Specify a single char as read-only in C? - c

Can a single char be made read-only in C ? (I would like to make '\0' read-only to avoid buffer overflows.)
char var[5 + 1] = "Hello";
var[5] = '\0'; // specify this char as read-only ?

You can't make a mixed const/non-const array or string. The \0 not being overwritten should be guaranteed by the invariants in your program.

Can't do it, you have to ensure this through proper practice.

strictly speaking, no.
On some systems you could obtain something similar by playng with the linker, e.g. by specifying the address of "var" and forcing it to be 5 bytes before a "read only" section. But it works only on very few cases, and anyway it's not part of the C language.

No, such a concept of a read only memory location does not exist at all in C. C Programmers are left on their own when allocating/accessing/manipulating memory and they are assumed to know what they are doing :D. Such is the responsability that comes out from raw power :D.
If you can switch to C++ then you may consider using std::vector. While buffer overflows are still possible with std::vectors they are less likely when you use methods contained in the class interface. This methods abstracts element access and insertion and so you won't need to explicitly manage memory. Notice though you can still access directly an element that is outside of the vector size if you don't use iterators.
Since overflows are recurring problems in c/c++ there are several tools to help the programmer with these kind of mistakes. Tools range from static language analyzer to runtime detection of unprotected memory access in debug mode.

Make use of a const char * ptr which keeps track of your \0.


How to distinguish a malloced string from a string literal?

Is there a way (in pure C) to distinguish a malloced string from a string literal, without knowing which is which? Strictly speaking, I'm trying to find a way to check a variable whether it's a malloced string or not and if it is, I'm gonna free it; if not, I'll let it go.
Of course, I can dig the code backwards and make sure if the variable is malloced or not, but just in case if an easy way exists...
edit: lines added to make the question more specific.
char *s1 = "1234567890"; // string literal
char *s2 = strdup("1234567890"); // malloced string
char *s3;
if (someVar > someVal) {
s3 = s1;
} else {
s3 = s2;
// ...
// after many, many lines of code an algorithmic branches...
// now I lost track of s3: is it assigned to s1 or s2?
// if it was assigned to s2, it needs to be freed;
// if not, freeing a string literal will pop an error
Is there a way (in pure C) to distinguish a malloced string from a string literal,
Not in any portable way, no. No need to worry though; there are better alternatives.
When you write code in C you do so while making strong guarantees about "who" owns memory. Does the caller own it? Then it's their responsibility to deallocate it. Does the callee own it? Similar thing.
You write code which is very clear about the chain of custody and ownership and you don't run into problems like "who deallocates this?" You shouldn't feel the need to say:
// after many, many lines of code an algorithmic branches...
// now I forgot about s3: was it assigned to s1 or s2?
The solution is; don't forget! You're in control of your code, just look up the page a bit. Design it to be bulletproof against leaking memory out to other functions without a clear understanding that "hey, you can read this thing, but there are no guarantees that it will be valid after X or Y. It's not your memory, treat it as such."
Or maybe it is your memory. Case in point; your call to strdup. strdup let's you know (via documentation) that it is your responsibility to deallocate the string that it returns to you. How you do that is up to you, but your best bet is to limit its scope to be as narrow as possible and to only keep it around for as short a time as necessary.
It takes time and practice for this to become second nature. You will create some projects which handle memory poorly before you get good at it. That's ok; your mistakes in the beginning will teach you exactly what not to do, and you'll avoid repeating them in the future (hopefully!)
Also, as #Lasse alluded to in the comments, you don't have to worry about s3, which is a copy of a pointer, not the entire chunk of memory. If you call free on s2 and s3 you end up with undefined behavior.
Here is a practical way:
Although the C-language standard does not dictate this, for all identical occurrences of a given literal string in your code, the compiler generates a single copy within the RO-data section of the executable image.
In other words, every occurrence of the string "1234567890" in your code is translated into the same memory address.
So at the point where you want to deallocate that string, you can simply compare its address with the address of the literal string "1234567890":
if (s3 != "1234567890") // address comparison
To emphasize this again, it is not imposed by the C-language standard, but it is practically implemented by any decent compiler of the language.
The above is merely a practical trick referring directly to the question at hand (rather than to the motivation behind this question).
Strictly speaking, if you've reached a point in your implementation where you have to distinguish between a statically allocated string and a dynamically allocated string, then I would tend to guess that your initial design is flawed somewhere along the line.

