INotifyPropertyChanged PropertyChangedEventHandler event is always null - wpf

I am trying to get my hands on WPF, and I have encountered a small problem when updating, mainly that I am getting the old data displayed while the new data is correctly updated in the XML file. I have implemented INotifyPropertyChanged as follows :-
public class Products : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private string _prodId;
public string ProdID
get { return _prodId; }
_prodId = value;
private string _prodName;
public string ProdName
get { return _prodName; }
_prodName = value;
private string _prodPrice;
public string ProdPrice
get { return _prodPrice; }
_prodPrice = value;
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
and then the update is as follows :-
foreach (XmlNode node in nodeList)
if (nodeList[i].ChildNodes[0].InnerText == strID)
Products products = new Products();
products.ProdName = strName;
products.ProdPrice = strPrice;
nodeList[i].ChildNodes[1].InnerText = strName;
nodeList[i].ChildNodes[2].InnerText = strPrice;
The XML is being saved correctly with the new ProdName and Price, however when I display the listView after the update, i am still getting the wrong values.
I am binding the Products like this:-
public static List<Products> LoadProduct()
string fileName = "Products.xml";
List<Products> ListProdRecords = new List<Products>();
// Execute the query using the LINQ to XML
var prods = from p in XElement.Load(fileName).Elements("Product") select p;
foreach (var product in prods)
Products lProduct = new Products
ProdID = product.Element("ProductId").Value,
ProdName = product.Element("ProductName").Value,
ProdPrice = product.Element("Price").Value
return ListProdRecords.ToList();
here is the binding code :-
private void LoadProducts()
List<Products> productList = new List<Products>();
productList = ProductDAL.LoadProduct();
listView1.DataContext = productList;
public static void UpdateProduct(string strID, string strName, string strPrice)
string fileName = "Products.xml";
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList nodeList = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/Products/Product");
int i = 0;
foreach (XmlNode node in nodeList)
if (nodeList[i].ChildNodes[0].InnerText == strID)
Products products = new Products();
products.ProdName = strName;
products.ProdPrice = strPrice;
nodeList[i].ChildNodes[1].InnerText = strName;
nodeList[i].ChildNodes[2].InnerText = strPrice;
Any help on what's wrong?
Thanks for your help and time

I don't really see, what the newly created products in your loop have to do with a listView. You don't add them to a list or add them to the listView in another way.
Or in other words: The creation of those instances inside your loop is completely useless and will be removed by the optimizer.
You need to update the instances of the Products class that are in the list you bound to the listView.


why Dispatcher.invoke() not working?

whenever a change is occured changes i call this set_filelist_inventory(). and send a new list to this function but UI is not upadating.
public partial class Inventory : UserControl
public List<String> file_list = new List<String>();
public void set_filelist_inventory(List<string> x)
if (file_list.SequenceEqual(x)) { }
file_list = x;
Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
listview1.ItemsSource = file_list;
public Inventory()
file_list = General.GetFileList();
Discover d = new Discover();
listview1.ItemsSource = file_list;
I tried removing if else block. it still didn't worked.

Windows Phone 8 - exception while Submit Changes

I have a problem with local database in Windows Phone 8 app.
It's my DatabaseManager and Models
public class DatabaseManager : DataContext
// Specify the connection string as a static, used in main page and app.xaml.
public static string DBConnectionString = "Data Source=isostore:/LocalMainDatabase.sdf";
// Pass the connection string to the base class.
public DatabaseManager(string connectionString) : base(connectionString) { }
// Specify a single table for the to-do items.
//public Table<GroupDatabaseModel> GroupDbModel;
public Table<GroupDatabaseModel> GroupDbModel;
public class GroupDatabaseModel : INotifyPropertyChanged, INotifyPropertyChanging
private int id;
//private string name { get; set; }
[Column(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsDbGenerated = true, DbType = "INT NOT NULL Identity", CanBeNull = false, AutoSync = AutoSync.OnInsert)]
public int Id
return id;
if (id != value)
id = value;
/*[Column(IsPrimaryKey = false, IsDbGenerated = true, DbType = "NVarChar(30) NOT NULL", CanBeNull = false, AutoSync = AutoSync.OnInsert)]
public string Name
return name;
if (name != value)
name = value;
public event PropertyChangingEventHandler PropertyChanging;
public void NotifyPropertyChanging(string propertyName)
if (this.PropertyChanging != null)
PropertyChanging(this, new PropertyChangingEventArgs(propertyName));
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public void NotifyPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
In my ViewModel I create database
DatabaseManager db;
using (db = new DatabaseManager("isostore:/LocalMainDatabase.sdf"))
if (db.DatabaseExists() == false)
// Create the database.
GroupDatabaseModel k1 = new GroupDatabaseModel { Id = 11 };
catch (Exception exx)
// Console.WriteLine(exx);
// Make some adjustments.
// ...
// Try again.
// Define query to gather all of the to-do items.
var toDoItemsInDB = from GroupDatabaseModel todo in db.GroupDbModel select todo;
Unfortunately I get exception while submit changes :
"An exception of type 'System.NotSupportedException' occurred in but was not handled in user code
Additional information: Insertion of a row consisting only of database
generated values is not supported in this data provider."
What is wrong ?

