs which is adding latency to my entire application. On digging down deeper into the issue and found the it is due to instance startup time that is costing us this much latency.
So my question is
Does starting up an instance takes this much of time ?
If not then how can i reduce my startup time for instances ?
How the instances start so that i can optimise those situations in my code?
Java instance takes a long time to spin up. You can hide the latency by configuring warmup request and min-idle-instances (see here) in your appengine-web.xml.

Google App Engine Timeout running a Java Program

I am running an optimization program in GAE. The program runs on my laptop/eclipse and could potentially take up to 6-10 minutes to run. It seems that GAE has a timeout of 60 secs and throws a 500 Error.
How do you increase the memory requirement for GAE? How would you increase the timeout requirement to more than 10 min? Is there something that I can do in GAE settings in Eclipse or do I have to get in touch with Google.
I second #PatrickGray's answer.
Related note: the actual execution on GAE can often take longer than on the development server, so don't use the local execution time as a reference.
For increasing the memory requirement - you can configure the module's instance class as needed (with cost implications, of course).
I was running in to this error in Google App Engine before. You can't increase the timeout time, it's a hard limit. I recommend the deferred library or using a Task Queue. Here's how I solved my problem (in Python):
How do I return data from a deferred task in Google App Engine
I assume that you don't need an automatic scaling instance for this program. Instances with basic or manual scaling give you as much time as you need to complete your tasks.

How to Gain Visibility and Optimize Quota Usage in Google App Engine?

How do I go about optimizing my Google App Engine app to reduce instance hours I am currently using/paying for?
I have been using app engine for a while and the cost has been creeping upwards. I now spend enough on GAE to invest time into reducing the expense. More than half of my GAE bill is due to frontend instance hours, so it's the obvious place to start. But before I can start optimizing, I have to figure out what's using the instance hours.
However, I am having difficulty trying to determine what is currently using so many of my frontend instance hours. My app serves many ajax requests, dynamic HTML pages, cron jobs, and deferred tasks. For all I know there could be some runaway process that is causing my instance usage to be so high.
What methods or techniques are available to allow me to gain visibility into my app to see where I am using instance hours?
Besides code changes (all suggestions in the other answer are good) you need to look into the instances over time graph.
If you have spikes and constant use, the instances created during the spikes wont go to sleep because appengine will keep using them. In appspot application settings, change the "idle instances" max to a low number like 1 (or your actual daily average).
Also, change min latency to a higher number so less instances will be created on spikes.
All these suggestions can make an immediate effect on lowering your bill, but its just a complement to the code optimizations suggested in the other answer.
This is a very broad question, but I will offer a few pointers.
First, examine App Engine's console Dashboard and logs. See if there are any errors. Errors are expensive both in terms of lost business and in extra instance hours. For example, tasks are retried several times, and these reties may easily prolong the life of an instance beyond what is necessary.
Second, the Dashboard shows you the summary of your requests over 24 hours period. Look for requests with high latency. See if you can improve them. This will both improve the user experience and may reduce the number of instance hours as more requests can be handled by each instance.
Also look for data points that surprise you as a developer of your app. If you see a request that is called many more times that you think is normal, zero in on it and see what it is happening.
Third, look at queues execution rates. When you add multiple tasks to a queue, do you really need all of them to be executed within seconds? If not, reduce the execution rate so that the queue never needs more than one instance.
Fourth, examine your cron jobs. If you can reduce their frequency, you can save a bunch of instance hours. If your cron jobs must run frequently and do a lot of computing, consider moving them to a Compute Engine instance. Compute Engine instances are many times cheaper, so having such an instance run for 24 hours may be a better option than hitting an App Engine instance every 15 minutes (or even every hour).
Fifth, make sure your app is thread-safe, and your App Engine configuration states so.
Finally, do the things that all web developers do (or should do) to improve their apps/websites. Cache what can be cached. Minify what needs to be minified. Put images in sprites. Split you code if it can be split. Use Memcache. Etc. All of these steps reduce latency and/or client-server roundtrips, which helps to reduce the number of instances for the same number of users.
Ok, my other answer was about optimizing at the settings level.
To trace the performance at a granular level use the new cloud trace relased today at google i/o 2014.

Keeping track of time with 1 second accuracy in Google App Engine

I'm currently in the process of rewriting my java code to run it on Google App Engine. Since I cannot use Timer for programming timeouts (no thread creation allowed), I need to rely on system clock to mark the time of the timeout start so that I could compare it later in order to find out if the timeout has occurred.
Now, several people (even on Google payroll) have advised developers not to rely on system time due to the distributed nature of Google app servers and not being able to keep their clocks in sync. Some say the deviance of system clocks can be up to 10s or even more.
1s deviance would be very good for my app, 2 seconds can be tolerable, anything higher than that would cause a lot of grief for me and my app users, but 10 second difference would turn my app effectively unusable.
I don't know if anything has changed for the better since then (I hope yes), but if not, then what are my options other than shooting up a new separate request so that its handler would sleep the duration of the timeout (which cannot exceed 30 seconds due to request timeout limitation) in order to keep the timeout duration consistent.
More Specifically:
I'm trying to develop a poker game server, but for those who are not familiar how online poker works: I have a set of players attached to 1 game instance. Evey player has a certain amount of time to act before the timeout will occur so the next player can act. There is a countdown on each actor and every client has to see it. Only one player can act at a time. The timeout durations I need are 10s and 20s for now.
You should never be making your request handlers sleep or wait. App Engine will only automatically scale your app if request handlers complete in an average of 1000ms or less; deliberately waiting will ruin that. There's invariably a better option than sleeping/waiting - let us know what you're doing, and perhaps we can suggest one.
