Passing strings by value in C - c

I have two functions, one that creates a pointer to a string and another that manipulates it. I somehow am missing something critical, however:
int foo() {
char * mystring; // Create pointer
bar(&mystring); // Pass in address
printf("%s\n", mystring);
return 0; // There's a reason for this
int bar(char ** mystring) {
mystring[0] = malloc(strlen(mystring) + 1); // Since malloc will persist even after exiting bar
*mystring = "hahaha"; // Dereference
return 0;
Any enlightenment for my addled brain would be greatly appreciated!

C doesn't have strings as first class values; you need to use strcpy() to assign strings.
strcpy(mystring[0], "hahaha");

In addition to the other answers given, note that:
is the same as
*(mystring + 0)
which is the same as
Your malloc allocates the memory and the pointer is written to mystring but it is overwritten by the next line.

The use of malloc is necessary, but this way:
mystring[0] = malloc(strlen(mystring) + 1);
is wrong, since you can't perform strlen on mystring(because it doesn't contain any string yet and because the pointer itself is not initialized). Allocate buffer with the size of your string. for example:
int bar(char ** mystring) {
char* hello = "hahaha";
*mystring = malloc(strlen(hello) + 1);
strcpy(*mystring, hello);
return 0;
BTW, you could use the assignment *mystring = "hahaha"; without the malloc since this is a string stored in the data section, and the data will not be lost after returning from the function, but this way it is read-only data and you cannot modify it. The strcpy is there to copy the string to the allocated buffer.


What happends if you use strdup on an already allocated memory

I'm having some issue with my stack implementation, my push function manipulate the value i send into the function and changes it. I have tried diffrent ways of constructing this but they either don't work or give me corrupted output.
The base idea is the one below here, note: my pop function only walks down one position and doesn't free the memory at the specific position. I can not use strcpy since im working with threads.
Does strdup change the value that it copies, i cant find any information saying that is the case, my understanding is that you are suppose to be able to use the value after it has ben duped.
And how is the correct way to use strdup on a already allocated memory space, i assume that i can't just free it and then use it again.
void stack_push(Stack *s, char *value)
if (s->size == s->capacity) {
if(s->data[s->size] == NULL){
// The current position does not contain any data.
s->data[s->size] = strdup(value);
s->data[s->size] = strndup(value, strlen(value) + 1);
s->size += 1;
Edit s->data = char **data
strdup is basically this (no error checking for brevity):
char *strdup(const char *stringtoduplicate)
char *newstring = malloc(strlen(stringtoduplicate) + 1);
strcpy(newstring, stringtoduplicate);
return newstring;
You use it like this:
char Foo[] = "Bar";
char *newBar = strdup(Foo);
Foo[0] = 'F';
printf("%s %s\n", Foo, newBar); // prints: Far Bar
free(newBar); // once you're done with newBar, free it
Now you should be able to answer your own question.
strdup does not in any way modify its argument. If you look at the prototype for strdup you will see that its parameter is declared const, which means that it is not modified.
strdup can be implemented as:
char* strdup(const char* s) {
char* n = malloc(strlen(s) + 1);
if (n) strcpy(n, s);
return n;
There is no magic.
You can use strcpy with threads, by the way. But strdup works fine.

How do I modify the contents of a string literal without using brackets in C?

