What is wrong with my program? - c

I cannot figure out what is wrong. I spent a few hours trying to debug this. I am compiling with gcc -m32 source.c -o source
How else can I approach this when debugging? Right now, I am isolating the code in many different ways and everything is working the way I expect but its working the wrong way when I have it all together.
This program takes an input and then looks for the highest position with the 1 bit.
I removed my code for now.

in bitsearch, you are storing num in eax, you store a special value in edx in order to perform check. check is testing if the highest bit is set (indicating a negative number), and exits if its the case...
the andl instruction in check stores the result of the operation inside the second operand (eax), so the result overwrites num.
then in zero you are using edx to perform your computation... edx contains the special value of the start of the function, so your result will always be wrong.
now at the end of zero, you are going back to check, but the check is unnecessary here, you should loop back to zeroinstead...

Does the bit-search need to be implemented in assembly? A simple for loop can accomplish the same task, and is much more readable:
int num = 10;
int maxFound = -1;
for (int numShifts = 0; numShifts < 32 && num != 0; numShifts++) {
if ((num & 1) == 1) {
maxFound = numShifts;
num = num >> 1;
//the last position that had a 1 will be in maxFound

There's a neat bit-fiddling trick: x & -x isolates the last 1-bit. The following C program uses a lookup table based on de Bruijn sequences to compute the number of trailing (!) zeros of a number in constant (!) time:
unsigned int x; // find the number of trailing zeros in 32-bit x
int r; // result goes here
int table[32] =
0, 1, 28, 2, 29, 14, 24, 3, 30, 22, 20, 15, 25, 17, 4, 8,
31, 27, 13, 23, 21, 19, 16, 7, 26, 12, 18, 6, 11, 5, 10, 9
r = table[((uint32_t)((x & -x) * 0x077CB531U)) >> 27];
Doing this in assembly language (which I stopped learning by the age of 16) should be no problem. Now all you have to do is to reverse the bits in num and apply the technique described above.
I wrote a paper about the trick described above, but unfortunately it's not available on the web. If you're interested, I can send it to you (or anyone else who's interested) by email.

My assembly knowledge is a little rusty, but it seems to me like bitsearch is overly complicated. How about just rotating the number to the right and counting the times you need to do that until it's zero?


No performance difference in different variations of the same program

I copied glibc's implementation of binary search algorithm, then modified it a little bit to suit my needs. I decided to test it and other things I have learned about GCC (attributes and built-ins).
The code looks as:
int main() {
uint_fast16_t a[61] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61 };
uint64_t t1 = Time(0);
for(register uint_fast16_t i = 0; i < 10000000; ++i) {
binary_search(rand() % 62, a, 61);
printf("%ld\n", Time(0) - t1);
return 0;
Now, this program runs just fine. The problem begins when I add more lines of code, for instance:
uint_fast16_t a[61] __attribute__ ((aligned (64) )) = /* ... */
In this case I would expect faster code, yet performance has not changed after multiple tests (tens of tests).
I also tested the program with alignment of 8 and 1 - no changes. I even expected gcc to throw an error/warning, because using alignment less than type size (in my case 64bit machine, uint_fast16_t is 8 bytes), but there was none.
Then another change, which was adding caching (introduced in GCC 9). I added the following code before the for loop:
caches(a, uint_fast16_t, uint_fast16_t, 61, 0, 3);
// where "caches" is:
#define caches(x, type, data_type, size, rw, l) ({ \
for(type Q2W0 = 0; Q2W0 < size; Q2W0 += 64 / sizeof(data_type)) { \
__builtin_prefetch(x + Q2W0, rw, l); \
} \
No change in performance as well. I figured out maybe my CPU is caching the array automatically after first binary_search so I eliminated the for loop and measure a few times again with and without the caching line, but I have not noticed any change in performance as well.
More information:
Using CentOS8 64bit latest kernel
Using GCC 9.2.1 20191120
Compiling with -O3 -Wall -pthread -lanl -Wno-missing-braces -Wmissing-field-initializers, no errors / warnings during compilation
Things are not optimised away (checked asm output)
I am pretty sure I don't know about something / I am doing something wrong.
Full code available here.
register uint_fast16_t is pre-mature optimization, let the compiler decide which variables to place in registers. Regard register as a mostly obsolete keyword.
As noted in comments, uint_fast16_t i = 0; i < 10000000 is either a bug or bad practice. You should perhaps do something like this instead:
const uint_fast16_t MAX = 10000000;
... i < MAX
In which case you should get compiler errors upon initialization, if the value does not fit. Alternatively, check the value with static assertions.
Better yet, use size_t for the loop iterator in this case.
__attribute__ ((aligned (64) )) "In this case I would expect faster code"
Why? What makes you think the array was misaligned to begin with? The compiler will not misalign variables just for the sake of it. Particularly not when the array members are declared as uint_fastnn - the whole point of using uint_fast16_t is in fact to get correct alignment.
In this case, the array results in both gcc and clang for x86/64 to spew out a bunch of .quad assembler instructions, resulting in perfectly aligned data.
Regarding the cache commands, I know too little of how they work to comment on them. It is however likely that you already have ideal data cache performance in this case - the array should be in data cache.
As for instruction cache, it's unlikely to do much good during binary search, which by its nature comes with a tonne of branches. In some cases a brute force linear search might outperform binary search for this very reason. Benchmark and see. (And make sure to bludgeon your old computer science algorithm teacher with a big O when brute force proves to be much faster than binary search.)
rand() % 62 may or may not be quite a bottleneck. Both the rand function and modulus could mean a lot of overhead depending on system.

