SQL Server 2008 R2 Install Won't Work - sql-server

I'm trying to install the developer edition of SQL Server 2008 R2. I run the setup as admin, but after it installs the "Setup Support Files", it closes and returns back to the installation center screen.
Any ideas?

I had this same problem and it appears to be something to do with previous versions leaving behind elements in their install/uninstall. I fixed it by running the Microsoft install/uninstall utility linked below. During the process you are asked what program you are trying to install and MSSQL Server 2008 R2 is listed. After running this the install continued after the "Setup Support Files" stage. Hope it helps!

So does it even installs Support files? You can check it by looking into "Programs and Features" (if using Windows Vista or 7) and if it is not there then it is not even installing support files. In that case may be you are missing components required for Support files itself (e.g. older version of Windows Installer).
Sometimes, SQL Server installer itself acts funny and without any reason it just crashes. Did you tried to run it again? Or try to run the installer after rebooting your system (I know this sound like a too rookie advice but in many cases rebooting OS solves issue).

The problem started when I change the shared folder directory from \Program Files(86)\SQL Server to custom folder. If I could have rename back to default, it should have been fine but I stop the installation and restart the install again assuming it will install fresh, but it did not and it hangs all the time.
I appreciate the comment from Lee, as per his advice I ran the fix it tool from Microsoft. The tool finds SQL Server 2008 R2 installed and I choose to uninstall.
When re-install the SQL Engine, it went through because this time, I did not change the Share Folder location and leave it to the default. I think this is some kind of bug in the SQL Installation. I wonder why Installation has to hang...!

The problem might be the location of the Setup Support Files.
Remove all the Setup Support Files using Control Panel/Uninstall Program.
After that install SQL 2008 from the beginning.


I Cannot Install SQL Server 2019 Express. It gets stuck on Offline Installation of Microsoft Machine Learning Server Components

I'm trying to install SQL Server 2019 Express on my laptop. I initially click on custom to start and everything seems to go smooth up to the point where it's at the Offline Installation of Microsoft Machine Learning Server Components section.
When I get there I get a screenshot that looks like this:
From this point on I cannot figure out what to do next. I tried creating a directory, downloading all of the files listed to that directory, and enter that directory in the Install Path line. But when I do that the Next button still is disabled.
So what is the next step?
Thanks for any help
Download the 4 cab files below (same links in your screenshot):
then, create a new folder MLMcServer in your C: drive C:\MLMcServer.
Put the 4 files there without extracting them
Finally, return to the installation dialog and browse to the location of the created folder C:\MLMcServer
You, No need the Machine Learning Services – Offline. you can untick Machine Learning Services in the feature session. Otherwise, you need that. You have to download the correct files that match the version of SQL you're installing. The files you're using from that link provided will not work since it is an older version and you are installing 2019, have you tried: learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/advanced-analytics/install/sql-ml-component-install-without-internet-access?view=sql-server-ver15 Those are the current files for 2019 RTM.
Anyone using a SQL Server installer in another language should know that downloading the files and placing them in a folder for the installer to detect will not work. What worked for me is to use the English installer.
If you want you can use the SQL Server installer in another language, but uncheck the features of Microsoft Machine Learning Server; When you have finished installing the SQL Server instance and the other features, you must now run the installer in English, select that you want to add features to an existing instance, mark the missing features of Microsoft Machine Learning Server and go through the steps of downloading the files and place them in a folder, select the folder where the four files are and the Next button will work correctly.
Downloading the .cab files, does not work.
Downloading the .iso files, does not work.
Only solution is moving the client to mySQL, where they should have been all along.
Not being lead around the nose by Microsoft.