C Language: Why does malloc() return a pointer, and not the value?

From my understanding of C it seems that you are supposed to use malloc(size) whenever you are trying to initialize, for instance, an array whose size you do not know of until runtime.
But I was wondering why the function malloc() returns a pointer to the location of the variable and why you even need that.
Basically, why doesn't C just hide it all from you, so that whenever you do something like this:
// 'n' gets stdin'ed from the user
int someArray[n];
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
someArray[i] = 5;
you can do it without ever having to call malloc() or some other function? Do other languages do it like this (by hiding the memory properties/location altogether)? I feel that as a beginner this whole process of dealing with the memory locations of variables you use just confuse programmers (and since other languages don't use it, C seems to make a simple initialization process such as this overly complicated)...
Basically, what I'm trying to ask is why malloc() is even necessary, because why the language doesn't take care of all that for you internally without the programmer having to be concerned about or having to see memory. Thanks
*edit: Ok, maybe there are some versions of C that I'm not aware of that allows you to forgo the use of malloc() but let's try to ignore that for now...
C lets you manage every little bit of your program. You can manage when memory gets allocated; you can manage when it gets deallocated; you can manage how to grow a small allocation, etc.
If you prefer not to manage that and let the compiler do it for you, use another language.
Actually C99 allows this (so you're not the only one thinking of it). The feature is called VLA (VAriable Length Array).
It's legal to read an int and then have an array of that size:
int n;
fscanf("%d", &n);
int array[n];
Of course there are limitations since malloc uses the heap and VLAs use the stack (so the VLAs can't be as big as the malloced objects).
*edit: Ok, maybe there are some versions of C that I'm not aware of that allows you to forgo the use of malloc() but let's try to ignore
that for now...
So we can concentrate on the flame ?
Basically, what I'm trying to ask is why malloc() is even necessary,
because why the language doesn't take care of all that for you
internally without the programmer having to be concerned about or
having to see memory.
The very point of malloc(), it's raison d'être, it's function, if you will, is to allocate a block of memory. The way we refer to a block of memory in C is by its starting address, which is by definition a pointer.
C is close to 40 years old, and it's not nearly as "high level" as some more modern languages. Some languages, like Java, attempt to prevent mistakes and simplify programming by hiding pointers and explicit memory management from the programmer. C is not like that. Why? Because it just isn't.
Basically, what I'm trying to ask is why malloc() is even necessary, because why the language doesn't take care of all that for you internally without the programmer having to be concerned about or having to see memory. Thanks
One of the hallmarks of C is its simplicity (C compilers are relatively easy to implement); one way of making a language simple is to force the programmer to do all his own memory management. Clearly, other languages do manage objects on the heap for you - Java and C# are modern examples, but the concept isn't new at all; Lisp implementations have been doing it for decades. But that convenience comes at a cost in both compiler complexity and runtime performance.
The Java/C# approach helps eliminate whole classes of memory-management bugs endemic to C (memory leaks, invalid pointer dereferences, etc.). By the same token, C provides a level of control over memory management that allows the programmer to achieve high levels of performance that would be difficult (not impossible) to match in other languages.
If the only purpose of dynamic allocation were to allocate variable-length arrays, then malloc() might not be necessary. (But note that malloc() was around long before variable-length arrays were added to the language.)
But the size of a VLA is fixed (at run time) when the object is created. It can't be resized, and it's deallocated only when you leave the scope in which it's declared. (And VLAs, unlike malloc(), don't have a mechanism for reporting allocation failures.)
malloc() gives you a lot more flexibility.
Consider creating a linked list. Each node is a structure, containing some data and a pointer to the next node in the list. You might know the size of each node in advance, but you don't know how many nodes to allocate. For example, you might read lines from a text file, creating and appending a new node for each line.
You can also use malloc() along with realloc() to create a buffer (say, an array of unsigned char) whose size can be changed after you created it.
Yes, there are languages that don't expose pointers, and that handle memory management for you.
A lot of them are implemented in C.
Maybe the question should be "why do you need something like int array[n] when you can use pointers?"
After all, pointers allow you to keep an object alive beyond the scope it was created in, you can use pointer to slice and dice arrays (for example strchr() returns a pointer to a string), pointers are light-weight objects, so it's cheap to pass them to functions and return them from functions, etc.
But the real answer is "that's how it is". Other options are possible, and the proof is that there are other languages that do other things (and even C99 allows different things).
C is treated as highly developed low-level language, basically malloc is used in dynamic arrays which is a key component in stack & queue. for other languages that hides the pointer part from the developer are not well capable of doing hardware related programming.
The short answer to your question is to ponder this question: What if you also need to control exactly when the memory is de-allocated?
C is a compiled language, not an interpreted one. If you don't know n at compile time, how is the compiler supposed to produce a binary?

