#include <stdio.h>
long factorial(int num)
int counter;
int fact = 1;
for (counter = num; counter > 0; counter--) fact *= counter;
return fact;
float combinations(int n, int k)
int numerator = factorial(n);
int denominator = factorial(k) * factorial(n-k);
float fraction = numerator/denominator;
return fraction;
int main()
printf("How many rows of Pascal\'s triangle should I print?\t");
int rows = GetInteger();
int counter;
int counter2;
for (counter = 1; counter <= rows; counter++)
int y = rows-counter;
for (; y > 0; y--) printf(" ");
for (counter2 = 0; counter2 <= counter; counter2++)
printf("%6.0lu", (long) combinations(counter, counter2));
Every time I go past twelve rows, the numbers start to decrease. What am i doing wrong?
And, GetInteger() is just a scanf() with a few touch ups. I am 100% sure it works perfectly.
After 12th row factorial and so pascal triangle elements become too large so int type cannot hold them - so you get overflow (most probably values you get are wrapped around maximum int value).
P.S. why do you use 3 different types in your code (long, int, float)? As k!*(n-k)! always divides n! you do not need float value (you use integer division and cast result to long anyway). Just use the biggest integer type you can, or some custom BigInt type that can hold integer numbers of arbitrary length - so you can show correct values for large row numbers.
Don't start from factorials. Start from the following facts about Pascal's triangle:
the nth row of the triangle has n elements (if we start counting from 1)
the first and last elements of each row are 1
each element aside from the first and last one is the sum of the two elements diagonally above it (if the triangle is written in a symmetric way)
You will of course be limited by the size of the data type you are holding results in, but not any sooner than necessary (by intermediate results such as factorials).
INT_MAX is usually 2,147,483,647
12! is 479,001,600
13! is 6,227,020,800 but your function factorial(13) returns 1,932,053,504 (= 6,227,020,800 - 4,294,967,296)
Given a range of number [a,b], how to efficiently find Bitwise OR of all numbers in this range. Running a loop for range [a,b] and computing Bitwise OR of all the numbers individually is too much time consuming for a range which is very large, so this is not the option.
Any number of the form 2n-1 will be a bit pattern of n 1's. When you OR this with any number below it, you get 2n-1. So all the numbers below the highest 2n-1 in the range can be ignored.
The next number in the range will be a 1 followed by n 0s, and when you OR with this you'll get n+1 1s. Since we selected the above number as the maximum power of 2, we'll never get any more bits in the number.
So there's basically just 2 cases. If the top of the range is 2n-1, then the result is a number with n 1 bits. Otherwise it's n+1 1 bits.
The above assumes that the range includes a 2n-1 value. If not, just try the loop (there are probably some optimizations that can be made, but I can't think of them off the top of my head).
Instead of doing it for all numbers, you can do it for all positions. That would require you only log(n) steps.
So lets try to imagine - when will units place be 1? If either upper or lower is odd or if there is one number between them. So either lower % 2 == 1 or lower != upper.
Great we got units place. Now if remove the lower one bit from both upper and lower bits and repeat we get the other positions.
Only a special case if lower == upper. In that case we return the lower itself.
Following is the code -
unsigned int bitwiseor(unsigned int a, unsigned int b){
if (a==b)
return a;
unsigned final = 0;
unsigned rev = 0;
if (a%2==1 || a != b)
rev *= 2;
rev += final % 2;
return rev;
The second loop is to just reserve the bit sequence.