Disclaimer: this is for a homework assigment.
Say I have a string that was declared like this:
char *string1;
For part of my program, I need to set string1 equal to another string, string2. I can't use strcpy or use brackets.
This is my code so far:
int i;
for(i = 0; *(string2 + i) != '\0'; i++){
*(string1 + i) = *(string2 + i);
This causes a segmentation fault.
According to , this is because string1 was declared like this: char *string1 and a workaround to avoid segfaults is to use brackets. I can't use brackets, so is there any workaround that I can do?
EDIT: I am also prohibited from allocating more memory or declaring arrays. I cant use malloc(), falloc() etc.
The issue you are having is that string2 does not have memory allocated to it.
Your code is missing some details, but I'll assume it looks something like this:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char *originalStr = "Hello NewArsenic";
char *newStr;
// YMMV depending on the compiler for this line. Might print (null) for
// newStr or it might throw an error.
printf("Original: %s\nNew: %s\n", originalStr, newStr);
int i;
for (i = 0; *(originalStr + i) != '\0'; i++)
*(newStr + i) = *(originalStr + i);
printf("Original: %s\nNew: %s\n", originalStr, newStr);
return 0;
TL;DR Your Issue
Your issue here is that you are attempting to store some values into newStr without having the memory to do so.
Use malloc.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // malloc(size_t) is in stdlib.h
#include <string.h> // strlen(const char *) is in string.h
int main()
char *originalStr = "Hello NewArsenic";
// Note here that size_t is preferable to int for length.
// Generally you want to be using size_t if you are working with size/length.
// More info at
size_t originalLength = strlen(originalStr);
// This is malloc's typical usage, where we are asking from the system to
// give us originalLength + 1 many chars.
// The `char` here is redundant, actually, since sizeof(char) is defined to
// be one by the C spec, but you might find it useful to see the typical
// usage of `malloc`.
// Since malloc returns a void *, we need to cast that to a char *.
char *newStr = (char *)malloc((originalLength + 1) * sizeof(char));
// Your code stays the same.
printf("Original: %s\nNew: %s\n", originalStr, newStr);
size_t i;
for (i = 0; *(originalStr + i) != '\0'; i++)
*(newStr + i) = *(originalStr + i);
// Don't forget to append a null character like I did before editing!
*(newStr + originalLength) = 0;
printf("Original: %s\nNew: %s\n", originalStr, newStr);
// Because `malloc` gives us memory on the stack, we need to tell the system
// that we want to free it before exiting.
return 0;
The long answer
What is a C String?
In C, a string is merely an array of characters. What this means is that for each character you want to have have, you need to allocate memory.
In C, there are two types of memory allocation - stack- and heap-based.
Stack Memory
You're probably more familiar with stack-based memory than you think. Whenever you declare a variable, you're defining it on the stack. Arrays declared with bracket notation type array[size_t] are stack-based too. What's specific about stack-based memory allocation is that when you allocate memory, it will only last for as long as the function in which it was declared, as you're probably familiar with. This means that you don't have to worry about your memory sticking around for longer than it should.
Heap Memory
Now heap-based memory allocation is different in the sense that it will persist until it is cleared. This is advantageous in one way:
You can keep values of which you don't know the size at compile time.
But, that comes at a cost:
The heap is slower
You have to manually clear your memory once you're done with it.
For more info, check out this thread.
We typically use the function (void *) malloc(size_t) and its sister (void *) calloc(size_t, size_t) for allocating heap memory. To free the memory that we asked for from the system, use free(void *).
You could've also used newStr = originalStr, but that would not actually copy the string, but only make newStr point to originalStr, which I'm sure you're aware of.
Other remarks
Generally, it's an anti-pattern to do:
char* string = "literal";
This is an anti-pattern because literals cannot be edited and shouldn't be. Do:
char const* string = "literal";
See this thread for more info.
Avoid using int in your loop. Use size_t See this thread.
For part of my program, I need to set string1 equal to another string, string2. I can't use strcpy or use brackets.
Perhaps the solution is just as simple as
string2 = string1
Note that this assignes the string2 pointer to point directly to the same memory as string1. This is sometimes very helpful because you need to maintain the beginning of the string with string1 but also need another pointer to move inside the string with things like string2++.
One way or another, you have to point string2 at an address in memory that you have access to. There are two ways to do this:
Point at memory that you already have access to through another variable either with another pointer variable or with the address-of & operator.
Allocate memory with malloc() or related functions.

strcpy and strcat in Keil C compiler

I used this code to print some string,but it does not print any thing.What is the problem?
char* getNotFilledEncryptionParams(void)
char* nofilledStr;
char tmp[3];
const char * arr[]= {" P,"," Q,"," A,"," B,"," C,"," R,"," S0,","S1,","S2,","F1,","G1"};
if(filledParams[i] == 0)
return nofilledStr;
int main(void){
char *remaining;
remaining = getNotFilledEncryptionParams();
printf("\r\n Remaining item:%s",remaining);
I think the problem is in const char * arr[] and I changed it,but the problem remains.
You didn't allocate any memory for noFilledStr, so its value is indeterminate and strcat(noFilledStr, tmp) is undefined.
Use malloc to allocate memory and initialize noFilledStr with the returned pointer:
char* noFilledStr = malloc(number_of_bytes);
The strings in arr are char[4], not char[3] (do not forget the null byte!). tmp is too small to hold them, so strcpy(tmp, arr[i]) writes out of bounds.
You are trying to build the string to return in the location pointed to by nofilledStr but this pointer is pointing somewhere as you do not initialize it. You could use a sufficiently large static char[] array if you do not have to deal with multiple threads. Otherwise, use malloc() and require the caller to free() the returned string when he is done with it.