0xFFFF flags in SSE

I would like to create an SSE register with values that I can store in an array of integers, from another SSE register which contains flags 0xFFFF and zeros. For example:
__m128i regComp = _mm_cmpgt_epi16(regA, regB);
For the sake of argument, lets assume that regComp was loaded with { 0, 0xFFFF, 0, 0xFFFF }. I would like to convert this into say { 0, 80, 0, 80 }.
What I had in mind was to create an array of integers, initialized to 80 and load them to a register regC. Then, do a _mm_and_si128 bewteen regC and regComp and store the result in regD. However, this does not do the trick, which led me to think that I do not understand the positive flags in SSE registers. Could someone answer the question with a brief explanation why my solution does not work?
short valA[16] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 };
short valB[16] = { 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 };
short ones[16] = { 1 };
short final[16];
__m128i vA, vB, vOnes, vRes, vRes2;
vOnes = _mm_load_si128((__m128i *)&(ones)[0] );
for( i=0 ; i < 16 ;i+=8){
vA = _mm_load_si128((__m128i *)&(valA)[i] );
vB = _mm_load_si128((__m128i *)&(valB)[i] );
vRes = _mm_cmpgt_epi16(vA,vB);
vRes2 = _mm_and_si128(vRes,vOnes);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)&(final)[i], vRes2);
You only set the first element of array ones to 1 (the rest of the array is initialised to 0).
I suggest you get rid of the array ones altogether and then change this line:
vOnes = _mm_load_si128((__m128i *)&(ones)[0] );
vOnes = _mm_set1_epi16(1);
Probably a better solution though, if you just want to convert SIMD TRUE (0xffff) results to 1, would be to use a shift:
for (i = 0; i < 16; i += 8) {
vA = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)&pA[i]);
vB = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)&pB[i]);
vRes = _mm_cmpgt_epi16(vA, vB); // generate 0xffff/0x0000 results
vRes = _mm_srli_epi16(vRes, 15); // convert to 1/0 results
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)&final[i], vRes2);
Try this for loading 1:
vOnes = _mm_set1_epi16(1);
This is shorter than creating a constant array.
Be careful, providing less array values than array size in C++ initializes the other values to zero. This was your error, and not the SSE part.
Don't forget the debugger, modern ones display SSE variables properly.