Demo here - https://ideone.com/MCIugW
Thank you #Meixner for the driver code.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int dumb(int a, int b)
int z=0;
while(a<=b) z|=a++;
return z;
int smart(int a, int b)
int d,z;
if(a>b) return 0;
while(d>1) { z=(z<<1)|1; d>>=1; }
while(a<=b) z|=a++;
return z;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int a,b;
for(a=0;a<1000;a++) {
for(b=a;b<1000;b++) {
int z1=dumb(a,b);
int z2=smart(a,b);
if(z1!=z2) {
printf("fail %d %d\n",a,b);
return 0;
I am working in a math software with different features one of them to be to find all Carmichael numbers in a given interval [a,b)
This is my code, but I don't know if I have done it correctly or not cause I can't test it since the smallest Carmichael number is 560 which is too big for my pc to process.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
unsigned int begin, end;
printf("Write an int (begin):\n");
scanf("%d", &begin);
printf("Write an int (end):\n");
scanf("%d", &end);
int i;
for( int i=begin; i<end; i++ ) {
long unsigned int a_nr = i-1;
int a[a_nr];
for( int j=0; j<a_nr; j++ ) {
a[j] = j;
unsigned long c_nr[a_nr];
for( int k=0; k<a_nr; k++ ) {
unsigned long current_c_nr;
int mod;
for( int l=0; l<i; l++ ) {
current_c_nr= current_c_nr * a[k];
mod = current_c_nr%i;
if( mod==a[k] && mod!=a[k] ) {
c_nr[k] = i;
return 0;
If it is not correct, where is the mistake?
Thank you
P.S Overflow should be prevented.
When you say "This is my code, but I don't know if I have done it correctly or not cause I can't test it since the smallest Carmichael number is 560 which is too big for my pc to process" then the conclusion is -- you haven't done it correctly. You should be able to process 561 (560 must be a typo) in a small fraction of a second. Even if your algorithm is in principle correct, if it can't handle the smallest Carmichael number then it is useless.
n is Carmichael if and only if it is composite and, for all a with 1 < a < n which are relatively prime to n, the congruence a^(n-1) = 1 (mod n) holds. To use this definition directly, you need:
1) An efficient way to test if a and n are relatively prime
2) An efficient way to compute a^(n-1) (mod n)
For the first -- use the Euclidean algorithm for greatest common divisors. It is most efficiently computed in a loop, but can also be defined via the simple recurrence gcd(a,b) = gcd(b,a%b) with basis gcd(a,0) = a. In C this is just:
unsigned int gcd(unsigned int a, unsigned int b){
return b == 0? a : gcd(b, a%b);
For the second point -- almost the worst possible thing you can do when computing a^k (mod n) is to first compute a^k via repeated multiplication and to then mod the result by n. Instead -- use exponentiation by squaring, taking the remainder (mod n) at intermediate stages. It is a divide-and-conquer algorithm based on the observation that e.g. a^10 = (a^5)^2 and a^11 = (a^5)^2 * a. A simple C implementation is:
unsigned int modexp(unsigned int a, unsigned int p, unsigned int n){
unsigned long long b;
case 0:
return 1;
case 1:
return a%n;
b = modexp(a,p/2,n);
b = (b*b) % n;
if(p%2 == 1) b = (b*a) % n;
return b;
Note the use of unsigned long long to guard against overflow in the calculation of b*b.
To test if n is Carmichael, you might as well first test if n is even and return 0 in that case. Otherwise, step through numbers, a, in the range 2 to n-1. First check if gcd(a,n) == 1 Note that if n is composite then you must have at least one a before you reach the square root of n with gcd(a,n) > 1). Keep a Boolean flag which keeps track of whether or not such an a has been encountered and if you exceed the square root without finding such an a, return 0. For those a with gcd(a,n) == 1, compute the modular exponentiation a^(n-1) (mod n). If this is ever different from 1, return 0. If your loop finishes checking all a below n without returning 0, then the number is Carmichael, so return 1. An implementation is:
int is_carmichael(unsigned int n){
int a,s;
int factor_found = 0;
if (n%2 == 0) return 0;
s = sqrt(n);
a = 2;
while(a < n){
if(a > s && !factor_found){
return 0;
if(gcd(a,n) > 1){
factor_found = 1;
if(modexp(a,n-1,n) != 1){
return 0;
return 1; //anything that survives to here is a carmichael
A simple driver program:
int main(void){
unsigned int n;
for(n = 2; n < 100000; n ++){
if(is_carmichael(n)) printf("%u\n",n);
return 0;
C:\Programs>gcc carmichael.c
This only takes about 2 seconds to run and matches the initial part of this list.