Query CRM data in Silverlight

I am building a silverlight app for CRM 2011 and I was wondering what the best way to retrieve data from the CRM system is.
I have linked in my organisation as a service reference and am able to access that. I have seen a few different ways to retrieve data but they all seem rather complicated. Is there anything like what we can use in plugins such as a fetch XMl query or a simple Service.Retrieve method?
If you add a service reference to your project you can use LINQ to query the datasets.
You can download the CSDL from Developer Resources under the customisation area.
private FelineSoftContext context;
private System.String serverUrl;
private DataServiceCollection<SalesOrder> _orders;
public MainPage()
serverUrl = (String)GetContext().Invoke("getServerUrl");
//Remove the trailing forward slash returned by CRM Online
//So that it is always consistent with CRM On Premises
if (serverUrl.EndsWith("/"))
serverUrl = serverUrl.Substring(0, serverUrl.Length - 1);
Uri ODataUri = new Uri(serverUrl + "/xrmservices/2011/organizationdata.svc/", UriKind.Absolute);
context = new FelineSoftContext(ODataUri) { IgnoreMissingProperties = true };
var orders = from ord in context.SalesOrderSet
orderby ord.Name
select new SalesOrder
Name = ord.Name,
SalesOrderId = ord.SalesOrderId
_orders = new DataServiceCollection<SalesOrder>();
_orders.LoadCompleted += _orders_LoadCompleted;
void _orders_LoadCompleted(object sender, LoadCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Error == null)
if (_orders.Continuation != null)
OrderLookup.ItemsSource = _orders;
OrderLookup.DisplayMemberPath = "Name";
OrderLookup.SelectedValuePath = "Id";
You will also need to add a method in your class as below:
private static ScriptObject GetContext()
ScriptObject xrmProperty = (ScriptObject)HtmlPage.Window.GetProperty("Xrm");
if (null == xrmProperty)
//It may be that the global context should be used
ScriptObject globalContext = (ScriptObject)HtmlPage.Window.Invoke("GetGlobalContext");
return globalContext;
catch (System.InvalidOperationException)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Property \"Xrm\" is null and the Global Context is not available.");
ScriptObject pageProperty = (ScriptObject)xrmProperty.GetProperty("Page");
if (null == pageProperty)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Property \"Xrm.Page\" is null");
ScriptObject contextProperty = (ScriptObject)pageProperty.GetProperty("context");
if (null == contextProperty)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Property \"Xrm.Page.context\" is null");
return contextProperty;
You will need to add an additional class library and put the following code within it. Change the class name to match the Context you exported:
partial class FelineSoftContext
#region Methods
partial void OnContextCreated()
this.ReadingEntity += this.OnReadingEntity;
this.WritingEntity += this.OnWritingEntity;
#region Event Handlers
private void OnReadingEntity(object sender, ReadingWritingEntityEventArgs e)
ODataEntity entity = e.Entity as ODataEntity;
if (null == entity)
private void OnWritingEntity(object sender, ReadingWritingEntityEventArgs e)
ODataEntity entity = e.Entity as ODataEntity;
if (null == entity)
public abstract class ODataEntity
private readonly Collection<string> ChangedProperties = new Collection<string>();
public ODataEntity()
EventInfo info = this.GetType().GetEvent("PropertyChanged");
if (null != info)
PropertyChangedEventHandler method = new PropertyChangedEventHandler(this.OnEntityPropertyChanged);
//Ensure that the method is not attached and reattach it
info.RemoveEventHandler(this, method);
info.AddEventHandler(this, method);
#region Methods
public void ClearChangedProperties()
internal void RemoveUnchangedProperties(XElement element)
const string AtomNamespace = "";
const string DataServicesNamespace = "";
const string DataServicesMetadataNamespace = DataServicesNamespace + "/metadata";
if (null == element)
throw new ArgumentNullException("element");
List<XElement> properties = (from c in element.Elements(XName.Get("content", AtomNamespace)
).Elements(XName.Get("properties", DataServicesMetadataNamespace)).Elements()
select c).ToList();
foreach (XElement property in properties)
if (!this.ChangedProperties.Contains(property.Name.LocalName))
private void OnEntityPropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (!this.ChangedProperties.Contains(e.PropertyName))
I am will suggest you to use Silvercrmsoap , it's very easy to use. I have used this in my silverlight projects.