SQL Server 2008 Installation

I'm trying to install MS SQL Server 2008 on my Win 7 enabled laptop. I'm facing a problem while selecting the path to install. When I go on choose 'installation' and then when I click on 'New SQL Server stand alone installation or add features to an existing installation' it pops up a browse dialog box to select installation folder. I selected c:/program files/Microsoft SQL Server/ and tried all the folders under this folder. However, it gives me an error message saying
c:/program files/Microsoft SQL Server/ is not a valid installation folder
I tried 1000 times but still I'm getting the same error. I already had SQL Server 2005 and I uninstalled it. After that I'm only trying to install MS SQL Server 2008. What is the problem here? How can I fix this issue?
I recently had the same problem, I did the following:
Lets say you downloaded the SQLServer2008R2SP1-KB2528583-x86-ENU file to get SQL 2008 R2 and it won't accept the folder you choose. It is looking for your installation media AKA files to install your chosen option e.g. Upgrade or install.
Right click on the SQLServer2008R2SP1-KB2528583-x86-ENU file, click on extract files (winrar options). This will extract the install file giving you all the files that was compressed.
When SQL 2008 R2 Install Center ask you to choose the folder, select the extracted folder with all the files... problem solved!
I think the error that you run into is just a case of bad choice of words from Microsoft. When they give the message: "select installation folder" they actually mean the drive that contains your Sql Server installation Dvd. I run into the same problem, and all I had to do was select the dvd drive and it worked.
Durden81 is right - The error really means that it can't find the installation file. This seems to be a bug on versions of SQL Sever downloaded from internet or installed as part of the Visual Web Developer Express 2010 bundle.
I was searching for an answer to the same question and came across this. Unfortunately the other replies did not work for me. What did work was the following:
Go to the control panel and uninstall everything to do with "Microsoft SQL Server 2008" and any other version of SQL Sever you might have.
Restart your computer and go to the Microsoft Download center (http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/default.aspx) and search for: Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 Express with Tools
Unpack this and run the installation.
Restart your computer before running Visual Studio again
While I don't think this has ever been a requirement, since it's not really clear from your question exactly which component is choking on the path, I suggest trying a simpler path with no spaces, e.g. "C:\MSSQL\" ...
I am agree with Durden81. It's actually the problem regarding the path. It wants you to choose the path where the sql server setup file lies. Give the correct path of the setup file, whether it is in DVD or in a drive.
Give the path of installer, this helped me.
For example if you have the SQL server installer on C:\SQL SERVER\Enterprise Edition\setup.exe
Provide the same path, this will solve the issue.
I got this error because the installation package was located on a network/virtual location. To resolve this, I found the correct path (by asking IT) and ran the .exe as administrator. All is good.
I received this error when clicking on the app in "Add/Remove Programs" to add features to the current install. Yes, you can proceed as #Marc Uberstein's answer, but re-running the ENU with a double click should get you where you need to go, without extracting, bypassing the "Add/Remove Programs" piece altogether. Not sure from your question if that is the route you took to arrive at the error, but this was the issue for me.
It depend on what error prompt you are getting. If it's saying "wrong folder" or something of that nature, then it's the folder that's causing the error. Just delete all the folders of sqlserver on your computer and restart and it should work, or you can go to property of that sqlserver folder and in advanced and un-check the compress and re-run. It should definitely work.

Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created

I am trying to install SQL Server 2008 Developer Edition x64 on a Windows Server 2008 VM. I run the installer for a standalone installation and this works fine for the setup support rules bit. That passes ok but then I get this error:
TITLE: SQL Server Setup failure.
SQL Server Setup has encountered the following error:
Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created..
How can I resolve this? I am getting 2008 R2 CTP but this is just a CTP. My download is from DreamSpark.
This isn't really a real solution, but it worked for me after the 5th attempt. Not sure if it makes a difference, but on the 5th attempt I minimized all other windows (so that SQL setup is the only window that has focus) since the issue appears to be UI related.
Update: After overcoming the 1st issue, I got another issue where the actual database engine component failed to install without reason. The solution was to restart and try again.
The x64 installer seems to be really buggy.
I've did another trick:
In the Installation Disc you will find a folder, x86 and x64
Select as per your OS and go inside the folder
Click on the LandingPage.exe
It will show the page, in that click on the second Option on the left hand menu "Installation"
Click on "Start Standalone installation from the menu at the right side
It will ask for the location files on the disc
Show the location,
e.g. <Your Disc Drive>/SQL Server Enterprise 2008/x86
It will complete the installation successfully
I see MS has answered this. It's because the release of MSSSQL is newer than the SP is. They have a hotfix that apparently needs application. Oh joy!
You then have to request the Hotfix, and wait for the link to be sent to you. They say 5 minutes, but we'll see.
In Windows 7 64 Bit, press ctrl+alt+delete, start the task manager and end the landing page process and it will successfully install.
I had this same error a number of times trying to install SQL Express 2008 x64 on a 2008 R2 64-bit server (VMWare) and I finally got it working doing the following:
Start the installation and when it gets to the point where the security window pops up asking you if you authorize the installation to run, open the temp folder. C:{GUID} and copy that folder (contains setup.exe and supporting files) to your desktop.
Click "OK" on the security dialog and it will probably error.
Once the error dialog goes away just run the setup.exe from the temporary directory on your desktop and it works.
Hope this helps someone else.
~Matt Heidenreich
I had the same problem when i was installing on Window 7. The only thing I could find was to retry the install again right after the failure and it worked after some time.
Had the same problem; made sure no other instance of setup was running from process explorer and then restarted installation and it worked fine for me
Before Installation, close all windows explorer and web browser. :)
I had the same problem once with installing the service pack. The only thing I could find was to retry the install again right after the failure. It took about five times, but it eventually worked. I think there's something odd about the installer on 64-bit Windows.
closing all open windows worked for me. definitely a UI problem with 64 bit.
For Server 2003 with this issue, I installed 2008 R2 management tools - which should work fine with 2008.
Note: Needs PowerShell on 2003 to install: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=20020

How can I install SQL Server Express 2008 with Advanced Services?