Correct way to unpack a 32 bit vector in Perl to read a uint32 written in C

I am parsing a Photoshop raw, 16 bit/channel, RGB file in C and trying to keep a log of exceptional data points. I need a very fast C analysis of up to 36 MPix images with 16 bit quanta or 216 MB Photoshop .RAW files.
<1% of the points have weird skin tones and I want to graph them with PerlMagick or Perl GD to see where they are coming from.
The first 4 bytes of the C data file contain the unsigned image width as a uint32_t. In Perl, I read the whole file in binary mode and extract the first 32 bits:
Xres=1779105792l = 0x6a0b0000
It looks a lot like the C log file:
DA: Color anomalies=14177=0.229%:
DA: II=1) raw PIDX=0x10000b25, XCols=[0]=0x00000b6a
Dec(0x00000b6a) = 2922, the Exact X_Columns_Width of a small test file.
Clearly a case of intel's 1972 8008 NUXI architecture. How hard could it possibly be to translate 0x6a0b0000 to 0x6a0b0000; swap 2 bytes and 2 nibbles and you're done. Slicing the 8 characters and rearranging them could be done but that is the kind of ugly hack I am trying to avoid.
Grab the same 32 bit vector from file offset zero and unpack it as "VAX" unsigned long.
$xres = vec($bdat, 0, 32); # vec EXPR,OFFSET,BITS
$vul = unpack("V", vec($bdat, 0, 32));
printf("Length (\$bdat)=%d, xres=0x%08x, Vax ulong=%ul=0x%08x\n",
length($bdat), $xres, $vul, $vul);
Length ($bdat) = 56712, xres=0x6a0b0000, Vax ulong=959919921l=0x39373731
Every single hex character is mangled. Obviously wrong Endian, it is not VAX. The "Other" one is Network Big-endian
N An unsigned long (32-bit) in "network" (big-endian) order.
V An unsigned long (32-bit) in "VAX" (little-endian) order.
$nul = unpack("N", vec($bdat, 0, 32)); # Network Unsigned Long 32b
printf("Xres=0x%08x, NET ulong=%ul=0x%08x\n", $xres, $nul, $nul);
Xres=0x6a0b0000, NET ulong=825702201l=0x31373739
The $XRES still shows the right hex in the wrong order. The "NETWORK" long 32 bit uint extracted from the same bits is unrecognizable. Try Binary
$bits = unpack("b*", vec($bdat, 0, 32));
printf("bits=$bits, len=%d\n", length $bits);
bits=10001100111011001110110010011100100011000000110010101100111011001001110001001100, len=80
I clearly asked for 32 bits and got 80 bits. What gives?
Try for 4, unsigned, 8bit bytes which can NOT be swapped:
for($ii = 0; $ii < 4; $ii++) {
$bit_off=$ii*8; # Bit offset
$uc = unpack("C", vec($bdat, $bit_off, 8)); # C An unsigned char
printf("II $ii, bo $bit_off, d=%d, u=%u, x=0x%x\n",
$uc,$uc, $uc);
II 0, bo 0, d=49, u=49, x=0x31
II 1, bo 8, d=51, u=51, x=0x33
II 2, bo 16, d=49, u=49, x=0x31
II 3, bo 24, d=49, u=49, x=0x31
I am looking for hex 0, 6, a or b. There are no "3"s or "1"s in the right answer. Try pirating from a C file:
$x = $xres;
$x= (((($x) & 0xff000000) >> 24) | ((($x) & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) | ((($x) & 0x0000ff00) << 8) | ((($x) & 0x000000ff) << 24));
printf("\$xres=0x%08x -> \$x=0x%08x = %u\n", $xres, $x, $x);
$xres=0x6a0b0000 -> $x=0x00000b6a = 2922
It WORKS! But, this is uglier than converting the original, wrong order hex number to a string to untangle it:
$stupid_str = sprintf("%08x", $xres);
$stupid_num = join('', reverse ($stupid_str =~ m/../g));
printf("Stupid_num '%s'->0x%08x=%d\n", $stupid_num, $dec=hex $stupid_num, $dec);
Stupid_num '00000b6a'->0x00000b6a=2922
It's like judging the Ugliest Dog contest, but I would still rather have to maintain the text version than the even more abominable C version.
I know there are ways to do this in Java/Python/Go/Ruby/.....
I know there are command line utilities that do exactly this.
I must figure out how I am misusing either VEC or Unpack, both of which I have used a zillion times. It is the Brain Teasing aspect which is driving me nuts! EndianNess == EndianMess!!!
Thanks for lookin' at this.
My intel processor is little-endian. When I read it back, it was trans-mutilated by vec to the "correct" big-endian, network format.
I just tried reading it VERBATIM from a BINARY file read and it works fine:
($b4 = $bdat) =~ s/^(....).*$/$1/msg; # Give me my 4 bytes back without mutilation!
printf("B4='%s'=>0x%08x=<0x%08x\n", $b4, unpack("L>", $b4), unpack("L<", $b4));
B4='j...' = >0x6a0b0000 = <0x00000b6a <<< THE RIGHT ANSWER!!!
If you try unpack 'V', $bdat then you will find that it works
That was my first attempt:
$vul = unpack("V", vec($bdat, 0, 32)); # UNPACK V!
printf("Length (\$bdat)=%d, xres=0x%08x, Vax ulong=%ul=0x%08x\n",
length($bdat), $xres, $vul, $vul);
Length ($bdat) = 56712, xres=0x6a0b0000, Vax ulong=959919921l=0x39373731 <<<< TOTALLY WRONG!
I had already verified that the $BDAT info was the right data in the wrong format. It just needed some rearrangement.
I just used vec() to generate 1 bit and 4 bit graphics files and it worked faithfully, returning the exact bits I wrote. It must have mistaken my Intel i7 for my IBM System/370. I7/37??? Easy mistake to make. :)
I read the [confusing] part about "converted to a number as with pack ...". That's why my number was backward. The >>unpack("V", vec($bdat"<< ... was my ill-fated attempt to byte-swap the backward number in $BDAT from the WRONG VEC()-preferred FORMAT to the native format supported by my architecture.
Now I understand why I saw so many examples of people extracting by the byte, to avoid Big Brother's helping hand!
Data::BitStream::Vec "uses a Perl vec to store the data. The vector is accessed in 1-bit units"
Thanks 1E6,
You are confusing things by combining vec with unpack
The correct way is simply
unpack 'V', $bdat
which returns a value of 0x00000B6A as you expect
vec($bdat, 0, 32) is equivalent to unpack 'N', $bdat as you can see from the value of $xres in your first code block, and the documentation for vec confirms this with
If BITS is 16 or more, bytes of the input string are grouped into chunks of size BITS/8, and each group is converted to a number as with pack()/unpack() with big-endian formats n/N
The line
$vul = unpack("V", vec($bdat, 0, 32))
is very wrong, because the decimal value of vec($bdat, 0, 32) is 1779105792, so you are then calling unpack on the string "1779105792" which doesn't do anything useful at all