silver light datagrid

Iam new to silverlight so i need help from your side. my query is one page haivng the datagrid,that datagrid have only 6 columns.after 6 columns their is a scape so that scape showing itself one i avoid that column in datagrid.scape may be show with out the column this is my query.
it is urgent for me.please resolve the solution as possible as early.
While I have no idea what a 'scape' is, what you need to do is start out by creating a 'display' class that inherits from IEditable and INotify. For example:
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
namespace Application.Views.DisplayClasses
public class DisplayClass : IEditableObject, INotifyPropertyChanged
//Create private vars
private string a;
private string b;
private string c;
private string d;
private bool e;
// Create public properties with meta data to tell the grid to display and what order etc
[Display(AutoGenerateField = false)]
public string A
get { return a; }
set { a = value; }
[Display(Order = 0, Name = "B", AutoGenerateField = true)]
public string B
get { return b; }
set { b = value; }
[Display(Order = 1, Name = "C", AutoGenerateField = true)]
public String C
get { return c; }
set { c= value; }
[Display(Order = 2, Name = "D", AutoGenerateField = true)]
public string D
get { return d; }
set { d = value; }
[Display(Order = 2, Name = "E", AutoGenerateField = true)]
public string E
get { return e; }
set { e = value; }
#region IEditableObject Members
public void BeginEdit()
public void CancelEdit()
public void EndEdit()
#region INotifyPropertyChanged Members
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected void RaisePropertyChanged(string propertyName)
System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler propertyChanged = this.PropertyChanged;
if ((propertyChanged != null))
propertyChanged(this, new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
Then you need to create an ObservableCollection to store the data your getting back from the database in:
// Code to get data from the database (from your webservice)
//Make this Observable collection global
public static ObservableCollection<DisplayClass> ItemList = new ObservableCollection<DisplayClass>();
// In your oncompleted event method, put something similar to the following code
foreach (var DatabaseItem in DataFromMyWebService)
DisplayClass GridItem = new DisplayClass();
GridItem.A = DatabaseItem.A;
GridItem.B = DatabaseItem.B;
GridItem.C = DatabaseItem.C;
GridItem.D = DatabaseItem.D;
dgDataGrid.ItemsSource = ItemList;
You want to make your observable collection global so that if you need to change an item in your collection, the datagrid will automatically display those changes. Notice the meta data ([]) in the display class. That is how you control which properties are displayed and in what order. You will also want to set the property 'AutoGenerate="True"' in your datagrid element in your XAML code.