This is probably a somewhat practical method for checking if numbers up to a million or so are Carmichael numbers. For larger numbers, you should probably get yourself a good factoring algorithm and use Korseldt's criterion as described in the Wikipedia entry on Carmichael numbers.
May i know why is int count, biggest = -12000;? Why must it be -12000 and I do not understand this statement biggest = -12000
If I put biggest = 10000, it can still compile. Appreciate your advise as I am currently learning c programming. Can you please understand as clearly as possible? Thanks in advance!
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX 10
int array[MAX], count;
int largest(int x[], int y);
int main()
/* Input MAX values from the keyboard. */
for (count = 0; count < MAX; count++)
printf("\nEnter an integer value:\n ");
scanf_s("&d", &array[count]);
/* Call the function and display the return value. */
printf("\n\nLargest value = %d\n", largest(array, MAX));
return 0;
/* Function largest() returns the largest value in an integer array */
int largest(int x[], int y)
int count, biggest = -12000;
for (count = 0; count < y; count++)
if (x[count] > biggest)
biggest = x[count];
return biggest;
If you want to find the largest number in an array you compare all elements against the currently 'biggest' value. Whenever you find a value that's larger you put it in biggest.
To make sure that you find the proper value you must initialize biggest to a sensible value.
Your code initializes biggest to -12000, and therefore it will fail if all elements in the array have values lower than -12000 (unless you know something about the values in the array, but then that should be mentioned in a comment, to explain the unusual initialization value).
Sure it will compile, but that does not mean it will work correctly.
You could initialize biggest to the lowest integer value possible (INT_MIN),
int largest(int x[], int y)
int count, biggest = INT_MIN; // lowest integer value possible
for (count = 0; count < y; count++)
but a smart trick is to initialize it to the first value in your array.
int largest(int x[], int y)
int count, biggest = x[0]; // first value in your array
for (count = 1; count < y; count++) // starting with 2nd element
You can work this all out on a piece of paper with e.g. 3 array values, or step through your debugger and see what values the respective variables get.
Instead of assigning the value in starting to biggest, you can compare two elements of the array and after comparing it store maximum value in biggest and after it swap the numbers if greater it would be good approach.
if you use like:
code above line in loop.
What you tried assigned a very high value to biggest. It's not a worthy idea.
The assignment is :
Write a program that calculates the sum of the divisors of a number from input.
A number is considered perfect if the sum of it's divisiors equal the number (ex: 6 = 1+2+3 ;28 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 +14).
Another definition:
a perfect number is a number that is half the sum of all of its positive divisors (including itself)
Generate the first k perfect numbers (k<150).
The main problem with this is that it's confusing the two asking points don't really relate.
In this program i calculated the sum of divisors of an entered number, but i don't know how to relate it with the second point (Generate the first k perfect numbers (k<150)).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int x,i,y,div,suma,k;
printf("Introduceti numarul\n"); \\enter the number
suma=0; \\sum is 0
suma=suma+i; \\sum=sum+i;
printf("Suma divizorilor naturali este: %d\n",suma); \\the sum of the divisors is
for(k=1;k<150;k++) \\ bad part
if (x==suma)
Suppose you have a function which can tell whether a given integer is perfect or not:
int isPerfect(int);
(function body not shown)
Now your main program will look like:
int candidate;
int perfectNumbers;
for(candidate = 1, perfectNumbers = 0; perfectNumbers < 150; candidate++) {
if (isPerfect(candidate)) {
printf("Number %d is perfect\n", candidate);
For the same program without functions:
int candidate;
int perfectNumbers;
for(candidate = 1, perfectNumbers = 0; perfectNumbers < 150; candidate++) {
[... here your algorithm to compute the sum of the divisors of "candidate" ...]