hunting for a particular pair of bits '10' or '01' in a character array

This may be a slightly theoretical question. I have a char array of bytes containing network packets. I want to check for the occurrence of a particular pair of bits ('01' or '10')every 66 bits. That is to say once I locate the first pair of bits I have to skip 66 bits and check the presence of same pair of bits again. I am trying to implement a program with masks and shifts and it is kind of getting complicated. I want to know if someone can suggest a better way to do the same thing.
The code I have written so far looks something like this. It is not complete though.
test_sync_bits(char *rec, int len)
uint8_t target_byte = 0;
int offset = 0;
int save_offset = 0;
uint8_t *pload = (uint8_t*)(rec + 24);
uint8_t seed_mask = 0xc0;
uint8_t seed_shift = 6;
uint8_t value = 0;
uint8_t found_sync = 0;
const uint8_t sync_bit_spacing = 66;
/*hunt for the first '10' or '01' combination.*/
target_byte = *(uint8_t*)(pload + offset);
/*Get all combinations of two bits from target byte.*/
value = ((target_byte & seed_mask) >> seed_shift);
if((value == 0x01) || (value == 0x10))
save_offset = offset;
found_sync = 1;
seed_mask = (seed_mask >> 2) ;
offset = offset + 8;
seed_shift = (seed_shift - 4) > 0 ? (seed_shift - 4) : (seed_shift + 8 - 4);
seed_mask = (seed_mask >> (6 - seed_shift));
Another idea I came up with was to use a structure defined below
typedef struct
int remainder_bits;
int extra_bits;
int extra_byte;
static remainder_bits_extra_bits_map_t sync_bit_check [] =
{6, 4, 0},
{5, 5, 0},
{4, 6, 0},
{3, 7, 0},
{2, 8, 0},
{1, 1, 1},
{0, 2, 1},
Is my approach correct? Can anyone suggest any improvements for the same?
Lookup Table Idea
There are only 256 possible bytes. That is few enough that you can construct a lookup table of all the possible bit combinations that can happen in one byte.
The lookup table value could record the bit position of the pattern and it could also have special values that mark possible continuation start or continuation finish values.
I decided that continuation values would be silly. Instead, to check for a pattern that overlaps a byte, shift the byte and OR in the bit from the other byte, or manually check the end bits at each byte. Maybe ((bytes[i] & 0x01) & (bytes[i+1] & 0x80)) == 0x80 and ((bytes[i] & 0x01) & (bytes[i+1] & 0x80)) == 0x01 would work for you.
You didn't say so I am also assuming that you are looking for the first match in any byte. If you are looking for every match, then checking for the end pattern at +66 bits, that's a different problem.
To create the lookup table, I would write a program to do it for me. It could be in your favorite script language or it could be in C. The program would write a file that looked something like:
/* each value is the bit position of a possible pattern OR'd with a pattern ID bit. */
/* 0 is no match */
#define P_01 0x00
#define P_10 0x10
const char byte_lookup[256] = {
/* 0: 0000_0000, 0000_0001, 0000_0010, 0000_0011 */
0, 2|P_01, 3|P_01, 3|P_01,
/* 4: 0000_0100, 0000_0101, 0000_0110, 0000_0111, */
4|P_01, 4|P_01, 4|P_01, 4|P_01,
/* 8: 0000_1000, 0000_1001, 0000_1010, 0000_1011, */
5|P_01, 5|P_01, 5|P_01, 5|P_01,
Tedious. That's why I would write a program to write it for me.
This is a variation of the classic de-blocking problem that often comes up when reading from a stream. That is, data comes in discrete units that don't match up to the unit size that you wish to scan. The challenges in this are 1) buffering (which doesn't affect you because you have access to the whole array) and 2) managing all of the state (as you found out). A good approach is to write a consumer function that acts something like fread() and fseek() which maintains its own state. It returns the requested data you're interested in, aligned properly to the buffers you give it.