strlen not checking for NULL

Why is strlen() not checking for NULL?
if I do strlen(NULL), the program segmentation faults.
Trying to understand the rationale behind it (if any).
The rational behind it is simple -- how can you check the length of something that does not exist?
Also, unlike "managed languages" there is no expectations the run time system will handle invalid data or data structures correctly. (This type of issue is exactly why more "modern" languages are more popular for non-computation or less performant requiring applications).
A standard template in c would look like this
int someStrLen;
if (someStr != NULL) // or if (someStr)
someStrLen = strlen(someStr);
// handle error.
The portion of the language standard that defines the string handling library states that, unless specified otherwise for the specific function, any pointer arguments must have valid values.
The philosphy behind the design of the C standard library is that the programmer is ultimately in the best position to know whether a run-time check really needs to be performed. Back in the days when your total system memory was measured in kilobytes, the overhead of performing an unnecessary runtime check could be pretty painful. So the C standard library doesn't bother doing any of those checks; it assumes that the programmer has already done it if it's really necessary. If you know you will never pass a bad pointer value to strlen (such as, you're passing in a string literal, or a locally allocated array), then there's no need to clutter up the resulting binary with an unnecessary check against NULL.
The standard does not require it, so implementations just avoid a test and potentially an expensive jump.
A little macro to help your grief:
#define strlens(s) (s==NULL?0:strlen(s))
Three significant reasons:
The standard library and the C language are designed assuming that the programmer knows what he is doing, so a null pointer isn't treated as an edge case, but rather as a programmer's mistake that results in undefined behaviour;
It incurs runtime overhead - calling strlen thousands of times and always doing str != NULL is not reasonable unless the programmer is treated as a sissy;
It adds up to the code size - it could only be a few instructions, but if you adopt this principle and do it everywhere it can inflate your code significantly.
size_t strlen ( const char * str );
Strlen takes a pointer to a character array as a parameter, null is not a valid argument to this function.