Filter a collection with LINQ vs CollectionView

I want to filter a ObservableCollection with max 3000 items in a DataGrid with 6 columns. The user should be able to filter in an "&&"-way all 6 columns.
Should I use LINQ or a CollectionView for it? LINQ seemed faster trying some www samples. Do you have any pro/cons?
private ObservableCollection<Material> _materialList;
private ObservableCollection<Material> _materialListInternal;
public MaterialBrowserListViewModel()
_materialListInternal = new ObservableCollection<Material>();
for (int i = 0; i < 2222; i++)
var mat = new Material()
Schoolday = DateTime.Now.Date,
Period = i,
DocumentName = "Excel Sheet" + i,
Keywords = "financial budget report",
SchoolclassCode = "1",
var mat1 = new Material()
Schoolday = DateTime.Now.Date,
Period = i,
DocumentName = "Word Doc" + i,
Keywords = "Economical staticstics report",
SchoolclassCode = "2",
MaterialList = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(MaterialListInternal);
MaterialList.Filter = new Predicate<object>(ContainsInFilter);
public bool ContainsInFilter(object item)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(FilterKeywords))
return true;
Material material = item as Material;
if (DocumentHelper.ContainsCaseInsensitive(material.Keywords,FilterKeywords,StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
return true;
return false;
private string _filterKeywords;
public string FilterKeywords
get { return _filterKeywords; }
if (_filterKeywords == value)
_filterKeywords = value;
public ICollectionView MaterialList { get; set; }
public ObservableCollection<Material> MaterialListInternal
get { return _materialListInternal; }
_materialListInternal = value;
Using ICollectionView gives you automatic collection changed notifications when you call Refresh. Using LINQ you'll need to fire your own change notifications when the filter needs to be re-run to update the UI. Not difficult, but requires a little more thought than just calling Refresh.
LINQ is more flexible that the simple yes/no filtering used by ICollectionView, but if you're not doing something complex there's not really any advantage to that flexibility.
As Henk stated, there shouldn't be a noticable performance difference in the UI.
For an interactive (DataGrid?) experience you should probabaly use the CollectionView. For a more code-oriented sorting, LINQ.
And with max 3000 items, speed should not be a (major) factor in a UI.
How about both? Thomas Levesque built a LINQ-enabled wrapper around ICollectionView.
IEnumerable<Person> people;
// Using query comprehension
var query =
from p in people.ShapeView()
where p.Age >= 18
orderby p.LastName, p.FirstName
group p by p.Country;
// Using extension methods
.Where(p => p.Age >= 18)
.OrderBy(p => p.LastName)
.ThenBy(p => p.FirstName)
public static class CollectionViewShaper
public static CollectionViewShaper<TSource> ShapeView<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source)
var view = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(source);
return new CollectionViewShaper<TSource>(view);
public static CollectionViewShaper<TSource> Shape<TSource>(this ICollectionView view)
return new CollectionViewShaper<TSource>(view);
public class CollectionViewShaper<TSource>
private readonly ICollectionView _view;
private Predicate<object> _filter;
private readonly List<SortDescription> _sortDescriptions = new List<SortDescription>();
private readonly List<GroupDescription> _groupDescriptions = new List<GroupDescription>();
public CollectionViewShaper(ICollectionView view)
if (view == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("view");
_view = view;
_filter = view.Filter;
_sortDescriptions = view.SortDescriptions.ToList();
_groupDescriptions = view.GroupDescriptions.ToList();
public void Apply()
using (_view.DeferRefresh())
_view.Filter = _filter;
foreach (var s in _sortDescriptions)
foreach (var g in _groupDescriptions)
public CollectionViewShaper<TSource> ClearGrouping()
return this;
public CollectionViewShaper<TSource> ClearSort()
return this;
public CollectionViewShaper<TSource> ClearFilter()
_filter = null;
return this;
public CollectionViewShaper<TSource> ClearAll()
_filter = null;
return this;
public CollectionViewShaper<TSource> Where(Func<TSource, bool> predicate)
_filter = o => predicate((TSource)o);
return this;
public CollectionViewShaper<TSource> OrderBy<TKey>(Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>> keySelector)
return OrderBy(keySelector, true, ListSortDirection.Ascending);
public CollectionViewShaper<TSource> OrderByDescending<TKey>(Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>> keySelector)
return OrderBy(keySelector, true, ListSortDirection.Descending);
public CollectionViewShaper<TSource> ThenBy<TKey>(Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>> keySelector)
return OrderBy(keySelector, false, ListSortDirection.Ascending);
public CollectionViewShaper<TSource> ThenByDescending<TKey>(Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>> keySelector)
return OrderBy(keySelector, false, ListSortDirection.Descending);
private CollectionViewShaper<TSource> OrderBy<TKey>(Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>> keySelector, bool clear, ListSortDirection direction)
string path = GetPropertyPath(keySelector.Body);
if (clear)
_sortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription(path, direction));
return this;
public CollectionViewShaper<TSource> GroupBy<TKey>(Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>> keySelector)
string path = GetPropertyPath(keySelector.Body);
_groupDescriptions.Add(new PropertyGroupDescription(path));
return this;
private static string GetPropertyPath(Expression expression)
var names = new Stack<string>();
var expr = expression;
while (expr != null && !(expr is ParameterExpression) && !(expr is ConstantExpression))
var memberExpr = expr as MemberExpression;
if (memberExpr == null)
throw new ArgumentException("The selector body must contain only property or field access expressions");
expr = memberExpr.Expression;
return String.Join(".", names.ToArray());
Based on a visual complexity and number of items there really WILL be a noticable performance difference since the Refresh method recreates the whole view!!!
You need my ObservableComputations library. Using this library you can code like this:
ObservableCollection<Material> MaterialList = MaterialListInternal.Filtering(m =>
|| DocumentHelper.ContainsCaseInsensitive(
material.Keywords, FilterKeywords, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
MaterialList reflects all the changes in the MaterialListInternal collection. Do not forget to add the implementation of the INotifyPropertyChanged interface to Material class, so that MaterialList collection reflects the changes in material.Keywords property.