Has anyone successfully installed SQL Server Express 2008 with Advanced Services?
I've tried several times and half way through the installation I always get the error:
The downloaded file appears to be corrupt.
I found this thread on MSDN but it seems that no one there could get it to work. They were only successful in installing the 'SQL Server 2008 Express with Tools' (default) option.
I need to have Full-text Search so I need the 'Advanced Services' option. If anyone has successfully installed this then would be they so kind as to share the method used?
My experience in XP Pro SP3 and how I got through it. I went to the download page and clicked on the download link to install any version which downloads a bootstrapper (SQLEXP32_x86_ENU_Bootstraper.exe) which if you select the advanced services edition fails to load the install file (SQLEXPRADV_x86_ENU.exe) . After many headaches,disk cleanup, etc. I tried the link for the specific advanced services edition. This downloads the file (SQLEXPRADV_x86_ENU.exe) itself which can then be run. I had to run it from the command prompt, but that's probably just my persinickety system. At any rate, while there are probably more problems ahead, at least this get the installer running. It comes up with the SQL Server Installation and you have to step through it manually.
BTW I tried to post this to the social.microsoft site but couldn't log in.
Just curious if you've tried re-downloading the file from Microsoft's servers? If I remember right there was a 'blip' where some of the files posted to the servers were, in fact, corrupt.
I agree with Thomas that there are some really funny things going on with XP SP3 and SQL Server 2008 installs, particularly if you use a non-English locale. But the log files in that case should yield problems indicating an MSXML 6 problem (due to the MSXML files becoming protected), not a corrupt download file.
If you download the file again and run it, can you post the contents of the most recent Summary*.txt file you find on your C: drive? Just search for summary*.txt and it should be in a folder like...
%Program Files%\Microsoft SQL Server\Setup Bootstrap\Log\
...(but I forget exactly where Express puts this). This log file may yield better errors than the handful of exceptions the GUI has been coded to handle.
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as of Nov 2009 the SQLEXPRADVx86ENU.exe claims to be 502M on the download page, but downloads as 356M, and does not execute. This happens on both a T1 and a DSL connection, so I'm fairly sure it's not the download failing.
I was able to install the "Runtime with Advanced Services" by using the unpleasantly painful Web Platform Installer.

sql server 2008 express setup problem

I previously had sql server 2005 express and uninstalled it.. I also uninstalled any vs related programs and installed visual web developer 2008 express edition with SP1. now that I am trying to install sql server 2008, I am seing error messages like no other and leave that alone without any suggestions..
the latest one which I could not come to a proper solution on the internet is;
consistency validation for sql server registry keys error which suggests
"The SQL Server registry keys from a prior installation cannot be modified. To continue, see SQL Server Setup documentation about how to fix registry keys.
as you might have guessed nothing so informative in the documentation... Also, when I try to delete any sql server related registry key, it does not let me. (yes I stopped all the related services..)
anybody here that can be of any assistance?
You can try with this procedure :
Stop all SQL Server Services
Remove all SQL Server Services with sc delete servicename
Control Panel - Add/Remove Programs - Select and Remove all Microsoft
SQL Server programs
Open regedit and remove all SQL Server folders in this registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/ SOFTWARE/MICROSOFT
Remove SQL Server folders from Program Files directory
This procedure should resolve the issue, i've resolved with this procedure ...
i found this to happen if you had an add-in for SSMS installed which hasn't been uninstalled before ssms was uninstalled.
You may need to change the permissions on the relevant registry keys using regedt32 first so that you can then delete the keys via normal regedit
Well actually, I believe, one should not go through such mess in order to accomplish a simple task like this. In the end, I ended up formatting my PC and re-installing SQL Server.
I know this is an old question and you already said in comments that you reformatted the machine. However, I just ran into this exact message and wanted to share my solution because it was so easy, but the error message didn't help at all!
I was using the wrong installation package. I had a 64-bit Intel Windows 7 computer and I was trying to use the x86 version of SQL Server 2008. Once I found the correct version (x64) I did not get this error and the install proceeded normally.
I had a similar problem because I still had some remnants of SQL Server 2005 left - not the services, it was some parts of the IDE. Anyway, to resolve it I used the option to upgrade (sorry, I can't remember the exact option just now). After running the upgrade portion, which took a few minutes, I could then run the full install with no problems.