c char pointer problem

if we declare char * p="hello"; then since it is written in data section we cannot modify the contents to which p points but we can modify the pointer itself. but i found this example in C Traps and Pitfalls
Andrew Koenig
AT&T Bell Laboratories
Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974
the example is
char *p, *q;
p = "xyz";
q = p;
q[1] = ’Y’;
q would point to memory containing the string xYz. So would p, because p and q point to the same memory.
how is it true if the first statement i mentioned is also true..
similarly i ran the following code
char *p="hai friends",*p1;
while(*p!='\0') ++*p++;
printf("%s %s",p,p1);
and got the output as
please explain how in both these cases we are able to modify contents?
thanks in advance
Your same example causes a segmentation fault on my system.
You're running into undefined behavior here. .data (note that the string literal might be in .text too) is not necessarily immutable - there is no guarantee that the machine will write protect that memory (via page tables), depending on the operating system and compiler.
Only your OS can guarantee that stuff in the data section is read-only, and even that involves setting segment limits and access flags and using far pointers and such, so it's not always done.
C itself has no such limitation; in a flat memory model (which almost all 32-bit OSes use these days), any bytes in your address space are potentially writable, even stuff in your code section. If you had a pointer to main(), and some knowledge of machine language, and an OS that had stuff set up just right (or rather, failed to prevent it), you could potentially rewrite it to just return 0. Note that this is all black magic of a sort, and is rarely done intentionally, but it's part of what makes C such a powerful language for systems programming.
Even if you can do this and it seems that there are no errors, it's a bad idea. Depending on the program in question, you could end up making it very easy for buffer overflow attacks. A good article explaining this is:
It'll depend on the compiler as to whether that works or not.
x86 is a von Neumann architecture (as opposed to Harvard), so there's no clear difference between the 'data' and 'program' memory at the basic level (i.e. the compiler isn't forced into having different types for program vs data memory, and so won't necessarily restrict any variable to one or the other).
So one compiler may allow modification of the string while another does not.
My guess is that a more lenient compiler (e.g. cl, the MS Visual Studio C++ compiler) would allow this, while a more strict compiler (e.g. gcc) would not. If your compiler allows it, chances are it's effectively changing your code to something like:
char p[] = "hai friends";
char *p1 = p;
// (some disassembly required to really see what it's done though)
perhaps with the 'good intention' of allowing new C/C++ coders to code with less restriction / fewer confusing errors. (whether this is a 'Good Thing' is up to much debate and I will keep my opinions mostly out of this post :P)
Out of interest, what compiler did you use?
In olden days, when C as described by K & R in their book "The C Programming Language" was the ahem "standard", what you describe was perfectly OK. In fact, some compilers jumped through hoops to make string literals writable. They'd laboriously copy the strings from the text segment to the data segment on initialisation.
Even now, gcc has a flag to restore this behaviour: -fwritable-strings.
int i = 0;
char *p= "hai friends", *p1;
p1 = p;
while(*(p + i) != '\0')
*(p + i);
printf("%s %s", p, p1);
return 0;
This code will give output: hai friends hai friends
Modifying string literals is a bad idea, but that doesn't mean it might not work.
One really good reason not to: your compiler is allowed to take multiple instances of the same string literal and make them point to the same block of memory. So if "xyz" was defined somewhere else in your code, you could inadvertently break other code that was expecting it to be constant.
