Silverlight Charting Toolkit: Are Interactive Charts possible? - silverlight

Has anyone tried or successfully implemented interactivity in the charts of the Silverlight Charting Toolkit? I want to grab a column for instance and move it up, so that the bound value is increased through my interaction with the chart.
I know there are commercial alternatives out there but really would like to know if it is possible with the toolkit or only achievable with disproportionate effort.
Thanks in advance.

This doesn't directly answer your question, but since the question has been sitting since March, I'll post it anyway.
Try Telerik's RadChart control. It supports a lot more than the standard stuff.

Telerik has a wide variety of interactive charts including this one that you can play around with. You may want to start with this page and click the "Other Chart Examples" drop down to see what they have to offer.


Silverlight control for visualizing events over time?

We are looking at implementing a Silverlight project to provide users with visualization of events over time and so I have started to look for a control that will let me do so. The inspiration for our project is a visualization The Guardian has done:
So, can anyone think of a control/project that will allow us to do something like this?
Not quite as visually impressive as the Guardian example, but there's a WPF & Silverlight Timeline Control on Codeplex.
The Microsoft Expression Gallery might also have some additional examples.

WPF Charting + Grid help

We I'm looking for good WPF toolkit (ones that cost money) that can provide both powerful grid and charting. I'm not that up-to-date whats out there, so i was hoping anyone can assist me with where i should look for. some of the most needed features we need:
Hierarchical tree grid
panning and Zooming
3D charts
Empty Data point display
Line chart / Scatter Plot
any suggestion would be highly appreciated.
You might want to read this:
We're currently using two toolkits for WPF development:
They both features charts and a powerful grid, plus a bunch of other things. There isn't much between them to be honest. Telerik seems to look a bit slicker. On the other hand the technical support you get from Infragistics is first class and well worth paying for. You can get a chat session with an actual developer within a couple of minutes and they usually have a solution for whatever problem you are facing.
I would happily recommend either of these.

AutoComplete-ready ComboBox in Silverlight 3

Has anybody out there had a situation where you needed to implement an "editable" ComboBox in Silverlight? My client wants a ComboBox in their UI that allows the user to place focus on the selection box and start typing to automatically pull up the desired value from the available items, rather than requiring use of the drop-down list.
This feature is available, I know, in several implementations from third parties. For example, you can make this happen fairly easily with Telerik's RadControls for Silverlight. However, my client is restricted to using the Silverlight 3 Toolkit, with no third-party tools or plug-ins.
Any suggestions for a quick, down-and-dirty implementation? Any guidance or links are appreciated!
Okay, we had the same problem.
We went ahead and used the AutoCompleteBox from the Silverlight 3 tookit. Their implementation has a lot of things missing that we wanted. Because of these limitations, we created our own that inherited from it. It worked great and was very simple to do. Any tutorial for making your own control that inherits from another will help you.
Have fun. Since the toolkit is open source, you can always look at the code for guidance.
You can see the samples from the toolkit here:

How to implement a Silverlight Control for time table(scheduler)

My company is going to development drag and drop feature in Silverlight. We are very new to Silverlight and just learnt SL for a week ago. But I believe the feature that my company wants can be done in Silverlight. The control about is about the time table in which the resource will be shifted around.
Here is the feature detail. We have one list box on left (resource list) and one table on the right. What we want to do is drag an item from the list onto the table then may have some data manipulation on table. I think it’s simple and but for me I don’t know how to create the table which is I think there is no built in control like this. Please take a look my screenshot below.
My questions are:
How can we approach to achieve this
What is the best way to implement
this control?
How we can handle the event such as
drop, reload, bind and so on?
How can we select and drag cell on
Yes, Silverlight can do that. It has drag-drop and rich support for creating custom user controls.
The Telerik RadControls for Silverlight have a control that does some of what you need. They also make source available.
You might want to research all the available third party controls first to save development cost.
There are too many questions in your question to answer. Best do your research and then ask specific questions.
The Telerik control is called RadScheduleView and can be seen here: It has nice performance and a lot of features.
We are also using Telerik RadScheduleView .It is simple and lot of demos for you to start.

What commercial WPF suite is better? Please suggest

Im working on a middle size project, using WPF. Need DataGrid, suitable for the client: fast, customizable, beautiful. Which component suite do you suggest from your practice?(for example Devexpress's, telerik's, Infragistics's and etc)
I have used Telerik data grid in the past and it seemed to have the least hastles for me compared to others I have had a look at.
However I can pretty much put my money on it that someone else would feel that Telerik's control wasn't great and that Infragistics was better etc. - so I suggest that you maybe download the trials and test them for your specific scenario.
"Fast, customizable, beautiful." - try Xceed's (I work there), there's a no-install XBAP demo. Also supports asynchronous data virtualization and smooth scrolling and other stuff no other datagrid does.
Xceed DataGrid for WPF main page
XBAP demos page
I've been evaluating Xceed for a few weeks now and while it is powerful it's dog slow when placed in a tab control switching between tabs. 30 seconds to open a tab on a large data set. The forum on their website seems to suggest this is a known problem without resolution. Shame as in other aspects it appears to do a good job.