Fast method to copy memory with translation - ARGB to BGR

I have an image buffer that I need to convert to another format. The origin image buffer is four channels, 8 bits per channel, Alpha, Red, Green, and Blue. The destination buffer is three channels, 8 bits per channel, Blue, Green, and Red.
So the brute force method is:
// Assume a 32 x 32 pixel image
#define IMAGESIZE (32*32)
typedef struct{ UInt8 Alpha; UInt8 Red; UInt8 Green; UInt8 Blue; } ARGB;
typedef struct{ UInt8 Blue; UInt8 Green; UInt8 Red; } BGR;
for(x = 0; x < IMAGESIZE; x++)
dest[x].Red = orig[x].Red;
dest[x].Green = orig[x].Green;
dest[x].Blue = orig[x].Blue;
However, I need more speed than is provided by a loop and three byte copies. I'm hoping there might be a few tricks I can use to reduce the number of memory reads and writes, given that I'm running on a 32 bit machine.
Additional info
Every image is a multiple of at least 4 pixels. So we could address 16 ARGB bytes and move them into 12 RGB bytes per loop. Perhaps this fact can be used to speed things up, especially as it falls nicely into 32 bit boundaries.
I have access to OpenCL - and while that requires moving the entire buffer into the GPU memory, then moving the result back out, the fact that OpenCL can work on many portions of the image simultaneously, and the fact that large memory block moves are actually quite efficient may make this a worthwhile exploration.
While I've given the example of small buffers above, I really am moving HD video (1920x1080) and sometimes larger, mostly smaller, buffers around, so while a 32x32 situation may be trivial, copying 8.3MB of image data byte by byte is really, really bad.
Running on Intel processors (Core 2 and above) and thus there are streaming and data processing commands I'm aware exist, but don't know about - perhaps pointers on where to look for specialized data handling instructions would be good.
This is going into an OS X application, and I'm using XCode 4. If assembly is painless and the obvious way to go, I'm fine traveling down that path, but not having done it on this setup before makes me wary of sinking too much time into it.
Pseudo-code is fine - I'm not looking for a complete solution, just the algorithm and an explanation of any trickery that might not be immediately clear.
I wrote 4 different versions which work by swapping bytes. I compiled them using gcc 4.2.1 with -O3 -mssse3, ran them 10 times over 32MB of random data and found the averages.
Editor's note: the original inline asm used unsafe constraints, e.g. modifying input-only operands, and not telling the compiler about the side effect on memory pointed-to by pointer inputs in registers. Apparently this worked ok for the benchmark. I fixed the constraints to be properly safe for all callers. This should not affect benchmark numbers, only make sure the surrounding code is safe for all callers. Modern CPUs with higher memory bandwidth should see a bigger speedup for SIMD over 4-byte-at-a-time scalar, but the biggest benefits are when data is hot in cache (work in smaller blocks, or on smaller total sizes).
In 2020, your best bet is to use the portable _mm_loadu_si128 intrinsics version that will compile to an equivalent asm loop: https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/DontUseInlineAsm.
Also note that all of these over-write 1 (scalar) or 4 (SIMD) bytes past the end of the output, so do the last 3 bytes separately if that's a problem.
--- #PeterCordes
The first version uses a C loop to convert each pixel separately, using the OSSwapInt32 function (which compiles to a bswap instruction with -O3).
void swap1(ARGB *orig, BGR *dest, unsigned imageSize) {
unsigned x;
for(x = 0; x < imageSize; x++) {
*((uint32_t*)(((uint8_t*)dest)+x*3)) = OSSwapInt32(((uint32_t*)orig)[x]);
// warning: strict-aliasing UB. Use memcpy for unaligned loads/stores
The second method performs the same operation, but uses an inline assembly loop instead of a C loop.
void swap2(ARGB *orig, BGR *dest, unsigned imageSize) {
asm volatile ( // has to be volatile because the output is a side effect on pointed-to memory
"0:\n\t" // do {
"movl (%1),%%eax\n\t"
"bswapl %%eax\n\t"
"movl %%eax,(%0)\n\t" // copy a dword byte-reversed
"add $4,%1\n\t" // orig += 4 bytes
"add $3,%0\n\t" // dest += 3 bytes
"dec %2\n\t"
"jnz 0b" // }while(--imageSize)
: "+r" (dest), "+r" (orig), "+r" (imageSize)
: // no pure inputs; the asm modifies and dereferences the inputs to use them as read/write outputs.
: "flags", "eax", "memory"
The third version is a modified version of just a poseur's answer. I converted the built-in functions to the GCC equivalents and used the lddqu built-in function so that the input argument doesn't need to be aligned. (Editor's note: only P4 ever benefited from lddqu; it's fine to use movdqu but there's no downside.)
typedef char v16qi __attribute__ ((vector_size (16)));
void swap3(uint8_t *orig, uint8_t *dest, size_t imagesize) {
v16qi mask = {3,2,1,7,6,5,11,10,9,15,14,13,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0XFF};
uint8_t *end = orig + imagesize * 4;
for (; orig != end; orig += 16, dest += 12) {
Finally, the fourth version is the inline assembly equivalent of the third.
void swap2_2(uint8_t *orig, uint8_t *dest, size_t imagesize) {
static const int8_t mask[16] = {3,2,1,7,6,5,11,10,9,15,14,13,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0XFF};
asm volatile (
"lddqu %3,%%xmm1\n\t"
"lddqu (%1),%%xmm0\n\t"
"pshufb %%xmm1,%%xmm0\n\t"
"movdqu %%xmm0,(%0)\n\t"
"add $16,%1\n\t"
"add $12,%0\n\t"
"sub $4,%2\n\t"
"jnz 0b"
: "+r" (dest), "+r" (orig), "+r" (imagesize)
: "m" (mask) // whole array as a memory operand. "x" would get the compiler to load it
: "flags", "xmm0", "xmm1", "memory"