C - create a string "from" struct parameter

Have a
typedef struct person {
char name[20]
char surname[20]
} person_t;
I need to create a string like XXXXXX:YYYYYY with the function like
char* personToString(person_t *p). I tried to make it:
char* personToString(person_t* p) {
int n1,n2;
char *p = (char*) malloc((n1+n2+2)*sizeof(char));
return p;
This give me a reasonable output but I have some errors testing with valgrind! I also think that there is a way more classy to write the function!
When you malloc memory for p the memory will hold garbage values. Strcat will append a string after the null character, but in an uninitialized string will hold random values.
Replace the first strcat with strcpy.
You need to
malloc does not initialize the buffer to zero, so strcat is searching for a null byte in p first and probably not finding one, reading past the end of the buffer and thus crashing.
Instead of one strcpy plus two strcat you can also write one call to sprintf:
sprintf(p, "%s:%s", puser->name, puser->surname);
First you should call string copy, then strcat:
should be:
because memory allocated with malloc function keeps values garbage, by doing strcat for first you are concatenating after garbage -- it also brings Undefined behaviour in your code.
You can use void* calloc (size_t num, size_t size); instead of malloc(), calloc function initialized allocated memory with 0 (then strcat() no problem).
Also dynamically allocated memory you should deallocate memory block using void free (void* ptr);) explicitly.
This looks good to me,
char* personToString( struct person_t *p )
int len = strlen(p->name) + strlen(p->surname) + 2; // holds ':' + NULL
char *str = malloc( len ); // Never cast malloc's return value in C
// Check str for NULL
if( str == NULL )
// we are out of memory
// handle errors
return NULL;
snprintf( str, len, "%s:%s", p->name, p->surname);
return str;
Never cast malloc's return value in C.
Use snprintf when multiple strcat is needed, its elegant.
free the return value str here in caller.
Fixed struct and char variables.

char * as a reference in C

How to pass the param like char * as a reference?
My function uses malloc()
void set(char *buf)
buf = malloc(4*sizeof(char));
buf = "test";
char *str;
You pass the address of the pointer:
void set(char **buf)
*buf = malloc(5*sizeof(char));
// 1. don't assign the other string, copy it to the pointer, to avoid memory leaks, using string literal etc.
// 2. you need to allocate a byte for the null terminator as well
strcpy(*buf, "test");
char *str;
You have to pass it as a pointer to the pointer:
void set(char **buf)
*buf = malloc(5 * sizeof(char));
strcpy(*buf, "test");
Call it like this:
char *str;
Note that I have changed the malloc call to allocate five characters, that's because you only allocate for the actual characters, but a string also contains a special terminator character and you need space for that as well.
I also use strcpy to copy the string to the allocated memory. That is because you are overwriting the pointer otherwise, meaning you loose the pointer you allocate and will have a memory leak.
You should also remember to free the pointer when you are done with it, or the memory will stay allocated until the program ends.
C does not support pass by reference. But you can pass a pointer to your pointer, and set that:
void set(char **buf)
*buf = malloc(5*sizeof(char)); //5, to make room for the 0 terminator
strcpy(*buf,"test"); //copy the string into the allocated buffer.
char *str;
You to pass a pointer to a pointer, char**: there are no references in C.
void set(char** buf)
*buf = malloc(5); /* 5, not 4: one for null terminator. */
strcpy(buf, "test");
Note that:
buf = "test";
does not copy "test" into buf, but points buf to the address of the string literal "test". To copy use strcpy().
Remember to free() returned buffer when no longer required:
char* str;
C is pass-by-value. There is no pass-by-reference.
In the example given above by hmjd, it should be:
strcpy(*buf, "test");
C cannot not pass function arguments by reference, C always passes them by value.
From Kernighan & Ritchie:
(K&R 2nd, 1.8 Call by value) "In C all function arguments are passed by "value""
To modify a pointer to T, you can have a pointer to pointer to T as the function argument type.