if (candidate*2 == sum_of_divisors) {
printf("Number %d is perfect\n", candidate);
EDIT2: Just a note on perfect numbers
As noted in the comments section below, perfect numbers are very rare, only 48th of them are known as of 2014. The sequence (A000396) also grows very fast: using 64-bit integers you'll be able to compute up to the 8th perfect number (which happen to be 2,305,843,008,139,952,128). In this case the variable candidate will wrap around and start "finding" "new" perfect numbers from the beginning (until 150 of them are found: actually 19 repetitions of the only 8 findable in 64-bit integers). Note though that your algorithm must not choke on a candidate equals to 0 or to negative numbers (only to 0 if you declare candidate as unsigned int).
I am interpreting the question to mean generate all numbers under 150 that could are perfect numbers.
Therefore, if your program works for calculating perfect numbers, you keep calculating them until the starting number is >= 150.
Hope that makes sense.
Well, here's my solution ..
First, you have to make a reliable way of getting divisors.Here's a function I made for that:
getdivisors(num, divisors)
long long num;
long long *divisors;
size_t divs = 0;
for(long long i = num; i > 0; --i)
if (num%i == 0)
divisors[divs++] = i;
return divs;
Second, you need to check if the number's divisors match the perfect number's divisors properties (the sum of them is half the number).
Here's a second function for that:
long long num;
long long divisors[num/2+1];
size_t divs = getdivisors(num, divisors);
if (divs == 0)
return false;
long long n = 0;
for(int i = 1; i < divs; ++i)
n += divisors[i];
return (n == num);
Now, from your question, I think you need to print all perfect numbers less than 150, right ?
See this:
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char ** argv;
for(int i = 1; i < 150; ++i)
if (isperfect(i))
printf("%d is perfect.\n", i);
return 0;
I hope that answers your question ..
I am making a program that prints the first 100 Lucas numbers(they are like Fibonacci), but the last few numbers don't fit in unsigned long long int. I tried using long double, but it isn't precise and I get some differences with what I am supposed to get.
This is a homework task and my teacher specifically specified we do not need to use any other library than stdio.h.
I tried making a method that adds strings as numbers, but it is way beyond out experience and I sincerely doubt that is what we have to do.
With imprecisions it looks something like this:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
long double firstNumber = 2;
long double secondNumber = 1;
long double thirdNumber;
int i;
for (i = 2; i <= 100; i += 1)
thirdNumber = secondNumber + firstNumber;
firstNumber = secondNumber;
secondNumber = thirdNumber;
printf("%Lf, ", thirdNumber);
return 0;
It looks like all you need is addition. I see three ways you can go about this.
If you weren't forbidden from using libraries then you'd use one of the many bigint libraries commonly available.
Implement a string-based adder. You'd basically implement the addition method you learned in 3rd grade.
As a hack, if your largest number fits in roughly two unsigned long long ints then you can split your number up into Most Significant Digits and Least Significant Digits. I'd go this route.
I used below to store really large numbers in an array. Pasting the code below with some comments. Hope it helps.
int main()
int t;
int a[200]; //array will have the capacity to store 200 digits.
int n,i,j,temp,m,x;
a[0]=1; //initializes array with only 1 digit, the digit 1.
m=1; // initializes digit counter
temp = 0; //Initializes carry variable to 0.
x = a[j]*i+temp; //x contains the digit by digit product
a[j]=x%10; //Contains the digit to store in position j
temp = x/10; //Contains the carry value that will be stored on later indexes
while(temp>0) //while loop that will store the carry value on array.
temp = temp/10;
m++; // increments digit counter
for(i=m-1;i>=0;i--) //printing answer
return 0;