(These all compile fine with GCC9.3, but clang10 doesn't know __builtin_ia32_pshufb128; use _mm_shuffle_epi8.)
On my 2010 MacBook Pro, 2.4 Ghz i5 (Westmere/Arrandale), 4GB RAM, these were the average times for each:
Version 1: 10.8630 milliseconds
Version 2: 11.3254 milliseconds
Version 3: 9.3163 milliseconds
Version 4: 9.3584 milliseconds
As you can see, the compiler is good enough at optimization that you don't need to write assembly. Also, the vector functions were only 1.5 milliseconds faster on 32MB of data, so it won't cause much harm if you want to support the earliest Intel macs, which didn't support SSSE3.
Edit: liori asked for standard deviation information. Unfortunately, I hadn't saved the data points, so I ran another test with 25 iterations.
Average | Standard Deviation
Brute force: 18.01956 ms | 1.22980 ms (6.8%)
Version 1: 11.13120 ms | 0.81076 ms (7.3%)
Version 2: 11.27092 ms | 0.66209 ms (5.9%)
Version 3: 9.29184 ms | 0.27851 ms (3.0%)
Version 4: 9.40948 ms | 0.32702 ms (3.5%)
Also, here is the raw data from the new tests, in case anyone wants it. For each iteration, a 32MB data set was randomly generated and run through the four functions. The runtime of each function in microseconds is listed below.
Brute force: 22173 18344 17458 17277 17508 19844 17093 17116 19758 17395 18393 17075 17499 19023 19875 17203 16996 17442 17458 17073 17043 18567 17285 17746 17845
Version 1: 10508 11042 13432 11892 12577 10587 11281 11912 12500 10601 10551 10444 11655 10421 11285 10554 10334 10452 10490 10554 10419 11458 11682 11048 10601
Version 2: 10623 12797 13173 11130 11218 11433 11621 10793 11026 10635 11042 11328 12782 10943 10693 10755 11547 11028 10972 10811 11152 11143 11240 10952 10936
Version 3: 9036 9619 9341 8970 9453 9758 9043 10114 9243 9027 9163 9176 9168 9122 9514 9049 9161 9086 9064 9604 9178 9233 9301 9717 9156
Version 4: 9339 10119 9846 9217 9526 9182 9145 10286 9051 9614 9249 9653 9799 9270 9173 9103 9132 9550 9147 9157 9199 9113 9699 9354 9314
The obvious, using pshufb.
#include <assert.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <tmmintrin.h>
// needs:
// orig is 16-byte aligned
// imagesize is a multiple of 4
// dest has 4 trailing scratch bytes
void convert(uint8_t *orig, size_t imagesize, uint8_t *dest) {
assert((uintptr_t)orig % 16 == 0);
assert(imagesize % 4 == 0);
__m128i mask = _mm_set_epi8(-128, -128, -128, -128, 13, 14, 15, 9, 10, 11, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3);
uint8_t *end = orig + imagesize * 4;
for (; orig != end; orig += 16, dest += 12) {
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)dest, _mm_shuffle_epi8(_mm_load_si128((__m128i *)orig), mask));
Combining just a poseur's and Jitamaro's answers, if you assume that the inputs and outputs are 16-byte aligned and if you process pixels 4 at a time, you can use a combination of shuffles, masks, ands, and ors to store out using aligned stores. The main idea is to generate four intermediate data sets, then or them together with masks to select the relevant pixel values and write out 3 16-byte sets of pixel data. Note that I did not compile this or try to run it at all.
EDIT2: More detail about the underlying code structure:
With SSE2, you get better performance with 16-byte aligned reads and writes of 16 bytes. Since your 3 byte pixel is only alignable to 16-bytes for every 16 pixels, we batch up 16 pixels at a time using a combination of shuffles and masks and ors of 16 input pixels at a time.
From LSB to MSB, the inputs look like this, ignoring the specific components:
s[0]: 0000 0000 0000 0000
s[1]: 1111 1111 1111 1111
s[2]: 2222 2222 2222 2222
s[3]: 3333 3333 3333 3333
and the ouptuts look like this:
d[0]: 000 000 000 000 111 1
d[1]: 11 111 111 222 222 22
d[2]: 2 222 333 333 333 333
So to generate those outputs, you need to do the following (I will specify the actual transformations later):
d[0]= combine_0(f_0_low(s[0]), f_0_high(s[1]))
d[1]= combine_1(f_1_low(s[1]), f_1_high(s[2]))
d[2]= combine_2(f_1_low(s[2]), f_1_high(s[3]))
Now, what should combine_<x> look like? If we assume that d is merely s compacted together, we can concatenate two s's with a mask and an or:
combine_x(left, right)= (left & mask(x)) | (right & ~mask(x))
where (1 means select the left pixel, 0 means select the right pixel):
mask(0)= 111 111 111 111 000 0
mask(1)= 11 111 111 000 000 00
mask(2)= 1 111 000 000 000 000
But the actual transformations (f_<x>_low, f_<x>_high) are actually not that simple. Since we are reversing and removing bytes from the source pixel, the actual transformation is (for the first destination for brevity):
s[0][0].Blue s[0][0].Green s[0][0].Red
s[0][1].Blue s[0][1].Green s[0][1].Red
s[0][2].Blue s[0][2].Green s[0][2].Red
s[0][3].Blue s[0][3].Green s[0][3].Red
s[1][0].Blue s[1][0].Green s[1][0].Red
If you translate the above into byte offsets from source to dest, you get:
&s[0]+3 &s[0]+2 &s[0]+1
&s[0]+7 &s[0]+6 &s[0]+5
&s[0]+11 &s[0]+10 &s[0]+9
&s[0]+15 &s[0]+14 &s[0]+13
&s[1]+3 &s[1]+2 &s[1]+1
(If you take a look at all the s[0] offsets, they match just a poseur's shuffle mask in reverse order.)
Now, we can generate a shuffle mask to map each source byte to a destination byte (X means we don't care what that value is):
f_0_low= 3 2 1 7 6 5 11 10 9 15 14 13 X X X X
f_0_high= X X X X X X X X X X X X 3 2 1 7
f_1_low= 6 5 11 10 9 15 14 13 X X X X X X X X
f_1_high= X X X X X X X X 3 2 1 7 6 5 11 10
f_2_low= 9 15 14 13 X X X X X X X X X X X X
f_2_high= X X X X 3 2 1 7 6 5 11 10 9 15 14 13
We can further optimize this by looking the masks we use for each source pixel. If you take a look at the shuffle masks that we use for s[1]:
f_0_high= X X X X X X X X X X X X 3 2 1 7
f_1_low= 6 5 11 10 9 15 14 13 X X X X X X X X