Your program also works on my system(windows+cygwin). However the standard says you shouldn't do that though the consequence is not defined.
Following excerpt from the book C: A Reference Manual 5/E, page 33,
You should never attempt to modify the memory that holds the characters of a string constant since may be read-only
char p1[] = "Always writable";
char *p2 = "Possibly not writable";
const char p3[] = "Never writable";
p1 line will always work; p2 line may work or may cause a run-time error; p3 will always cause a compile-time error.
While modifying a string literal may be possible on your system, that's a quirk of your platform, rather than a guarantee of the language. The actual C language doesn't know anything about .data sections, or .text sections. That's all implementation detail.
On some embedded systems, you won't even have a filesystem to contain a file with a .text section. On some such systems, your string literals will be stored in ROM, and trying to write to the ROM will just crash the device.
If you write code that depends on undefined behavior, and only works on your platform, you can be guaranteed that sooner or later, somebody will think it is a good idea to port it to some new device that doesn't work the way you expected. When that happens, an angry pack of embedded developers will hunt you down and stab you.
p is effectively pointing to read only memory. The result of assigning to the array p points to is probably undefined behavior. Just because the compiler lets you get away with it doesn't mean it's OK.
Take a look at this question from the C-FAQ: comp.lang.c FAQ list · Question 1.32
Q: What is the difference between
these initializations?
char a[] = "string literal";
char *p = "string literal";
My program crashes if I try to assign
a new value to p[i].
A: A string literal (the formal term
for a double-quoted string in C
source) can be used in two slightly
different ways:
As the initializer for an array of char, as in the declaration of char
a[] , it specifies the initial values
of the characters in that array (and,
if necessary, its size).
Anywhere else, it turns into an unnamed, static array of characters,
and this unnamed array may be stored
in read-only memory, and which
therefore cannot necessarily be
modified. In an expression context,
the array is converted at once to a
pointer, as usual (see section 6), so
the second declaration initializes p
to point to the unnamed array's first
Some compilers have a switch
controlling whether string literals
are writable or not (for compiling old
code), and some may have options to
cause string literals to be formally
treated as arrays of const char (for
better error catching).
I think you are making a big confusion on a very important general concept to understand when using C, C++ or other low-level languages. In a low-level language there is an implicit assumption than the programmer knows what s/he is doing and makes no programming error.
This assumption allows the implementers of the language to just ignore what should happen if the programmer is violating the rules. The end effect is that in C or C++ there is no "runtime error" guarantee... if you do something bad simply it's NOT DEFINED ("undefined behaviour" is the legalese term) what is going to happen. May be a crash (if you're very lucky), or may be just apparently nothing (unfortunately most of the times... with may be a crash in a perfectly valid place one million executed instructions later).
For example if you access outside of an array MAY BE you will get a crash, may be not, may even be a daemon will come out of your nose (this is the "nasal daemon" you may find on the internet). It's just not something that who wrote the compiler took care thinking to.
Just never do that (if you care about writing decent programs).
An additional burden on who uses low level languages is that you must learn all the rules very well and you must never violate them. If you violate a rule you cannot expect a "runtime error angel" to help you... only "undefined behaviour daemons" are present down there.

