....Views can have a default template or it can be specified or inherited. For example - default template of Api class is "shared.html" - that's where your header/footer is....
How or where can I change default view/template from shared.html e.g. to (3-columns-layout, 2-columns-layout, 1-columns-layout).html?
Redefine a function called defaultTemplate() in api and return the name of a new file. Normally when you do that you also add some logic based on page names. Below is example
function defaultTemplate(){
if($this->page=='index')return array('index');
return array('shared');
If you need to use columns, look into 'View/Columns' class.
Below is a class Template. I want to access its content like this..
But I can't. Its result is undefined. How to make it just an object to be able to access it?
In the parent component, I have the code below
template is declared as template = new Template();
after the initialization, when I console log template, the value is this
I then bind template to its child component
but when I console log the value of template in the child component, it became this (the extracted values are the topmost screenshot)
so when I console log this.template.name and so on, it is undefined
instead of making Template as class, make it as interface
export interface Template {
/* fields */
To instantiate a class, you can either use the new keyword, assign a json structure that is structural compatible to the class definition or if you have a JSON string and want to de serialize it you could use JSON.parse() and assign it to a variable of this type.
I have the need to determine what app path my controller method will use for serving up the view before it does so. I'm using a theme but I also have many non-themed view files. I'm switching my themes based on domain name (2 domains point to the same Cake install) but need to exclude the non-themed views from rendering inside my theme.
This may sound confusing. Here's what is currently happening if a URL is accessed that does not have a theme view associated with it:
domainA.com/examples/index will render the view app/View/Examples/index.ctp with the layout from app/View/Layouts
domainB.com/examples/index will render the view app/View/Examples/index.ctp BUT with the layout from app/View/Themed/MyTheme/Layouts
This is because the "MyTheme" theme does not contain a view file for this controller-method pair (this is intentional). So I would like to instead have the following established:
domainB.com/examples/index continues to render the view app/View/Examples/index.ctp BUT INSTEAD with the layout from app/View/Layouts
This should only happen, of course, if and only if there is no view file within the "MyTheme" directory structure.
I think this is what you are looking for $this->View->viewPath.
You can use this in any controller call back function or action.
I have an application which deals with projects evolving according to a process defined by a series of status transitions. I have a button to set a project to the next status. The button calls a function in the ProjectsController. This function calls another function in the Project model, where I search for the correct transition, depending on the current status, the user_group and some other parameter, and set the new status. After everything successfully accomplished, I return to the original page with 'return $this->redirect($this->referer());' from the controller.
Some of the transitions have side effects. One is to create a PDF, save it on the server and add a new entry to the 'documents' table referenced to the current project.
Problem: where should I put the function to create the PDF? I would like to put it to the Model. But I need some View Files to first render a html page and then convert it to the PDF. I could put it to the Controller. But then I have a controller function which should not be called directly an doesn't render a view.
The functions all work, but where to put them? Is there another possibility? Would it be possible to use a component?
Implement it as PdfView that will render any (pdf) view for you as Pdf. There is already a plugin that does this, search for CakePdf on Github.
A component is clearly the wrong place. A Pdf is output, so it's a kind of view. Model gets you the data, controller sets it, view renders it.
I have successfully created a report accessed at /controller/report
I now want to create a separate controller method to create this report as an HTML file and email it to designated useds. I have done this but have hit one snag. When the HTML file is rendered, it is only the view element from the /report method - the layout (including the CSS) is not rendered.
Here's the basic structure:
public function email_report() {
$render = $this->requestAction('/controller/report');
//$render is then used by fwrite to create a .HTML file, which is then attached to an email
public function report() {
//yada yada
//render in report layout rather than default
$this->render('report', 'reports');
So the problem is that $render only contains the view stuff, not the stuff from my "reports" layout. What do I need to do to get the layout in my HTML file as well?
I could put all of the HTML in the view but I would like to create other reports using the same layout in future and would like to avoid repetition.
use the following instead. Note the extra array argument passed to the function
bare indicates whether or not to include layout. setting it to 0 i.e false forces it to include layout. Including return sets requested to 1. requested indicates whether request is from requestAction or not.
Visit http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/controllers/request-response.html and http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/controllers.html for reference
$this->requestAction('/controller/report', array('return', 'bare' =>
I'm using cakephp and I have set a simple site, when rendering index() it works fine
but when programming other methods of the same controller, the views for them do not show the
background, it's like it cannot find the images, I thought the layout would be preserved for all views.
Your View/Layouts/default.ctp layout file will always be used unless specified otherwise. If it's not showing a background, it's like you're using an incorrect path for the image, css...etc.
If you want to apply a layout to all methods of a particular controller (but not all other controllers) then use a theme.
Controller Code:
class MyThingController extends AppController {
public $theme = 'MyTheme';
Next you have to put your layout file in:
Then all methods in your controller will use this layout by default.
See here for more info: enter link description here
(note: this answer applies to Cake version 2.1+)