Since the two shuffle masks don't overlap, we can combine them and simply mask off the irrelevant pixels in combine_, which we already did! The following code performs all these optimizations (plus it assumes that the source and destination addresses are 16-byte aligned). Also, the masks are written out in code in MSB->LSB order, in case you get confused about the ordering.
EDIT: changed the store to _mm_stream_si128 since you are likely doing a lot of writes and we don't want to necessarily flush the cache. Plus it should be aligned anyway so you get free perf!
#include <assert.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <tmmintrin.h>
// needs:
// orig is 16-byte aligned
// imagesize is a multiple of 4
// dest has 4 trailing scratch bytes
void convert(uint8_t *orig, size_t imagesize, uint8_t *dest) {
assert((uintptr_t)orig % 16 == 0);
assert(imagesize % 16 == 0);
__m128i shuf0 = _mm_set_epi8(
-128, -128, -128, -128, // top 4 bytes are not used
13, 14, 15, 9, 10, 11, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3); // bottom 12 go to the first pixel
__m128i shuf1 = _mm_set_epi8(
7, 1, 2, 3, // top 4 bytes go to the first pixel
-128, -128, -128, -128, // unused
13, 14, 15, 9, 10, 11, 5, 6); // bottom 8 go to second pixel
__m128i shuf2 = _mm_set_epi8(
10, 11, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, // top 8 go to second pixel
-128, -128, -128, -128, // unused
13, 14, 15, 9); // bottom 4 go to third pixel
__m128i shuf3 = _mm_set_epi8(
13, 14, 15, 9, 10, 11, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, // top 12 go to third pixel
-128, -128, -128, -128); // unused
__m128i mask0 = _mm_set_epi32(0, -1, -1, -1);
__m128i mask1 = _mm_set_epi32(0, 0, -1, -1);
__m128i mask2 = _mm_set_epi32(0, 0, 0, -1);
uint8_t *end = orig + imagesize * 4;
for (; orig != end; orig += 64, dest += 48) {
__m128i a= _mm_shuffle_epi8(_mm_load_si128((__m128i *)orig), shuf0);
__m128i b= _mm_shuffle_epi8(_mm_load_si128((__m128i *)orig + 1), shuf1);
__m128i c= _mm_shuffle_epi8(_mm_load_si128((__m128i *)orig + 2), shuf2);
__m128i d= _mm_shuffle_epi8(_mm_load_si128((__m128i *)orig + 3), shuf3);
_mm_stream_si128((__m128i *)dest, _mm_or_si128(_mm_and_si128(a, mask0), _mm_andnot_si128(b, mask0));
_mm_stream_si128((__m128i *)dest + 1, _mm_or_si128(_mm_and_si128(b, mask1), _mm_andnot_si128(c, mask1));
_mm_stream_si128((__m128i *)dest + 2, _mm_or_si128(_mm_and_si128(c, mask2), _mm_andnot_si128(d, mask2));
I am coming a little late to the party, seeming that the community has already decided for poseur's pshufb-answer but distributing 2000 reputation, that is so extremely generous i have to give it a try.
Here's my version without platform specific intrinsics or machine-specific asm, i have included some cross-platform timing code showing a 4x speedup if you do both the bit-twiddling like me AND activate compiler-optimization (register-optimization, loop-unrolling):
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "time.h"
#define UInt8 unsigned char
#define IMAGESIZE (1920*1080)
int main() {
time_t t0, t1;
int frames;
int frame;
typedef struct{ UInt8 Alpha; UInt8 Red; UInt8 Green; UInt8 Blue; } ARGB;
typedef struct{ UInt8 Blue; UInt8 Green; UInt8 Red; } BGR;
ARGB* orig = malloc(IMAGESIZE*sizeof(ARGB));
if(!orig) {printf("nomem1");}
BGR* dest = malloc(IMAGESIZE*sizeof(BGR));
if(!dest) {printf("nomem2");}
printf("to start original hit a key\n");
t0 = time(0);
frames = 1200;
for(frame = 0; frame<frames; frame++) {
int x; for(x = 0; x < IMAGESIZE; x++) {
dest[x].Red = orig[x].Red;
dest[x].Green = orig[x].Green;
dest[x].Blue = orig[x].Blue;
t1 = time(0);
printf("finished original of %u frames in %u seconds\n", frames, t1-t0);
// on my core 2 subnotebook the original took 16 sec
// (8 sec with compiler optimization -O3) so at 60 FPS
// (instead of the 1200) this would be faster than realtime
// (if you disregard any other rendering you have to do).
// However if you either want to do other/more processing
// OR want faster than realtime processing for e.g. a video-conversion
// program then this would have to be a lot faster still.
printf("to start alternative hit a key\n");
t0 = time(0);
frames = 1200;
unsigned int* reader;
unsigned int* end = reader+IMAGESIZE;
unsigned int cur; // your question guarantees 32 bit cpu
unsigned int next;
unsigned int temp;
unsigned int* writer;
for(frame = 0; frame<frames; frame++) {
reader = (void*)orig;
writer = (void*)dest;
next = *reader;
while(reader<end) {
cur = next;
next = *reader;
// in the following the numbers are of course the bitmasks for
// 0-7 bits, 8-15 bits and 16-23 bits out of the 32
temp = (cur&255)<<24 | (cur&65280)<<16|(cur&16711680)<<8|(next&255);
*writer = temp;
cur = next;
next = *reader;
temp = (cur&65280)<<24|(cur&16711680)<<16|(next&255)<<8|(next&65280);
*writer = temp;
cur = next;
next = *reader;
temp = (cur&16711680)<<24|(next&255)<<16|(next&65280)<<8|(next&16711680);
*writer = temp;
t1 = time(0);
printf("finished alternative of %u frames in %u seconds\n", frames, t1-t0);
// on my core 2 subnotebook this alternative took 10 sec
// (4 sec with compiler optimization -O3)
The results are these (on my core 2 subnotebook):
F:\>gcc b.c -o b.exe
to start original hit a key
finished original of 1200 frames in 16 seconds
to start alternative hit a key
finished alternative of 1200 frames in 10 seconds
F:\>gcc b.c -O3 -o b.exe
to start original hit a key
finished original of 1200 frames in 8 seconds
to start alternative hit a key
finished alternative of 1200 frames in 4 seconds
You want to use a Duff's device: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duff%27s_device. It's also working in JavaScript. This post however it's a bit funny to read http://lkml.indiana.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0008.2/0171.html. Imagine a Duff device with 512 Kbytes of moves.