zeroing out memory

gcc 4.4.4 C89
I am just wondering what most C programmers do when they want to zero out memory.
For example, I have a buffer of 1024 bytes. Sometimes I do this:
char buffer[1024] = {0};
Which will zero all bytes.
However, should I declare it like this and use memset?
char buffer[1024];
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
Is there any real reason you have to zero the memory? What is the worst that can happen by not doing it?
The worst that can happen? You end up (unwittingly) with a string that is not NULL terminated, or an integer that inherits whatever happened to be to the right of it after you printed to part of the buffer. Yet, unterminated strings can happen other ways, too, even if you initialized the buffer.
Edit (from comments) The end of the world is also a remote possibility, depending on what you are doing.
Either is undesirable. However, unless completely eschewing dynamically allocated memory, most statically allocated buffers are typically rather small, which makes memset() relatively cheap. In fact, much cheaper than most calls to calloc() for dynamic blocks, which tend to be bigger than ~2k.
c99 contains language regarding default initialization values, I can't, however, seem to make gcc -std=c99 agree with that, using any kind of storage.
Still, with a lot of older compilers (and compilers that aren't quite c99) still in use, I prefer to just use memset()
I vastly prefer
char buffer[1024] = { 0 };
It's shorter, easier to read, and less error-prone. Only use memset on dynamically-allocated buffers, and then prefer calloc.
When you define char buffer[1024] without initializing, you're going to get undefined data in it. For instance, Visual C++ in debug mode will initialize with 0xcd. In Release mode, it will simply allocate the memory and not care what happens to be in that block from previous use.
Also, your examples demonstrate runtime vs. compile time initialization. If your char buffer[1024] = { 0 } is a global or static declaration, it will be stored in the binary's data segment with its initialized data, thus increasing your binary size by about 1024 bytes (in this case). If the definition is in a function, it's stored on the stack and is allocated at runtime and not stored in the binary. If you provide an initializer in this case, the initializer is stored in the binary and an equivalent of a memcpy() is done to initialize buffer at runtime.
Hopefully, this helps you decide which method works best for you.
In this particular case, there's not much difference. I prefer = { 0 } over memset because memset is more error-prone:
It provides an opportunity to get the bounds wrong.
It provides an opportunity to mix up the arguments to memset (e.g. memset(buf, sizeof buf, 0) instead of memset(buf, 0, sizeof buf).
In general, = { 0 } is better for initializing structs too. It effectively initializes all members as if you had written = 0 to initialize each. This means that pointer members are guaranteed to be initialized to the null pointer (which might not be all-bits-zero, and all-bits-zero is what you'd get if you had used memset).
On the other hand, = { 0 } can leave padding bits in a struct as garbage, so it might not be appropriate if you plan to use memcmp to compare them later.
The worst that can happen by not doing it is that you write some data in character by character and later interpret it as a string (and you didn't write a null terminator). Or you end up failing to realise a section of it was uninitialised and read it as though it were valid data. Basically: all sorts of nastiness.
Memset should be fine (provided you correct the sizeof typo :-)). I prefer that to your first example because I think it's clearer.
For dynamically allocated memory, I use calloc rather than malloc and memset.
One of the things that can happen if you don't initialize is that you run the risk of leaking sensitive information.
Uninitialized memory may have something sensitive in it from a previous use of that memory. Maybe a password or crypto key or part of a private email. Your code may later transmit that buffer or struct somewhere, or write it to disk, and if you only partially filled it the rest of it still contains those previous contents. Certain secure systems require zeroizing buffers when an address space can contain sensitive information.
I prefer using memset to clear a chunk of memory, especially when working with strings. I want to know without a doubt that there will be a null delimiter after my string. Yes, I know you can append a \0 on the end of each string and some functions do this for you, but I want no doubt that this has taken place.
A function could fail when using your buffer, and the buffer remains unchanged. Would you rather have a buffer of unknown garbage, or nothing?
This post has been heavily edited to make it correct. Many thanks to Tyler McHenery for pointing out what I missed.
char buffer[1024] = {0};
Will set the first char in the buffer to null, and the compiler will then expand all non-initialized chars to 0 too. In such a case it seems that the differences between the two techniques boil down to whether the compiler generates more optimized code for array initialization or whether memset is optimized faster than the generated compiled code.
Previously I stated:
char buffer[1024] = {0};
Will set the first char in the buffer
to null. That technique is commonly
used for null terminated strings, as
all data past the first null is
ignored by subsequent (non-buggy)
functions that handle null terminated
Which is not quite true. Sorry for the miscommunication, and thanks again for the corrections.
Depends how you're filling it: if you're planning on writing to it before even potentially reading anything, then why bother? It also depends what you're going to use the buffer for: if it's going to be treated as a string, then you just need to set the first byte to \0:
char buffer[1024];
buffer[0] = '\0';
However, if you're using it as a byte stream, then the contents of the entire array are probably going to be relevant, so memseting the entire thing or setting it to { 0 } as in your example is a smart move.
I also use memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
The risk of not using it is that there is no guarantee that the buffer you are using is completely empty, there might be garbage which may lead to unpredictable behavior.
Always memset-ing to 0 after malloc, is a very good practice.
yup, calloc() method defined in stdlib.h allocates memory initialized with zeros.
I'm not familiar with the:
char buffer[1024] = {0};
technique. But assuming it does what I think it does, there's a (potential) difference to the two techniques.
The first one is done at COMPILE time, and the buffer will be part of the static image of the executable, and thus be 0's when you load.
The latter will be done at RUN TIME.
The first may incur some load time behaviour. If you just have:
char buffer[1024];
the modern loaders may well "virtually" load that...that is, it won't take any real space in the file, it'll simply be an instruction to the loader to carve out a block when the program is loaded. I'm not comfortable enough with modern loaders say if that's true or not.
But if you pre-initialize it, then that will certainly need to be loaded from the executable.
Mind, neither of these have "real" performance impacts in the small. They may not have any in the "large". Just saying there's potential here, and the two techniques are in fact doing something quite different.