In combination with one of the fast conversion functions here, given access to Core 2s it might be wise to split the translation into threads, which work on their, say, fourth of the data, as in this psudeocode:
void bulk_bgrFromArgb(byte[] dest, byte[] src, int n)
thread threads[] = {
create_thread(bgrFromArgb, dest, src, n/4),
create_thread(bgrFromArgb, dest+n/4, src+n/4, n/4),
create_thread(bgrFromArgb, dest+n/2, src+n/2, n/4),
create_thread(bgrFromArgb, dest+3*n/4, src+3*n/4, n/4),
This assembly function should do, however I don't know if you would like to keep old data or not, this function overrides it.
The code is for MinGW GCC with intel assembly flavour, you will have to modify it to suit your compiler/assembler.
extern "C" {
int convertARGBtoBGR(uint buffer, uint size);
".globl _convertARGBtoBGR\n"
" push ebp\n"
" mov ebp, esp\n"
" sub esp, 4\n"
" mov esi, [ebp + 8]\n"
" mov edi, esi\n"
" mov ecx, [ebp + 12]\n"
" cld\n"
" convertARGBtoBGR_loop:\n"
" lodsd ; load value from [esi] (4byte) to eax, increment esi by 4\n"
" bswap eax ; swap eax ( A R G B ) to ( B G R A )\n"
" stosd ; store 4 bytes to [edi], increment edi by 4\n"
" sub edi, 1; move edi 1 back down, next time we will write over A byte\n"
" loop convertARGBtoBGR_loop\n"
" leave\n"
" ret\n"
You should call it like so:
convertARGBtoBGR( &buffer, IMAGESIZE );
This function is accessing memory only twice per pixel/packet (1 read, 1 write) comparing to your brute force method that had (at least / assuming it was compiled to register) 3 read and 3 write operations. Method is the same but implementation makes it more efficent.
You can do it in chunks of 4 pixels, moving 32 bits with unsigned long pointers. Just think that with 4 32 bits pixels you can construct by shifting and OR/AND, 3 words representing 4 24bits pixels, like this:
//col0 col1 col2 col3
//ARGB ARGB ARGB ARGB 32bits reading (4 pixels)
//BGRB GRBG RBGR 32 bits writing (4 pixels)
Shifting operations are always done by 1 instruction cycle in all modern 32/64 bits processors (barrel shifting technique) so its the fastest way of constructing those 3 words for writing, bitwise AND and OR are also blazing fast.
Like this:
//assuming we have 4 ARGB1 ... ARGB4 pixels and 3 32 bits words, W1, W2 and W3 to write
// and *dest its an unsigned long pointer for destination
W1 = ((ARGB1 & 0x000f) << 24) | ((ARGB1 & 0x00f0) << 8) | ((ARGB1 & 0x0f00) >> 8) | (ARGB2 & 0x000f);
*dest++ = W1;
and so on.... with next pixels in a loop.
You'll need some adjusting with images that are not multiple of 4, but I bet this is the fastest approach of all, without using assembler.
And btw, forget about using structs and indexed access, those are the SLOWER ways of all for moving data, just take a look at a disassembly listing of a compiled C++ program and you'll agree with me.
typedef struct{ UInt8 Alpha; UInt8 Red; UInt8 Green; UInt8 Blue; } ARGB;
typedef struct{ UInt8 Blue; UInt8 Green; UInt8 Red; } BGR;
Aside from assembly or compiler intrinsics, I might try doing the following, while very carefully verifying the end behavior, as some of it (where unions are concerned) is likely to be compiler implementation dependent:
union uARGB
struct ARGB argb;
UInt32 x;
union uBGRA
BGR bgr;
UInt8 Alpha;
} bgra;
UInt32 x;
and then for your code kernel, with whatever loop unrolling is appropriate:
inline void argb2bgr(BGR* pbgr, ARGB* pargb)
uARGB* puargb = (uARGB*)pargb;
uBGRA ubgra;
ubgra.x = __byte_reverse_32(pargb->x);
*pbgr = ubgra.bgra.bgr;
where __byte_reverse_32() assumes the existence of a compiler intrinsic that reverses the bytes of a 32-bit word.
To summarize the underlying approach:
view ARGB structure as a 32-bit integer
reverse the 32-bit integer
view the reversed 32-bit integer as a (BGR)A structure
let the compiler copy the (BGR) portion of the (BGR)A structure
Although you can use some tricks based on CPU usage,
This kind of operations can be done fasted with GPU.
It seems that you use C/ C++... So your alternatives for GPU programming may be ( on windows platform )
DirectCompute ( DirectX 11 ) See this video
Microsoft Research Project Accelerator Check this link
"google" GPU programming ...
Shortly use GPU for this kind of array operations for make faster calculations. They are designed for it.
I haven't seen anyone showing an example of how to do it on the GPU.
A while ago I wrote something similar to your problem. I received data from a video4linux2 camera in YUV format and wanted to draw it as gray levels on the screen (just the Y component). I also wanted to draw areas that are too dark in blue and oversaturated regions in red.
I started out with the smooth_opengl3.c example from the freeglut distribution.
The data is copied as YUV into the texture and then the following GLSL shader programs are applied. I'm sure GLSL code runs on all macs nowadays and it will be significantly faster than all the CPU approaches.
Note that I have no experience on how you get the data back. In theory glReadPixels should read the data back but I never measured its performance.
OpenCL might be the easier approach, but then I will only start developing for that when I have a notebook that supports it.
(defparameter *vertex-shader*
"void main(){
gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;
gl_FrontColor = gl_Color;
gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0;
(defparameter *fragment-shader*
"uniform sampler2D textureImage;
void main()
vec4 q=texture2D( textureImage, gl_TexCoord[0].st);
float v=q.z;
if(int(gl_FragCoord.x)%2 == 0)
float x=0; // 1./255.;
gl_FragColor = vec4(255,0,0,255);
else if (v<=x)
gl_FragColor = vec4(0,0,255,255);
gl_FragColor = vec4(v,v,v,255);
